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Silent Crown

Page 28

by Feng Yue

  Setton raised his head and gazed coolly. After a long time, he finally forced out, “Hey, why aren’t you dead yet?”

  “Friend, you make me so sad,” the blonde shook his head, sighing. “I even bought a collar for you so you can be more obedient. How can you treat me like this?”


  The bench groaned as Setton glared at the blond kid, his joints cracking and popping.

  “Ah, never mind. You still get angry so easily. Let’s change the topic…” The youth sighed and then looked side to side impatiently. “Where are my two cute new workers? Have they eaten well? Rested well? Became nice and plump? Come on, let me see the boy full of secrets, and the equally mysterious girl…” He opened his arms excitedly. “I don’t care who goes, but someone go tell them! Tell them that their amazing, caring, kind, handsome, and beautiful boss, the respected Sir Hermes, has returned!”


  They were finally done delivering goods at dusk.

  Ye Qingxuan sat in a corner of the Fountain Square, sunbathing lazily. His cane was in Bai Xi’s curious hands. Under the waning sun, Ye Qingxuan took out the aether ball. Out of habit, he sang some notes, but there was no response as usual.

  “You’re still trying?” Bai Xi understood after seeing the Aether ball in his hands. “It’s impossible for you. The most common notes are all in the upper or lower range. Your range can’t reach those, and you can’t even sense the aether, right?” Bai Xi sighed, “But you couldn’t get lucky even once during all those tries. How unlucky are you?”

  “I can’t help it. Maybe I’m just unfortunate.” Ye Qingxuan shrugged, but his mind went back to the terrifying afternoon—the thousands of steel cranes shining in the sky and the immense power from Princess Yunlou’s small movement. “Taiyi.” He suddenly remembered this word, and looked up at Bai Xi. “You said ‘Taiyi’ at noon. What does it mean?”

  “Huh?” Bai Xi’s face was full of confusion. “What Taiyi?”

  “I heard it.” Ye Qingxuan’s lip curled. “Stop acting dumb. You said it when Princess Yunlou almost got assassinated. ‘Taiyi.’”

  “Oh, that,” Bai Xi finally nodded after thinking for a long time. “I meant to say ‘talent.’ Natural-born talent.”

  “Talent is just a wide vocal range, or agile moves at most. If this is talent, then you’re saying the Princess was this powerful at birth?”

  “That’s why it’s talent—true talent,” Bai Xi said. “Talent isn’t a voice, looks, or a sixth finger on your right hand. It’s something predetermined. You get it when you’re in the womb, or even earlier. It’s already determined when your ancestors made the vow.”

  “I don’t get it. Are you sure you’re saying something humans can understand?”

  Bai Xi glanced at him helplessly and sighed, “Are you sure you have Eastern lineage?”

  Ye Qingxuan pointed at his hair. “I thought this was obvious.”

  “Let me just ask you one thing: did you know that in the East, many people have black hair?” Bai Xi prodded Ye Qingxuan.

  “Huh?” Ye Qingxuan’s entire world view was flipped and thrown out the window. “Isn’t it white?!”

  “White hair is rare in the East. There’s maybe one per thousand people. You saw during the afternoon, right? Yunlou’s procession had many black-haired female officials. In the East, it’s a celebratory event to have a white-haired baby. It’s a sign of Avatism—you’re born with characteristics of your ancestors. And you have the potential to become a Musician. This type of person is known as ‘Deva.’ Every white-haired child is accepted by the Imperial Academy to study as a musician. But the success rate is probably around thirty percent.”

  Ye Qingxuan had a headache. He thought he had heard Bai Xi wrong. “Wait, you said that out of three white-haired people, only one can become a musician?!”

  “That’s right. What’s the ratio in Anglo? One thousand to one?”

  After thinking for a moment, Ye Qingxuan shook his head, “Not even.”

  “Yeah, that’s why it’s rare.” Bai Xi toyed with her own hair, her face full of pride. “In Eastern legends, people come from the sky. The legends say, before the dark ages, everyone had the robes, beauty, white hair, and good wine of the Deva. Life was perfect and unbelievable. But later, the Deva became tainted and fell to Earth. Some began to forget their past and their hair gradually turned black in the mundane world. Only the elite still have their white hair. To protect their lineage, they can’t marry others.”

