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Making Tobia

Page 5

by Sherri Jordan-Asble

Angel had not moved. Her face was as pale as his own. Was it fright that made her so pale? "I won't hurt you."

  "Your friend. He killed my friend. I do not want to die."

  "My friend?" Tobia shook his head. For a moment he did not understand what she meant. "Do you mean my master?"

  She did not speak. She stood motionless.

  "You are like me? You are immortal?"

  She did not move.

  "Do you understand?"

  I am like you.

  Tobia jumped, startled. She spoke, as his master did, with her mind.

  Please help me. She called to him as she turned and ran down the street.

  Tobia and Angel moved as one to follow her. Before she reached the end of the alley, a black figure moved upon her. Tobia watched in horror as his master snatched the little dainty white lily up. Her legs kicked as he sunk his fangs into her neck. Blood splattered beneath them on the pavement. Angel howled, a long, high-pitched howl.

  Tobia fell to his knees. The young women fell to the rocky pavement. Runihura took a few steps away from her limp body, then cast his hand out towards her. Her body burst into flames. Tobia felt cold tears rolling down his cheeks and the scene blurred in front of him.

  His master put his hand upon Tobia’s shoulder. "Come Tobia. You are weak, you have not fed yet tonight."

  "I don't want to feed." His tongue felt numb. He did not want to even move.

  "Tobia, come." When Runihura commanded, Tobia had to obey.

  He stood and absently followed his master. The rest of the night was as much a blur as the fire in the alley had been through his tears. Runihura managed to get him to feed on several unknowing victims before taking him home.

  "Come, Tobia. It has been a long evening and now it is time to sleep," his master said softly as he stepped into their coffin.

  Tobia was torn between wanting to join him, and the new fear he had of his master. He could not hide this, as proficient as he had become of hiding his thoughts and fears, this he could not hide. It lay too fresh on his mind.

  "Tobia, you are my son. I will never hurt you. Come and I will kiss you until you sleep."

  "I do not understand, my Lord."

  "I know. But, I will make it all go away. Come, Tobia. I will kiss you until your gray eyes are no longer lonely."

  Angel settled in on the stone floor beside the coffin and whined just a little as Tobia climbed in beside his master. As promised, he showered Tobia with gentle kisses until they fell asleep.

  Over the years to follow, Tobia witnessed his master kill others like themselves, but never a mortal. He never killed a mortal. Tobia did not understand this, but he accepted it as he accepted the rest of his fate. He did everything he could to avoid his master during the night and avoid any others like himself as well. If he thought they were calling him, he ignored them. If he thought they were following him, he ran until he lost them. He focused on feeding and on Angel.

  His canine friend got older and was nearing the end of his life. Tobia could not stand the thought of his death. The past years had been lonely enough. He had alienated himself from Master Runihura, and any chance of meeting the others, nightwalkers, as Runihura called them. He spent only the long sleeping hours of the day curled up with Master Runihura, as always, but they could hardly stand each other's company during the night. With Angel gone, Tobia would be alone. His fear drove him to desperation and desperate thoughts. He knew what he had to do. He could not lose Angel.

  Finally resigned, Tobia slept late and did not rise until after Runihura had left. Then he took a small knife and cut his wrist filling the dog's bowl with his own blood, and then he called his friend. The creature was so loyal and trusting that it did not even yelp when Tobia stuck the knife into its throat. He let the blood drain until the dog began to fall over. He sent comforting, caressing thoughts to his canine friend. He projected thoughts of water as he pushed the bowl of his blood under the beast’s muzzle. Angel lapped it up as if it really were water; to the dog, it was. He licked the bowl clean, but he still had no strength. His heart was beating too slowly. Tobia could see from the dog's blood spread across the floor that he would need much more to replace what had been lost.

  He used the knife to slit his other wrist and again drained as much as he could into the bowl. The dog lapped it up quickly without Tobia having to send any 'water' thoughts. This time the dog seemed better, but something did not seem right. The dog looked up at Tobia and whined. Did he need more? Angel began to growl. Large fangs slid out from his muzzle. It was working.

  "What is it, Angel? What is it, boy? What do you need? Huh?"

  The dog turned around in circles, growling. Then, his fangs shrank back and he lay down on the floor.

