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Dune House Cozy Mystery Boxed Set 2

Page 48

by Cindy Bell

  “Because I think that’s where Paul went. They’re friends.”

  “So, why are we chasing him down there? He would be safe with Simon.”

  “Just go to Simon’s place, please.” Suzie met his eyes. Mike stared at her for a moment, then set his course. She guessed that he had more questions, but she didn’t want to answer them. Until she knew for sure that her suspicions were true she didn’t want to sully Simon’s name. Was that even where Paul went? She didn’t know. Above them the sky rumbled. Suzie looked at Mary and noticed how pale she was.

  “We can’t stay out here long. The storm is coming our way.” Mike narrowed his eyes. “I’ll take you to Paul, then I’m heading back. Understand? I can’t risk my boat.”

  “I understand.” Suzie nodded. As Mike’s boat approached Simon’s place she noticed Paul’s boat at the dock. A sense of relief and terror flooded her. Relief that Paul was there, but terror that Simon might have done something to hurt him. “Look Mary. Do you see Paul on the boat?”

  Mary leaned forward over the railing and shook her head. “No, I don’t see anyone on there.”

  “What will it be ladies, am I leaving you here, or taking you back with me?” Mike looked at them both with taut lips, then up at the dark sky. “There’s very little time left to get back to the docks.”

  “Mary, why don’t you go back with him? You can check on Jason and Summer while I ride back with Paul.”

  Mary’s hand closed over Suzie’s. She met Suzie’s eyes. “I’m not going anywhere without you, Suzie. If you’re getting off this boat, so am I.”

  Suzie nodded and looked over at Mike. “I guess we’re both getting off here.”

  He hesitated and looked at the sky again. “Are you sure? This looks pretty nasty.”

  “We’ll be fine.” Suzie swung her leg over the side of the boat. Mike stepped up to help her over, then helped Mary as well. As the boat lurched away from the dock Mike called out to them again.

  “Don’t let Paul get on the water in this. You three hunker down with Simon. He’ll take care of you.”

  Suzie grimaced at the thought, but she waved to Mike as he turned the boat around. Briefly she considered calling him back, but that ship had sailed. She turned back to Simon’s house. The property was as littered with debris as it had been when she had visited before, but somehow in the eerie glow of the storm that approached everything appeared dangerous. Was the mess evidence of a murderous mind? Had she overlooked clear signs that Simon was a danger to Paul? She pushed the thoughts down and walked beside Mary up the hill towards the small house. This time there was no delicious smell coming from the kitchen. In fact, like Jason had said it didn’t seem to her that anyone was home. It struck her then that Simon’s boat was not there.

  “Oh no!” Suzie turned back towards the small dock. “Paul must have gone on Simon’s boat with him.”

  “You’re right, they’re not here.” Mary turned away from the window she’d peered through. “There’s no one inside.”

  “That means Simon could have taken him anywhere. And in this storm. We have to find them!”

  “Maybe we should call Jason, I bet he has a way to track the boat.” Mary pulled out her phone.

  “That’s it!” Suzie snapped her fingers. “Mary, you’re a genius.”

  “What?” Mary’s finger hovered above the keypad.

  “Yesterday Paul and I put a tracking device on Simon’s boat. That’s how we discovered that he went out to the pearl farm in the middle of the night. I bet it’s still active. As long as the feed is live we can track Simon’s boat from Paul’s.”

  “That’s great, Suzie, but we don’t have a captain.” Mary shook her head. “How are we going to track them if they’re traveling on water?”

  “We have no other choice. We’re going to have to try. Paul has shown me enough to handle the boat in case of an emergency.”

  “Well, this is certainly an emergency.” Mary followed Suzie down towards the dock. Just as they reached the boat a clap of thunder made them both jump. It was not the type of storm that anyone should be headed out to sea in, especially Suzie and Mary, who had about as much experience with boats as a guest on a cruise ship. Suzie paused and looked over at Mary.

  “You should stay here. Call Jason. Tell him what’s happening and to send a boat out to pick you up.”

  “No Suzie, I’m not going to do that.”

  “What if they come back? Someone will need to be here to explain why Paul’s boat is missing.”