  “It’s that strict?” Ye Qingxuan stuttered, “Does it work?”

  “Don’t know. It’s been a few hundred years and many families have disappeared because of war and natural disasters. Other than the rare occasion of Atavism, there are only nine pureblood families. They’re known as the Dragon Bloodline Nine.” Bai Xi continued, “More than two-thirds of all Eastern musicians are from these nine families. They have a lot of secrets and techniques. Apparently, they’re all protected by artifacts that bless their families. Every descendant must be tested by the artifact in the Ancestral Hall when they come of age. If they pass, they’ll be enlightened. Maybe mysterious knowledge or sheet music appears in their minds. Or maybe it’s the even more treasured…talent. It’s a gift to the lineage and their eternal shackles.”

  “So is ‘Taiyi’ the Princess Yunlou’s talent?” Ye Qingxuan asked.

  Bai Xi chanted quietly, “An auspicious day, the pleased soldier and Emperor; stroke the long sword and jade earring, tinkling gems and glittering jewels…Of all the talents, ‘Taiyi’ is the most powerful one. It means dominance. This type of talent is known as the ‘Scepter’ in the West. Only high ranking musicians can have this power.”

  “You know a lot.” Ye looked at Bai Xi strangely. “Hey, cousin, are you a Dragon Bloodline girl who ran away from home?”

  “Cousin, you have such a creative imagination.” Bai Xi gazed at him with disdain. “But there’s only one elite family with the surname ‘Bai’ in the East, okay? It’s the regent who stole the country’s power thirty years ago—Bai Heng. But the rest of the family died when he caused all that trouble.” Saying this, she gestured with her pinkie finger like a hooligan, “If I’m his daughter, all I have to do is point with my finger, and everyone would rush over to beat up that Princess Yunlou.”

  “I suddenly feel that it’s a blessing to the citizens that you aren’t a princess.” A sharp pain suddenly came from the back of Ye Qingxuan’s head. Bai Xi had pulled out a strand of his hair. She also pulled out one of her own and put them together, comparing the two.

  “Hey, what are you doing?”

  “Nothing, just making sure.” Bai Xi waved him away, focusing on the two strands of white hair, making noises of surprise.

  If one looked closely, it was clear that their hair was different. While Bai Xi’s hair was a pure silver white, Ye Qingxuan’s hair had a light shade of golden yellow flowing through it. It was easy to miss if one did not pay attention.

  “A mixed blood’s white hair…it’s incredible, no matter what.”

  “Is it really weird?” Ye Qingxuan asked.

  “I already told you. Only purebloods can have white hair. I’ve never heard of a mix with white hair. The first time I saw you, I thought you dyed your hair. Even if they’re both Easterners, if a Deva and commoner married, their children would lose the white hair gene. How powerful must your father’s lineage be?” She paused, her expression twisting into shock, “You…are you the bastard child of some big elite family?”

  “Your imagination is too wild.” Ye Qingxuan knocked the side of her head, interrupting her. “My father was an average musician. My mother wasn’t anyone special either. Let’s end this topic here.”

  “What a pity,” Bai Xi murmured. “If you’re a pureblood, then you can become a musician, even if you’re mute.”

  Ye Qingxuan stayed silent for a long time before suddenly chuckling. “What’s pitiable about things like this?” He paused then said, “Okay, let’s go. We should head
back.” Ye Qingxuan shook his head. Pushing aside the memories of the past, he stood up.

  “Oh,” Bai Xi replied quietly. She was not very willing. It was rare to be out, and she had not had enough fun yet.

  Seeing her unwillingness, Ye Qingxuan laughed. Maybe he could bring her outside more often if they had more delivery or procuring chores.

  Just as they turned to leave, an ancient voice sounded behind them.

  41 Reward

  “S-sorry, sir and madam, do you know where Hilda Alley is?” A lost old woman opened her eyes wide and stared at the two before her, her eyes hopeful. She wore an old head scarf, with messy white hair peeking out from under it. She looked very old, her pallor like tallow. There was a small parcel in her arms. It seemed that she had been lost for a long time. She wandered and paced around the square, but a passerby had thought she was a beggar and shooed her away.

  Her lips trembled, but she did not know what to say. She stammered out, “Please help me. I’ve been looking for the whole day.”

