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Silent Crown

Page 163

by Feng Yue


  In the dark night, a giant eagle descended from the sky. After landing, the bones scraped, the feathers changed, and it transformed into an old man with a black robe. His face was still sinister, like an eagle, and inhumanly cold. He looked at the man on the long bench.

  “Well met. I am the head of the parliament,” the man said. “You can call me Robin.”

  The eagle demon looked down at him as if sizing him up. After a while, he nodded curtly. “Malpas. In the human world, just call me Malpas.”

  The robin nodded.

  Malpas’s voice was monotonous but he was clearly displeased. “I thought the White Raven would come meet me.”

  “The White Raven? I haven’t seen him in a long time.” The Robin glanced and pointed at himself. “You must know that I’m in charge of things. I’m the only main priest of lord Hyakume. The others aren’t important.”

  “You replaced him?” Malpas’s eyes were suspicious. “I can’t see how you’re more powerful.”

  “It’s just a replacement.” The Robin furrowed his brows. “If you can find the White Raven, then go find him. Otherwise, let’s move on from meaningless matters.”

  After pondering, Malpas nodded. He tossed a crystal eye into the Robin’s lap. “As per Hyakume’s order, this is what my wings have brought back. According to him, you’ll be in charge of this mission. Not many have entered Avalon so you must use them carefully. We’ve already lost six men to the Ripper last night.”

  “I know.” The Robin put the eye into his sleeve. “Don’t worry. After all, the Ripper had killed believers of the lord. I’ve already asked the lord to place a mark on him.” With that, he opened his hand. There was a red mark on his palm—it was a distorted eyeball. “Hyakume has the Ripper in his eye. He won’t live for long.”

  “Since this is the lord’s decree, I will obey it.” Malpas lowered his eyes and asked, “There’s also the Vengeful Spirit. He’s always in the way. Is there a punishment for him?”

  “He’s just a clown. I can take care of him,” the Robin said lightly.

  “I remember he defeated you twice.”

  “I can take care of him.” The Robin’s voice grew sinister. “I have my own thoughts. You needn’t worry or care.”

  Malpas stared deeply into him. After a while, he understood something and nodded. “As you wish. The hatred between humans is too much of a hassle.”

  His body suddenly scattered a bit. The eagle head flickered back; he could barely maintain his human figure. Looking up, he saw the fleeting rainbow in the night sky. It was Avalon’s enchantment.

  The rainbow hung in the air, sweeping in all directions. It would arrive soon. At that time, Malpas would be unable to hide his catastrophic power.

  “It seems that I must go.” Malpas sighed and took a step back. He unfurled his strange gray wings. A feather with the length and sharpness of a blade fell and floated toward the Robin. It curled in the air until the feather transformed into a black iron bell. The fist-sized bell landed in the Robin’s hands. It was heavy yet cold to the touch, and he could vaguely hear an eagle’s cry.

  “To call me, ring the bell.” The black shadow soared into the sky, yet the heavy voice seemed to hover in every inch of the sky, vibrating. “I am omnipresent.”

  265 Sudden Happiness

  The eagle soared into the sky and disappeared in the night. The Robin looked up into the night sky, not looking away until a long while later. He scoffed.

  “He’s gone?” A figure walked silently out of the shadow of a tree behind him. He gazed in the direction Malpas disappeared with mock interest. “The demon transformed from his shell and was given an aetheric body by the natural catastrophe. From a certain aspect, ‘omnipresent’ is not an empty word. It’ll be more convenient now that you have this. Ring the bell and he’ll immediately descend from thousands of miles away. Fast and speedy. Seems like the lord truly trusts and loves you, my priest.”

  The Robin glanced at him. “Naberius, you’re late.”

  Naberius was a middle-aged man. The hair on his temples was graying and his hands were stuffed in his sleeve cuffs. He looked like bookish scholar—not a bit like a dark musician.

  Hearing the Robin’s accusation, he just chuckled. “I was actually early, but Malpas is still a messenger who represents the natural catastrophe. I do not dare approach him. After all, I’m not the type of person who likes to play around with contracts. It’s one thing to take advantage. It’s another to hang around a god and annoy them.”

