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Caught by the Bad Boys Box Set

Page 84

by Raathi Chota

  As I walked downstairs, I heard laughter, and the music was much softer than it was upstairs. I turned my head and instantly froze. My gaze fell to the floor but slowly traveled up as I took in everything. There he was in his Vans high tops, dark jeans, and white tee that made the tattoo on his neck stand out. His laughter was poison to my ears as I watched the corner of his eyes squint and dark hair fall in his face. He stood in front of Blake, who sat on a sofa while they laughed. Keene sat on the end with a cigarette. As he dumped the ash in the ashtray, he looked at me.

  “Lana?” Keene blurted out, and immediately everyone turned to me. My bottom lip trembled as I saw him, all muscular and tall. So brave and happy, who helped me stop my suicidal thoughts when I thought everything went downhill, so carefree and right here.

  “L-Levi? What are yo—when did you get here?” I whispered as we locked eyes. Levi looked at me, and I watched as he opened and closed his mouth, but nothing came out. I saw Blake smirk as he drank his beer.

  “Oh, baby girl.” Blake laughed as he looked at me then Levi. “He never left.”

  The song, our song, continued to play like nothing happened. Sometimes I wished I was like music, a change in mood, but there’s a start and an end, and no one’s there to stop me unless forced. No one moved as they all stared at me. I guessed I was out of place compared to them, who either had a bottle or can of beer in their hand, cigarette at the corner of their lips, or swayed in their comfortable clothing. The heavy guitar riffs bounced around the room and went through everyone, including Levi Radcliff. I didn’t want to look at him, but my throat closed up for a second when I caught sight of his guitar and other items that belonged to Levi. From what Blake said and the items that sprawled across the room, I concluded that Levi lived here, but I didn’t want to believe it. He could’ve lived with anyone else in Illinois, Keene, Jaden, Aidan, Carter, or Ethan, but he chose Blake Gunner over me.

  Chapter One


  I folded my arms and stared at Levi Radcliff. Blake said he never left, and I recalled all the events in the past two months Levi was “gone.” His hair gel that he came to get from my house, that night of the street race and I ran in front of the cars; one of them was his car and the freaking picture I took of him. The background was the City of Chicago.

  “Princess, let me ex—” He cut himself off when a girl approached him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “Baby, who is she? She seems lost.” She pouted at me.

  “Who am I? Who the fuck are you?” I snapped as I eyed her up and down.

  “Katherine Taylor, sweetie. Are you lost?” she cooed. She was the bitch Carter had sex with, wanted to have sex with Blake, yet was all over Levi.

  “Katherine, leave her,” Blake said as I clenched my fists.

  “No, it’s fun to mess with her,” Katherine said then stood in front of Levi and bent down so that she was eye-level with me.

  “Go fuck yourself.”

  I stood my guard as she straightened her posture. She was about to slap me, but Levi pulled her back. I wanted to take it as an opportunity to punch her, but Blake came out of nowhere and stood in front of me. I tried to move, but he wrapped his arms around my torso and picked me up.

  “You bitch!” Katherine yelled, and I raised my middle fingers as Blake pressed me against the wall.

  “Let me go, you asshole!” I exclaimed as he blocked me.

  “No, Willson, you’re not gonna ruin another one of my parties.”

  “Oh, fuck you, Blake Gunner! I just found out that he never left!” I yelled and pushed him off me. He was now behind me, and I watched as Levi spoke to Katherine. My nostrils flared, and I spun around and walked upstairs. Levi called after me, but I totally ignored him. I didn’t want to talk to him with so many people in the house. I walked into the living room where the DJ was and grabbed the mic. I stopped the music as people complained and turned to me. “Party’s over, people! Go home!”

  “Loser, put the music back on! Quit being a bitch!”

  “We’re not going anywhere.”

  “Oh, really?” I asked then stood right in front of him as I held the mic. “Then I’ll call my dad, who is the sheriff, and he’ll arrest all your underage asses for drinking, doing drugs, and coming to a cheap whorehouse.”

