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Soap Opera Uncensored: Issue 12

Page 4

by Nelson Branco


  How did you land the role of the slacker dad on TEENAGE DAUGHTER?

  I was out in L.A. in February and March just auditioning. Actually, this part was the last thing I auditioned for… and it just worked out. I went through the whole casting process — and the producers still liked me!

  Shocker. You are extremely talented, mister! They have taste.

  That was really nice. We shot the pilot the end of March, and after that, I sat around waiting to see if we were picked up. During that time, I was on my way home on a plane and I thought, “What did I just do? Why did I just book a job that isn’t even close to my house?” It’s been interesting to figure out logistics, but I’m looking forward to getting back to New York soon.

  Were you looking for a comedy after immersing yourself in dramatic work on WORLD TURNS?

  I’m always interested in different stuff. I’m never looking for something specific. I’m always looking for whatever comes along — as long as it’s not crap. I auditioned for dramas, etc. This gig has been really fun. I also just finished a horror film called SILENT HOUSE, which is coming out in March, and that couldn’t have been more different than this sitcom.

  Tell me about your character, Matt. He’s a stoner, right?

  He can be, yeah! He doesn’t show up stoned, but it’s clear he’s open to it! He’s in a rock band. He’s not a very present father, but he’s very loving. He has a boyish reluctance to grow up. And he’s not even aware that he’s not a great dad. But he’s very cooperative and tries to do the right thing. He also has a great relationship with his ex, but he frustrates the hell out of her because he doesn’t realize how much more he should be doing.

  I just interviewed Jaime Pressly. What’s it like working with her? Did you guys have instant chemistry?

  I love her, yeah. She’s fantastic and really generous. She’s a great person. I stayed with her while I was looking for a place to rent. She’s fantastic. She’s great on the show. She’s fun to work with, too. Actually, the seven of us in the cast have a ball. I feel very lucky with this job.

  What’s been the reaction to show?

  It’s doing well. The pilot is really broad. The subsequent episodes are much sharper in quality. The reaction has been good. We’re taking a little scheduling break because our timeslot is being given to AMERICAN IDOL. Our slot doesn’t open back up until IDOL goes from two hours to 90 minutes.

  Did you bring any of your fatherhood experience to this role?

  No! Not at all. He’s nothing like me.

  Do you let your kids watch the show?

  No. It’s pretty sophisticated, grown-up humour. I showed one episode to my kids because they don’t know what I do for a living, and there were a few words I had to tell them not to repeat on the playground because they’re not OK. [Laughs] It’s actually not a Nickelodeon show, that’s for sure.

  Do you miss playing Reid, Dr. McSexy-Surly?

  Yeah, I do. I kind of miss everything I have to let go of, unless it was an experience I hated. Reid was a character I was really fond of. Reid was a lot of fun to do. I also miss theatre. I really want to do some theatre work soon.

  I’m sure you’ve gotten closure with the death of WORLD TURNS.

  Yeah. It was a year and a half ago. I’ve had time to let it go. Time does that. We last filmed WORLD TURNS two Junes ago.

  Plus, your character is dead!


  You were robbed of an Emmy! Do you keep in touch with anyone from WORLD TURNS?

  No, I haven’t. Well, Trent Dawson and I were friends before WORLD TURNS because we had done a play together. We’ve been in touch because it’s football season. We’re both huge fans… and we played a lot of football together. Van Hansis and I exchanged notes in the fall. He’s doing well. He’s adjusting to life in L.A.; though we haven’t seen each other out there. I know he’s done a bunch of guest spots on TV shows. He’s doing well. Noelle Beck and I tried to connect for a martini because her husband opened up a restaurant around my New York neighbourhood, but it never worked out.

  Are you still recognized from WORLD TURNS?

  No, not as much, because my hair is gigantic and I sport a beard now. But from time to time, I do. Actually, a bunch of the WORLD TURNS fans showed up to the TEENAGE pilot taping… that meant a lot!

  What’s the biggest lesson you learned from your soap gig?

  Everything you do informs you as a person, but the biggest thing I learned was to make quick decisions on the fly because there’s no rehearsals. Also, while I was always a good memorizer, my ability to memorize got stronger. Even though you want to be an intelligent actor, the best thing you can do sometimes is to learn your material and just go out there and trust your instincts and just react and not over think it. I developed a lot of muscles I never had a chance to before. There’s a lot of adrenaline in that kind of acting — and it’s enjoyable.

  Do you notice your fan base change because of WORLD TURNS?

  You know what? I don’t really know. I’m not aware of it.

  It’s probably because you’re not on social media, which is a good thing!


  So what else are you doing?

  Nothing else… but I’m going to audition again because we’re on a production break.

  You sound like you’re always booking work. Do you ever worry about the next job?

  Oh, of course! I’m not in the upper one percent. I’m in the 99-percent group! The future’s always unknown. I don’t know if worrying is the right word, but I am right now because I’m renting two houses in two towns!

  I’m sure you’ll be buying two houses in two towns very soon! All the best. We miss our Reid Oliver. You are one talented and very good-looking bastard!

  Thanks for saying that. That means a lot!


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