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Page 14

by Jessica Joy

  “Mmmm, I think someone needs some attention,” she says, sliding off of me and pulling me free of my sweats. Somehow she does it while looking sexy and not yanking my leg around. Before she comes back to me she does the one thing that no man can ignore. She crosses her arms and lifts her shirt clear with a little wink and then puts both arms behind her head to tie her hair up. I drink in the sight of her tight pink nipples jumping off her thrust forward breasts. The light smattering of freckles across her chest highlighting the otherwise perfectly smooth white skin. She begins to slowly kiss her way up my leg, pausing with her cheek ever so slightly brushing my throbbing manhood. With a devious smirk she takes me into her mouth and slowly works me with her hand. The sensation overtakes me and before I can distract myself I release hard and quick into her mouth.

  Shit. Just when I thought we would get somewhere. She catches her breath and looks up at me through her lashes, “Oh no, we’re not done yet mister,” she says, shucking off her little shorts and exposing every inch of her lithe beauty while I rip off my shirt. The sight of her fully naked sends me right back to firm and ready for more. “Slide down, babe,” she says helping me lay down. Once I’m settled, she puts a hand on my chest and leans forward, dragging her breasts across my chest as she positions herself. She gently tilts backward, and I feel her slowly slide down every inch of my cock. She gently rocks herself upright and works her hips to drive my full length deep inside of her as she shudders in pleasure. My hands go to feeling her legs, hips, and waist, feeling the wonder of her body as her legs flex as she rides me up and down, up and down. Grabbing my hand, she pulls it up to her breast and begs to be squeezed and handled, which I’m happy to oblige.

  She begins to pick up speed and her need can be felt with every squeeze and twitch of muscle around my cock. I move my hand behind her back and pull her forward, dropping her nipple into my mouth for a lick and suck which sends her gasping and writhing for more. Gently nipping at her I do what little thrusting I can up into her, matching her rhythm, and I can feel the urgency rising between us. I pull her head down and kiss her, our tongues writhing in time with our bodies when she suddenly pulls back and leans harder into every thrust, her body clamping down on me as I push into her. She lets out a scream as the orgasm takes her and sets me off once again, flexing and pulsing into her.

  She collapses into my chest with a giddy giggle as we both bask in the high we just shared. I caress her back, drawing shapes in her sweat as we enjoy the sensation of feeling each other inside and out. I have been resisting this for so long, so afraid of breaking something, but I now know I was wrong. There is no way that something so good and so wholly completing could be broken with just a wrong move or two. I squeeze her into a tight hug and she lets out a little squeak in protest.

  I whisper into her ear, “Lexi, Mo phráta beag.”

  Chapter 16


  God fucking damn it. He said it again as he was on his way ‘out’ to his PT appointment. That stupid moe freight bug, my fat bug, whatever the fuck it means. The problem is, he seems so happy, and so endearing when he says it that I’m afraid to even ask what the fuck he’s saying. Don’t get me wrong, it’s driving me bonkers, but after our post space rescue sexcapade I really don’t want to spoil what we’ve got going for us. And my god, that sex, just like I remember it being, yet oh so much more.

  Is this what Tessa and Sawyer have goin’? Because if it is, I’ve gained a whole new level of understanding of why she’s with that broody asshole. These bikers got it goin’ on.

  Sure, he blew his load before I even got started working him, but I guess that can be excused, it’s been a while for both of us. He did make it up though by being my personal pogo stick. God I’ve missed that cock, and I refuse to miss it again unless absolutely necessary. And with that in mind, I’ve decided to go shopping for something a little sexier than cotton shorts and a tank to wear for him tonight. No shopping trip lately is complete without my little purse holding buddy lately though, so I gave Leo a call earlier and he’s meeting me in the lobby.

  I leave Gage a note that I’ll be back this afternoon, just in case I’m still out when he comes back from PT. Putting the note on his bed, I have to laugh, because I still haven’t told him I know he only goes down to the rec room every day for his sessions with Tiny. He still thinks he has me fooled, that sneaky little bastard. I actually watched the elevator today when he left, and he took it all the way down like he’s being sneaky or something.

