20 Hotwife Erotica Stories
Page 12
She stopped. Her mouth lifted and she hooked a finger up around the sunglasses, and then drew them down her straight nose. “Oh, right. You’re a lawyer. I’m sorry; I’ve forgotten your name.” The words were delivered in a sweet contralto, clear and smoky at once.
“Oh, Claire. Claire Thompson.” She extended one well-manicured hand and the cop took it. “Paula, Paula Ross. Nice to meet you. Formally, that is.”
Tingles ran down her skin. Her mouth went dry. She took a short sharp breath and said, “I suppose we should get in there.”
“You’re a prosecutor, right?”
She nodded. “I am.”
“Tough job,” she said.
“Not as tough as yours, I’m sure.” She smiled warmly and Paula did too. They headed into the courtroom, and while Claire went to the front to meet with her boss Paula went to the bench where the testifying cops sat. As she stood Claire felt Paula’s eyes on her back. Desire surged up into her belly and heat flushed her cheeks.
It had been years since she’d been with a woman. Too many years. She’d learned to harness the wildness that was her sexual being back in college, but not before she’d had a few satisfying encounters with both men, and women. Sometimes at the same time.
She wanted Paula. That was a fact. She’d been enthralled with her from the first glimpse. But she had no idea if Paula was into women, or single, or anything else. She was so focused on those things she almost forgot that she was in court, and she had to take a deep breath, give herself a strong reprimand, and force herself to concentrate.
Paula was testifying in a different case, and hers was right behind Claire’s. Claire stuck around the front of the courthouse, deciding to try to catch her. When she realized how obvious that would look she whipped out her phone and called her husband, Mike.
As soon as his deep voice came over the phone she smiled. She’d met him at college. He’d been a professor, and she’d been a grad student in a different department. They’d hit it off but Mike, ever the gentleman and always aware of just how stern disciplinary boards could be, had kept things on a solidly platonic level between them for a very long time. When she’d graduated he’d taken her to Las Vegas for a wild weekend of unrepentant sex and food, and before they’d left the state they’d been married as well.
She’d never regretted marrying Mike. Everyone was sure she would. He was years older than she was. He was undeniably good-looking at forty-seven. He had a sweep of thick chestnut-colored hair and piercing blue eyes, and he stayed in great shape thanks to yoga and running.
Still, he was much older, not at all sexually adventurous—unless one counted the fact that he had gone for whipped cream on their wedding slash honeymoon weekend—and he was very serious. None of which Claire was. The only thing she was really serious about was her chosen profession, but she thought life was an adventure while Mike tended to believe it was something best lived from a distance.
“How’s your day, Sweetheart?”
Her smile got bigger. “Oh, it’s great. I just wanted to see how yours was going.”
“Good, I have class in just a few minutes.”
A gentle rebuke. She never called him during his day, and she knew she should not have then either. But she couldn’t just loiter around in front of the courthouse…she spotted Paula walking out and she said, a trifle more loudly than she normally would have, “I’ll talk to you afterwards then.”
“Yes, I’ll see you at home in time for dinner. Oh, speaking of dinner, don’t forget we have that thing with the Walters this evening.”
She wanted to groan. The Walters were probably the most boring couple on the entire planet, but Jim Walters was a good friend of Mike’s and so they attended their hideously cheesy cocktail and dinner parties every time they extended an invitation, which was far too often in her opinion. “Great, I’ll be sure to find something to wear.”
He clicked off. He never said goodbye, and normally she didn’t mind. That day though it sort of rankled. She would have liked him to not only say goodbye but to tell her that he loved her. To somehow read her mind and know that her body was desperate to betray him with the sexy cop walking toward her. The glasses were back, and the sun sparked off the badge at her waist and the gun at her hip. The sight left Claire breathless and almost feverish with desire.
Paula drew closer, her pink glossed lips spreading open again to reveal square white teeth. “Hello again.”
Paula paused for a moment then asked, “Would you like to grab some lunch? There’s an amazing little place right around the corner. No alcohol but terrific cheese steaks and tots.”
“I love cheese steaks,” she blurted out. “And since I’m attending a dinner party whose hostess is known for her dried out roasts and chicken I suppose I should eat as much as I can before I subject myself to that.”
Paula threw her head back and laughed. “Yeah, that sounds really sensible. Eating now, I mean, not eating dried out meats. That sounds like an actual crime, in fact.”
Claire knew she shouldn’t be so mean but she giggled and added, “It should be a crime. Oh, but she’s a really nice woman and her husband is a good friend to mine so…” Dammit! She hadn’t meant to bring Mike up. Now what? Her eyes fell to the ground then slid back up.
Paula didn’t seem the least bit put off. Was she gay? Claire couldn’t tell. Did she like women? Again, no way to know. The heat flushing through her body, spreading warmth down her thighs and through her crotch made thinking nearly impossible.
