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Feral Empires: First Spark

Page 5

by Stephen L. Hadley

  “I usually do this a bit higher up,” she said, with a look in Liam’s direction. “They can’t climb every tree looking for me and the grassy bits help with the wind and cold. I don’t know if the Institute has drones, but it should help against those, too.”

  Liam frowned in confusion. He had been nodding along, but that last bit…

  “Drones?” he asked. “Is that a type of Hunter?”

  For a second, Jenn looked just as confused as he did. Then she sighed and shook her head.

  “I keep forgetting how little you know,” she said. Then, realizing her mistake, hastily continued. “It’s not your fault, of course! You’ve never been outside the Institute until now. But I was six when they took me, so I still remember bits and pieces from before.”

  Sitting back and seemingly oblivious to her nakedness, Jenn chewed her lip thoughtfully. After a moment, she began to speak in a deliberate, thoughtful manner that Scott had used while bringing Liam up to speed on a subject.

  “Drones are a piece of old-world tech,” Jenn explained. “Scott told you about the Endwar and all that, right? When the Occs invaded the You-Say?”

  He nodded and she continued.

  “Well, drones are one of the only techs that survived. Along with the Block and, uh, whatever they call the stuff the Institute does. Enhancements, I guess? You know about those?”

  This time, Liam gave a half-hearted shrug and shook his head.

  “Figures. Well, that stuff’s complicated, so maybe another time. Anyway, drones are like…” Jenn paused and blew a quiet raspberry. “Yeah, I guess they’re sort of like Hunters. That’s how my mother described them. Only they’re completely mechanical. They fly around the sky just, you know, watching. And they tell the Occs when they see something. Like runaways from the Institute.”

  Even though he wasn’t the one naked, Liam suddenly felt very cold. He glanced upward, peering between the narrow gaps formed by Jenn’s clothing and was oddly relieved to see only leaves and branches in the gap. Could there really be drones up there right now, searching for them? Under other circumstances the mere idea would have sounded laughable. But, to be fair, he was sitting in a hammock with a girl who could control plants. Compared to that, mechanical hunters who controlled air didn’t even sound unlikely.

  “But if they have drones,” he said, voice dropping involuntarily to a near-whisper, “why haven’t they caught us by now? I mean, Scott’s been watching the Institute for six years.”

  Jenn shrugged, moving to rejoin Liam’s side. Compared to his sudden chill, her bare skin was practically hot to the touch. Unfortunately, his mind was also filled with so many new thoughts that he couldn’t even manage to appreciate the contact.

  “Like I said, I don’t even know if the Institute has them. But if we’re that important, I’d wager they do. Maybe Scott knows a way to hide from them?”

  He gave a noncommittal grunt, still lost in thought. He was so distracted that he didn’t even notice Jenn take his hand until she’d guided it back between her thighs. The warmth he felt there had not abated during their conversation, and the patch of hair that framed her entrance was wet with anticipation.

  “Don’t worry about that right now,” she insisted. “They can’t find us in here.”

  Reluctantly, Liam allowed himself to be won over. His grin returned and he leaned in to give Jenn a tender kiss, even as his fingers began to stroke her slick, outer folds.

  “Scott might,” he said.

  Jenn growled unhappily and pressed her legs together, trapping his hand against her. With her own, she tugged at Liam’s trousers and dragged them forcefully down to his knees.

  “No, he won’t,” she said. “I doubt he can stand up on his own, much less climb the hill.”

  Savoring the opportunity, Liam twisted his hand between Jenn’s thighs and pressed a single finger against her entrance. It accepted him easily, swallowing the digit in its hot, wet embrace. Jenn moaned softly, body going slack as she pressed her hips against his palm.

  “You still, hmm, haven’t guessed. What I want,” she pointed out.

  Liam curled his finger, stroking her inner walls and drawing out another quiet moan. Grinning, he repeated the motion several times and each time he was rewarded with an increasingly enthusiastic response. All at once, he withdrew.

  Gasping, Jenn sat up swiftly with a scandalized expression. No sooner had she done so, however, than Liam seized her by the shoulders and rolled her onto her side, as before. His pressed himself against her, guiding his erection in between her thighs until the tip rested against the petals of her sex.

  “I know what you want,” he whispered. Nibbling the base of Jenn’s neck, he drank in every response her body offered, from her ticklish shrug to the way her hips were squirming, practically begging him to claim her.

