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Caught by the Bad Boys Box Set

Page 11

by Raathi Chota

  “It’s a trap,” Carter said in a flat tone.

  “Yeah, I know. In sophomore year, they asked, and I was gullible enough to go. They made a complete fool of me, and I swore never to mix with them again.”

  “Hey, I’m proud of you,” Blake said, then rested his palm on top of mine. I looked up and gave him a warm smile.

  “So you’re not going?” Ethan asked from behind me.

  “No, they might egg Miranda and me,” I said. We laughed as we continued to talk, but Principal West interrupted us.

  “Good morning, Jefferson High seniors,” West said into the mic. “As you know, Homecoming is this Friday.” He scanned the audience. A few people cheered, but we stayed quiet. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Carter lean forward and wink at me. I blushed as I thought about the beautiful dress I bought and how handsome Carter would look. “I’m sorry to say that, due to critical weather conditions, we cannot have Homecoming this Friday, since there will be a big storm, so we have—” Principal West was cut off when people protested. “We have moved it to this Thursday!”

  People groaned, and I looked at the guys, who didn’t look interested at all. I tapped Aidan on the knee, and he looked at me. I slipped my phone out of my pocket and showed him; he furrowed his brows in confusion as I grinned. Blake, Carter, and Ethan seemed interested as they looked at me.

  “Now, explaining the night’s event is…” He trailed off. People’s expressions lightened up a bit and focused. “We’ll have our Homecoming Committee President, Jennifer Brighton, take over.”

  Everyone shifted his or her gaze to Jennifer, who walked across the room. I quickly put in my password and went to settings. I tapped on Bluetooth and saw the device was already connected. Like any other teenager who loved music, Jennifer loved to carry around her Beats Pill in her bag. I went to my music and searched for Nicki Minaj. I glanced at Aidan, who looked at me with wide eyes. Blake, on the other hand, smirked. I glanced at Jennifer, who strolled to the podium. As soon as she faced the students of Jefferson High, I hit play on “Anaconda”. Everyone’s eyes widened as Jennifer froze. All eyes were on her as the music played. Sniggers and whispers erupted through the room as I grinned. Jennifer reached into her bag and grabbed the Beats Pill. Everyone laughed as I increased the volume. Out of nowhere, Melissa and Kelly ran up to her as they tried to help. I paused the song as they sighed in relief. Melissa and Kelly went back to their seats as Jennifer stood up on the podium. She cleared her throat as she stood up straight with a big smile.

  “Now that we have confirmation on when Homecoming is, we can finally declare the theme!” she squealed. Everyone mumbled as I huffed, because I’d already bought a dress. “The theme will be Starlight Fairytale!” she cheered into the mic. Whispers and mumbles spread across the room as she tried to get everyone’s attention again. I glanced at Aidan, who held my phone with a grin spread across his face. As soon as he hit play, we laughed. The auditorium went silent as we stared at Jennifer, who had a pissed look. She walked off the stage, grabbed the Beats Pill out of her bag, and smashed it to the ground. Aidan quickly disconnected it and turned my phone off before the song played from the phone. Principal West rushed to the podium as he adjusted the mic. It made a screeching noise that made everyone squirm.

  “Who is behind this?” he demanded. Everyone was silent as we stared at him. “Teachers, lock the doors. Nobody comes in, and nobody goes out until our miscreant speaks up.”

  “Why is he so—?” Blake whispered.

  “Kelly West…Principal West,” I slowly said. He looked at me, jaw dropping as he shook his head.

  “Daddy’s girl,” Blake muttered as he looked at Kelly. She stood next to Jennifer along with Melissa as they glared at everyone.

  “Fine, since nobody will speak…you all have to come to school on Friday,” Principal West said with a satisfied look. It seemed like it was the end of the world because everyone yelled. He wasn’t serious, was he? If the storm from the previous night ended up being so bad, he wouldn’t tolerate anyone coming to school the next day.

  “Speak up, idiot!”

  “Guys, just tell the guy who did it!”

  “I don’t want to come to school after Homecoming!”

  “Screw this school!”