  Tobia was feeling weak, himself. He had drained a lot of blood, and he had not fed this night. His dog was more important and he reached for the knife to cut yet another drain from his flesh.

  The stone door above screeched open and Runihura flew down the stairs.

  The bowl was almost filled. Tobia felt like sleeping. He struggled to concentrate on his task.

  "What are you doing?" Runihura bellowed.

  Angel howled. It was a long, sick howl and fangs again protruded from his mouth.

  "Tobia, what have you done?"

  "Angel, here," he whispered and he lay back on the floor, his head resting in the pool of blood Angel had shed.

  "No!" He heard Runihura call, but it seemed so distant.

  He awoke to find himself drawing blood from his master's neck. He pulled away, quickly.

  No, Tobia. Feed, all you need. Runihura’s thoughts came to his mind in comforting tones.

  They were in the coffin. He was lying on top of his Master, but it was still night and the lid was open. "Angel? Where's Angel?"

  No, Tobia. Feed now.

  He tried to get up, but couldn't. He was so weak. He could smell the blood that dripped from the puncture wound on Runihura’s neck. He needed it, and Runihura was offering it. "My Lord." His voice was barely audible. He sunk his fangs into the same wound. The essence.

  Yes, Tobia. The essence.

  Darkness once again overcame him.

  When he woke again, it was night and Runihura opened the coffin. Tobia stepped out. He still felt weak, but he could manage.

  "Angel," he called. There was no answering bark. He could feel that his dog was not here. "Where's my dog?"

  "Gone. You killed him."

  "I killed him? No, I gave him life. I gave him my blood. He is immortal like us."

  "No, Tobia. He is dead. It is not that easy."

  "I don't understand. This time you are going to tell me. I have to know. What happened to my dog? Where is Angel?" He began to cry as he demanded his answers.

  The Master sighed. "Very well, Tobia. I'll tell you. I'll tell you how stupid you are. I'll tell you how stupid I am. I should have saved the damn dog, and left you to die."

  That was not going to be enough for Tobia. "What happened?"

  "Tobia. You did not have enough of your weak second hand blood to save the poor beast. You can't make an immortal, dog or otherwise, in one session. You almost killed both of you."

  Tobia shook his head.

  "Tobia, it took me nearly a month to create you, and I am the first generation."

  Tobia shook his head. "I hate you. You stole my life. Now you stole my dog." He wanted to deny everything, but he could smell the lingering scent of ash and he could see the scorch marks on the floor by the empty water bowl. Runihura burned Angel. He could not deny it. A Century’s worth of suppressed anger swelled up within him.


  "I hate you." Tobia spit the words like venom.

  There was a silence as Tobia looked Runihura in the eye. He was not backing down, even if it meant being destroyed.

  Do not ever doubt that I CAN destroy you.

  "I don't doubt anything." Tobia spoke refusing to give Runihura the satisfaction of mind speak.

nbsp; "You are not being reasonable, my son."

  "I'm not your son."

  "Tobia, you are sealing your own fate." His voice rose and the anger was evident by the look on his face.

  For a moment neither spoke. Tobia would not back down. The Master was losing his temper. His dark eyebrows knitted together. "I did save you for nothing," he said. I should have left you to die.

  "Why didn't you?"

  "I love you, gray eyes."

  "Don't call me that."

  "Tobia, control yourself. I will get you another dog."

  That was the last words that Tobia would hear. He leapt at Runihura. He tried to get his hands around the man's throat. He was flung to the cold stone floor.

  "Get out Tobia. Get out. If I ever see you again, I will kill you."

  Tobia stormed up the stairs.

  What will you do during the day, Tobia? What will you do when the sun rises and you have to hide in the dark, alone?

  Runihura’s words haunted him, but he never looked back. He had all night to figure it out. His mind raced. He had to get as far away as possible, and he still felt so weak. His emotions stormed through him, and he feared he would not be able to control himself. If he ended up killing a human, even by accident, Runihura would be on him quick. He took a deep breath and tightened the control over his thoughts. He did not want Runihura knowing where he was or what he was doing. Then, he ran. As fast as he could, he ran away.

  Quicker than even he thought possible, Tobia found himself in the next village. Feeling more controlled, he focused on feeding and then he would find somewhere safe to spend the day.

  As dawn approached, Tobia had still not fed enough and worse yet was running out of ideas on where to spend the

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