Book Read Free

Silent Crown

Page 114

by Feng Yue

The badge vibrated and made a crisp sound. With the press of a finger, a light display jumped from the badge, showing the results of all students. Of the top ten, Banner was the first. He was three hundred points away from second place.

  There were not many students like him who had an enormous amount of resources and underwent Deva sensing to officially become a musician after a few months in the school. Usually, those at this level could already request graduation. In fact, there were many in this class that paid money but were still in the Rhythm level.

  With help from Gavin’s followers in the student council, it was natural that he was first. Banner reread the top ten list multiple times. After confirming that the white-haired b*stard was not in it, he nodded in satisfaction.

  “What about that guy I told you to watch?” Banner asked.

  “That Easterner?” Cullen thought for a moment. “The last message was that he argued with his female companion and seemed sad. He sat down and didn’t move.”

  “He’s like this because of a girl? I thought too highly of him.” Banner sneered and put his school badge back. “Then let him keep spacing out. We need to hurry. The enchantment’s going to change soon. Everyone group together and don’t get lost.”

  Under his command, the people crowded over. Someone cast a music score to connect everyone. Cullen lowered his head and hummed something as he bent over to draw a white line on the ground. The head and tail of the line connected, forming a ring around all of them.

  The moment they finished, the bell sounded in the air again. The ringing resonated. The seemingly tangible bell stirred the air, creating ripples that spread outward. Everything in its path blurred.

  In the shaking, everyone’s visions swam. In their dizziness, they could only feel the white mist rise out of nothing and swallow everything.

  Before, the students were able to transform freely and the setting was in the campus that everyone was familiar with. It was time for the students to grow accustomed to the trial. But now, the short period was over.

  All graduating students must choose a ballot and accept the object they were required to mimic. The setting would also be transformed into a random corner of the city, according to the aether memory read by the Requiem. Without a doubt, everything would become more complex and unfamiliar.

  The mist changed dramatically and the bell rang.

  Commotion could be heard deep within the mist, like the low voices of passerby and the loud voices of peddlers. The mist dispersed quickly and the blazing sun once again shone down on everyone’s heads. They were met with a dense stream of people.

  Within the slowly disappearing white ring, Banner’s group were jostled and squeezed. They could barely stand straight. Looking around themselves, their expressions turned ugly.

  “F*ck,” Cullen muttered. They had really hit the jackpot this time…

  Under the bells of the tram carriages, the crowd surged at the large intersection. The passerby bustling against each other turned into a dense wave of people. There were peddlers pushing their carts along the road, fortune tellers sitting in the messy alleys with their crystal balls and homeless beggars with ragged overalls and shirts.

  A carriage brushed past them. The old elite inside leaned on his cane and glared at the passerby outside. There was also a strange family emblem branded into the side of the carriage. It really looked like some elite’s carriage.

  “Hey, what are you all doing there?” A mounted policeman wearing a copper helmet walked. He knocked his baton against his shoulder and examined them. “Is this your first time in Avalon? Stop blocking traffic.”

  They jumped to the side as if they had just woken from a dream and watched as the carriages galloped across the street on either side under the policeman’s conducting. Was this really the Royal Academy of Music?

  Cullen sucked in a deep breath, confirming that he had not seen it incorrectly.

  Yes, welcome to the heart of Avalon, the most flourishing part of the city—Queen’s Avenue!


  Amidst the dense crowd on the long street, Ye Qingxuan stuck his hands in his pockets and strolled lazily, looking around. He hummed an unclear tune and murmured some words. At times, he would suddenly grab a person created from the enchantment and ask some questions like a prank. He would walk, stop, touch around and look around.

  In the end, he even stopped by the old man playing an instrument on the street. He knew the man was fake, but he still pulled some coins out and tossed it into the man’s hat.

  Behind him, the cautiously following students exchanged confused glances. Someone asked quietly, “It’s already been half an hour. What is he doing?”

  “…” The students were silent. Someone asked weakly, “Maybe he’s…shopping?”