  “Whose fault is it that you thought yourself clever and found a loophole while exchanging with a natural catastrophe? You were locked in the Resonance level for eighty years by the god. I thought you’d learn after that punishment.”

  Naberius was not angry. He just shook his head and sighed. “That’s how I am. I can’t help it. Taking advantage of a natural catastrophe is difficult. I ought to suffer some losses too.”

  “Next I will start preparing to explore Elizabeth’s Tower.” The Robin handed him a blood-colored conch. “The Vengeful Spirit is for you.”

  “That’s a small matter.”

  “Small matters should be done seriously, shouldn’t they?” The Robin glanced at him coldly. “You’ve slaved for so many years for your crime. You don’t want to have done it all in vain, right?”

  “Of course.” Naberius glanced casually at the holy symbol before the Robin’s chest. The Eye Within the Eye seemed to be staring at him. One was smiling lightly, the other was cold and shrouded in darkness. “With your blessing.” Naberius bowed politely and left, disappearing into the darkness.


  The Royal Academy of Music was bright and sunny in the afternoon. The warm sunlight passed through the window and shone on Old Phil, covering him with a layer of gold. He looked so holy, so stalwart, so…majestic. Passing him, the sunlight shone on the bowl of aromatic ribs and the youth prostrated before it.

  “Boss, I’m relying on you this time.” Ye Qingxuan grasped its front paws with anticipating eyes. “You have to help me! Please just guide the path. I really need to get into Avalon’s Shadow. Oh, and can you come take me out again when I give you the signal?”

  “…” Old Phil did not reply. Of course, dogs could not speak. However, its disdainful eyes seemed to be reprimanding the failure before him.

  “Yes, yes, yes, you’re right!” Ye Qingxuan scooted over shamelessly and petted his fur. “I’m so weak. I can’t be compared to you, Boss! Right? Humans are stupid, so can you please be kind and merciful and show me the way? I’ll give you anything! Ribs, lobsters.”

  Old Phil glanced at him and then looked away coldly.

  As Ye Qingxuan was still lying on the ground awkwardly, he heard a confused voice behind him. “Cousin, what are you doing?”

  “Uh…” Ye Qingxuan froze. He squeezed out a smile and chuckled. “Aha, I thought the weather was nice today. I want Old Phil to take me out.”

  “It’s walking the dog but why does it look like Old Phil’s walking you?” Bai Xi’s lips curled. “Oh, and you looked really stupid.”

  “All geniuses are mad,” Ye Qingxuan said, trying to keep his pride. “My intelligence has already exceeded the limit, so just stop talking if you don’t understand.”

  “Ha.” It was rare to have a chance to make fun of Ye Qingxuan, so Bai Xi obviously would not let it go easily. After munching on baked seeds for a while, she petted Old Phil. “It’s rare to see him so pathetic. Can’t you just help him? Take us out later to play, please?”

  Old Phil glanced at Ye Qingxuan. Finally, he nodded unwillingly.

  For some reason, Ye Qingxuan had the urge to cry. Times were changing and Old Phil’s top follower had somehow turned into Bai Xi. No wonder his words were useless. All those years of hardships together were nothing compared to a few words from a little girl. Ye Qingxuan felt wronged and dejected. Seeing him like that, Bai Xi snorted proudly and patted Old Phil.

  “I’m going upstairs to get something
. Wait for me.”

  Watching Bai Xi leave, Old Phil rose lazily. He slapped the youth with his tail, telling him to follow.

  After twists and turns, they left from the school’s back door and entered a deserted alley. Old Phil squatted on the floor and eyed Ye Qingxuan. He barked like a hooligan driver looking at his client, asking where to go.

  “As long as it’s in Avalon’s Shadow.” Ye Qingxuan rubbed his hands with a fawning smile. “If possible, I’d like there to be demons nearby.”

  Old Phil nodded. It offhandedly pushed aside a manhole and barked. This time, the meaning was much simpler. It was just one word: Jump!

