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Case One ~ The Deceit (Trudy Hicks Ghost Hunter Book 1)

Page 14

by Lori Zaremba

  He inhaled her perfume and whispered seductively in her ear, then he pulled a flask from his jacket pocket and offered her a drink.

  She accepted, once again pretending she didn’t understand that he just stated she smelled good enough to eat. Taking a long swallow, she was surprised at how smoothly the liquid went down her throat. It warmed her down to her toes and calmed her nerves a bit.

  Nathan made it easy for her to talk about her life and seemed very interested in hearing about her son. He burst out laughing when she told a story about Chase and Caesar and their mutual love of Connie’s oatmeal cookies. He laid his arm across the back of her shoulders. She could feel his heat through her dress as they sat so close their bodies touched. She resisted the urge to rest her head on his shoulder, and her fingers itched to feel the muscles of his leg pressed so close to hers. They arrived at the Drake Hotel and ushered to the Fountain Room. The maître d’ seated them at a lovely table in the corner that afforded them privacy as well as a great view of the dance floor. Vanessa was pleasantly surprised when the waiter opened a bottle of French champagne for them to enjoy.

  “From my private collection.” He winked at her.

  She observed that Nathan tipped the maître d’ quite handsomely. Savoring the bubbles, as they went quickly to her head, she allowed Nathan to order for her. She loved hearing his accent as he tried to pronounce words so the waiter could understand. Giggling, Vanessa placed her hand on his. He raised his eyebrow and lifted her hand to his lips once again, this time turning it over to kiss the tender skin on her wrist. She felt the flames of desire surging through her and warming her cheeks. He ordered more champagne as their first course arrived. Vanessa toyed with the items on her plate while she tried to regain her composure. She examined the strange food and looked up at Nathan.

  “What is this?” she said, tilting her plate.

  “Escargots.” When he saw that she didn’t comprehend, he offered, “Snails.”

  Vanessa continued staring at the objects on her plate then up at him. “Like the ones in my garden? Slugs?”

  He put his hand over his mouth to control his mirth, and she burst into laughter. They laughed so hard that they drew attention from the tables around them. By the time the waiter brought the next course, Nathan could only signal that the snails be taken away.

  They laughed through the rest of their meal, and once it was cleared away, Nathan walked her to the dance floor.

  They waltzed. The couple did the foxtrot and kicked up their heels to several lively tunes. Finally, they did the tango. It was like they performed it together a hundred times before. She fit perfectly in his arms, and she felt the heat rising between them with each step. She never had this intense feeling when she danced with Raul.

  Several times, he pulled her close and brushed his eager lips across her cheek, her neck, and her lips. His eyes were seductive and playful and never strayed from hers. Nathan dipped her low as the final note played, his lips a mere inch from the crest of her breast, never mind the placement of his hands or the look in his eyes. She couldn’t help but blush. She felt dizzy and a bit giddy as they walked off the dance floor.

  “Would you like to go somewhere for more champagne?” he asked gently. She smiled in response. They snaked their way through the crowd and dashed through the vast lobby of the hotel where he ducked into the waiting elevator and had the attendant take them up to the penthouse. When he opened the door for her to enter, she realized he was currently residing here.

  The suite was amazing. The décor was urban chic with comfortable sofas and tables in a central gathering space. French doors led to a balcony, and another set of double doors revealed the bedroom with a massive bed. She walked toward the table where a bottle of champagne sat in a bucket of ice along with two flute glasses. A plate of strawberries dipped in chocolate was also on the table.

  Aren’t you prepared, Mr. Petit?

  She allowed him to remove her wrap and enjoyed how his hands trailed across her shoulders. She knew where this was going, so she excused herself to insert that damn sponge Connie bestowed upon her and wondered how the hell she was supposed to get it out later. When she sauntered back into the room, he looked at her longingly and handed her a glass. They walked out onto the balcony. Silent, they enjoyed the city view. He took her empty glass and pulled her hungrily into his arms. He kissed her thoroughly, and Vanessa allowed herself to get lost in that kiss. When her knees went weak, he swept her up and carried her back inside.