  Hopping into the elevator I can’t help but feel… bouncy. The thought of getting something fun for tonight, of getting a replay of last night, has me excited. I let my mind wander on the long ride down to the lobby, trying to come up with ideas of what to get, and wondering just how badly I can make Leo squirm today. Oh yes, this will be fun. The doors chime open and Leo is standing there all prim and proper, trying to look respectable in a lobby full of people who barely notice him.

  “Hello Alexis,” he says with a slight tip of his non-existent hat.

  “Leo, I’ve told you a thousand times to call me Lexi,” I say with exasperation, having had this conversation almost every damn day with him. “We’re heading to La Perla today.” I explain without preamble, walking past him and knowing he’ll follow.

  “La Perla? Ummm, really?” he stammers in confusion as he catches up to me.

  “Yes, Really. And you are going to be a gentleman the entire time.” I say primly.

  “Yes Al- Lexi,” he says, blushing. “I brought you this,” he says, handing over a travel mug emitting that sweet pumpkin scented spice of life.

  “Leo, you are much too good to me,” I say, offering him a bright smile before I lock arms with him and take off toward the town car for our little foray to the shop.

  An hour later, I found just the right thing for tonight but the rest of what I wanted was out of my size. When I expressed my concern about not having the right size, Leo quickly took a note in his phone and said he could figure something out for me. As a thank you, I helped him pick out a few nice pieces for this girl Viviana that he’s been chasing. He’s pretty tight lipped about her, but apparently they are getting quite serious and he’s been at a loss at what to get her for their one year anniversary next month. It’s cliché, I know, but when he can expense a thousand dollar negligee as a gift, I’m pretty sure she’ll be fine with it.

  We get back in the car and I’m practically jumping in my seat with anticipation. Looking forward to tonight, plus caffeine, plus finally having something that makes me feel downright sensual, is more than my body can contain.

  “What’s got you so wound up Lexi?” Leo finally asks now that we’re away from all the half-exposed mannequins. Silly boys.

  “Nothing really,” I reply distractedly, watching the people and cars whizz by. “I just have a ton of energy today and I think I need to blow off some steam.”

  “Oh. I go to the gun range when I feel like that. Nothing like shooting something to bits with stupidly large guns to release a little pressure,” he says, dragging my attention to him. Guns, I haven’t held a gun in ages.

  “Leo, that may be the best idea you’ve ever had.”

  * * *

  I strut off the elevator with my plan firmly in mind. It’s time Gage takes me somewhere that has nothing to do with a bed, or this loft. He’s in the kitchen, eating his post workout omelet for lunch with his back to the door. Coming up behind him I toss my goodies for tonight off to the side and wrap by arms around his shoulders from behind.

  “Hey babe, guess what?” I tease into his ear.

  “Wha?” he asks around a mouthful of egg.

  “We’re gonna go shoot something, right now,” I tease, nipping his ear. I can hear him audibly swallow as he turns in the spinning bar stool.

  “We’re doin’ what now?”

  “We’re gonna grab some guns, go down to the range, and blow something up,” I say, a slightly maniacal grin slipping into place.

  “I have
no idea what ye’re talkin’ about but I’m so in,” he says, casting aside what’s left of his plate. “Let me grab my stuff.”

  * * *

  Twenty minutes later we’ve made our way into the DiMarco family’s personal stockpile and range. Leo assures me that it’s almost always empty in the middle of day, most the guys who frequent the place tend to be more the nocturnal type. There’s a man behind the counter who sets aside his paper as we walk in and gives the ubiquitous ‘sup’ head nod to Gage, who returns it in kind. Somehow men convey books with these motions and it is beyond me to interpret them but apparently we’re allowed in and can choose whatever we would like to shoot.

  “Do you know what‘chye want lass?” Gage asks, gesturing to the wall of pistols behind the counter.