  I glanced at the guys who already stared at me. I tensed up as I looked at Kelly, who eyed everyone to see who’d speak. I slowly got up, but someone gripped my thigh and shoved me back in my seat.

  “I did it,” Blake admitted. Students cheered. That should’ve been me they cheered on.

  “Very well, Mr. Gunner, you do—”

  “No, I did it!” I cut Principal West off as I pushed myself out of my seat. Turned out nobody cheered; instead, everyone gasped.

  “I did it,” Aidan chimed in.

  “I did it,” Ethan said from behind us.

  “No, they’re covering for me. I did it,” Carter piped up as he rose to his feet.

  “No, we did it,” Miranda said as she and Marcus stood up.

  “Who really did it?” Principal West asked through gritted teeth.

  “Me,” we said simultaneously.


  “Lana, can I talk to you for a moment?” Mr. Bronx asked when I stepped into the room. After assembly, he asked if he could have a word with me. Lunch started, and I was supposed to meet the guys for a smoke, but they’d understand if I was a few minutes late. We waited for everyone to get out of the classroom as Mr. Bronx stood behind his desk. “I heard about your little doing at the assembly earlier.”

  “I’m glad. Do you think I could’ve chosen a better song like—”

  “You’re becoming really disruptive in my classes, and I do not accept you arriving late every day.”

  “At least I’m doing my work and keeping my grades up.”

  “I know, but why? Why now suddenly? Is it that Gunner guy?”

  “No, it’s complicated,” I mumbled, then looked at him. Griffin Bronx had bags under his eyes but still managed to keep the “cool teacher” reputation with his smile and witty replies. “Are you okay, sir? You look exhausted. Does this have to do with a particular English teacher?” I asked with a smirk. Rumors went around that Mr. Bronx and Miss Rosa saw each other.

  “Yes, but don’t tell anyone,” he said, then licked his lips.

  “Wow, Uncle Griff, I’m happy for you, but why do you look like you haven’t gotten sleep in days?”

  “Principal West has a strict no teachers dating policy, so we only meet each other late at night after doing the school work, and we just talk and talk…” He trailed off. A smile appeared on his face as he spoke about Miss Rosa.

  “I’m happy for you.”

  “Thank you, Lana.” He gave me a side hug. I walked out of his classroom and down the quiet hallways. I heard heels click behind me as I rolled my eyes.

  “I know your little secret, Willson,” the voice said behind me. I whipped around to see Melissa Singe.

  “Which is?”

  “You and Mr. Bronx. You’re jealous because he’s with Miss Rosa. Now you think you have a shot with him,” Melissa spat as she eyed me up and down. I laughed and wiped the tears that formed at such a ludicrous thing.

  “You’re so funny, Melissa! I’d never see Mr. Bronx in that way. He’s a cool teacher, but we’re family friends.”

  “Whatever, Willson. Your secret will soon come out. Don’t think I wasn’t there last time,” she grumbled. My eyes widened as she stormed off, leaving me dumbfounded in the hallway. I planned to go to the guys, but I had reminded myself to go to Principal West. After the assembly, he told us we had detention for the rest of the week and that we’d come to school on Friday along with everybody else. I couldn’t let my friends take the blame for a stupid prank I decided to pull. So I decided to confess.

  “Ms. Willson, what a surprise.” Principal West huffed as he slouched in his seat.

  “Nice to see you too, Mr. West,” I said as I took a seat. He raised an eyebrow as he gave me a
n odd once-over.

  “Heard rumors about you that, that Gunner kid broke our only hope for a Yale-inspired student.”

  “Well, I can assure you, next week you’ll see me back to my usual self, which includes getting my application for Yale ready—even though I’m early—and getting back into extra-curricular activities.”

  “What do you want, Ms. Willson?” Principal West sighed and closed his eyes for a brief moment. In that few seconds, my smile dropped, and so did my confidence.

  “It was me,” I stated. Principal West stared at me, then laughed.

  “Please…I’ve heard it enough times today.”

  “No, I can prove it to you. Don’t take it out on them. I’ll be the guilty one in the back as they look at me,” I whined as I pulled out my phone. I unlocked it and went to Bluetooth. “Look, my phone is paired with her Beats Pill.”

