IN THE END: A Quarantine Romance

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IN THE END: A Quarantine Romance Page 3

by Anders, Tarrah

  “James. While you may have signed up for an area, being a senior officer here means that I want you to have your eyes wide open, more so than the others. Since we have more than one infected, we need to make sure that we stop this spread of the virus as fast as we can. That’s why we’re here, to act as one unified voice in lieu of what the government is reporting. Can you please be consistent with medical also, as needed?”

  “Absolutely sir. What are we doing for the individuals who are showing symptoms but not quarantined? Why would we not quarantine them?” I ask with concern.

  “We have them being pumped with fluids currently. They are being monitored on the hour by a medic in the treatment area and they are blocked off from the rest of the individuals here. There is no chance for cross contamination. No one else is allowed in that space at the present time. We get reports each time they are checked. We’re doing what we can at the moment, but until the patients status is declining, we cannot fully contain them with the gentleman who did officially test positive,” he says.

  “And the gentleman?” I ask.

  “Classified son.” He says immediately.

  “Sir, we’re all put at risk here. If I am in the same vicinity as these patients, I’m more at risk and would appreciate getting appropriate clearance, with all due respect, sir.”

  “I’ll see what I can do. I understand your concern, James. But as of right now, we are allowed to provide information on a case by case basis. And at this moment, we need you as our eyes and ears out on the floor and make sure that we pay attention.”

  “Got it,” I reply.

  “Good, now get out there. Help where you can. Lock up your gun, smile a little. Go make friends.”

  “Yes, sir,” I salute him and turn on my heels.

  Go make friends.



  I’m stirring the pot of chili, lost in my own little world when I feel someone’s eyes on me. I look up and see Levi walking towards me. He looks less menacing, more relaxed and even has a smile on his face.

  He’s not wearing his jacket, instead he has on a black Henley with his sleeves rolled up and looking damn fine as his eyes burn into mine while he approaches.

  “Hi,” I say once he comes to my side. I’m not sure if my “hi” was as breathy as it sounded to me.

  “Hey there, I’m here to serve, I’ve been assigned to kitchen duty, where can I be of assistance?” He asks, clapping his hands together while looking around.

  “You got assigned over here?” I quirk an eye brow as I turn to look at him.

  He shrugs and with a sheepish smile across his full lips, he says, “Okay, so I chose to work over here. But yeah, I picked the kitchen area.”

  “You did? Why would that be?” I’m pulling for information any more of a sign that what I was sensing from our conversation earlier was more than friendly.

  Hell, a girls gotta dream while in quarantine, right?

  “Other than the fact that I like food, I figured that you would be here, so any chance that I could take to be of assistance and get to know you a little better is all for the greater good.”

  “The greater good? Oh lord.” I shake my head.

  “So, what’s on the menu?” he asks looking over my shoulder.

  “Chili dogs and salad for the meat eaters, and pasta with salad for the non.”

  “Do we know who is a carnivore and who is a plant eater?”

  “That’s something that you’re going to find out, mister.” I point at him. “This is your first task, mister.”

  I put my label down and turn around in search of something for Levi to write with to keep track of who prefers what.

  I hand a notebook to him with a smile. “Write down their names, that way for future meals, should we be here longer than twenty-four hours, we will know the food preferences.”

  While he’s gone, I busy myself with making sure we have an abundance of paper bowls and utensils, and before I know it, Levi is walking back in my direction.

  As he approaches, he’s looking a little less enthusiastic and I can’t help but to laugh.

  “What’s the matter?” I ask him holding my hand out for the notebook.

  “I don’t have the answers that they wanted, or rather there are some that I’m not allowed to give, and so I got a few shakes of the fist and royal ass rippings.” he says, his tune full of sorrow, as he looks at the ground.

  “Well, they’re looking at you as someone who isn’t letting them go home. In some way, you’re the enemy, even though them being here isn’t your fault. There’s always a bad guy and you just had the unfortunate moment where you had to deal with it. Hasn’t that been something that you’ve dealt with before?” I ask.

  “We normally aren’t confined with those that we are protecting,” he says.

  “Well, welcome to the new normal.” I smile for a moment, then feel gloom settle over me. “Sorry, I’m not trying to be so nonchalant about it, but it’s nice to know that you are affected by this all, just as much as everyone else.”

  “I would say that I’m about as affected as you would be. Maybe a little more, because my job is essential, even if I wanted to run ad hide, call out sick, what have you, I wouldn’t be able to because I have my unit looking to me for answers, or a job to do and do well enough to make it look like I’m not affected.”

  I look over the list and the majority of people are meat eaters, so I feel good about the chili. I instruct Levi on what to tell one of the butchers who are in the back room what we will be needing. He helps with making the salad and then returns to my side when it’s time to start serving everyone. I have a bullhorn that Janelle gave me, and I hand it over to Levi to alert the people that are here.

