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Brothers Ink Tattoo (Complete Box Set #1-4)

Page 77

by Nicole James


  She hurried off.

  Rayne could hear the door open and Sasha hitting on Jason. She had to admit, the guy was good-looking in a clean-cut way. Not Sasha’s usual type, but maybe she was broadening her horizons from her usual muscle-bound men.

  A few minutes later, she heard the door close, and Sasha came back out on the balcony. She carried a floral arrangement in her hands.

  “Look! You got flowers!”

  Rayne straightened taking in the big bouquet of lavender roses.

  Sasha set the vase on the table. “Read the card.”

  Rayne plucked the tiny envelope and pulled the card out.


  I love you, sweetheart, and I miss you.


  Sasha peeked over her shoulder. “Aww.”

  Rayne smelled them. “They’re so beautiful.”

  “And the exact shade of your hair. How the hell did he manage that?”

  Rayne picked up her cell phone and took a picture of herself holding the flowers, then texted it to him with the message, I love you, and I miss you, too.

  A moment later her phone rang with a video chat from Rory.

  “Hello, sweetie.”

  “So, you got them.”

  “Yes, and they’re beautiful. Thank you!”

  “You’re welcome, baby. How’s your morning going?”

  “Good. I slept in until 10:00am. How about you?”

  He looked over his shoulder, lifting the shades on the bus window. “We’re somewhere between Omaha and Chicago, so nothing but cornfields out my window right now.”

  “So what are you doing?”

  “I’m trying to write a song. Know anything that rhymes with corn?”

  “Haha…don’t be a thorn in my side.”

  “Good one.”

  “How was last night’s show?”

  “Fantastic. Place was sold out. They loved the show.”

  “Of course they did. They love you.”

  “This is a fickle business, babe. I can’t get too cocky.”

  “I won’t let you.”

  “Good. Hey, I have a couple of days off middle of next week. I’m going to try to fly home.”

  “Isn’t that when your album drops? Won’t they want you to do press?”

  “Yeah, probably, but I’m going to try to get out right after.”

  “I can’t wait. The baby and I miss you.” She rubbed her ever-expanding belly.

  “How’s it going at work?”


  “Are you taking it easy? I don’t want you pushing yourself too much or stressing out over bullshit.”

  “I’m not. I pretty much do the payroll and bills. Charlie’s been handling the schedule, deposits, and parts orders.”

  “Great. How are the numbers?”

  “We had a good week. The boys have been doing repair specials, and we had a cookout Thursday night with free hotdogs and music. We had a good crowd.”

  “You need some advertising and publicity?”

  “We’ve had enough of that. The boys don’t want any more photographers or reporters around anytime soon.”

  “When you have the baby, they’ll probably be coming back—at least for a while.”

  “Oh, joy.”

  “Sorry, babe. I guess I come with baggage.”

  “That you do…an entire tractor-trailer full.”

  “More than you can handle?”


  “Glad to hear it.”

  “I had lunch with Daddy yesterday.”

  “How is he?”

  “He said to tell you he’s keeping his cleaver sharpened, and you’d better keep your word to him. I asked him what he meant, but he wouldn’t tell me.”

  “I promised him I wouldn’t hurt you, and that I’d give you a good life.”


  “Is he going to kill me in my sleep if I screw up?”

  “Are you going to screw up?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “Then I guess you don’t need to worry about it.”

  “Guess I don’t. Still, it’s kind of unsettling the way he slings that thing around.”

  She giggled. “Are you scared of my father?”



  Sasha leaned into the shot. “Would you two stop being cute?” She nodded to Rayne. “Sweetie-pie here has a hair appointment and Carmen doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

  “Hair appointment?” Rory asked. “You’re not cutting your hair, are you?”

  Rayne picked up a curl and looked at the ends. “Well, maybe just a trim.”

  “Sasha, do not let her cut her hair, I’m warning you!”

  “You’re a thousand miles away; what are you going to do about it?”

  “When I get back to town, you’ll see what I’ll do about it.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not scared of you.”

  “You better be!”

  “She’s got split ends. Do you want her to give birth with split ends?”

  “She’s not giving birth yet.”

  “Details, details.” She got up and headed inside. “This train’s leaving in thirty minutes, missy, so you better get dressed.”

  After she went inside, Rory whispered, “Is she gone?”

  Rayne nodded.

  “Good. Now show me your tits, pretty girl.”


  “Come on, I miss them—I mean, you.”

  “Good catch. Fine. Here.” She pulled her stretchy tank top down. “Satisfied?”

  “With you, never, darlin’. I love you. Goddamn, you’re pretty. I ever tell you that?”

  “Not nearly enough,” she teased.

  “I will, if it takes me the rest of my life to do it.”

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Nine days later, Rayne bribed Wally the doorman to call her when Mr. O’Rourke arrived. She got the call just after 9:00pm on Monday night.


  “Miss Connor? Mr. O’Rourke is on his way up.”

  “Thank you, Wally.”