  “Je te veux!” he growled.

  “Well, then, take me,” she answered with a purr. Laughing, he called her a vixen and carried her into the bedroom.

  Sometime much later, Vanessa awoke to a kiss.

  “Wake up, my dear Vanessa. It’s time for me to get you home.”

  She stretched luxuriously, wanting to roll over and go back to sleep, but Nathan persisted. “Wake up, beautiful.”

  Once she realized that she wasn’t in her own bed, she sat up quickly and looked at the handsome man who was smiling fondly at her. “What time is it?”

  Nathan was looking closely at his pocket watch in the dim light and told her it was just past four in the morning. Vanessa rose from the bed, stretched, and made her way to the washroom. Looking in the mirror, she scrubbed her face clean, and she tried to tame her crazy curls but to no avail.

  When she came back into the bedroom and smiled at Nathan sheepishly, tucking her hair behind her ears, she thought that the next time she would bring along a second set of clothes. She dressed quietly, asking for Nathan’s help in fastening the back of her dress. He seemed happy to oblige, but when he started nuzzling her neck and applying fiery kisses down her back, she felt the dress slide from her body. They made love once again.

  The ride in the elevator with the doorman was a little awkward, and a slight blush settled on her cheeks. Vanessa, who was of good breeding and always under scrutiny, lifted her nose and ignored his curious glances.

  When they arrived at her house, Nathan walked her to the door. “I will contact you soon.”

  Vanessa chuckled. “Will you? Because I’m not too sure how this goes.”

  He reached out and took her hand and spoke softly. “I want to see you again soon, Vanessa. I will call you this week.”

  She watched him slide into the back seat of his car. With a casual wave, the car disappeared around the corner.

  As she entered the house and climbed the long staircase, she felt a movement in her private area. Laughing to herself, she thought, So that’s how the sponge comes out.


  Vanessa woke up much later in the day. She was nibbling on toast and sipping tea when Raul arrived. Knocking once, he burst through the door, carrying several garment bags, boxes, and cases. Leo followed, lugging even more.

  “I didn’t order all that.” Vanessa knew the real reason he was there was to find out about her date with Nathan Petit.

  Raul compared Nathan to a Greek god. Giving in, Vanessa told him about the fantastic night she had. Raul was right. Life was meant to be enjoyed, and she planned on enjoying more.

  Raul invited her to a party he was attending that evening, and after giving it a little thought, Vanessa decided she would go. The party was at an after-hours club, a small speakeasy downtown that Raul was known to frequent.

  “Wear something fun,” he teased as he unzipped one of the garment bags he had brought along with him and carefully took out a shimmering black and white dress. Vanessa gasped at the short hemline.

  “I know I didn’t order that!” She held it up to her body; the shocking hem barely skimmed her knees. The dress was black lace, beaded with rows and rows of fringe over a simple white sheath.

  “It’s from my siren collection,” Raul announced proudly, as this was one of his top-selling collections at his boutique. “Girls want to have fun!”

  He rummaged through the boxes for a feathered hairpiece with the same beading. He then pulled out a feathered boa, a pair of black fishne
t stockings, and black and white heels to complete the ensemble.

  “You, my girl, will have a lot of fun wearing this to the party tonight.”

  Vanessa knew her cheeks were blazing red.

  “You need to loosen up a bit, Vanessa. Hang with some keen folk and have some real fun,” Raul said with conviction.

  Vanessa kind of liked this new freedom she had. She didn’t need permission from anyone; she could do what she wanted. She agreed to wear the fancy little dress.

  Connie and the new maid, Chelsea, arrived with several vases of roses from Nathan. Connie handed her a card.

  “Sweet thoughts until we are together again. Nathan.”

  The new maid looked to be very young. Her eyes almost popped out of her head at all the bags and boxes of fancy stuff strewn about Vanessa’s room.

  “Chelsea, come along with me,” Connie said sternly.

  “Let her stay.” Vanessa smiled tenderly at the young maid. “She can help me put away all these clothes.”

  “Ooh, may I?” Chelsea squealed. Her enthusiasm was contagious, and she appealed to Connie’s softer side.