Paula said, “We could walk if you like.”
“I’d like that very much,” she said in a rush. “Are you off-duty or…”
“Yes, but only for a few more hours.” Paula gave her a creamy, seductive smile, and it damn near melted Claire’s panties despite their being so wet they were sticking to her labia.
They headed toward the restaurant. Claire managed to ask, “How long have you been on the force?”
“Five years. I’ll be detective in a month. No more uniforms.”
“That’s a shame. That one looks great on you.” Her lips clamped shut and her face went scarlet. She couldn’t think of anything to say. Once upon a time she would have known what to say to a woman she wanted to sleep with, but that had been years ago, back when she was still in college, and she’d been a lot less…married.
“Thanks. I like that outfit you’re wearing. It’s sort of sexy librarian.”
Claire chuckled, “Not exactly what I was going for but I’ll take it.”
Their bodies brushed against each other’s occasionally as they walked and little thrills shot through her body. Paula was turning her on, and that fire was just growing hotter with each second. She was on the verge of blurting out that she’d like to skip lunch and go straight to sex, please, when they fetched up at the restaurant.
They entered and Claire smiled as Paula first held the door then out a hand right on her back, her fingers almost touching the upper swell of her buttocks, as she guided her into the door. The feel of her strong fingers there felt so good her knees went weak and she had to take a long slow breath that she knew Paula felt.
They took a seat far in the back, in a dim booth away from the windows. They crowded into the rounded seat, their bodies colliding momentarily and Claire’s heart beat even faster as Paula’s blue-clad leg pressed against hers and her hand rested right beside hers, the heat of her fingers enticing Claire to move her hand slightly closer so that the outer skin of her palm met Paula’s.
She knew this for what it was. A long slow seduction.
She saw desire written all over Paula’s face, and she knew her own expression mirrored that passion.
The server came and took their order and then left, leaving them in the booth. Paula’s leg pressed against hers again. Her panties flooded with juices and she gulped hard. She said, softly, “I am married.”
Paula said, “Is that a problem for you?”
There it was; a naked question. Clai
re blinked and spoke softly, “I haven’t been with a woman in a very long time.” Her voice was soft but ripe with longing.
Paula said, “Me too. It’s been too long.” Her leg pressed against hers again, more firmly that time.
Claire took a deep breath. “Are we…”
“Is that what you’d like?”
“God, yes, but I am married and I love my husband. Unfortunately he wouldn’t understand. I mean…this. He’s a very straight arrow I’m afraid.”
“Then maybe we shouldn’t tell him.”
Paula slid the sunglasses off. Her eyes were a bright clear green and there was a slight smattering of golden-brown freckles across her nose. “Should we?”
Claire’s breath froze then came out in a long rush. “No.”
Their food came and they ate, slowly, neither of them speaking of sex. Instead they talked of everything else. Claire hadn’t realized how seldom she and Mike actually talked about things outside their day and their lives. Paula was interesting and witty, and she had a zest for life that Claire both envied and admired. She rode motorcycles as a hobby, and she took trips to sun-washed island countries every year on her vacations.
And the entire time they spoke there was that need. Growing and becoming stronger with each passing second.
By the time they walked out Claire could barely contain herself. She gasped out, “My office is over there. It’s my secretary’s lunch hour.”
Paula said, “Lead the way.”
They practically ran for her office. They staggered into the place and then into the inner office where Claire worked. Claire closed the door and cast a look at the blinds, relieved to see that they were tightly closed.
Paula didn’t waste time. She moved closer and her mouth met Claire’s in a furious and passionate kiss that left Claire gasping. Her body arched against Paula’s and her fingers dug into her shoulders, trying to get her even closer. The dizzying juxtaposition of her soft breasts and lean body made Claire whimper.
Paula’s tongue continued to explore her mouth, and then she growled out, “I don’t have much time, I have to get back to work.”
Her hands moved up Claire’s ass, firmly grasping the ripe globes of it before her fingers slid downward again and under her skirt. She shoved the pretty dove-gray thing upward until it was bunched around Claire’s waist, exposing her black silk panties.
Paula’s fingers found the damp spot in the front of those panties and the throbbing flesh of her clit, right below. She pressed down, hard, and Claire gasped, her hips jerking forward as Paula’s fingers yanked the panties down. Claire stepped out of them and Paula pushed her over her desk. Her back met the wooden surface and her fingers clutched at Paula’s ponytail as her mouth went, with unerring precision, to her pussy, her tongue streaking up her labia and past her hood to find that pulsing clit.
Claire grasped the desk, her legs and body shaking as sensations streaked through her body. Paula’s fingers slid inside her, bringing friction and heat and Claire bit her lips to keep from crying out loudly.