  188 You Don’t Have What I Use

  “Maybe he’s…shopping?”

  Hearing this, the surrounding people all shot gazes that said, “Are you an idiot?”

  Someone said, “It’s impossible even if you think with your *ss. Who would have the mind to shop during the trial?!”

  “What are you talking about?” A voice full of curiosity sounded behind them.

  “We’re following that East…” Someone turned around and his voice stopped abruptly as his eyes and mouth widened.

  Behind them, the Eastern kid held a large paper bag and cocked his head as he gazed at them with cool eyes. He seemed dangerous. “Why are you following me?”

  “N-nothing…” Everyone shook their heads like a rattle drum. Some brave person rubbed his hands and went forward, asking with a fawning smile, “Concertmaster Ye, you haven’t done anything in awhile. Are you investigating?”

  “Are you an idiot? I’m shopping.” As if it was logical, Ye Qingxuan pulled a donut from the paper bag. He stuffed it in his mouth, chewed, and nodded slowly. “As expected of the requiem that soothed one’s mind. It’s just like the real one.” Seeing everyone’s shocked expressions, he pulled a baguette from the bag. “Want one?”

  All students shook their head blankly.

  “What…are you doing?” someone murmured to himself.

  “Eating?” Ye Qingxuan was looking down on their intelligence more and more. “I haven’t eaten lunch yet.”

  “But it’s all fake!”

  “Then y’all can just stay hungry.” Ye Qingxuan scanned them and looked away. He stuffed the last donut into his mouth and licked the powder on his fingers. “I’m in a bad mood right now. If I’m hungry, my mood will be even worse. I have to calm myself down, for your safety.”

  “…” Hearing his voice, the group did not know what to say. At this time, were they supposed to thank Concertmaster Ye for being merciful and not killing them, or feel bad for themselves?

  “Whatever. Just follow me if you want. You’re just wasting time.” Ye Qingxuan shook his head and turned to leave without looking at them.

  “Yo, Concertmaster Ye!” A jeering voice sounded not so far away and Ye Qingxuan sighed. It was them again?

  Bart was leading a group of Revelations students to search for traces there. When he saw Ye Qingxuan, his expression grew mocking and he asked ‘warmly,’“How’s your grade?”

  How was his grade? How good could it be? It has been almost four hours since the start and Ye Qingxuan had only found two people. He had passed, compared to regular students, but it was far from enough for a concertmaster. In fact, one could not even find his name on the rankings.

  This made many of the people who did not like him happy. Many had already decided secretly to question his concertmaster qualifications after the trial.

  Someone beside Bart took Ye Qingxuan’s badge and let out a laugh. “There’s only two. Bart, stop asking.”

  “What? Only two? That few?” Bart put on a shocked and confused expression, but could not hide his glee. “I already found dozens. How come you only have two?” With that, he moved closer and revealed a ‘friendly’ smile. “Do you need my help? To be honest, I can give you two if you follow me.”
  “Bart, I’m busy. It’s best if you don’t get in my way.” Chewing on his bread, the youth’s face was expressionless, but his eyes were pure black like a deep well. Merely staring at it would make one feel eerie wind against one’s face.

  Ye Qingxuan’s voice was gentle as he said, “To be honest, I’m not in a good mood right now. Don’t waste my time. Tell your people to move out of my way.”

  Hearing his words, Bart was angered. He sneered and nodded, waving behind him. “Okay, everyone move out of Concertmaster Ye’s way.” He paused and called tauntingly, “Since you’re so busy, why don’t we call everyone over to see what Concertmaster Ye is playing?”

  “That’s a good boy. So obedient.” Ye Qingxuan reached out casually to ruffle Bart’s hair, causing the fake smile on his face to crack.

  He glared at Ye Qingxuan. “You…”

  Before he could finish, Ye Qingxuan exploded. He suddenly smashed his fist on the face of a random student in the group, pushing him down. A flurry of punches and kicks followed. The baguette and donut in Ye Qingxuan’s hands, and the hot canned coffee and the few pounds of change in his bag, were all used. The beating was like wind sweeping away the broken clouds!