  “Come and find me once you’re finished here, child. You have potatoes to peel for dinner.”

  Raul unpacked the boxes and garment bags full of dresses and accessories in every color of the rainbow, while Vanessa showed Chelsea where they belonged in her closet and wardrobe.

  When they had gone through everything, Raul let her know he was going back to the shop and then home to change. “I’ll pick you up at eight o’clock sharp.” Vanessa laughed. “You better be ready for some fun.”

  Later, Vanessa wondered what Nathan would think of the shimmery little dress she wore. She spun in front of the mirror, still worried about the short hemline which showed a good portion of her shapely legs encased in fishnet stockings. It took her several attempts to get the seams straight on the backs of her legs. The effect was a bit shocking and quite elating. She was ready for some fun.

  She called her driver to take her and Raul to the party then tipped him to occupy himself for several hours before he would have to come back and check in on her.

  The club they were going to was in the basement of an old hotel in a seedier part of town. They walked down a narrow flight of steps and knocked on a door which was opened by a big, cranky-looking doorman. Raul gave the appropriate donation and password, gaining entry.

  Vanessa had seen a lot in her young years, but she didn’t know that she would witness anything like the scene in front of her. The room was smoky and dark. A band on a tiny stage was playing seductive jazz music. Half-dressed women were dancing on tables, and many men were gathered around encouraging them. Couples were kissing at little tables scattered around the dance floor. A beautiful woman was holding court at one end of the bar where a crowd gathered as she told stories met with raucous laughter.

  “Who’s that?” Vanessa asked, thinking the woman seemed familiar but sure she would remember someone who looked so striking.

  “That’s Marion Davies…the film star,” Raul told her. “I forgot to mention she would be here. She came into the shop this morning to order some new dresses for her upcoming work.”

  Vanessa swatted him. “You never told me that you know Marion Davies.”

  “You never asked,” he teased back.

  She and Raul wove through a thick crowd of dancers and went to the other end of the bar, where he ordered two martinis, extra dry. They toasted each other and tossed back their drinks. They scanned the crowd for anyone of interest. Raul escorted her over to Marion and introduced her. Marion was very gracious and polite, but Vanessa could tell she preferred to keep her admirers to herself as she shooed them along.

  Raul brought Vanessa another drink and excused himself to speak to a young man who sat at the end of the bar. Vanessa caught the eye of an incredibly handsome man on the other side of the room. She ordered yet another martini. Why the hell not?

  She met him halfway across the room, and he took her hand and escorted her onto the dance floor. He said his name was Harry, and that was all she needed to know. Harry was a very eager dancer, and after an onslaught of bumps, bruises, and maybe even a broken toe, Vanessa begged off, telling her new friend that she needed to get another drink.

  Vanessa looked around the room and noticed half the women there had their hair cut into a short pageboy. She could only imagine how wonderful that must feel.

  One of the young women with a short crop of chocolate curls, standing with two friends, noticed Vanessa admiring them and came over to chat, and they hit it off immediately.

  Patricia Boyle was a widow and a classically trained chef. Her father had been quite famous for his cuisine before he died two years ago. Patricia had lost her husband over four years ago. At the time, she had been down on her luck, and no one would hire a woman to cook in a professional kitchen. She ended up working as a waitress in the cafeteria down the street.

  She also met Velma, a tall, slender hairdresser, whose own luxurious head of hair was styled into a perfect pageboy. It was so shiny and smooth that it reminded Vanessa of a pair of black patent leather shoes she had in her closet. Velma offered to cut Vanessa’s hair in the latest fashion. Vanessa was intrigued, and after pondering it a bit, she scheduled an appointment for later that week.

  Katie was the last girl in the trio. She was Velma’s cousin, and she also worked as a waitress at the same cafeteria as Patricia. Katie hadn’t given in to the new style and wore her long black hair piled on top of her head with a few wispy pieces curling furiously around her plump face.

  After numerous cocktails and sweating furiously from dancing, they came up with the great idea to go for a swim. Velma said excitedly, “I heard there’s a great swimming hole half a mile past the marina.”

