Page 23
Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, xviii
Nouvelles de Michel de Cervantes (Cervantes), 17, 19
Novalis, 107
Nuyorican Movement, 170
Obama, Barack, 160–61
Ocampo, Victoria, 103
Offenbach, Jacques, 216
onomastics, 77–78
operas, 126, 215, 218
Ormsby, John, English translation of El Quijote, 5, 39, 40, 72–73, 77, 105, 177, 182–84, 185, 186, 196, 217
Ortega y Gasset, José, xxiv, 59, 91–92, 128, 218
Osipov, N., 215
O’Toole, Peter, 166, 221
Ottoman Empire, 14, 16
Oudin, César, 175, 213
The Oxford English Dictionary, 80, 81
Pabst, Georg Wilhelm, 219
Pacheco, Domingo, 62
palimpsest as narrative device, 63, 101, 173
Palmerin of England, 5, 7, 48–49, 63
paranoia, 42
Pasamonte, Jerónimo de, 64
Pascal, Blaise, 55–56
Pasternak, Boris, 178
Pepe, Louis, 164, 223
Pérez Galdós, Benito, 36
Perón, Eva, xxiv, 94
Peru, 10, 96
Petipa, Marius, 125, 216
Philip II (king of Castile), xxii, 9, 13, 47, 157
Philip III (king of Castile), xxii, 13
Philippines, xxiv, 89
Phillips, John, 177, 184–85, 191
Picasso, Pablo, drawing of Don Quixote and Sancho, xv, xxv, 93–94, 93, 119, 220
plagiarism, 65
Plato, 26, 104–5
Plaza de España, Madrid, monument to Don Quixote and Sancho, 94, 95
political philosophy, 35
Pombo, Roberto, 100
Pope, Alexander, 115, 181
Porter and Coates, 21
Portrait of Cervantes, 1868 (Artist unknown), 20
Posada, José Guadalupe, xxvi
Calavera Quijotesca, 98, 99, 218
postmodernism, 56
Pozo, José, 127
pre-Columbian religions, 109
Premio Cervantes, 4
premodern literature, characteristics of, 11, 51, 55
Presley, Elvis, 166
Pritchett, V. S., 88
pseudo-Quijote (Avellaneda), 15, 64–66
psychiatric hospitals, 38
Puerto Rico, 89, 202
Putnam, Samuel, 40, 88–89, 177, 185, 196, 199, 220
Pynchon, Thomas, 159
Quechua language, xv, 223
Quevedo, Francisco de, 4, 55, 192
El Quijote (Cervantes). See also Don Quixote of La Mancha (Cervantes); literary adaptations; literary criticism
adaptations of, xxiv–xxvi, 99, 117, 118–19, 128–34
annotated editions of, 216
apocryphal quotes from, xxiv, 119
Arévalo’s edition of, 96
ballets based on, 125
basic numbers of, xxiii, 69–70, 78
Benegeli as narrator of, 61, 62
Benegeli as true creator of, xviii, 63–64, 66, 68, 173
Byron on, 9
The Captive’s Tale, 11, 14, 31, 32
Cardenio story of, 112–14
cast of characters in, 30, 56–57, 112–13
Cave of Montesinos passage, 59–61
and censorship, xxii, 49–50
chronology of, 213–23
as clumsy manuscript, xix–xxi, 11–12
contradictions of, 11, 36
copies of, xv–xvi
durability of, xxi, 205, 209, 220
films based on, 126–28, 161–63, 164, 218, 219, 220–21, 222, 223
first lines of, xxii–xxiii, 72–75
First Part of, xvi, xxi, 3, 10, 11, 14, 23, 24, 39, 48, 64, 80, 89, 96, 104, 112
first printing of, 10
flux of narrative, xxi
The Ill-Conceived Curiosity, 11, 114–15, 175, 213
illustrations of, 119–24, 160, 209, 216, 218, 219
imaginary places of, 33
as mirror, xix, 55, 68, 117
music inspired by, 124–25, 164, 215, 217, 219, 221
narrators of, 61–64, 65, 68, 77, 118, 176
novella-length subplots of, 6, 11, 112–14
operas based on, 126, 215, 218
opposition between arms and letters, 15–16
oral tradition in, 61–62
as paragon of liberty, xxii
parody on chivalry, xxiii, 7–8, 9, 36, 39, 49, 152
plot summary, 4–6
puppet show in, 6, 58–59, 122, 125
quest in, xvi, xvii, 31, 146, 147
realistic depictions of landscape, 31–32, 33