  Mary narrowed her eyes. She stepped onto the boat. “You are not going out into those rough waters without me, Suzie. We are in this together, just like everything else we’ve ever been through.”

  Suzie smiled at her and offered a quick hug before heading for the controls. As much as she wanted Mary to be safe, it was a relief to know that she always had her back. As the boat sped off across the water Suzie did her best to remain in control of it. Mary held on to the tracking device. But the waves grew bigger, and the boat lurched from side to side.

  “Can you tell where they are, Mary?”

  “Not far, Suzie. Just keep going. Not far.”

  It wasn’t long before Suzie recognized the path they took. They were headed straight for the pearl farm.

  “Why are they going out there?” Her breath caught in her throat. Was Simon taking him out there to hurt him? She stared so hard at the water ahead of her that her eyes stung. Simon’s boat had to be somewhere. As she suspected it was right beside the dock at the pearl farm.

  “There!” Suzie pointed to it. “Let’s get close.”

  “All right. But I don’t see anyone on the boat, Suzie.”

  As soon as they were close enough Suzie climbed off the boat and onto the dock. She peered into Simon’s boat. “Paul?”

  “Is he there, Suzie?”

  “He must be in the cabin.” Suzie’s heart lurched. If Paul wasn’t answering her there had to be a reason. She boarded the boat and walked through it. “No, no, it’s empty.” Suzie cringed as she looked through the boat one more time. The only thing that gave her any comfort was the fact that there was no evidence of a fight onboard the boat.

  “Then they must be somewhere on the land.” Mary scanned the horizon. “Is there even anything out here?”

  “Yes, there’s a house about a mile in. We’re going to have to hike. Are you up for it?” Suzie frowned with concern. Mary nodded and straightened her shoulders.

  “I can handle it.”

  As they began down the path towards the house Suzie watched for any sign of the direction that Paul and Simon took. Was Paul his hostage? Did Simon convince him that he was innocent? If so, what were they doing at the pearl farm? About halfway to the house, Suzie heard a sound in the distance. It sounded like the slam of a car door. They were far from the driveway and any road. But obviously there was a vehicle nearby.

  “Mary, did you hear that?”

  “Yes. I think it came from over there.” She pointed to a low hill not far from where they stood.

  “Sh.” Suzie put her finger to her lips then began walking in the direction of the hill. Mary walked right behind her. “I think there’s a car over there. Do you see it?”

  “I think so.” Mary peered through the brush. “Is that even a road?”

  “Whether it is or not, they’ve turned it into one.”

  “Do you think Paul is in the car?”

  “I’m not sure. But I’m going to find out. You stay here.” She turned to look at Mary.

  “Suzie, I said I would stick with you and I meant it.”

  “Mary, if something goes wrong and I end up in danger, I’m going to need you to get help. You’re the only one that knows what’s going on here. If I’m not back in ten minutes, go back to Paul’s boat and use the radio to call Jason for help. Okay?”

  “No, it’s not okay.” Mary frowned. “What if something happens to you?”

  “I will be fine, I promise. I need to know that you can call for
help if we need it. Will you do that?”

  “Yes, I will.” Mary’s hands balled into fists at her sides. “But I don’t like this. Not at all.”

  “I know that.” She looked through the brush again, then back at Mary. “Everything will be fine. Remember, we have a wedding to host.”

  “Yes, a wedding.” She nodded. “So make sure you don’t get hurt.”

  “Don’t worry.”

  Chapter 19

  Suzie slipped through the brush towards the car. She could hear muffled voices but couldn’t make out what they were saying. Then she heard Paul’s familiar voice.

  “This is crazy. You are not going to get away with this.”

  “But I already have. No one knows that you’re here, do they?”

  “Look, there has to be a reasonable way that we can work this out.”

  “No, there’s really not.” Suzie crept a few steps forward in an attempt to get a good look at the man she heard. However, when she set her foot down, she shattered a shell beneath her shoe. The sound drew the attention of an armed man. She couldn’t make out who he was, but he was headed straight towards her. Suzie’s breath caught in her throat when she saw the man who held the gun. Pedro.