  Vanessa found Raul, who was so deep in conversation with his new friend that he barely acknowledged her when she asked him if he would like to take a swim with her and the girls. In his most loving way, he told her to go away.

  Vanessa summoned her driver, and the girls piled into her car and headed out to the secret swimming hole. Once they arrived, Thelma and Katie quickly stripped down to their skivvies in the unusually hot summer night air. They dove into the murky water without a care. Vanessa, being a little bit more skeptical, dipped her toe in the cold water. Stripping off the beaded overdress, she decided to swim in her silk slip. The girls encouraged her to leap from the rocks, but Vanessa just dove into the dark abyss. She felt the rush of the cold water and never felt so liberated in her life. The water cooled her overheated skin. She floated on her back without a care in the world, staring up at the crescent moon above.

  The girls splashed around for an hour or so when suddenly they heard the whine of a siren. They looked up in shock and dismay to see a paddy wagon and a squad car pulling up to the shoreline.

  A policeman with a megaphone announced, “Please step out of the water. You’re under arrest for indecent exposure and trespassing.”

  Vanessa was astounded. The girls climbed out of the water one by one, with Vanessa being last. She looked down and realized that her slip, when wet, was completely see-through. They put all the girls into the paddy wagon. Even poor old Frank, the driver, was awakened from his slumber in the front seat of the car and arrested.

  Patricia was crying. “Oh, this is awful! I’ll never have the money to pay the fine, and I’ll be stuck in jail.”

  Vanessa put her arm around her shoulder told her not to worry.

  Not sure what to expect since she hadn’t been arrested before, Vanessa questioned the clerk when they arrived at the jail. Each of their fines added up to $25.00 apiece. Vanessa had to control her anger, as she knew the girls wouldn’t have $25.00 between them. The clerk notified her that she could make a phone call. She thought carefully about whom she should call. Connie? No. Old Frank was with Vanessa, so she would have no way to deliver the funds. Raul? No. He would be getting lucky just about now. Vanessa thought about calling her father. De
ar God, no. After a moment of nerves and a little prayer, she knew who she would call. She left an urgent message with the hotel manager and demanded that help come quickly.

  The girls huddled together in the dingy little cell. Frank gave Vanessa his suit jacket, and a kindly guard tossed them a blanket to share for modesty.

  “Why can’t we have our clothes?” Vanessa asked loudly but was ignored. She had just nodded off when she heard a commotion in the clerk’s office.

  The guard then called out loudly, “Vanessa Wilcox, Frank Jones, Thelma Murray, Patricia Boyle, and Kathleen Cox, your fines to Cook County have been satisfied, and you are now free to go.”

  The girls let out a cheer. They walked out single file into the guard area, where each received a bag with their belongings. Thelma, Patricia, and Katie stopped to stare with their mouths agape at the handsome man leaning against the wall.


  Nathan blessed them with a smile that could melt an iceberg. He handed them each a robe from the hotel, as per Vanessa’s instruction, and they babbled out their thanks. Finally, when his eyes met Vanessa’s, he tried to look stern, but she could see the humor pulling at his lips as he attempted not to laugh.

  “Swimming?” he said with a raised brow. His gaze took in her bare feet, moving up her trim ankles and shapely thighs to the scanty slip that barely covered her.

  Vanessa knew her curls hung limply over her shoulders and that she must look a fright. Nathan must have noticed that she was exhausted. He wrapped the last robe around her and pulled her close. He carried her out of jail and into his waiting car.

  Vanessa was aware of a flash from a camera a few feet away but thought nothing of it. Nathan had Frank take the girls home with Vanessa, promising she would be in contact with each of them soon. She and Nathan went back to her home in his car.

  By the time they had arrived, she was more than tired and a bit cranky. She didn’t want to hear Connie’s lecturing, so she stomped up the steps, leaving a smiling Nathan behind. When she got to the top, she turned, thanked him, and told him that she would repay him. She suggested that he should stop by sometime this week. He just stood there smiling up at her. Confused, she turned to Chelsea and gave her quick orders for a bath and a pot of tea.


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