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Newton Forster; Or, The Merchant Service

Page 44

by Frederick Marryat


  Their only labour is to kill the time; And labour dire it is, and weary woe. They sit--they lounge--turn o'er some idle rhyme; Then rising sudden--to the glass they go, Or saunter forth with loitering step and slow. _Castle of Indolence_.

  Captain Oughton who commanded the Windsor Castle was an original. Hisfigure was short and thickset, his face broad, and deeply pitted withthe small-pox, his nose an apology for a nose, being a small tuberclearising mid-way between his eyes and mouth, the former of which weresmall, the latter wide, and displaying a magnificent row of white teeth.On the whole, it was impossible to look in his face without beingimmediately struck with his likeness to a bull-dog. His temperament andhis pursuits were also analogous; he was a great pugilist, knew themerits of every man in the ring, and the precise date and circumstancesattending every battle which had been fought for the previous thirtyyears. His conversation was at all times interlarded with the slangterms appropriated to the science, to which he was so devoted. In otherpoints he was a brave and trust-worthy officer, although he valued thepractical above the theoretical branches of his profession, and wasbetter pleased when superintending the mousing of a stay or thestrapping of a block, than when "flooring" the sun, as he termed it, toascertain the latitude, or "breaking his noddle against the oldwoman's," in taking a lunar observation. Newton had been stronglyrecommended to him, and Captain Oughton extended his hand as to an oldacquaintance, when they met on the quarterdeck. Before they had taken adozen turns up and down, Captain Oughton inquired if Newton could handlethe mauleys; and on being answered in the negative, volunteered hisinstruction during their passage out.

  "You heard the end of it, I suppose?" said Captain Oughton, incontinuance.

  "The end of what, sir?"

  "What! why, the fight. Spring beat. I've cleared three hundred byhim."

  "Then, sir, I am very glad that Spring beat," replied Newton.

  "I'll back him against a stone heavier any day in the week. I've gotthe newspaper in the cabin, with the fight--forty-seven rounds; but wecan't read it now; we must see after these soldiers and their traps.Look at them," continued Captain Oughton, turning to a party of thetroops ordered for the passage, who were standing on the gangway andbooms; "every man Jack, with his tin pot in his hand, and his great-coaton. Twig the drum-boy, he has turned his coat--do you see, with thelining outwards to keep it clean. By Jove, that's a _wrinkle_!"

  "How many officers do you expect, Captain Oughton."

  "I hardly know, they make such alterations in their arrangements; fiveor six, I believe. The boat went on shore for them at nine o'clock.They have sent her back, with their compliments, seven times already,full of luggage. There's one lieutenant, I forget his name, whosechests alone would fill up the main-deck. There's six under thehalf-deck," said Captain Oughton, pointing to them.

  "Lieutenant Winterbottom," observed Newton, reading the name.

  "I wish to Heaven that he had remained the winter, or that his chestswere all to the bottom! I don't know where the devil we are to stowthem. O! here they come! Boatswain's mate, 'tend the side there."

  In a minute or thereabouts, the military gentlemen made their appearanceone by one on the quarter-deck, scrutinising their gloves as they badeadieu to the side-ropes, to ascertain if they had in any degree beendefiled by the adhesive properties of the pitch and tar.

  Captain Oughton advanced to receive them. "Welcome, gentlemen," saidhe, "welcome on board. We trip our anchor in half an hour. I am afraidthat I have not the pleasure of knowing your names, and must request thehonour of being introduced."

  "Major Clavering, sir," said the major, a tall handsome man, gracefullytaking off his hat; "the officers who accompany are (waving his handtowards them in succession) Lieutenant Winterbottom."

  Lieutenant Winterbottom bowed.

  "I've had the pleasure of reading Lieutenant Winterbottom's name severaltimes this forenoon," observed Captain Oughton, as he returned thesalute.

  "You refer to my luggage, I'm afraid, Captain Oughton?"

  "Why, if I must say it, I certainly think you have enough for ageneral."

  "I can only reply, that I wish my rank were equal to my luggage: but itis a _general_ complaint every time I have the misfortune to embark. Itrust, Captain Oughton, it will be the only one you will have to make ofme during the passage."

  Major Clavering, who had waited during this dialogue, continued--

  "Captain Majoribanks, whom I ought to apologise to for not havingintroduced first."

  "Not at all, major: you just heard the brevet rank which Winterbottom'sbaggage has procured him."

  "Not the first time a man has obtained rank through his `baggage,'"observed one of the officers, _sotto voce_.

  "Mr Ansell, Mr Petres, Mr Irving."