  “Still doesn’t prove it was you. Maybe you used it a long time ago,” he said, then pushed my phone away. I grabbed it and went to music.

  “Look at the last song I played,” I urged as I shoved the phone in his face.

  “Ms. Will—”

  “Look, I know why you don’t really want to punish me. It’s because my dad is the sheriff of this crappy town, and if I tell him, you think it’ll cost you your job, but it won’t! I just want to be treated like any other student!”

  “Very well, then. I will inform the rest that there is no detention, but you will have to go on Wednesday and help set up for Homecoming.”

  “That’s it?” I asked, then placed my hands on my hips.

  “And you will have detention for a whole week starting next week.” He glared. I couldn’t help but smile as I thanked him, then walked to class.


  “How smart, Willson.” Blake chuckled as I sat on his motorcycle. We waited for the guys to open the cottage because Blake forgot his key at home, so we sat, face to face on Blake’s bike. It was comforting, the events of the weekend never came up, and I didn’t plan to bring them up, either.

  “I know, right?” I flipped my hair because I told him about Principal West. I looked at Blake’s hands, which rested on my knees. Occasionally he’d take his thumb and gently rub it against my jeans. I traced the ink on his wrist. Tattoos suited him well. I ran my fingertips along the smiley face he had, and when I raised my head, I saw his stare on me. “Sorry.”

  “No…it’s comforting,” he said, then rested his palm against mine. We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. Our contest got interrupted when we heard a car honk. Blake and I snapped our heads to see Ethan’s car right in front of us as Aidan climbed out and opened the cottage. I jumped off the motorcycle and walked inside. We sat on the sofa and smoked as the guys watched a soccer game. My eyes glanced around the room as I remembered Aidan and Carter’s conversation a few days ago. Tomorrow’s Tuesday. I wonder if we’d be here tomorrow this time.

  “Hey, guys, I won’t be able to hang out tomorrow. Miranda and I are going to the mall,” I lied because I hoped for a reaction.

  “That’s great. Plus I have practice, so I won’t be able to come,” Ethan said, then turned to Aidan.

  “Yeah, err…I got a ton of homework,” Aidan mumbled.

  “We’ll find something to do,” Blake said as he eyed Carter. Those answers right there told me they were lies. Ethan didn’t have practice this week since last week was a big game and Homecoming was soon, so Coach gave the team a little break. Aidan never did homework, and Blake and Carter haven’t been on speaking terms.

  “Cool.” I nodded. Everyone returned to the big television as I thought how the hell I’d get here tomorrow at four p.m. without the guys’ consent. Apparently, they didn’t want me to know what went on, but I was curious.


  “Morning, beautiful family.” I grinned as I walked into the kitchen. Dad sipped his coffee while Mom buttered toast.

  “Hey sweetie, how’d you sleep?”

  “Fine, I guess.”

  “Any plans for today?” Mom asked as she handed me the toast.

  “I think I’ll be in the library after school, so don’t worry about me,” I lied. I had to find an excuse because they never knew I hung out with the guys after school.

  “I’m staying late at the station. Got a whole lot of work to finish.” Dad sighed as he sipped his coffee. A car’s honk disrupted the silence as I stood up.

  “See you guys later. Enjoy your day,” I said as I walked out of the house. I got into Aidan’s Subaru as his music blared through the speakers; I put the volume softer as I looked at him. “I didn’t know you’d be coming today.”

  “Well, we figured whoever gets to your house first can take you.” He shrugged with a grin on his face.

  “Why can’t you guys just take it in turns?”

  “Where’s the fun in that, Lana?” Aidan winked at me as I rolled my eyes. I gazed out the window as the trees passed by and thought about later today. I hoped my plan worked, because they were hiding something.

  “You got a cigarette?” I asked, and Aidan looked at me with a frown.

  “You should really slow down on those, Lana. After the bet, will you stop?”

  “Will you?” I demanded. His eyes shot back to the road. The car went silent as he sighed heavily and handed me one.

  “We just don’t want you getting addicted to those,” he whispered.