  I reached for my phone and smiled to myself as the house cleared out in less than five minutes. Once the living room was cleared, I cracked my knuckles then walked back to the basement. Once I got there, Katherine was gone, so it was Levi, Blake, Keene, Axel, Ethan, Tamia, and Jaden. I narrowed my eyes at Jaden because I knew why he wanted one of the Willis twins to be by the door. Whenever Blake had a party, they’d wait for me to show up so that I’d see Levi. Levi stood in the middle of the room, and I slowly approached him. He gave me an innocent smile as he opened his arms. I forced a smile and twirled my hair when he was about to wrap his arms around me; I gave him one hard slap.

  “What the actual fuck, Levi?”

  “Oh.” Jaden laughed from his position on the sofa.

  “You were here the whole time! Did you break into my house just for your fucking hair gel?” I yelled as he stepped back and rubbed his cheek.

  “I can explain,” he mumbled.

  “Where were you that Saturday night?” I asked as I thought of that night when he called.

  “On your porch.” I threw my hands up in exasperation. I looked around to see everyone staring at us. I turned back to Levi and pointed a finger at him.

  “You’re a fucking pussy, you know that? Instead of coming inside, you decide to call!” I yelled. He nodded, and I let out a dry laugh. Behind him sat Keene, and I shook my head at him. “You all fucking knew, and no one told me anything.” They remained quiet, and I looked at Blake, who mumbled out an apology.

  “Anyone else suddenly turned on when she cusses?” Jaden asked, and I glared at him. I turned back to Levi, as I remembered he was on the other side of the door. So I wasn’t crazy; it was him.

  “If you were on the porch, then everyone saw you. So everyone’s been lying to me ever since you left,” I emphasized.

  “Well, they only found out that night,” Ethan said. “That’s why Miranda is pissed at us.”

  I slowly nodded because she or Benny would tell me something since they didn’t like Levi that much. Then again, I was in a miserable state on Saturday night.

  “So all this time we talked on the phone, you were here,” I said as I looked at Levi. “I thought things were going well, but turns out you’ve been lying to me! What is wrong with you?” I yelled as I approached him. I tried to hit him, but he blocked my fists when he raised his arms. “Why do you always do this to me? I needed you the most that night, and you were on the other side of the door!” I screamed, and he gripped my wrists.

  “Princess, I know you’re mad, but listen to me!” he exclaimed then pushed my wrists away.

  “No, you listen here, Levi Ra—” He cut me off when he crouched down and threw me over his shoulder. “Put me down, you pussy lying asshole!”

  “Damn, Willson,” Blake said, and I looked up and noticed his smirk. I showed him my middle finger yet I was angry at everyone. Levi moved, and I noticed he walked toward the stairs. My eyes widened, and I grabbed the first thing I saw, which happened to be a baseball bat. My grip tightened on it, and I swung it in between Levi’s legs.

  “Fucking hell,” Levi cussed, and his hold on me dropped. Before I fell, I sensed strong muscular arms tighten around my waist and lift me up. I locked eyes with Blake, and he lifted me back onto my feet.

  “Even though I’m quite enjoying this, you need to calm down, baby girl,” he said and put a lock of hair behind my ear. I still held the bat, so I shoved it in front Blake’s chest. He smirked and grabbed the end pointing at him. He quickly took it from me and swung it around his shoulder.

  “Lana, just listen to him.” Tamia pointed to Levi, who was hunched over. I folded my arms and waited as he recovered from being hit in the nuts. On
ce he was done, he straightened his posture and looked at me.

  “I was kicked out of college, okay?” he said as I raised a brow.

  “Really? That’s it?”

  “Well, I sort of got expelled, and my parents got really pissed,” he mumbled.

  “So how did you end up here?” I asked then looked over my shoulder where everyone began to walk upstairs.

  “Well, I had two choices. Either stay in California, live with my parents, and never come to Illinois ever again, or get over here and start over,” he said and stepped closer. “I got a job here to pay up the rest of my college fund.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I whispered even though we were alone.