  To her credit, Jenn still had enough clarity to reply.

  “What do I want?” she asked, merely breathing the words.

  Liam wrapped an arm around her, then trailed his fingers down her front in identical fashion. Once he reached his destination, he cupped her front, teasing her most sensitive spot with the finger still wet with her juices.

  It was as if they had never even paused.

  “Scott won’t reach us,” he said. “But I think you want him to hear us.”

  Liam pushed his hips forward, sinking his shaft into Jenn’s tight, clenching depths with a single, purposeful thrust. And, if the throaty, blissful cry she gave was anything to go by, his guess had been absolutely correct.


  It was not the morning sun that woke Liam, but rather the sound of the birds. Despite the fact that he’d only been free of the Institute a month, he was used to such things. What he was not used to what having one whistle enthusiastically what sounded like a foot from his head.

  He sat up quickly and felt a brief flash of panic when his arm did not rise with him. His fear fled with a glance, however, as he discovered Jenn sleeping upon it. His motion was enough to disturb her, however, and she began to stir. Yawning, she opened her eyes. For just a heartbeat, she looked surprised to see him.

  Then she smiled. And in that instant, something in her expression pierced Liam as surely as her javelins had the morning prior. His chest tightened warmly and it was all he could do not to look down and check himself for wounds. Instead, he lay back down.

  “Morning,” Jenn mumbled.

  Rolling over, she nestled into the crook of his shoulder and stretched an arm out across his chest. Doing so pushed her exposed breasts against him. And yet, despite the erotic view, Liam didn’t find himself growing aroused. Instead, the pleasant ache in his chest grew more intense until he could barely stand it.

  Careful not to disturb her, he leaned over and gently kissed Jenn’s brow.

  “Morning,” he murmured back. Though he knew it was impossible, a part of him wished he could simply will the world to stop, allowing this moment to continue for all time.

  “Good morning to you, too!” a voice boomed, just outside the walls of the hammock-tent.

  Both Liam and Jenn leapt upright, nearly upsetting their makeshift bed in the process. Liam lunged for his discarded trousers; if he was going to fight, it would certainly not be naked. Jenn, on the other hand, had somehow reclaimed one of the vines supporting the hammock and had wound it around her arm. Already, thorns were sprouting from the portion that extended past her fingers.

  “Hope you two don’t mind getting an early start,” Scott called again. The laughter in his voice was unmistakable. “I’m sore as hell, but I’ll be damned if I spend another day lying on my ass.”

  Liam turned and found Jenn staring back at him. She reached for the hammock wall and yanked down one of the grass leggings that formed it. Using it to modestly cover herself, she peered through the gap it left as Liam joined her.

  Scott leaned against a nearby tree, the very picture of innocence. Though he looked a bit unsteady on his feet a
nd he’d peeled off his poultice to reveal a very ugly scar, he otherwise looked no worse for wear. Visibly holding back a smile, he stared up at the branches above him and began to whistle.

  Liam recognized the tune at once. It was the same that had woken him, the one he’d mistaken for birdsong.

  “Bastard,” he growled. Lacing up his trouser he offered an apologetic look to a scarlet-faced Jenn and clumsily exited the hammock through the window she’d made.

  Liam’s back ached in a thousand places but he scarcely felt them as he stalked toward Scott. Half of him wanted to deck the man, but his better nature prevailed. It was only once he stood before him, arms folded and hands balled into fists that Scott dropped his gaze from the branches above.

  “I hope you got plenty of sleep,” Scott said.

  “Bastard,” Liam repeated. He glared at the man, wishing his embarrassment would fade so he could dwell wholeheartedly on his anger. Truthfully, he wasn’t entirely sure why he was so angry. He just was.

  “What?” Scott asked.

  “You—” Liam sighed and let the matter drop. “Are you sure you’re well enough to be walking around?”

  Scott shrugged, then nodded. “I’m sure. Your blood must pack quite a punch. Like I said, I’m sore, but just lying there was killing me. I thought you two would be glad to start this not-quite-suicide mission.”

  “That’s… I—”

  Scott jerked his head in the direction of the hammock. “Is the girl dressed yet?”

  “She has a name,” Liam snapped. Glancing over, he spied an intimate glimpse of skin and felt his heart begin to race at the sight. “And, not yet. Almost.”