  Everyone was stunned. Bart’s expression changed and his face darkened. “Ye Qingxuan! Are you crazy? What are you doing?!”

  Ye Qingxuan had finally let out his anger, but he kicked the unfortunate soul one more time, as if he had not had enough. Finally, he pulled out his school badge and shone it on the boy.


  Crack! Under everyone’s dazed eyes, the student on the ground broke apart and disappeared with a flash. A curse traveled from thin air.

  Silence. Everyone stared with their mouths open.

  “You asked what I’m doing?” Ye Qingxuan rose, slowly tidied up his collar, and cocked his head at Bart. “A mimic got into your group and you didn’t even know. How are you a leader?”

  “B-b-but he…”

  Ye Qingxuan shook his head. “No one said you can’t mimic a student.”

  Hearing this, his group of followers was stunned. Their expressions became guarded and they stared at each other, gripping their badges and ready to examine the most suspicious one.

  “Stop looking. There isn’t one in you,” Ye Qingxuan drawled. “I already checked.” He paused and his lips curled. “It’s a pity.”

  “…” The students were speechless, but their eyes grew bitter. What was pitiful about it? Now they finally understood that Ye Qingxuan had come over for a chat to look for suspicious targets. Once found, he was ready to turn against them and fight. He was too cruel. Where was the trust between people?

  “No!” Bart stared at him and suddenly asked, “What music score did you use? There’s no way you discovered him and I didn’t…”

  “No point in asking. You don’t have what I use.” Bart’s expression grew more humiliated and angry. He had the urge to rip Ye Qingxuan apart. “Not many people would notice that the uniforms of the different schools are made from different workshops. So the fabric will be slightly different too.” Ye Qingxuan asked coolly, “Wouldn’t you think something was wrong if a Revelations student’s uniform fabric is the sea silk from Modifications?”

  “Just with that?” Someone was completely stunned.

  Ye Qingxuan shrugged. “It’s just wasting ten points anyway. I have to try if there’s the possibility.”

  “Still…you still can’t hit him!” Bart filled in angrily. “What if you hit the wrong person?”

  “Then that’s your problem.” With one last glance, Ye Qingxuan turned to leave. His voice came from the distance, “Who told you to be so annoying? It won’t be a pity even if I hit the wrong person.”


  The manticore’s roar came from the sewer. Soon, the giant human-faced lion broke through, a rusty plaque stuck on its tail. Banner petted the manticore’s head and pulled out his badge. Shining it on the plaque, it broke and disappeared.

  “Number forty-five!” Someone beside him nodded in admiration and opened the badge to check the rankings. “You’re already four hundred points ahead of second place!”

  “Very good, Banner. Keep up the pace.” Cullen nodded approvingly. “Indeed, you’re Gavin’s brother.”

  “I don’t need you to teach me.” Banner gazed at Cullen coolly, causing his smile to stiffen. “Let’s change places. This place has basically been cleaned out.”

  With that, he turned to leave. Cullen was speechless but he could only follow. Behind him, the student responsible for keeping count and checking the ranks let out a shocked noise.

  “Wait, this isn’t right,” he muttered. Scanning the changes in the ranking, his eyes trembled slightly. “Is someone cheating?”

  “What’s wrong?” Cullen looked back.

  “Up ahead, graduating students have started getting caught continuously starting just now. The speed is…unnatural.” The student thought for the right adjective for a long while. His expression grew grave. “Someone’s cheating.”

  “That’s impossible. The executive office is watching the entire thing.” Cullen shook his head. “Maybe Modifications has started using destructive tests?”

  Those destructive maniacs could definitely do that! A group had already done a full-out search in the beginning. They did not care whether something was a mimic or not. They just burned everything! Some unlucky soul would be captured after testing everything that had not been burned.

  But after the setting change, people had appeared. If students made purposeful damages, the fake police would not turn a blind eye! In fact, a few students had already been shot by the mounted policemen.