  “Uh…” Ye Qingxuan looked at the heavy smoke somehow rising from the sewer. There was also the pungent odor that just felt unreliable. “Is this okay?”

  Woof! Old Phil was starting to get impatient. It meant, Jump if you want but don’t waste my time.

  “Fine, fine, I’ll jump! I’ll jump!” Ye Qingxuan sighed inwardly. Old Phil’s temper was getting worse and worse but what could Ye Qingxuan do? Would he have to act so servile whenever he wanted to get in and out of Avalon’s Shadow in the future? The nice and cooperative Old Phil had changed.

  Crying silently, Ye Qingxuan gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, closed his eyes, and jumped.

  Plop. And no more sound.

  Old Phil quietly gazed at the fog that had swallowed the youth for a long time. Then it nodded, put the manhole back, and left with its tail wagging. The alley was quiet once again.


  Plop. Ye Qingxuan felt like he had jumped into some messed up pool. His surroundings were suddenly covered with something sticky. As he struggled wildly, he suddenly lost balance and crashed against the wall. In the darkness, he lit a lantern. The fog dissipated slowly.

  The Blood Path flowed forward in this deserted and deadly still sewage tunnel. It was like blood rushing in a vessel, guiding him to an unknown place.

  “I really got in?”

  Ye Qingxuan froze. He quickly tossed his heavy bag to the ground. He put on the heavy coat and various equipment from the bag and folded it, hanging it to his waist, after checking everything. He snapped out his cane and carefully walked forward. Avalon’s Shadow was creepy. Who knew what he would run into this time?

  As he walked silently, his steps suddenly halted and he looked in all directions. The boy’s singing had started again. Maybe it was because he was wearing the hat, but this time, it was clearer. The boy was practically singing into his ear. He could even feel the singer’s cold breaths. He spun around but there was nothing there.

  “The king and his helpers kidnapped the queen, imprisoning her in dreams…” It was this song again. It haunted the city’s shadow like a curse. Every corner, every inch, was filled with this chilling hatred and evil.

  After a long, long time, it was still there. It was just lingering in the ear, in the wind, and the broken sounds. If one listened, one would sense it.

  Ye Qingxuan sucked in a breath and ignored it.

  The Blood Path had disappeared.

  He had re-entered Avalon’s Shadow.


  When he finally pushed aside the manhole cover and climbed out of the sewer, the first thing he saw was a thick layer of cotton. The dusty cotton and thread was scattered all over the large room.

  One could vaguely make out that this was a large mansion. However, it was filled with strange eggs for some reason. Giant eggs the size of children were piled in the dust and cotton. He could see hundreds upon thousands at a glance. It was as if he had walked into an egg market.

  He stepped back instinctively. The sticky glue-like feeling underfoot finally made him think something was wrong.

  This was not cotton! The thing crisscrossing all over the large room was a giant spider web!

  Thud! A sound came from midair. Something like a giant cocoon fell down.

  Ye Qingxuan expressionlessly brushed away the webs on it and saw a corpse that had been sucked dry. He could vaguely make out the painful expression as it had died.

  Cracks and pops sounded above. Things in the dark seemed to have awoken and climbed down the webs, waving their bones. Ye Qingxuan looked up and saw the green ‘stars’ that filled the sky. Those were the compound eyes of countless spiders. They were staring at Ye Qingxuan with open mouths secreting liquid that represented their hunger.

  “Old Phil, you really understand me. You’re my soulmate!”

  The youth suddenly wanted to cry. When Old Phil had asked him where he wanted to go, he had said somewhere with many demons. So then Old Phil opened the door and…as expected, Old Phil never disappointed him. Indeed, there were many demons here…because Old Phil had led him to the demons’ nest!

  He was so happy to have such a caring friend. The demons looked happy too. They had been sleeping for so long that the bones had lost flavor. Today, something meaty had given himself up and he looked fresh.

  Anyway, everyone was happy, but this happiness was a bit too sudden.

  266 Thunder and Moonligh

  Soon, something humongous climbed out of the darkness. The giant shadow practically toppled the walls. A large compound eye appeared in the crack. Pungent wind surged behind it, along with a shrill shriek.

  Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop… All the giant eggs in the room cracked open. Oddly shaped spiders covered in stickiness climbed out. Struggling in the dust, their shells quickly hardened and became menacing.

  “It wants me to feed its kids?”

  With the sudden realization, Ye Qingxuan looked at the sea of spiders flying out of pores in above and around him. A mere glance was enough to see it was a terrifying amount.

  Though he could not rate the giant spider mother he had not yet seen, the other spiders were not very high quality. But if he added them together, it was enough for quantity to be over quality.

  Should he run? He looked down at the manhole cover. After short hesitation, he could not help but sigh.

  “Let me show you something good first!”

  Boom! He slammed the black iron cane on the ground. The majestic boom was the horn that represented the coming of dawn! The clanging of iron sounded continuously under the fast melody. The tangible sound hacked at the thick spider webs like an ax. The ringing stunned the newborn spiders.

  Dozens of long silver nails appeared out of thin air and pierced in all directions. They passed through the black wave of baby spiders and shot into the direction of the strange aura.

  Shrieking sounded instantly. Many half-transparent spiders appeared amidst the black mass of bodies. Their large tails shook. Pungent venom shot out and sizzled on the ground. Even their own brethren had melted.

  Ye Qingxuan felt chills. He thought he could practice with the babies! Why were there matured ones hiding amongst them?

  The dozens of long silver nails crisscrossed, piercing the faces of the transparent spiders. The scriptures carved onto them flashed with a blazing light and spat out burning flames. The fire that burned within the spiders used their flesh as fuel and burned gloriously. A burning ring instantly appeared around Ye Qingxuan.

  The melody was pressing to the point of suffocation. Under it, the flames danced like living beings. They melted into the rhythm and swallowed the endless spiders under Ye Qingxuan’s guidance.

  At the moment, it was a stalemate. The most pressing matter had been solved, but Ye Qingxuan began to sweat under the high pressure. Unfortunately, he had not prepared well enough. If he had time to prepare the materials needed for Night on Bald Mountain, he would be able to create a massacre.

  The dozens of silver nails were the materials for singing Night on Bald Mountain. If Ye Qingxuan could hire an alchemist to create a similar set for himself, he would have the confidence to face that giant spider mother. Unfortunately, that was expensive…Too expensive!

  Back when the Church’s Ministry of Faith was still called the Inquisition, they were known as the monster department. They used up to forty percent of the Church’s budge
t each year!

  At that time, the discipline musicians used this piece as their weapon. Pure silver flowed out from them like water. Lethality created by the buildup of money was more terrifying than any other type of power.

  They did not only use the sacred metals created by green gold and pure silver. They also used large amounts of holy water. All of that was money, money, money…

  If the Church was not the biggest financial support of the world, they would probably go bankrupt from this.

  For Ye Qingxuan’s financial status, the materials needed for strengthening was too much of a luxury.

  Boom! The entire nest of spider demons was shocked awake. The spider mother shrieked. At the same time, dozens of metallic spiders dropped from the air with incredible speed. However, Ye Qingxuan had already raised his cane. The amber gem at the tip brewed with thunder and lightning.

  “Do not let the three realms turn to ashes!”

  Lightning shot out and wrapped around the youth. Ye Qingxuan’s vision went black as he almost suffocated. It was a total overload to withstand the burden of Night on Bald Mountain and Indrah’s Eye at the same time!

  Boom! Boom! Boom! He guided the lightning to criss cross around him. The light brewed from blood was like a glowing pen that sketched with sharp strokes in the air. The beams of light converged rather than dissipating. They joined together, transforming into complex designs that one could not stare at for long. Then they scattered in all directions.

  Ye Qingxuan felt his blood dissipating quickly. He used all his energy to guide the lightning. Cracks appeared in the ground and air around him. The lightning died away in a snap of the finger.

  However, the complex cracks had already connected. The complicated music theory had completed its structure under the guidance of the lightning. As if they were made of silver, the complex notes crisscrossed and overlapped. They were branded into the stone, air, and pillars. They resonated with the wild aether, sucking dry the aether within a hundred meter radius!


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