  “Of course, ma’am. My pleasure. Have a good night, ma’am.”

  She hung up and hurried to the door. Sasha was out for the night. The lights were dimmed and candles were lit in the bedroom, where she hoped this would end up. She heard the elevator ding softly and then his key in the lock. When the door swung open she was standing there with nothing but a long white silk robe on. She opened it and posed sideways, showing her belly and swinging the end of the belt in a slow seductive circle.

  “Hi, baby,” she said in a breathy voice.

  His eyes moved over her, he dropped his bag on the floor inside the door, and in two steps, he pulled her into his arms. His mouth came down on hers in a ravishing kiss, and his hands slipped under the silken material to pull her close.

  When he finally broke free of the kiss, he stared down at her and ran a palm over her belly. “From now on that’s how you should always meet me at the door.”

  She giggled. “You’ve got it.”

  “How are my two girls?”

  She patted his hand on her belly. “We’re fine but lonely and hoping you could do something about that.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He scooped her up in his arms and carried her down the hall to the master suite. He took in the candles lit around the room and the soft music playing. “Mama did miss me, didn’t she?”

  “She did, oh so much.”

  He cupped her jaw, tilting it up for his kiss, then trailed his hand down over her collarbone and inside her robe. He edged the silk aside and off her shoulder, baring her breast to his gaze. Her nipples were hard and aching for his touch.

  He swallowed, and with a glide of his thumb, he stroked her tight nipple, back and forth. She sucked in a breath and shifted closer to him.

  Sweeping the robe off her other shoulder, he completely bared her. She curled her body into him and lifted her mouth for a kiss. He gave
her one, then stepped back, holding her at arms length to drag his gaze over her body.

  “This is how I’ve dreamed of you—totally, spectacularly naked. My body is strung so tight for you, baby.”

  She lay on the bed and held her hand out to him, her invitation blatant.

  He stripped with urgency and came down on her side, propped on one elbow. His eyes traveled over her body, and his hand drifted along her thigh. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Rayne.” He picked up a lock of her hair and tickled her nipple with it. She tried to swat his hand away but he grabbed her wrist. “Let me play.”

  He teased and tormented her, first with her hair, then with his fingers and mouth until she was trembling with need.

  “Please, baby.” Spreading her legs wide, Rayne drew in another ragged breath as Rory took in the view of her pussy.

  “Tell me that’s mine.”

  “It’s yours. Only yours.”

  He slid his hand between her legs. “My baby is so wet for me.”

  He stroked her with his musician fingers until she was rocking against him. “More, baby. Please.”

  He moved between her legs and, in one thrust, sank inside.

  “Yes,” she cried, wrapping her arms around him. “I need you. I need this. So bad.”

  “I’m here, baby. I’ll give you everything you need. I promise.”

  And as he began to move, thrusting slowly at first, she smiled, knowing he’d keep that promise.


  Afterward, they lay cuddled in bed.

  “How was your flight?” she finally got around to asking.

  “Too long.” He toyed with her hair. “I’m glad you only trimmed this. I would have been pissed if you’d cut it all off.”

  “Duly noted.”

  “The album is doing well.”

  “I know; we’re celebrating in case you didn’t notice.” She indicated the candle.

  He chuckled. “My kind of celebration.”

  “If you’re extra-nice I might let you celebrate twice tonight.”

  “Not sure my body’s up to that.”

  She rolled against him. “You better be, mister. I’ve been lonely.”

  “I see that.” He rubbed his hand over her ass. “Got something to talk about.”

  “What’s that?”

  His face had gone serious. “So the tour is selling out.”

  “That’s fabulous. I’m so proud of you.”

  “And the money is rolling in. Got a big royalty check.”

  “That’s great.”

  “I talked to my brother. Jameson agreed to sell me this condo. What do you think about that?”

  “Can you afford it?”

  “It costs a mint, but he’s going to give me a deal on it. Would you like that?

  “Yes. I’d like that very much.”

  “Good. So, you can pick a room and start setting up a nursery. Order anything you don’t get from your shower.”

  “All right.”

  “It’s settled then. I’ll have the paperwork drawn up. It’s a nice place, and this way you’ll be closer to your father and your girls.”

  “And my shop.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that. What if we opened a second CMW in Grand Junction?”

  She pushed up and twisted to look down at him, smiling. “I’d be a chain!”

  He chuckled. “You would. I was talking to Jameson the other night, and he told me that I need to invest my money in something—diversify he called it. So, I thought why not invest in your business?”

  “Rory, are you sure that’s what you want to do? What if you lose the money?”

  “Then we’ll be poor together. Would you still love me then?”

  “You know I would.”

  He brushed a stray lock of hair back and grinned. “I’d rather be loaded, though. It makes things so much easier.”

  “Promise me you won’t ever forget what’s important in life.”


  “Yes, family and the people in our lives.”

  “I promise, Rayne. And you and this baby will always be at the top of that list.”