  “I don’t know. Go find it yourself.” The little girl rolled her eyes and waved the woman away. “I’m busy.”

  “Bai Xi.” Ye Qingxuan raised his voice, his eyes becoming stern. “Be polite.”

  Under his stare, Bai Xi’s annoyed expression faltered. Finally, it became helplessness, and she grudgingly pointed at a random direction, “There.”

  Ye Qingxuan sighed and lowered her finger. Sighing again, he told the old woman, “We’ll pass by Hilda Alley on our way back. If you do not think we walk too slowly, we can take you along.”

  The old woman’s mouth parted, as if dumbfounded. Her rheumy eyes were full of gratitude. “Thank you, kind sir. Otherwise, I…I wouldn’t know what to do.”

  “No problem. Come with me.” Ye Qingxuan smiled and, leaning on the cane, walked to the front to lead. Bai Xi followed him unhappily. Glaring at the woman, she muttered, “There are thousands of lost people in Avalon. Are you going to help all of them?”

  Ye Qingxuan lightly knocked her head, but did not reply.


  “Is this your first time in Avalon?” Ye Qingxuan started smalltalk with the old woman on the way back.

  “Call me Emma.” The old woman tottered slightly behind him, her eyes sad. “I spent my whole life herding sheep in the Highlands and never left. But my daughter passed away a few days ago and my son-in-law forced me out. My nephew wrote, saying I can come here, but I can’t find him…”

  Ye Qingxuan’s face blanched, and he pursed his lips, “I’m so sorry.”

  “There’s nothing to be sorry about,” Emma shook her head lightly. “My husband told me before that there will always be misfortunes in life. Sometimes you just have to bear it. He stayed by my side during all those hard days. Times are much better now. I can take it.”

  Bai Xi huffed, but did not say anything.

  The old lady didn’t seem to mind. Instead, she smiled and asked, “Are you and your sister from here?”

  “Sister?” Ye Qingxuan glanced at Bai Xi and chuckled. “I guess, but she’s been here longer. I’m new here too.”

  As the walk dragged on, Ye Qingxuan finally came to a halt. He turned into an alley behind a row of storefronts, and pointed to a corner not too far away. “Go from here and you’ll be close. I remember that not many people live in Hilda Alley. It’ll be easy to find him there.”

  Emma stopped and looked at Ye Qingxuan with gratitude. “Thank you so much for leading me. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  “It’s nothing. We should all help each other.” Ye Qingxuan smiled and nodded farewell.

  “People come with me. My nephew is a good kid. He’ll repay you.” Emma grabbed his hand, hoping for him to stay. “You have a good heart. I’ll be so sorry if you aren’t rewarded.”

  “It’s okay.” Ye Qingxuan smiled, but when he tried to pull his hand back, he could not. He tried again, but the old woman had his hand in a death grasp. The wrinkled palm felt smooth and sticky like a dead snake. He could not escape.

  He gasped, looking up at the aged woman. Emma was still smiling, happiness was written all over her wrinkled features. But her green eyes were devoid of any lonely fear—instead, they were chillingly sinister.

  “Just as you said, we should all help each other.” She grasped Ye Qingxuan’s hand, nails digging into his skin. Her hoarse voice was still filled with empty gratitude. “Sir, you are a good person. Won’t you help me again?” Her lips cracked open like she was mouthing something. The air was penetrated with the sound of icicles cracking.

  Ye Qingxuan’s vision went black, as if he were thrown into an avalanche. The instant coldness sapped all his energy, almost forcing him to his knees.

  “Hey, old hag, what are you doing?” Bai Xi finally felt that something was wrong. She rushed over, trying to free Ye Qingxuan’s hand. But she was caught with a backhand grasp. “Be polite, little girl. Impolite kids don’t sell well.”

  Emma’s voice went from hoarse to sharp. In the sun’s dying light, her eyes shimmered with a green glow, like a demon. Ignoring Bai Xi’s kicks, Emma grasped her chin, studying her. “So similar…” She laughed. “So similar.”

  In the scuffle, a piece of folded white paper fell from her sleeve and into a puddle. There was a side portrait printed on it. Dirtied from the water, the girl in the portrait was still identical with Bai Xi.

  Ye Qingxuan gaped. He opened his mouth but could not find his voice. There was something wrapped around his neck, almost suffocating him.