  “I’ll take the Sig P320 over there with the compensator and vented slide,” I say, pointing over the man’s shoulder to the gun I want. I’m pretty sure I hear Gage’s jaw hit the counter in his shock at my decisiveness. This happened last time too… “Gage, daddy was a cop. I know Tessa has told you about this before. He made sure both his little ladies knew their way around a pistol,” I say with a gentle pat on his arm.

  “Right… Right,” he says with increasing confidence. “Yeah. Ok. Umm. I’ll take the nineteen-eleven. No, the original Colt over there, not the remake,” he says, pointing to the guns in a special case off to the side. The man sets our guns on the counter in front of us along with some hearing protection and rounds for our respective weapons.

  “No need to worry about clean up, we do that in the back shop,” he says as we walk off toward the sound proofed door and the range behind it.

  “Ye know lass, yer pops being a cop makes a helluva lot of sense now that I reflect on our history,” Gage teases as he holds the door open for me. As I walk past he gives me a little slap on the ass, which I enjoy entirely too much, but still shoot him a little glare.

  “Don’t you know better than to assault an armed woman?” I throw back gesturing to the pistol in my hand.

  “I live dangerously,” he smiles back. God, this man is worth every moment of my time. We each take a cubby and load up our weapons. We’ve got the place to ourselves so we take our time to load up and prepare. There is an auto target system down range that drops a paper silhouette at whatever range you pick on the little selector on the wall of the cubby.

  “So, Mister ‘I-wanna-be-a-space-pirate’, shall we make a bet?”

  “Oh! Ye’re already throwing the gauntlet before a round is fired.” He throws back.

  “I thought ye liked to live dangerously,” I retort, doing my best to impersonate his brogue.

  “Never say I didn’t warn ye, lass. What’s the stakes?” he says, arching an eyebrow.

  “Dinner and movie choice, to be used whenever the winner likes. Highest total score out of three sets? 10 shots each?” I toss out.

  “Ye got it lass,” he smiles back. We both don our equipment and start blasting away. The thrum of each shot sending shivers down my arms and helping me center myself. I lose myself in the rhythm of the contest: aim, breathe, squeeze. Aim, breathe, squeeze. Before I know it, I’ve shot my last round for the third target and hit the recall button just as Gage fires off his last two rounds. “CLEAR” he shouts out around the wall.

  “CLEAR” I shout back. No one has joined us so we pop off the muffs and compare notes. “Looks like I’ve got you beat there Captain Sweatpants,” I tease, showing him my target with shots in all the right places.

  “Ugh, that ye do lass,” he says, clearly upset that his best target is at least 4 rounds behind mine. He is momentarily distracted as another man walks in and starts to set up at the far end of the range. “We should probably be gettin’ along yeah?” he asks. He must be a little more upset than I thought. Not exactly what I thought would happen.

  I put my hand on his arm to soothe him, “Gage, it’s ok. You’re still not 100% and it was just a silly bet. I can forget it if it means that much to you?” I ask trying to soothe what must be his aching ego. Maybe I should have taken it a little bit easier on him?”

  “Nah, Al. A bet is a bet. It’s just, I feel a little confused is all.” he shakes his head, looking like he’s trying to physically gather his thoughts. Just then, the asshole down at the end blasts his massive revolver without a single warning causing both of us to flinch. I throw my hands over my ears as another shot rips through the room and watch as Gage stumbles, barely catching himself on the wall to keep from going to his knees. Something isn’t right. Gage’s eyes have blown wide and he has a thousand yard unfocused stare as he braces against the wall. A third boom rips through the space before I collect my wits and make my way down to his cubicle. He’s in the middle of using the sight to check his shots when I tap him on the shoulder.