  Chapter Twenty-nine


  Rayne lay in bed, exhausted from the day. Her baby shower had been this afternoon and since she currently had the biggest place of all her friends, they’d had it here. Sasha took her to a doctor’s appointment this morning and when they came back, the place was decorated and everyone was here to surprise her.

  The girls came, and so did Rory’s three sisters-in-law, Ava, Malee, and Velvet, as well as Ava’s daughter and Malee’s daughter.

  Her aunt Mary and cousin Kathleen were here, as well as some of the wives of the guys that worked for her.

  They’d had a nice luncheon, cake, punch, and a huge pile of presents. Rayne had been overwhelmed by everything. It had all been lovely.

  The condo was now full up with Sasha in one room, the nursery being set up—and currently piled high with gifts—in another, and Rory’s sisters-in-law and their children in the other three bedrooms.

  Rayne rolled to her side and reached to the nightstand for the ultrasound photo she’d gotten at this morning’s doctor’s appointment. She smiled. The latest image of her little girl was so precious.

  Rayne’s cell phone rang, and she answered. It was a video call from Rory.

  “Hey, baby,” Rayne murmured.

  “Hey, gorgeous. How are you?”

  “Tired. It was a busy day.”

  “I’ll bet. Did we get some good loot?”

  She giggled. “Yes! We got everything we need.”

  “Awesome. How did the doctor’s appointment go this morning?”

  She held up the ultrasound photo so he could see. “Look. Isn’t she adorable? She’s sucking her thumb.”

  He laughed. “How about that! She’s a cutie.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Somewhere on I10, traveling between Jacksonville, Florida and New Orleans.”

  “I miss you, Rory—oh!” She sat up.

  “What is it?”

  “She just kicked me hard under my ribs. God, take it easy, kid.” She lay back against the pillows.

  “I wish I was there. I’d give her a talking to,” he teased.

  “Maybe she heard your voice.”

  “Hey, put the phone down by your stomach.”

  She did. “Okay.”

  “Hey, little one, it’s Daddy. Dan-ielle?” he said in a singsong voice.

  “Oh! She’s doing summersaults now. Thanks a lot.”

  “She likes Daddy’s voice.”

  Rayne chuckled. “So do a lot of women, I hear. You’re album is in the top twenty.”

  “It’s doing really well. Now comes the hard part.”

  “The hard part? What’s that?”

  “Following it up with a second album that’s just as good.”

  “Oh, right. Well, don’t worry, honey, you can do it. Just write from the heart.”

  “You make it sound way easier than it is.”

  “Write a song for your daughter this time.”

  He nodded. “You may have something there, but I think I’ll have to wait to meet her.”

  “Well, write about that—waiting to meet her and wondering what she’ll be like.”

  “And what are your thoughts on that?”

  “I’ve been writing every night in a journal.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Well, it’s not like there’s much else to do in this big bed while you’re away.”

  “Send me some of what you wrote down. We could collaborate on a song.”

  “Maybe I will,” she teased.

  “You think I’m kidding?”

  “Aren’t you?”

  “No. I need some inspiration.”

  “What are you feeling?”

  “You know men aren’t very good at talking about feelings.”

  “You want to be a songwriter. You better work on that, buddy.”

/>   “Yes, ma’am.”

  She yawned.

  “You’re tired. Get some sleep, and I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Where does the tour take you this month?”

  “Across the South, then up through the Midwest to Minneapolis.”

  She yawned again. “Okay, honey. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight, angel. I love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  She hung up and was asleep within minutes, a smile on her face.

  Chapter Thirty

  April turned to May, and business at Connor Motor Works began to pick up. Rayne spent more time there each day, trying to keep up. She was ungainly on her feet and waddled when she walked. The doctor told her that was because the baby had dropped lower in preparation for birth.

  Her feet were swollen, and she could barely fit into her loosest sandals. If they swelled any more she’d be walking around in stocking feet. She kept mostly in her office where she could sit for most of the day; being on her feet made her feet swell even more.

  Leaning to the computer, she studied the total hours before submitting payroll. This didn’t add up. Why did it say Cody only worked twenty-four hours? She must have transposed the numbers. She got up to go find Charlie.

  She’d gotten so stiff sitting in that chair that she knew getting up would do her good. She waddled down the hall to the retail store side of the business and found Charlie behind the counter explaining the pros and cons of two different helmet styles to a pretty brunette.

  Rayne smiled to herself. Charlie could barely take his eyes off the girl, and the grin on his face was from ear to ear.

  “Yes, ma’am. That’s the one I’d recommend.”

  Rayne was hesitant to interrupt him, so she hung back and pretended to study the printout in her hand.

  Finally, the woman paid for her purchase and left. Charlie looked over at her. “You need something, Rayne?”

  She smiled. “Who was that?”

  “Just a customer. She came in last week, asking if we gave riding lessons. Said she was interested in learning. I gave her some pamphlets from the local Motorcycle Safety Foundation.”

  “Good idea. The MSF has excellent courses for beginners. Of course you could always give her private lessons.” She gave him a suggestive look. “Maybe you’d get her number.”


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