  People line up and go through the line quietly. Levi and I do our best to smile at everyone and make sure that they all get enough food for their meals. When the line dies down, it’s our turn to eat, and we take a seat behind the kitchen area to eat in silence.

  “So, aside from visiting your dad regularly and your best friend, what do you do back in Phoenix? You know, for fun?”

  “Before the end of the world?” I joke.

  “Of course,” he laughs before putting a spoonful in his mouth.

  “Well, I did what everyone does. I spend time with friends and work my ass off. Honestly, there’s nothing about me that would stand out from a crowd.”

  “I beg to differ, I would notice you in a crowd. In fact, I did. I noticed you right from the start,” he admits.

  “What?” My jaw drops in response.



  Whether or not she saw me before I saw her is still up in the air, but I just declared that I noticed her and was interested. I have no current filter and I’m okay with that. Generally, I’m more reserved, but I guess the special circumstances of our situation are proving otherwise.

  She looks at me in shock after I tell her that I noticed her, but before I can do more, the radio on my belt echoes through the small space that we’re in requesting my presence by the command station.

  I apologetically excuse myself and head over the command station at the front of the store to where half of our unit is standing waiting for the colonel to begin talking.

  When he notices me, he turns towards me and leans in.

  “I’m going to need you to remain calm in this announcement. The privates are looking to you right now for guidance. They have stepped up their game after seeing you list your name on a few areas, and I want that to continue. Do you understand?” he whispers.

  “Should we debrief before you say anything further?” I ask with hope.

  “We don’t have the time, Sergeant.” He shakes his head and returns to where he was previously standing.

  I stand, with my arms crossed and take a deep breath to school my features.

  I count to ten and then settle my eyes on his shoulder, a practice that I’ve mastered in remaining unfazed in other situations.

lks, we have a real issue on our hands. The parties that I previously mentioned earlier this evening of having symptoms have now been deposited into the quarantine tent. In a matter of a few hours, their symptoms worsened and I’m fearing that they are indeed infected with the virus. We are communicating with government officials into the possibility that more people within our quarantine here will be infected and we are awaiting protocol on how to proceed as soon as possible should we run out of quarantine space. I have instructed until further notice the doctor to conduct daily testings for everyone in this location. Testing will be begin again tomorrow.”

  “Should we take additional precautions in our contact with others?” one of the guys asks.

  “Not at this time. We have the infrared cameras in working condition here and I have two soldiers in the security office, along with the store’s security keeping a watchful eye. However, there are three areas which we are unable to see due to poor installation.”

  “Should we heavily monitor that folks do not go into those areas?” I ask.

  “Are you volunteering, James?” He turns his head to me.

  “I will be wherever you tell me that I need to be,” I stand straight.

  “Very well, please consider that a part of your rounds. As much as possible, I want those areas cleared out. No one aside from you, should be in that area.”

  “Yes, sir.” I say.

  He continues to issue out orders and the fact that people became infected after the initial individual did is worrisome.

  That means that we are all at risk.

  * * *

  I’m standing in one of the aisles that is not able to be seen by the cameras in the store. I’m internally freaking out and trying to get that all out of my system before I have to put on a brave face and talk to others.

  I’m practicing my breathing, something that has always calmed me down before a big fight. I’m troubled, in knowing that more and more people are coming down with the virus. I’m stressed that this is an unknown situation that we’re in that can change from one minute to the next.

  I’m sitting on a pallet of boxes of paper, with my head in my hands after my shower, when I hear footsteps. My head snaps up and I see Kendall’s concerned eyes. I stand up and I take in another deep breath.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks.

  “Just the standard stresses of the job,” I tell her picking up my shirt that is still on the pallet to put it on.

  Her eyes roam my bare chest with appreciation, making me almost want to not cover up.

  “I saw that you all were meeting, and it looked pretty serious,” she says taking a step closer.

  “Yeah, just updates.” I say with a shrug, hoping to convey that the conversation was a normal check in.

  She takes another step closer.

  “I don’t buy that for anything,” she says flippantly.

  I look to her. While we’ve known one another a full day, I feel like it’s been much longer than that. So much has happened today that I’m taking everything moment by moment.

  I step into her to close the distance, place my hands on her hips and pull her body against mine.

  I slowly lean down, our eyes never leaving one another.

  “If you don’t want me to kiss you, now is your chance to say it.”

  Her face lifts and she says nothing as our lips meet.

  A rush of adrenaline fills me as I clutch her to me.

  Her lips are soft, her mouth is warm, and she tastes as if she’s brushed her teeth recently. I hear a soft moan as I deepen the kiss.

  This moment freezes in time, as I move back with her in my arms, not breaking the kiss and sit back down on the pallet of paper with her standing between my legs.