  “Dude, small place and you walked right past us, could ya maybe let people know before you attempt to blow their ear drums?” I snark at the guy. He just looks at me and gives this leering, ‘sorry’ and goes back to his task. Fucking moron. Making my way back to Gage, I rush to his side when I round the corner. He’s on his knees, his hands are knotted in his hair clutching at his skull and he’s gone white as a sheet. He’s visibly shaking. I’ve never seen him like this before and I feel the icy grip of terror clench at my heart. Dropping to my knees in front of him, I reach for his hands, his face, trying to get him to look up at me. “Gage, baby, what’s the matter?”

  “Lexi. I remember. I remember what happened back in Seattle.”

  Chapter 17


  That shot was way too big for one of those gangbangers we’re wasting out there. I take off pounding down the catwalk past the dark office spaces, boots thudding on the metal grates. No reason for stealth at this point, the Brothers blasting away with their ARs have alerted everyone within 10 miles of the shit storm going down today. Rounding the corner, I hear some shouts that I can’t quite make out over the din outside, but it sounds different than the general ‘get fucked’ banter that’s going on outside.

  “Where the fuck is King?” I mutter under my breath, looking in the darkness for some sign of the fearless leader. Another crack echoes through the space and I can distinctly hear King’s voice reply in anger and pain. I take off running and start down some steps when I see him, hunched and holding his leg beside a crate.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, you dumb fuck,” King shouts from his prone position. The little pool of blood growing under his shin. I see some shadows move behind King and Axel steps into the light.

  “What I should have done a long time ago, you pansy ass.”

  The hand cannon goes off like thunder, the sound and sight of King’s brains splattering on the crate hitting me like a physical force.

  “NO!” I shout and start running down the stairs toward King. No, no, no, no, what the fuck is happening. Why the actual fu-

  A sharp pain in my shin cuts off the thought and the next thing I see is the dirty yellow of the stair grates rushing up to meet my face.

  Fuuuucck… Lexi and I hightailed it home after the gun range, thinking about dropping the revelation on Sawyer but both he, Tessa, and Evan were out for dinner and the longer I had time to think about it, the more I knew I had to process this massive load of shit that just landed on my head.

  Lexi, oh, she is a downright sweetheart, and the best person I could have at a moment like this. She didn’t needle me with questions, didn’t assume I was utterly broken and needed minding like a child, nope. She got me home, poured me a drink, and sat on the couch next to me with her arm wrapped around mine and put her head on my shoulder. I sat there for at least 20 minutes just thinking about it all and unpacking the mess that was my brain. I didn’t remember everything exactly, but I remembered enough.


  How the fuck did I miss that? How the fuck did all of us miss his conniving, backstabbing, pansy ass betrayal. You don’t fuckin’ do that to your Brothers, fuck. The Prez. King trusted that motherfucker
, they were closer than any of us, like fuckin blood brothers. It doesn’t add up and the only thought that does make sense right now is the burning need to take that fucker to ground. You don’t cross the Sons, you don’t fuck with my family.

  My thoughts went on and on like that until Lexi took the now empty glass from my hands and ushered me into my bedroom. She got me settled and with a gentle kiss simply said, “Sleep babe. We can work on it tomorrow.”

  Well, it’s tomorrow and my confusion has turned into a burning ember of anger and hate. That anger has me in front of Sawyer and Tessa’s door, pounding on it with zero regard for what time it is. “Sawyer wake the fuck up, we got work te-do,” I shout through the door.

  A sleepy, “Fuck off Gage” comes through the door. Why am I always banging on this asshole’s door to wake him the fuck up?

  “Get yer sorry ass up and meet me in the living room. I know who killed King.” At the utterance of King’s name, I hear him start to move toward the door so I strike a pose of pure disinterest and annoyance just in time for the door to fling wide.

  “Da fuck did you just say?” Sawyer asks blearily, attempting to hide his nakedness behind the door.

  “Get some pants on, I got shit to say,” I deadpan as I turn a walk away from a clearly confused Sawyer. I make my way back to the living room and start ‘the procedure’ to get Tink on the line. It’s early but that little shithead lives off caffeine and doughnuts, so he’ll be good.


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