  “Well, look who it is?” Pedro pointed the gun at her. She held her breath. Even with her panicked mind she remembered the cut on his hand and the oyster shells in his trashcan and in that moment she could think of a thousand ways that she could have avoided exposing herself to him. However, it was too late for that. She looked past Pedro, at Paul, who grimaced the moment he saw her. “Your girlfriend is here?” Pedro smirked at Paul. “Time for a party.” Pedro moved his gun from Suzie and pointed it at Paul. “Hm?”

  “Leave her alone!” Paul demanded sharply.

  “Looks like I can handle everyone at once. Come on.” He waved his gun at Suzie to move her in the direction of the door.

  Suzie’s eyes widened when she saw Simon stagger to his feet as Pedro pointed the gun at him. Simon kept his eyes to the ground. Was he even involved in this? Pedro ushered them towards a path.

  “Let them go, they didn’t have anything to do with this,” Simon said.

  “Sure. I’ll just let you all walk away, now that you know that I’m involved. Move it.” He shoved Simon forward. Paul looked over at her with wide eyes as if he might lunge for the gun, but she shook her head slightly. It was too risky. She held her breath as they walked past the area where Mary was a few moments before. Luckily there was no sign of her. Pedro led the three of them back to Simon’s boat and ordered them on board. Suzie tried to convince herself that he would be merciful and let them go, but she knew that there wasn’t much chance of that.

  “Go inside.” Pedro waved the gun in their direction.

  “Why? What are you going to do?” Paul started to move towards Suzie, but Pedro held him back. “Get inside.” He released the safety on the weapon. “Don’t move, or you’re not going to live to take another breath.”

  Simon walked into the cabin. Pedro shoved Paul in. Suzie followed close behind.

  “Against the wall.” He gestured with the gun towards the back wall of Simon’s boat. Simon didn’t argue. When Paul stood still and didn’t move he aimed the gun at Suzie’s head. “Up against the wall, Paul! Or she gets it.” Paul went against the wall next to Simon.

  “What are you going to do to us?” Suzie stared at Pedro and kept her feet planted exactly where she was.

  “Do as I say.” Pedro gestured to the wall again. “Oh no, Simon’s about to be held responsible for another murder.” He grimaced.

  Suzie regulated the pattern of her breaths in an attempt to avoid panic. She suspected that the moment her back hit the wall the man would pull the trigger and they would all be killed, and he planned to frame Simon for their murders. She thought of Mary and wondered if she would be able to get help. Outside the boat she heard a loud roll of thunder. Rain pelted the boat and the rough water around it. With the storm that raged no helicopter or boat would be able to reach them anytime soon.

  “Not unless you tell me what is going on here. What are you going to do?” She looked into Pedro’s eyes. They were cold and indicated that he had no desire to sympathize with her. However, he lowered the weapon a few inches. “These are the people you have known for years. They are your friends. Robbie was a fisherman and just a young man.”

  “I don’t care. I don’t care about any of that. Robbie was not one of us, he was a coward and he is a part of my past. You’re all going to be just a part of my past. So close your mouth and do as I say.”

  “Why would you kill us? You could just let us go. Are you really going to shoot all three of us?” Suzie asked.

  “Shoot? No. I don’t need any more drama again.” Pedro smirked. “The storm can do my dirty work for me.”

  “Why are you doing this?” Suzie asked. “Did you kill Robbie?” She wanted to keep him talking and she wanted a full confession.

  “Enough!” Pedro said harshly. He reached down and threw some ropes to Paul and Simon. “Tie them up, around the railing.” He gestured to Suzie.

  “But we’ll never survive out there on the water,” Suzie said.

  “Exactly.” He aimed the gun at Suzie. She bent down and tied the ropes around Simon’s hands, her hands were trembling. Then she tied them around Paul’s. She tried to keep them loose. Pedro gestured to the wall. “Now, against the wall.”

  She backed up against the wall next to Paul. She moved closer to him.

  “Stop!” Pedro shouted. “Stay exactly where you are.” Suzie stopped. Maybe the illusion of compliance would keep her alive long enough to form a plan. If Pedro didn’t plan to shoot them they had a better chance of survival. But what were the chances with the storm that thrashed the water around the boat?