  “Says the guy who smokes eight in a day.” I huffed then turned to the window. The car went silent again as he let out a soft chuckle. I glared at Aidan as he laughed uncontrollably.


  “I’m not a cigarette, but I find you smoking hot.”

  “Oh my god, Aidan, that’s so lame.”

  “But it made you laugh, didn’t it?” he asked as we pulled up into the school’s parking lot.

  “Aidan, you always make me laugh.” I grinned as we got out of the car.

  “I’m glad. It’s amazing to watch you laugh,” he said as he put an arm around my shoulder. We received a few looks, but I brushed them off.

  When we came out of Calculus and switched classes, I met up with Miranda and Marcus. I had to tell Miranda before we reunited with everyone.

  “Yeah, if my parents ask, just say you got me from the library and that we went shopping or something,” I begged Miranda. Aidan and Marcus were talking together, and it was the only time I’d see Miranda until lunch. I couldn’t help but feel Marcus’s eyes on me the whole time.

  “Okay, but why?” Miranda asked as she raised a brow.

  “You’ll see.” I grinned as Ethan came up to us.

  “Hey, guys,” he greeted. The bell rang, and we strolled up the stairs. “What do you have now?” he asked. Blake and Carter were nowhere to be found as we walked through the busy hallways.

  “Photography class.” I grinned as we reached my locker. I noticed Miranda went with Marcus. Aidan disappeared down the hallway while Ethan leaned against the locker and reached into his pocket, and out came a neatly folded paper.

  “What’s this?” I asked as he handed me the paper and I slowly began to unfold it.

  “It’s an appointment with the optometrist. Well, just call them up and say Baxter sent you. Everything from there’s been taken care of. I know you’ve only been surviving with contact lenses.”

  “Ethan, this is too much…” I shrugged as he put a lock of hair behind my ear.

  “No, it’s not, Lana. Besides, the other ones were literally shattered. Take this as an apology gift for all the years I’ve bullied you,” Ethan pleaded and covered my hand with his while I gripped the paper. My gaze traveled down to our hands and onto the paper. There wasn’t any date, so I could make the arrangements while Ethan offered to pay. I didn’t want him to, but either way, the optometrist would send his family the bill. I looked up into his puppy brown eyes, and I saw myself in them. Without my glasses, I fit the bad girl image more, but I couldn’t always rely on contacts. If I didn’t go, then I’d have to wear my old horn-r
immed glasses from my elementary days, which would be my last resort.

  Ethan’s signature smile showed but immediately disappeared when he looked over my shoulder. I turned around and saw Carter with a smirk as he flirted with some girls. Carter Halls was a charmer, but he could also be a player when he wanted to.

  “Hey, cutie,” he said as he put an arm around my shoulder.

  “Hello,” I stated in an ominous tone.

  “Why you so happy? You finally get laid?” Ethan asked as I laughed.

  “No! Well, yes, but I’m happy, Mr. Baxter, because after today, we’ll be free men.” Carter grinned then winked at Ethan.

  “Why? What’s happening today?” I asked. Ethan shook his head as we stared at Carter. I bet it had to do with what would happen at the cottage today.

  “Well, err…we have a Trigonometry test today, and if we pass it, we immediately get an A on our report card,” Carter said. Ethan shook his head again as he stared at the ground. I knew Carter Halls was the worst liar ever. He tried to cover it up by saying the lamest pickup line known to mankind.

  “What’s with you guys and lame pickup lines today?” I asked as we walked to my photography class.

  “Well, at least you don’t fall for it, because sometimes I used the lamest ones in the book and I still got laid,” Carter said.

  “Just go, you two.” I laughed as we turned the corner. Carter and Ethan smiled as they walked to their classes. I went into the classroom and glanced around at the rest of the photographers. It was the only class where I’d relax. Everyone focused, and when they took photographs, it inspired me. I loved how the class was set up; one side had desks, and the other side was blank with the camera equipment. Mr. Dockwell was an excellent teacher, he’s so laidback, but he’s strict too. I decided to sit in the middle of the double desks, then took out my laptop.


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