  The necessary bows were exchanged, and Mr Williams, the first-mate,desired to show the officers to their respective accommodations, when hewould be able to ascertain what part of their luggage was required, andbe enabled to strike the remainder down into the after-hold.

  As the officers followed the first-mate down the companion-ladder,Captain Oughton looked at Mr Ansell, and observed to Newton, "Thatfellow would _peel_ well."

  The Windsor Castle sailed, and in a few days was clear of the channel.Newton, whose thoughts were of Isabel Revel, felt not that regret atquitting the country, usually attached to those who leave all dear tothem behind. He knew that it was by following up his profession alonethat he ever could have a chance of obtaining her; and thisrecollection, with the hopes of again beholding the object of hisaffections, lightened his heart to joy, as the ship scudded across theBay of Biscay, before a North East gale. That he had little chance atpresent of possessing her, he knew; but hope leads us on, and no onemore than the youth who is in love.

  The table of Captain Oughton was liberally supplied, and the officersembarked proved (as they almost invariably do) to be pleasantgentlemanlike companions. The boxing-gloves were soon produced byCaptain Oughton, who soon ascertained that in the officer who "would_peel_ so well," he had found his match. The mornings were passed awayin sparring, fencing, reading, walking the deck, or lolling on thehen-coops upon the poop. The announcement of the dinner-hour was asignal for rejoicing; and they remained late at the table, doing amplejustice to the captain's excellent claret. The evening was finishedwith cards, cigars, and brandy _pawnee_. Thus passed the time away forthe first three weeks of the passage, during which period all partieshad become upon intimate terms.

  But the voyage is in itself most tedious, and more tedious to those whonot only have no duty to perform, but have few resources. As soon asthe younger officers thought they might take a liberty, they examinedthe hen-coops, and selecting the most promising looking cocks, trimmedthem for fighting; chose between themselves as their own property thosewhich they most approved of, and for some days fed and sparred them toget them into wind, and ascertain the proper way in which they should bespurred. In the mean time, two pair of spurs were by their directionsclandestinely made by the armourer of the ship, and when ready, theytook advantage of the time when Captain Oughton was every day employedwith the ship's reckoning, and the poulterer was at his dinner (viz,from twelve to one), to fight a main. The cocks which were killed inthese combats were returned to the hen-coops, and supposed by thepoulterer, who very often had a glass of grog, to have quarrelled withinthe bars.

  "Steward," said Captain Oughton, "why the devil do you give us so manyfowls for dinner? the stock will never last out the voyage: two roastfowls, two boiled fowls, curried fowl, and chicken pie! What can you bethinking of?"

  "I spoke to the poulterer on the subject, sir: he constantly brings medown fowls, and he tells me that they kill each other fighting."

  "Fighting! never heard of fowls fighting in a coop before. They must beall game fowls."

  "That they are, most of them," said Mr Petres; "I have often seen themfighting when I have been on the poop."
  "So have I," continued Ansell? "I have seen worse cocks in the pit."

  "Well it's very odd; I never lost a cock this way in all my voyages.Send the poulterer here; I must inquire about it."

  "Yes, sir," replied the steward; and he quitted the cabin.

  With the exception of the major, who knew nothing of the circumstances,the officers thought it advisable to de-camp, that they might not bepresent when the _denouement_ took place. The poulterer made hisappearance, was interrogated, and obliged in his own defence tocriminate the parties, corroborating his assertions by producing a pairof spurs found upon a cock, which had been killed, and thrown behind thecoop in a hurry at the appearance of Captain Oughton on deck.

  "I am sorry that my officers should have taken such a liberty," observedthe major, gravely.

  "O never mind, major, only allow me to be even with them; I shouldn'thave minded if I had seen the fighting. I think you said that you wouldlike to exercise your men a little this afternoon?"

  "I did; that is, if not inconvenient."

  "Not in the least, major; the quarter-deck is at your service. Ipresume you do not superintend yourself?"

  "Yes, I generally do."

  "Well, don't this time, but let all the officers; and then I shall beable to play them a little trick that will make us all square."

  Major Clavering consented. The officers were ordered up to drill theirmen. Captain Majoribanks and Mr Irving had one party at the platoonexercise.

  "Third man, your hand a little higher on the barrel of your musket. Asyou were; support--the word support is only a caution--arms,--too--too."

  "Two and two make four," observed one of the seamen.