  The boat started moving more violently as the storm picked up. She wondered if she might be able to use that to her advantage. Pedro trained his gun on her. She needed a way out. Maybe if she could distract him she could get the gun away from him.

  “Oh, I’m feeling so sick.” She pressed her hand against her stomach. “I can’t help it, I think I’m going to vomit. Can I go to the bathroom?”

  “Stay right there.”

  She groaned and made a choking sound in her throat. “Ugh, I’m going to be sick.” She coughed and gurgled.

  “Shut up!” He grimaced as there was a loud crash of thunder and the boat lurched to the side. All of a sudden she saw her opportunity and lunged forward. She reached for the wrist of the hand that held the gun in the same moment that she drove her shoulder into his chest. However, Pedro was much stronger than she expected and more used to the rolling seas. He wobbled a little, but did not tumble. The force did knock the gun out of his hand. When it fell to the floor of the boat a shot rang out. Suzie froze. Had she been hit? Had Paul or Simon been hit?

  After a moment passed and no one cried out in pain and she could feel no searing pain anywhere in her body Suzie dove for the weapon. Pedro dove for it at the same time. She managed to snatch it up before he did. The boat rocked so hard that Suzie rolled to the other side of the boat. She almost lost her footing. She gripped the gun as tight as she could. Water spurted through the hole that the stray bullet had left in the boat. Pedro also fell with the lurch of the boat. He crawled towards the door. She rushed up to him and lifted the butt of the gun prepared to slam it down on his head and knock him out, but before she could he swept his leg through her legs and she crashed to the floor. As she did she lost the grip on the gun and Pedro snatched it off the ground and shoved it in her face as he got to his feet. Suzie shuddered at the sound of a crash of thunder.

  “Nice try.” He smirked. “Now against the wall!” He shouted. She stood up and walked towards the wall.

  “Suzie.” Paul frowned. “Are you okay?”

  “I am. Are you?” She looked into his eyes.

  He nodded and glanced over at Pedro. “Just let us go. There’s no reason to make this worse.”

“Oh, I’m going to let you go all right. I’m just going to tie Suzie up.” He grabbed a length of rope and tied her hands up. She hoped that if she didn’t fight he wouldn’t bother to tie the rope too tight, but she was wrong. He tied it so tight that it cut into her wrists. She bit into her bottom lip to keep from crying out.

  Pedro checked Paul and Simon’s ropes and tightened them. Once they were all tightly tied up, Pedro headed towards the cabin door.

  “Pedro.” Simon spoke for the first time. “Don’t let them die this way.”

  “Ha Ha, acting innocent now,” Pedro said. “If you didn’t stuff up and get caught by Robbie then we wouldn’t be in this mess and Robbie would be alive.”

  “You can kill me, but please let them go,” Simon pleaded. As Suzie listened to the conversation she tried to make sense of what they were saying. Was he trying to save them? Was Simon innocent?

  “Good luck.” Pedro chuckled as he pulled the cabin door shut. Suzie heard something slide into place to block them in. As her heart raced she looked over at Paul.

  “What are our chances?”

  He looked into her eyes. “It’s you and me, darling. There’s no chance we won’t get out of this. Turn your back to mine, I’ll get you untied.” He stretched out his hands towards her, but the fact that they were tied around the railing restricted his movement. She did as he instructed while she kept a watchful eye on Simon in the corner. His rough fingertips scraped along her palm and wrists as he tugged at the ropes around her wrists. She winced as the harder he tugged the tighter they became.

  “Paul, it’s not working. It’s not working.” She pulled her hands away from him. “You’re making it tighter.”

  “I’m sorry without being able to see it’s really hard to do.”

  “Let me help.” Simon stood up from the corner. His hands were untied and in one hand he held a knife.

  “How did you get out of the rope, Simon?” Suzie shied back as he approached her.

  “I had a knife in my pocket. Pedro didn’t find it because I keep it tucked behind my cigarette pack. It throws off the cops, too.” He held the knife out towards her. “Let me get you free.”


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