  A second later, she’s climbed onto my lap and my cock stiffens immediately. I’m hungry for her. Hungry for something normal and definitely wanting to forget about the troubles that surround us for as long as I can.

  “I want you,” she whispers into the kiss.

  “You have me.”



  I’m kissing him.

  I’m sitting on his lap.

  I can feel his erection below me.

  I’m kissing him.

  What am I doing? I’ve only known him for today?

  Normally, I would wait at least two dates to straddle a guy.

  But what if this is the last day that I’m alive? What if we all get the virus tomorrow and that’s it?

  Shouldn’t I at least enjoy myself in this time? We don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow.

  I wasn’t looking for him, but somehow my feet lead me in the direction to where he was hiding out. When I approached, he looked stressed and looked like he heard some bad news.

  While I want to know the bad news, I also know that there are just some things that he cannot tell us. He just looks like he needs a hug.

  And right at this very moment, I just want to feel good too.

  I thread my fingers through his hair and press myself into him further. His hands settle on my hips and he squeezes while our tongues explore and tangle together.

  His kiss is the perfect amount of aggression and passion as I match him lash for lash.

  After a moment more, we pull apart. Both of us are gasping for air as we look at one another. His eyes are burning with desire as he catches his breath, and looks at me.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this,” he says.

  “I know,” I admit.

  He leans in and brushes his lips against mine, licks then bites my lower lip eliciting a rush of butterflies in my stomach at the hotness of it. My fingertips dig into the flesh of his shoulder and I fight to not move my hips on his lap, but when his hands move to my hips then grasp my ass, out of instinct I press against him.

  He throws his head back and groans as his hands pull me fully along his length.

  “Fuck.” He hisses through his clenched teeth. “That feels so good.”

  His walkie-talkie, that is next to us on the boxes we’re sitting on goes off and I hear his name. We pull apart and I scurry off of his lap with my heart beating rapidly against my ribcage as I catch my breath from the interruption as if I was caught with a boy in my room.

  Levi picks up the call, never taking his eyes off of me, as he bends at the knees and adjusts himself with a smirk.

  “James, here.” He says turning around turning the volume down.

  I fidget with a loose strand on my t-shirt, trying to give him some distance, regardless of the tingling of my body to be near him.

  I hear him murmur something, and then he turns to me and begins walking over to where I’m standing and stops a foot away from me.

  “Hi,” he says.

  “Hi,” I shift my weight from one foot to the other feeling like I’m in high school and talking to my crush.

  “I feel like I should apologize,” he starts, but I hold my hand up in protest for him to not continue.

  “No, there are no apologies. Not when we don’t know what will happen from one moment to the next.”

  “I’m not supposed to be doing that. I’m on duty and I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

  “It’s not taking advantage of me, not at all.” I tell him taking a step back to add distance between us.

  “If anything, I took advantage of you,” I smirk.

  “I should be careful though, we don’t know what is happening with the virus and I don’t want you to get infected.”

  “Wait, are you?” I ask, completely taken off guard.

  “Oh shit, no. I’m not. I’m sorry. Crap. I’m just saying, what if I have whatever this is and don’t know it. I’m testing negative, but right now, we don’t know how long that will be for.” He says, somewhat providing a little insight that I’m not even sure he knows that he is at the moment.

  “If I ask you a question, like say I’m making a guess—that won’t be you telling me something, that’s me making a guess, right?” I ask.

“What are you trying to do, Kendall?”

  “I don’t know but bear with me here. Levi, there is someone within this store that is infected, am I correct in that assumption?”

  He says nothing.

  “I’m going to take the silence as a yes, unless you tell me specifically,” I tell him.

  He remains silent but keeps eye contact.

  “There is more than one person who has the virus within the store?”

  I’m still met with silence, and since he hasn’t said anything, I continue making my guesses.

  “These people who have the virus are in the store currently.”

  He shakes his head, the movement is small, but noticeable.

  “These people are outside of the facility,” I wait for any indication of him to say something. When he doesn’t, I continue.

  “There is a vaccine.” I say with hope.

  “They’re working on one,” he says quietly stepping closer.

  “Why is this information being kept from everyone?” I ask, my voice cracking.

  He steps into me, places his hands on my arms and I see the same stress that I saw when I first found him over here.

  “To not cause a panic.”

  “But instead, you’re not letting people know that they could be at risk? How would that be fair?”

  “I don’t know. I really do not know. I want to say something, I want them to say something, you saw me—I’m not okay with keeping this information to myself, and I’m pretty sure that none of the other guys are as well. This is part of our job though, we know classified information that civilians don’t know and sometimes, we’re just not allowed to say certain things to the general public. It’s a burden that unfortunately is a part of our jobs. I shouldn’t have even allowed you to make those guesses and I shouldn’t even be having this conversation with you right now.”

  “Then why are you?” I ask.


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