  It was still possible for Modifications to go all-or-nothing, but the answer made Cullen freeze.

  “He’s not from Modifications.”

  Cullen furrowed his brows. “Then which school is he?”

  “There’s no marking before his name. He’s not part of any school…” The student in charge of the rankings paused and gazed cautiously at the expressionless Banner. “Banner, you have to take a look!”

  Banner’s eyes grew cold. Cullen looked over and his expression grew shocked when he saw the name shooting up from the bottom, charging across the ranking freely like a hearse.


  Eighty-ninth place: Ye Qingxuan; seventy-sixth place: Ye Qingxuan; sixty-third place, sixtieth, fifty-second…thirtieth…twentieth…fifteenth…

  Finally, the drifting hearse broke through powerfully and rushed to the top of the rankings. Not too long after, it squeezed into the top ten. The chart had not yet refreshed fully and it left the name behind in its path.

  Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan…f*ck Ye Qingxuan. Why was it all Ye Qingxuan?

  The count behind his name had reached a dumbfounding number in five short minutes.

  Thirty-five? An average of seven per minute? He found one mimic every ten seconds on average?

  “Impossible!” Cullen chewed on his lip and his expression was panicked. “Didn’t we send people to watch over him? What music score is he using? Is it some rare score handed down through generations?”

  Someone pulled out an alchemy accessory and spoke to it with his head down. He quickly received a reply and his expression changed as if he had seen a ghost. He verified it three times.

  “He—he…” The student was tongue-tied. “He never used any music scores.”

  “Are you kidding?!” Cullen roared in anger. “Then is he using his mouth to talk it through?”

  The student’s expression gave Cullen a bad feeling. He gulped and said seriously, “Actually, that’s possible.”

  189 Stage

  On the long avenue, a galloping carriage suddenly stopped and disappeared in a flash, revealing the youth behind it, and the dumbfounded group behind him.

  “Design mistake.” Ye Qingxuan shook his head. “What kind of carriage has uneven wheels and can still be so stable and fast?” Passing through the graduating stud
ent’s remaining shocked apparition, he continued forward. In passing, he flashed his badge on a sign beside the road.

  “F*ck!” the sign yelped and quickly disappeared.

  Ye Qingxuan side-eyed him. “The perspective is completely wrong. Go back and study again. How bad does a woodworker have to be to make a sign like that?” Continuing forward, he slapped his badge on a streetlight. Looking up at it, his eyes were reluctant as he sighed. “Tell me truthfully, what streetlight looks like a chimney?”

  The streetlight shook. It turned to light before it could reply. His wail dispersed in the air, “Is it my fault for being fat…”

  Ye Qingxuan continued. The dazed students behind him had already turned into zombies. They followed his each step and had lost all capability to think. What was going on? Seriously, what was going on?

  Why did this world suddenly become so weird? Where were the professors? There seemed to be something wrong…

  Under everyone’s stares, Ye Qingxuan suddenly halted. He turned and entered the crowd. The students moved, quickly getting out of his way. They watched as he took a right and entered a café.

  The enthusiastic server greeted him. “How may I take your order?”

  Ye Qingxuan ignored him and pushed him away, entering the café. Outside the window, everyone saw clearly as Ye Qingxuan walked past the bar, lounge and stopped by the corner. He looked up at the oil painting and seemed to say something.

  The painting did not move and did not reply.

  Ye Qingxuan narrowed his eyes and snatched the lighter on a nearby table. With a crack, he lit the fire and held it close to the painting.

  “If you don’t own up, I’m going to burn you.”

  “Wait, wait, don’t! Don’t burn!” The painting actually moved and climbed down from the wall. “What’s wrong with my mimicry? I checked!”

  “Go back and study art history.” Ye Qingxuan mercilessly lit the painting on fire. “This entire street is decorated with classicism, which was popular centuries ago. Why would there be a Rococo wall painting from one hundred years later? It’s too obvious.” He flashed his school badge and the burning oil painting disappeared without a trace, save for a pile of hemp ash on the ground.


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