on reality as concoction, xvii–xviii, 6
reality depicted in, 52, 55, 56–61, 70, 75, 123, 149
reception of, xviii, 88–89
reliability in, 53–54
route of, 32–33, 90, 215, 218, 223
Second Part of, xvi, xxi, 6, 10, 14, 15, 33, 34, 45, 64–67, 82, 94, 101, 118, 214
as self-reflective labyrinthine narrative, xxi
sonnets in, 7–8
as Spanish nickname for novel, xviii
as spoof, 3–4
story within story of, xxiii
stylistic carelessness of, 11, 113
theories on, xviii–xix
300th anniversary of publication of First Part, 89, 96, 219
300th anniversary of publication of Second Part, 94
translation as subject of, 173–74
translations of, xv, xvii, xxv, 118, 119, 172, 173, 175–76, 207, 209, 215, 218, 223
as ur-text, 107, 159
verisimilitude in, xviii
video games based on, 128
villains of, 30–31
quijotesco as adjective
etymology of, 79–80, 81
meaning of, 78
and Spanish worldview, xxiii, 83
Azorín on, 32–33, 89, 90
Baroja on, 89, 90
and Borges, 102–9
and Colón, 170–71
evolution of, 88, 95–102
and Fuentes, 101–2
Ganivet on, 89–90, 217
and García Márquez, 101
historical impact of, 110
idealism of, 90, 92, 95, 97, 98
as ideology, xxiv, 83, 87, 92, 102
Maeztu on, 89, 90
and Modernismo, 96–97, 108
Ortega y Gasset on, 91–92
passion of, 90–91
Picasso on, 93–94, 93
rebellion in, 44, 87, 130
and Spanish-American War of 1898, xxiv, 89, 91, 92, 98, 110
statues of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, 94, 95
Unamuno on, 89, 90–91
Quixotalia, collections of, xvii, xxvi, 208, 209–10
quixotic as word, meaning of, 78–81, 82, 83
quixotized as word, meaning of, 207
Rabelais, François, 54, 121, 178
Raffel, Burton, 82, 177, 178, 197, 222
Ravel, Maurice, 125, 219
Real Academia Española (RAE), 21, 32, 80, 180, 201, 202–3, 215, 223
Reconquista (1492), 21
Reformation, 47–48
Reiguera, Francisco, 162
Cervantes’s place in, xxv, 19
exclamation mark in, 69
and Latin language, 200
madness in, 39
and modernity, 50
El Quijote as artifact of popular culture of, 168
and writers using predecessors’ work, 65, 113
Richardson, Ian, 166, 221
Richardson, Samuel, 36
Rico, Francisco, 69
Ríos, Julián, 192
Riquer, Martin de, 192
Robles, Francisco de, 10
Rocco Linsalata, Carmine, 191
Rochefort, Jean, 164, 222
Rodó, José Enrique, 97–98, 217–18
Rohmer, Éric,
127, 221
Rojas, Fernando de, 51, 107
Romanticism, xxv, 118–19, 124, 125, 146, 147
Rossellini, Isabella, 127, 222
Roth, Philip, 131
Rowling, J. K., 172
Royal Shakespeare Company, 115
Ruiz de Burton, María Amparo, xxvi, 170, 210, 217
Rushdie, Salman, 222
Russian language, 215, 216
Rutherford, John, 177, 197, 199
Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin, xvii, 139, 158
Salazar, Catalina de, 131, 223
Salinas, Pedro, 219
Salinger, J. D., 128
Sand, George, 129, 130
Santayana, George, 150–51
Santiago, Esmerelda, 203
Santos Chocano, José, 96
Sardou, Victorien, 216
Savoy, Duchy of, 14
Scholem, Gershom, 141
Schurz, Carl, 151
Scott, Walter, 150
Segura, Antonio de, 13
self-definition, 96
self-referentiality, 55, 56–58, 66–67, 102, 189
Sesame Street, 28
Shakespeare, William
Arden edition of, 115
authorship problem of, 25, 64, 66
and Robin Chapman, 222
as contemporary of Cervantes, 12, 111–12
Coriolanus, 112
death of, xxi, 111, 223
Double Falsehood, 115
elements uniting with Cervantes, xxv, 100, 112, 114, 115, 116, 131
English language used by, 183, 184
Flaubert on, 129
Hamlet, xxi, 42, 43–44, 83, 112, 131