  “I couldn’t…I didn’t want to disappoint you. It was either stay in California and never see you ever again or risk everything just to see you, princess.” He raised my hands in his. “I chose you. I’ll always fucking choose you.”

  “It just doesn’t add up. Why were you expelled? Why didn’t anyone tell me? Why couldn’t you stay with me?”

  “It’s a long story, princess. I wanted to stay by you, of course, but Bobby wouldn’t let me.”

  “They knew too?”

  “I’m so sorry. I wanted to tell you during winter break, but there was never time. It was either drama or your boyfriend.” He muttered the last part, and I pulled my hands away.

  “Well, tell me now, Levi. Everything.”

  “I just don’t want you to be worried.”

  “Stop it, please. Just tell me, Levi. I can’t take it anymo—” I cut myself off when my phone rang. I groaned and took my phone out to see that Mom ended the call then texted me.

  Mom: The dinner! You better not be late, Lana Willson.

  I let out a huff and stuffed my phone in my pocket as I said, “I have to go, but don’t think your ass is saved, Levi! Tomorrow you tell me everything at the diner!”

  “I will.” He nodded. I stared at him and drew my lower lip between my teeth. He noticed my stare and lowered his head.

  “Just…why would you think I would be disappointed in you?”

  “Well, you’ve always trusted me when things went wrong or if it’s just the two of us. You always listened to me, and I guess I didn’t want to lose your trust, princess.”

  “Oh, Levi…” I stroked his cheek and ran my thumb below his eye. “You lost my trust when you left me.”

  He looked at me, and I noticed the hurt in his eyes. I closed my eyes and walked upstairs. Once I reached the top of the stairs, it only occurred to me that I came here for one reason. Carter Halls. I nibbled on my bottom lip as I walked down the hall. I reached the kitchen where I found everyone except Carter. I folded my arms and stared at them.

  “Pumpkin, I’m really sorry, I wanted to tell you,” Axel mumbled and looked down. He sat next to Tamia, who placed a hand on her hip.

  “I don’t really know all the teenage drama, so I don’t really care,” she stated, and Axel elbowed her.

  “Thank you for being honest,” I said then looked at Keene. I expected an “I told you so” look, but instead, I saw guilt. His eyes were dark, and he had the biggest frown in the kitchen. We locked eyes but not too long, as he looked away.

  “Yeah, and I’m sorry for not telling you that he was living here,” Blake said. I nodded and spun around to go home. Once my back was to them, one of the doors in the hallway opened, and Quinton walked out. “What the heck?”

  My eyes widened as I stepped back but bumped into someone. I looked over my shoulder to see that Ethan glared at Quinton. They were both basketball players, and the guys often talked about Quinton, who played dirty.

  “You,” Quinton stated as he marched toward me. Ethan stepped in front of me and shoved Quinton away. He backed away into the living room, and Blake took my hand in his as we made space for Ethan.

  “How the hell are you here? You weren’t even invited,” Blake stated as his grip tightened on my hand.

  “I was here looking for my girlfriend, but that little bitch hit me with a fucking guitar!” he exclaimed, and I tilted my head as I thought of Levi’s guitar.

  “One day I hope you choke on the shit you say,” Ethan said as his jaw clenched.

  “Oh hey, captain. How’s your team doing?” Quinton asked with a smirk. Ethan fake smiled and was about to punch him, but Axel pulled him back. Blake held Quinton back, and Ethan glared at him. I folded my arms and looked at Quinton, who grinned like there was no tomorrow. Blake shoved Quinton, and they made their way to the front door.

  “Wait, who’s your girlfriend?” I asked, quite curious that he had a girlfriend, yet he wanted to take me.

  “Kelly West,” he said, and I laughed. If he weren’t such an ass, I would’ve felt sorry for him.

