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Case One ~ The Deceit (Trudy Hicks Ghost Hunter Book 1)

Page 25

by Lori Zaremba

“Apparently,” she gasped, feeling his arousal.

  His lips found the sweet spot behind her ear as his hands moved slowly up under her shirt to cup her breasts through the lacy bra she wore and teasing the hardening peaks. Trudy’s body shook at the thrill racing through her.

  He swung her around to find her lips, knocking a box of cereal off the shelf behind her. He growled as he kicked it out of his way.

  He cradled her face in his hands as his lips captured hers while her hands found the way under his t-shirt to discover his skin smooth and warm. He released her lips so he could tug the shirt over his head while she unbuttoned hers. He buried his head in her neck as his fingers worked the buttons on her pants and slid them down her hips to the point where she could kick them off.

  He shoved her gently back again as his lips found hers, this time knocking a container of quinoa off the shelf. It burst open on impact, spraying seeds all over the little space. “What the hell?”

  “Don’t worry about it. I hate that shit, anyway.” Trudy chuckled huskily before pulling his head down to touch her mouth to his again.

  His lips now trailed down her neck and to the crest of her breast. She buried her hands in his hair as he knelt in front of her and his lips continued their journey to her most private core.

  Trudy, if she weren’t in the throes of passion, would have found the humor in the situation. The man she loved, kneeling on a bed of quinoa, giving her the best oral sex of her life, in the tiniest pantry ever. Trudy would never look at her pantry as just a place to store beans and dishes again.

  When she reached her climax, he sat back on the floor, leaning against a stack of paper towels, and pulled her to sit astride him. He tugged his jeans down with some effort in the tiny space while being attacked by a box of SOS pads that he disrupted on the lower shelf. Trudy gave a little laugh before she sank down onto his waiting erection.

  “Jason.” She whispered his name, and he held her hips steady so he could plunge deeper inside her. They raced toward the pinnacle and let ecstasy grab them and spin them out of control, holding on to one another until the spinning finally slowed.

  It was a while later when Trudy stood ungracefully, laughing as she brushed the quinoa seeds from her knees and shins.

  “I think that shit is embedded in my ass.” Jason rose to his feet checking for damage, and the two giggled like kids as they cleaned up the mess they had made. Once everything was in perfect order, Jason pulled her into his arms and held her like that until they heard Aaron return.

  They stepped away from each other awkwardly, trying to look normal. Aaron called goodnight as he made his way upstairs to bed, making them both laugh with relief.

  Trudy poured more wine into their empty glasses, and they walked hand and hand to the living room. “How long are you in town?”

  “I have to be back in Detroit tomorrow.”

  Trudy tried to hide her disappointment behind the wine glass she lifted to her lips.

  Jason then remembered he had something for her and ran out to his rental car parked in front of her house. He sprinted up the steps, carrying a plastic bag and wearing a roguish smile on his face.

  They went back into the living room.

  She plopped down on the sofa as he opened the bag with a flourish and pulled out a Pittsburgh Penguins jersey with Crosby 87 on it.

  He stood grinning at her.

  “That’s not my size!” She laughed.

  “No, this is for me, and I will wear it on one condition.” He raised his eyebrow waiting for her to reply.

  “And that is?” she obliged.

  He pulled out another object from the bag. “You wear this for me.” His voice deepened as he tossed her a package. Trudy gasped as she opened it and then tried to control her mirth.

  It was a Detroit Redwings lace baby doll negligee and matching G-string panty.

  She burst into laughter.

  Because she was a good sport, she agreed, knowing they would have to arrange a special date for this to happen. She wickedly thought she would snap a selfie, wearing the naughty nighty, and send it to Jason via text message.

  She would give him something to think about until the next time they saw each other.

  They enjoyed each other’s company for the next few hours. They talked and laughed nonstop about the upcoming Jersey job, as they were now fondly referring to it. They discussed his daughters, Aaron, world peace, and everything in between.

  Finishing the bottle of wine hours before, they realized that it was almost time for the sun to come up.