Henry VIII, 113
The History of Cardenio, 113–14, 115, 214
Macbeth, 66
The Merchant of Venice, 112
and modernity, 50
moons orbiting Uranus named after characters of, xiii
number of words in plays, 70
Othello, 30
The Rape of Lucrece, 66
Romeo and Juliet, 112, 116
The Second Maiden’s Tragedy attributed to, 113–14
Taming of the Shrew, 112
The Tempest, 66, 97, 112, 121
and Theobald, 115
Two Gentlemen of Verona, 112
The Two Noble Kinsmen, 113
Venus and Adonis, 66
words coined by, 70
Shelton, Thomas, translation of El Quijote, 80, 114, 177, 178–79, 180, 181–82, 183, 184, 185, 191, 194, 199, 213
Sherlock Holmes series, 8, 28
Shih Huang Ti (emperor of China), 47
Shore, T. T., 177
Silberstein, Edward, 42, 216
Sinatra, Frank, 167
Sinnet, Tony, Don Quixote marionette, 211
Smith, Robinson, 177
Smollett, Tobias, 144, 177, 190–92, 195, 199–200, 215
social class. See also hidalgos
in literary pair of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, 29, 36, 72
in Spain, 22, 35, 72
Sol, 14
Sontag, Susan, xxv, 158–59, 222
Sophocles, 42
Arabs expelled from, 21, 71
consolidation as nation-state, 71
defeat against England, 13, 88
defeat of Ottoman Empire, 16
ethnic diversity in, 9, 20–21, 62
feudal mentality in, 72
in Holy League, 14
and Jewish or Muslim ancestry, 21, 77, 78
Jews expelled from, 21, 71
Muslim population of, 9, 62
political quagmire of, 10, 13, 71–72
proximity to Africa, 20
unification of, 8–9
Spanglish, 169, 201–4, 223
Spanish-American War of 1898
and Modernismo, 96
and Quijotismo, xxiv, 89, 91, 92, 98, 110
Spanish Empire
Cervantes’s observations on, xxiii
colonies incorporated into, 71–72
decline of, xxiv, 88, 89, 95, 109
extent of territory, 34–35
loss of colonies, xxiv, 89
Spanish Golden Age, xxii, 71, 72, 192
Spanish language
adjectivization of Cervantes’s name in, 81, 177
ambiguity between Quijote and Quixote, 81–82
Castilian Spanish, xxii, 71, 72
Cervantes’s use of, 70–75, 78
dictionaries of, 79–80, 82
El Quijote inhabiting, xxvi, 177–78
varieties of, 202
Spanish Navy Marines, 13–14, 172
Spinoza, Baruch, 50, 82
stage adaptations, 170, 210, 214, 216, 217
Stanley, William, 25
Starkie, Walter, 177, 178, 220
Stavans, Ilan, 223
Steinbeck, John, xxv, 157–58
Sterne, Laurence, 56, 189–90, 215
Stevens, John, 177, 191
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 41
Storni, Alfonsina, 96
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 146
Strauss, Richard, xxv, 124, 217
Sturm and Drang, 118
Stuyvesant, Peter, 148
Suárez de Figueroa, Cristóbal, 64
Sue, Eugène, 129
Summer, Donna, 166
Swift, Jonathan, 180
Talmud, 208
Tamiroff, Akim, 162
Tasso, Torquato, 173
Telemann, Georg Philipp, xxvi, 124–25, 215
Tenney, Tabitha Gilman, 146, 215
Terence, xxi
Teresa de Ávila, 178
Theobald, Lewis, 114–15
Theotocópuli, Jorge Manuel, 23
Tirant lo Blanc, xvii, 49, 173
tolerance, 48, 49, 102, 146
Tolkien, J. R. R., 28, 30
Tolstoy, Leo, 138, 139
Tonson, Jacob, 19, 114
Tonson, R., 19
Treadwell, Timothy, 127
Trilling, Lionel, xvii, xviii, 27, 56
Turgenev, Ivan, 36, 130, 131, 216
Twain, Mark
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, xvii, 83, 150–51, 172, 217
and translations of El Quijote, xxv
Tyler, John, 148
Unamuno, Miguel de, xxi, xxiv, 45, 89, 90–91, 137, 218
Universal Mind, 105, 106
Updike, John, 28–29
Urquhart, Thomas, 184
Uruguay, 96, 109