  “Fucking good luck with that,” Blake said and pushed him out the front door. Blake shut the door and let out a deep sigh. I turned to Ethan and Axel to see Ethan’s jaw clenched as he stared at the ground. Axel approached me and cautiously placed his hand on my shoulder.

  “Are you okay, pumpkin?” he whispered as I looked into his brown eyes. I slowly nodded and folded my arms. He gave me a sympathetic look and followed Ethan as they walked out of the living room. I heard groans and turned my head to see Carter walk in from the hall. His hair was messy, he was shirtless, and his sweatpants were the on the verge of falling off.

  “What’d I miss?” he asked, and Blake cursed under breath.

  “I-I’ll take you home,” I said. Carter held a puzzled expression as he glanced at me.

  “Thanks, Lana, I’ll just get my…” He trailed off. “My shirt and phone.”

  He walked out of the living room which left Blake and me alone. I turned to him and took in his appearance. He wore a sleeveless red flannel, dark faded jeans, and combat boots. Blake ran a hand through his dark hair then crossed his arms over his chest.

  “I’m guessing that this was what you were apologizing in advance for.”

  “Yeah, has he told you why, though?”

  “No, we’re meeting at the diner tomorrow.”

  “Just know that it was for a good reason, Lana.” He placed a hand on either side of my shoulders. We locked eyes, and I felt his hands run down to my waist. He pulled me in for a hug then rested his chin on my head. “I promise that there will be no more parties. The Gunners’ whorehouse is officially closed,” he joked, and I lightly chuckled. We pulled away, yet he took my hands in his and smiled at me. “It’s kinda cute when you’re angry or nervous. Then you cuss a lot, and your glasses fall down your nose.” I shook my head in amusement.

  “I hate being angry at you guys. It’s hard.” I frowned.

  “Hey, but if you’re still mad at us, just know that actions speak louder than words.”

  “Oh no, not again,” I groaned, and he nodded.

  “We won’t go to any parties or do anything illegal.” He shrugged then raised my hands. “But we will make that smile come out of you, that real Lana Willson smile,” he said and kissed my hands. I pulled away as I heard Carter greet everyone else in the kitchen. Blake opened the front door and motioned me to go first. I walked out of the house and toward the car. I got into the car, and Blake helped Carter since he felt nauseous. Once Carter was next to me, Blake jogged to my side and leaned into the window. “You sure you can handle him?” Blake gestured to his best friend, who groaned against the window.

  “Yeah, I’ve been in much more difficult situations than this,” I said and started the car.

  “Okay, well, see you. Say hi to your mom for me.” Blake looked at Carter.

  “Screw you, bro,” Carter muttered as he showed Blake the middle finger. Blake laughed and stepped back as I drove out of the driveway. I glanced in the rear-view mirror to see Levi next to Blake. I looked back at the road, not sure if I wanted to even go tomorrow.

  It was the second time I was at Carter’s house even though he lived five minutes away from me. The first would be when they got arrested and my dad dropped him off. It sti
ll looked the same with its beige walls with no garden or fence. We walked in, and Carter muttered something under his breath. The white wooden door creaked open, and I followed him. It looked a lot like my house with its basic furniture yet no decorations. There were no family photos, ornaments, or knick-knacks.

  “Carter, is that you?” a voice yelled throughout the house. Carter huffed then ran a hand through his hair. Before he answered, a short woman came in who I assumed was his mother since she had similar features to him except a few wrinkles.

  “Yeah, Mom. This is Lana.”

  “Oh, finally. I get to meet a girl that you bring home that’s fully clothed or not in your bed,” she snarled.

  “Mom, she’s a friend…the one who lives like five minutes away,” Carter said, and she looked at me.

  “Err…nice to meet you, Mrs. Halls.” I held my hand out to shake, but she tilted her head at me and snorted.

  “That’s Miss to you, but I don’t blame you because Carter never talks about me, huh?” she demanded. “He’s too ashamed to because he’s just like his father.”

  “Mom, do not compa—”

  “You are not my son. You are his child. I mean, he brought women home, and what are you doing right now?” she exclaimed.


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