  Holding hands, Jason and Trudy walked out onto the porch, both silent. The street was peaceful now, as the neighbors were still tucked into the comfort of their beds. The wind danced around them gently, and the air held the promise of fresh spring rain.

  Neither of them wanted to say goodbye. Instead, wrapping their arms around each other, they enjoyed a few more minutes filled with just them.

  Jason, with a groan, touched her lips warmly with his. “Goodbye, Hicks.”

  When he turned to walk down the steps to his car, she reached for his arm, stopping him.

  “Why did you come here?” she asked, knowing his schedule was even more hectic than her own, and flying to Pittsburgh seemed downright crazy.

  The breeze settled, and the wind chimes swaying on her porch hummed a final note…and the world around them came to a complete stop.

  He smiled so gently, her heart almost leaped out of her chest at the sweetness of it.

  In Jason’s eyes, she found her answer.

  To be continued…

  Mama Trudy’s Meatballs

  1 pound ground chuck

  1 pound ground pork

  1 pound sweet Italian sausage

  1 cup strained ricotta cheese

  1 cup parmesan cheese

  1 egg

  1½ cups bread crumbs

  2-3 cloves finely chopped garlic

  ½ cup basil pesto (homemade)

  1 bunch fresh parsley chopped

  1½ teaspoon salt

  ½ teaspoon black pepper or 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes (If you like it hot)

  Mix ingredients with love, roll into 1-inch balls and preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake 25 minutes until golden brown and add to favorite sauce.


  First, I would like to thank Limitless Publishing for seeing value in my story and giving Case One: The Deceit a good home. I also want to acknowledge a fantastic team that has helped me through this process.

  The difference between a good novel and a great novel is in the editing. I want to thank my editor Lori for polishing my book and making it shine. Lori, with one email I knew we were kindred spirits and, being a pretty smart girl, knew I had won the editor jackpot!

  My decision to write a book was an easy one, but doing it was not so easy and quite a bit harder than I had anticipated. Without wine and a few key people, I’m not sure I would have ever finished.

  I have to thank my husband, Wayne. From patiently listening to all my crazy ideas to wrestling the fur babies out of the house so I could put my thoughts to paper, thank you, honey. I love you and promise there will be a date night soon!

  Next, I would like to thank my mom and dad for being “the best parents in the world” and for always believing in me. Mom, you always said I could do anything I set my mind to. Dad, I will forever carry in my heart how happy you were when I told you a few days before you left this earth that my book was going to be published.

  My best friend, Erica, without you, Trudy Hicks: Ghost Hunter would probably not be in existence. Not only did you believe, inspire, and encourage me, but damn, girl, you provided me with a wealth of writing material.

  Kelsey, my niece, whose loving support helped me through the worst time of my life and who was one of my very first readers. The comfort of knowing you were taking such good care of Pap allowed me to continue with my dream.

  Maggie, my first set of eyes editing, I may have rewritten the story thr
ee times since, but you laid the groundwork for me to build my story. Also, my niece, Johanna, whose creativity was like a lightning bolt that sent me into action. That week in NYC when we brainstormed a power walk around Central Park was the catalyst I needed to get to the finish line.

  Finally, my sister Carol-Jo, your vision into my future gave me confidence and helped me stay true to course. Thank you for that, Sis, and also for always providing such colorful dialogue that somehow finds its way into the book.

  I also have to thank my Biondi family. When times were slow, and my colleagues argued fantasy football stats, I got busy writing.

  Mr. B., thank you for always reminding me that if you are grateful for what you have, then you can expect to receive more.

  About the Author

  Lori Zaremba is a full-time Internet Sales Manager and writes Web Content as well as providing Copy Editing for businesses in the Greater Pittsburgh Area. Lori has published short ghost stories on Your Ghost Stories, as the Haunted_Cleaner and on her website

  On her website,, Zaremba refers to herself as the ghost magnet and briefly describes her encounters with departing spirits.

  Lori began writing her fiction story as a creative offering of why a ghost would haunt. Before long the story became a novel Case One: The Deceit in the Trudy Hicks Ghost Hunter series.

  Lori currently lives in the suburbs of Pittsburgh with her husband Wayne and two fur babies Jaxson and Stewie.




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