  Lieutenant Winterbottom had another party on the lee-side of thequarter-deck. "Ram down--cartridge.--Number 12, slope your musket alittle more--_too--too_--only two taps at the bottom of the barrel.Return--ramrods. Number 4, why don't you draw up the heel of your rightleg level with the other? Recollect now, when you shoulder arms, tothrow your muskets up smartly.--Shoulder--as you were--the word shoulderis only a caution; shoulder--arms. Dress up a little Number 8, anddon't stick your stomach out in that way."

  Mr Ansell and Mr Petres had two fatigue parties on the poop, withoutmuskets. "To the right--face--to the right face. To the right--face--to the right--face."

  "It's a dead calm with them soldiers--head round the compass," said oneof the seamen to another.

  "To the left--face--quick march, to the left--turn--to the right--turn--close files--mark time--right--left--right--left--forward."

  "Them ere chaps legs all going together put one in mind of a centipee--don't they, Tom?"

  "Yes, but they don't get on quite so fast. Holloh, what pipe'sthat?--`All hands, air bedding.'"

  The ship was hauled close to the wind, which was light. At the pipe,the sailors below ran up the hatchway, and those on deck threw downtheir work. In a minute every hammock was out of the netting, and everyseaman busy at unlashing.

  "Now, major, we had better go into the cabin," said Captain Oughton,laughing. "I shall, I can assure you."

  Beds and blankets which are not aired or shook more than once a month,are apt to be very full of what is termed _fluff_ and blanket _hairs_,and they have a close smell, by no means agreeable. The sailors, whohad an idea that the order had been given inconsiderately, were quitedelighted, and commenced shaking their blankets on the forecastle andweather gangway, raising a cloud, which the wind carried aft upon theparties exercising upon the quarterdeck.

  "What the devil is all this?" cried Captain Majoribanks, looking forwardwith dismay. "Order--arms."

  Lieutenant Winterbottom and half of his party were now seized with a fitof coughing. "Confound it!--shut--pans--handle--upon my soul I'mchoked."

  "This is most excessively disagreeable," observed Mr Petres; "I made upmy mind to be _tarred_ when I came on board, but I had no idea that weshould be _feathered_."

  "Support--damn it, there's no supporting this!" cried CaptainMajoribanks. "Where's Major Clavering? I'll ask to dismiss the men."

  "They are dismissing a great many little men, forward, I suspect," saidthe first-mate, laughing. "I cannot imagine what induced CaptainOughton to give the order: we never shake bedding except when the ship'sbefore the wind."

  This last very consoling remark made it worse than all; the officerswere in an agony. There was not one of them who would not have stoodthe chance of a volley from a French regiment rather than what theyconsidered that they were exposed to. But without Major Clavering'spermission they could not dismiss their men. Captain Majoribankshastened to the cabin, to explain their very un-pleasant situation, andreceived the major's permission to defer the exercise.

  "Well, gentlemen," said Captain Oughton, "what is the matter?"

  "The matter!" replied Ansell. "Why, my flesh creeps all over me. Ofall the thoughtless acts, Captain Oughton, it really beats--"

  "Cock-fighting," interrupted the captain, with a loud laugh. "Now weare quits."

  The officers hastened below to wash and change their dress after thisvery annoying retaliation on the part of Captain Oughton. When theyfelt themselves again clean and comfortable, their good-humour returned,although they voted their captain not to be very refined in his ideas,and agreed with him that his practical joke beat "cock-fighting."

  I believe there are no classes of people who embark with more regret, orquit a ship with more pleasure, than military men. Nor is it to bewondered at, if we consider the antithesis which is presented to theirusual mode of life. Few military men are studious, or inclined toreading, which is almost the only resource which is to be found againstthe tedium of long confinement and daily monotony. I do not say thisreproachfully, as I consider it arises from the peculiarity of theirprofession, and must be considered to be more their misfortune thantheir fault. They enter upon a military life just after they have leftschool, the very period at which, from previous and forced application,they have been surfeited with books _usque ad nauseam_. The parade,dress, the attention paid to them, which demands civilities in return;society, and the preference shown by the fair sex; their happy andwell-conducted mess; the collecting together of so many young men, withall their varied plans of amusement, into which the others are easilypersuaded to enter, with just sufficient duty on guard, or otherwise,not to make the duty irksome; all delight too much at first, and,eventually from habit, too much occupy their minds, to afford time forstudy.

  In making this observation, I must be considered to speak generally.There are many studious, many well-stored minds, many men of brillianttalents, who have improved the gift of nature by constant study andreflection, and whose conduct must be considered as the moremeritorious, from having resisted or overcome the strong temptation todo otherwise, which is offered by their profession.