It was so hot. All of it. The woman eating her pussy, being on her desk, sprawled and half-naked with paper clips grinding into her palms and her eyes fastened desperately on the door, praying nobody would enter, the suddenness of it all. Juices flowed out of her body and Paula’s warm breath tickled along her wet flesh, bringing new heights of feeling.
Her ass jerked up and down as she rode Paula’s face and fingers. Her inner walls clenched and opened as an orgasm came closer with every stroke of Paula’s tongue on her soaked and slippery flesh.
Her inner thighs tightened and tightened again and she came, her fluids gushing out of her so fast she was dizzy. Her body, caught between pleasure and satisfaction, shook and trembled violently as Paula backed away and stood, her face gleaming with Claire’s spilled oils and a smile showing widely.
Claire came off the desk but Paula caught her hands. “I have to give you a reason to see me again,” she said teasingly.
Claire could barely breathe. “Oh, I definitely want to see you again but…does it bother you I’m married to a man?”
Paula shook her head, “I’m bi, not a lesbian. I like men. No worries. Is there a bathroom here? While I quite enjoyed that I don’t think my partner would want the whole squad car to smell like pussy. Or maybe he would.” Her grin was wicked.
Claire giggled and said, “Yes, right in that corner.”
Paula headed for it and emerged a few minutes later. Claire had found her panties, managed to get her files and other things on the desk back in order and had opened a window just a crack to allow the scent of sex to drift away.
Paula said, “So here’s my number. Call me,” and sauntered out, leaving Claire standing there with her panties in one hand and a small slip of paper in the other, and the utter determination to call Paula again, and very soon.
The dinner party was boring. She managed to smile her way through the usual effusive greetings and the rounds of academic jokes she never quite got. Mike was, as always, his usual self and she kept studying his face, trying to figure out how it was that he could not see the truth of what she’d done that day written large on her own.
Her emotions seesawed back and forth wildly.
She was torn between being almost desperate to see Paula again, and to touch her like Paula had touched her body, and being determined to never see her again, to chalk it all up to some sort of crazy hormonal thing and forget about it.
Jenny Walters was pregnant, and she like everyone else clapped when the couple made the announcement. The food was overdone, the drinks weak, and the crowd the same mixture of professors and non-profit workers who populated every dinner party that the Walters ever gave.
Claire was bored.
It hit her as she stared down at the shattered crust of a tart on her dessert plate that while she loved Mike, and loved him dearly, she was bored. Not with him, most certainly, but with the ho-hum life he liked so much.
Mike didn’t want grand adventures. He wanted career success and he wanted to retire with a decent amount of money. He wanted to grow old gracefully, and safely, and she had not realized until just that moment that she’d never taken those things into consideration when she’d married him.
Or she had, and she’d decided to leave her wild past in the past, and for a long time she had. But suddenly she didn’t want to anymore. She wanted wet and wild sex. She wanted the exquisite feelings of fear and ecstasy when she took her body into unknown territories and let it lead her on those adventures that had always left her gasping and coming and thoroughly satisfied afterwards.
What would Mike say if he knew she’d once gotten an A in a very tough undergrad course after she’d had a rather remarkable threesome with her professor and his wife?
She was sure she didn’t want to know.
When the interminable dinner party finally broke up Mike walked her to the car. As usual he was dressed beautifully in a fine blue suit. His hair was swept back from his forehead and his manners were, as always, impeccable. He opened her door for her and then went around to the other side of the car.
He turned to her and asked, “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”
She shook her head. “No, you haven’t.”
“You look so amazing,” he said with a smile. “Every man in the place was wondering what I did to get such a beautiful young wife.”
She didn’t want to be beautiful. She wanted to be hot. She wanted him to say she was sexy, slutty, hot, and that he wanted to fuck her hard, right there in the car. She knew that wasn’t going to happen. Mike was a gentleman, and that was part of what had drawn her to him as well.
She wanted him to be a gentleman, everywhere but in bed. She wanted him to be wild and nasty in bed. She wanted him to kiss her roughly and make her feel sexy, and not just in an adored and pretty way.
She wanted wet, messy sex and she wanted it from him but she didn’t know how to tell him that without
fear. She was afraid if she said that to him he might see her as less than he did.
She knew he did adore her and cherish her, and she knew that she adored him too. Sex between them was good, and it always had been. She wasn’t bored or tired of the sex they shared. She just wanted something a little more intense with him, and she had no idea how to get it.
He said, “A penny for your thoughts,” and she smiled. “Oh I was just thinking about something.”
He gave her a sidelong look. “Are you considering children?”
She stared at him, startled. “No. I mean maybe one day but I thought we agreed we would do that later, if we wanted to. You said you weren’t really capable of having children because of your career and I’m too busy right now but if that’s something you’re considering…”