U.S.–Mexico–Canada Free Trade Agreement, 100
Valois, Ninette de, 219
Vargas Llosa, Mario, 109, 131, 192
Velázquez, Diego, 22, 55, 92
Venegas, Daniel, 170, 219
Venezuela, 109
Venice, Republic of, 14
Vere, Edward de, Sixth Earl of Derby, 25
Viardot, Louis, 119, 216
video games, 128, 222
Villoro, Juan, 109
Volpi, Jorge, 109
Vonnegut, Kurt, xiii
Voyage to Parnassus (Cervantes), 11
Wallace, David Foster, 159
Wallach, Eli, 164
Walpole, Robert, 214
Washington, George, xv, 144–45
Wasserman, Dale, 164–66, 221
Watanabe, Shujiro, 207
Watts, Henry Edward, 177
Welles, Orson, xv, 160, 161–63, 220–21
Wild, Paul, xiv, 222
Wilde, Oscar, 178
Williams, Roy, 158
wisdom, 44–45
Yates, Peter, 127, 222
Yiddish language, xv, 220
Yupanqui, Demetrio Túpac, 223
Zapatista Army of National Liberation, 100
Zecca, Ferdinand, 218
The Disappearance | The One-Handed Pianist and Other Stories
The Riddle of Cantinflas | Dictionary Days | On Borrowed Words | Spanglish | The Hispanic Condition | Art and Anger | Resurrecting Hebrew | A
Critic’s Journey | The Inveterate Dreamer | Octavio Paz: A Meditation | Imagining Columbus | Bandido | ¡Lotería! (with Teresa Villegas) | José Vasconcelos: The Prophet of Race | Return to Centro Histórico | Singer’s Typewriter and Mine | The United States of Mestizo | Gabriel García Márquez: The Early Years | Reclaiming Travel (with Joshua Ellison)
Knowledge and Censorship (with Verónica Albin) | What Is La Hispanidad? (with Iván Jaksi) | Ilan Stavans: Eight Conversations (with Neal Sokol) | With All Thine Heart (with Mordecai Drache) | Conversations with Ilan Stavans | Love and Language (with Verónica Albin) | ¡Muy Pop! (with Frederick Aldama) | Thirteen Ways of Looking at Latino Art (with Jorge J. E. Gracia)
The Norton Anthology of Latino Literature | Tropical Synagogues | The Oxford Book of Latin American Essays | The Schocken Book of Modern Sephardic Literature | Lengua Fresca (with Harold Augenbraum) | Wáchale! | The Scroll and the Cross | The Oxford Book of Jewish Stories | Mutual Impressions | Growing Up Latino (with Harold Augenbraum) | The FSG Book of Twentieth-Century Latin American Poetry | Becoming Americans
Latino USA (with Lalo Alcaraz) | Mr. Spic Goes to Washington (with Roberto Weil) | Once @ 9:53am (with Marcelo Brodsky) | El Iluminado (with Steve Sheinkin) | A Most Imperfect Union (with Lalo Alcaraz)
Sentimental Songs, by Felipe Alfau | The Plain in Flames, by Juan Rulfo (with Harold Augenbraum) | The Underdogs, by Mariano Azuela (with Anna More)
Golemito (with Teresa Villegas)
César Vallejo: Spain, Take This Chalice from Me | The Poetry of Pablo Neruda | Encyclopedia Latina (4 volumes) | Pablo Neruda: I Explain a Few Things | The Collected Stories of Calvert Casey | Isaac Bashevis Singer: Collected Stories (3 volumes) | Cesar Chavez: An Organizer’s Tale | Rubén Darío: Selected Writings | Pablo Neruda: All the Odes | Latin Music (2 volumes)
The Essential Ilan Stavans
Copyright © 2015 by Ilan Stavans
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:
Stavans, Ilan.
Quixote : the novel and the world / Ilan Stavans. — First edition.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-393-08302-6 (hardcover)
1. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547–1616. Don Quixote. 2. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547–1616. Don Quixote—Influence. I. Title.