  "I wish," said Irving, who was stretched out his full length on one ofthe coops abaft, with the front of his cap drawn over his eyes--"I wishthis cursed voyage was at an end. Every day the same thing; novariety--no amusement--curry for breakfast--brandy pawnee as a finish.I really begin to detest the sight of a cigar or a pack of cards."

  "Very true," replied Ansell, who was stretched upon an adjacent coop inall the listlessness of idleness personified--"very true, Irving; Ibegin to think it worse than being quartered in a country town inhabitedby nobodies, where one has nothing to do but to loll and spit over thebridge all day, till the bugle sounds for dinner."

  "Oh! that was infinitely better; at least, you could walk away when youwere tired, or exchange a word or two with a girl as she passed over it,on her way to market."

  "Why don't you take a book, Irving?" observed the major, laying down theone with which he had been occupied to join the conversation.

  "A book, major? Oh, I've read until I am tired."

  "What have you read since you embarked?" inquired his senior.

  "Let me see--Ansell, what have I read?"

  "Read!--nothing at all--you know that."
br />   "Well, perhaps so; we have no mess-newspapers here: the fact is, major,I am not very partial to reading--I am not in the habit of it. When onshore I have too much to do; but I mean to read by-and-bye."

  "And pray, when may that by-and-bye be supposed to arrive?"

  "Oh! some day when I'm wounded or taken prisoner, and cannot do anything else; then I shall read a good deal. Here's Captain Oughton--Captain Oughton, do you read much?"

  "Yes, Mr Irving, I read a great deal."

  "Pray, may I take the liberty to ask you what you read?"

  "What I read! Why, I read Horsburgh's Directory:--and I read--I readall the fights."

  "I think," observed Ansell, "that if a man gets through the newspaperand the novels of the day, he does a great deal."

  "He reads a great deal, I grant you," replied the major; "but of whatvalue is that description of reading?"

  "There, major," replied Ansell, "we are at issue. I consider aknowledge of the passing events of the day, and a recollection of thefacts which have occurred during the last twenty years, to be morevaluable than all the ancient records in existence. Who talks of Caesaror Xenophon now-a-days, except some Cambridge or Oxford prig? and ofwhat value is that knowledge in society? The escape of a modernpickpocket will afford more matter of conversation than the famousretreat of the ten thousand."

  "To be sure," replied Captain Oughton; "and a fair stand-up fightbetween Humphreys and Mendoza create more interest than the famousbattles of ---, I'm sure I forget."

  "Of Marathon and Thermopylae; they will do," added Ansell.

  "I grant," replied the major, "that it is not only un-necessary, butconceited in those who would show their reading; but this does notdisprove the advantages which are obtained. The mind well fed becomesenlarged: and if I may use a simile, in the same way as your horseproves his good condition by his appearance, without ascertaining theprecise quantity of oats which has been given him; so the mind shows byits general vigour and power of demonstration, that it has been wellsupplied with `hard food.'"

  "Very _hard food_ indeed," replied Captain Oughton; "nuts that I nevercould crack when I was at school, and don't mean to break my teeth withnow. I agree with Mr Ansell, `that sufficient for the day is theknowledge thereof.'"

  "Well as the tree of knowledge was the tree of evil, perhaps that is thecorrect reading," replied Ansell, laughing; "Captain Oughton, you are avery sensible man; I hope we shall see you often at our mess, when we'reagain on shore."

  "You may say so now," replied Captain Oughton, bluntly, "and so havemany more said the same thing to me; but you soldiers have cursed shortmemories in that way after you have landed."

  "I trust, Captain Oughton," replied Major Clavering, "that you will nothave to make that accusation general."

  "Oh! never mind, major, I never am affronted; the offer is made inkindness, and at the time sincere; but when people get on shore, and areso occupied with their own amusements, it is not to be wondered if theyare thoughtless and forget. At one time, it did annoy me, I confess;for when I say I should be happy to see a man, I mean it; and if I didnot mean it, I never would ask him. I thought that other people did thesame; but I have lived long enough to discover that a `generalinvitation,' means, `don't come at all.'"

  "Then I most certainly shall not say one word on the subject atpresent," replied the major. "How many bells was that?"

  "Six; dinner will be on the table in a few minutes."

  "Then, gentlemen, we had better go down and prepare. Why, Mr Irving,you have not shaved this morning."

  "No, major, I mean to do it after dinner."

  "I should rather think that you intended to say before," replied MajorClavering.

  This gentlemanlike hint was taken by the young ensign, who was awarethat Major Clavering, although invariably polite even in reproof, wasnot a commanding officer to be trifled with; and Mr Irving made hisappearance at the dinner table with his "chin new reaped," and smooth asif appertaining to one of the fairer sex.


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