  Bai Xi’s lips trembled, unable to fight back.

  The old ragged woman chanted quietly, her lips moving silently. There seemed to be a black hole inside her body. A disgusting scent accompanied her breaths, as if her body was rotting. It was like a spider web, noiselessly slithering around the two, taking away all ability to move.

  “Come with me. Return to where you should go. They’ve been waiting for a long time.” Emma scratched the girl’s face with a sharp fingernail, taking in the fear that radiated from her eyes. “Do you still remember what I said? There will always be misfortunes in life. Sometimes, you just have to bear with it.” She laughed quietly. In that empty alley, her laughter echoed throughout, spreading through the air. A shadow swayed, wrapping around Ye Qingxuan’s limbs and throat, like seaweed in the deep ocean.

  And so the pain increased, but he could only fight painfully in the asphyxiating misery.

  “Don’t…” Bai Xi whispered, pupils dilating.

  “Come, don’t be afraid. Come with me.” Smiling, Emma held onto her hand. Bai Xi moved forward like a puppet, going down the eerie alley.

  Suffocating, Ye Qingxuan crawled on the ground. He wanted to grab onto her clothes, but he had no control over his limbs. He had never seen Bai Xi so scared, frightened, terrified, as if she was going to fall into hell, or somewhere even worse.

  “Don’t…” Under invisible shackles, the girl opened and closed her mouth, trying to speak. But her voice was weak, like someone trying to say their last words. It trembled, filled with terror, “…Don’t.” Her features suddenly twisted, as if under the most extreme pain. Her body started shaking.

  Emma halted, looking down in shock. Something was vibrating in her sleeve, like water boiling.

  A sudden wind blew through the large sleeves, revealing Emma’s wrinkly skin and a strange symbol carved into the skin. The music note embedded into her skin was shaking and blurring.

  A huge strength surged within Bai Xi’s body. It refused to be controlled. It grew wilder, crazily rushing forward, not even caring that Bai Xi’s skin was already cracked open. Her music note was out of control!

  Emma furrowed her brows, pressing down on her shoulder. A wail like the cry of a ghost sang in the air. Like prey being strangled by a cobra, Bai Xi’s bones sounded as if they would crack soon.

  Bai Xi’s shoulder shook. She stared at the palm holding her down and finally said something, her voice sharp and fearful, “Don’t touch me!”
/>   Bang!

  An immense tidal wave burst from Bai Xi’s body, shattering the invisible confines. The burst could almost be seen, tearing a giant hole in her clothes.

  Emma’s deathly wail was finally silenced. She let out a cry and stumbled backwards, doubling over with coughs and hacks. A few broken metal teeth, and strands of sticky blood spurted from her mouth, falling onto the ground. Under the dying light, the seven crevices of the copper teeth whistled in the breeze.

  Ye Qingxuan felt his confines disappear with the crying. There was no time to think. He rushed over and lifted the weak Bai Xi, running straight toward the alley in front of him.

  The burly man at the entrance of the alley wanted to stand up, but before he could stop Ye Qingxuan, something fell into his arms. It was a high quality cane, polished and radiating with a sweet fragrance. But then a youth grasped it, stabbing into the man’s heart like a spear.

  “Get out of my way!” The youth’s features twisted. The next moment, the youth’s action were deadly, like a street gangster’s. As if something awakened inside him, his eyes were no longer warm, but filled with unspeakable anger.

  As he stabbed the cane forward, he pressed on with all of his and Bai Xi’s weight. The man fell over quickly, clutching his chest.

  Holding the girl in his arms, Ye Qingxuan had no time to pick up his cane. Stumbling, he fled.


  Emma, still coughing in the original spot, bent down to pick up a tooth, studying it closely. It was covered with holes that looked like facial features. It could be taken as a disfigured face at a glance. The tooth had fallen because the insides were shattered.

  The woman’s features twisted. Her green eyes were sinister, like a wilted dahlia. The tooth was made with white copper and heavy metal, strong and resistant. When the musician craftsman made the seven crevices, it had become a high quality instrument. Paired with the tattoos, even the most average person would be able to channel the power of a music note. It was strange and secretive, difficult to fight against.

  “That d*mned little b*tch!” she yelled hoarsely. It echoed and harmonized with faraway sounds, and her emerald eyes grew icy, “You can’t run from me!”


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