  Scott did not respond, at least at first. Then he sighed, face growing serious as he met Liam’s eyes.

  “I’m sorry about that little joke, son,” he said. His voice was soft enough not to reach Jenn. “And, honestly, it’s not that I don’t approve. Love is a rare enough thing these days. Trust me, if you find it, hold onto it. Just… be careful. A war is the last place you want to get a girl pregnant.”


  This time, Scott’s voice did carry, and his multi-faceted curse took more than one breath to complete. Ignoring Jenn’s curious stare, he slipped an arm around Liam’s shoulder and guided him swiftly away.

  “You and I,” he muttered, “Are going to have a long, very important conversation.”

  Chapter Five

  It took the three of them nearly five days to traverse the thirty miles back to the Institute. Their slowness was due in part to Scott’s injuries. Despite his assurances that he was fine, the man’s face reverted to a pained grimace whenever he thought no one was looking.

  The larger reason for the delay, however, was simple caution. They were carrying a large amount of gear, recovered from the temporary camp Liam had shared with Scott upon their arrival, and the closer they drew to the Institute, the greater the chance of stumbling across Occ soldiers. The last thing any of them wanted was to fight with fifty pounds of gear strung across their backs. As a result, conversation dwindled, they took turns keeping watch at night, and Liam’s nightly coupling with Jenn grew infrequent.

  Then, much to his dismay, it stopped altogether.

  Not that the alternative was all that appealing, either. Scott watched the two of them like a hawk and seemed loathe to let either of them out of his sight for even a second.

  Which made it all he more surprising when, less than an hour after reaching the well-concealed cave that marked their destination, Scott announced he was leaving.

  “You’re what?” Liam said, rising and abandoning his now-familiar meal of fruit and dried venison. His legs ached from the days of endless hiking, so he could only imagine how Scott must be feeling. “Why?”

  “Keep your voice down,” Scott growled. He glanced at the door—a few ill-fitting planks disguised with stones and grass on the exterior—as if to assure himself it was not being kicked down. “I told you, I need to track down my men and try to contact my superiors. Two kids and a dozen middle-aged soldiers isn’t going to cut it.”

  Before Liam could reply, Jenn was at his side. She spoke in a hushed voice. “Are you sure you’ve healed enough to go alone?”

  “It’s not that far,” Scott said. “I’ll be fine. Besides, I thought you two would enjoy some privacy.”

  Jenn stiffened and went red. Turning quickly to hide her embarrassment, she busied herself with inspecting a box of ammunition. Liam, on the other hand, couldn’t bring himself to argue. The thought of Scott traveling alone worried him, of course, but the man had managed it for six years without incident. And it would be nice to enjoy a few intimate moments with Jenn without glancing constantly over his shoulder.

  Not that he’d ever admit it to Scott.

  “What should we do until you return?” he asked.

  The corner of Scott’s mouth quirked upward, but he didn’t take the bait.

  “Whatever you want,” he said. “You’re free, remember? It’d be good to start keeping tabs on the Institute’s convoys as soon as possible, just don’t do anything stupid. I don’t want to come back just to find out you’ve been captured or something.”

  “What if there aren’t any convoys?”

  “How the hell should I know?” Scott sighed, throwing his arms up in the air. “This is your suicide mission. Do whatever you two want. Scout? Hunt? Fuck?”

  The sudden rattling of ammunition drew both their gazes to an increasingly red-faced Jenn. She knelt quickly, righting the box she’d toppled and scooping up the spilled contents.

  With an uncharacteristic grin, Scott lifted a hand and delivered a playful salute.

  “Whatever you choose, just stay safe,” he said. “I’ll be back soon. Maybe a week or so.”

  Scott’s preparations were brief. He checked the pistol at his hip, glancing once at the magazine, then retrieved the small shoulder-satchel of food he’d carried throughout their journey here and slipped out of the cave.

  Liam watched him depart in silence, surprised by the emotions churning within him. Scott had been his first friend and a constant companion since the first night he’d fled the Institute. To be separated now, even temporarily, was unexpectedly terrifying.

  Apparently, his inner conflict was easy to read. Sidling up, Jenn slid her arms around him from behind.

  “He’ll be fine,” she assured him.


  “Hey,” Jenn murmured. When Liam did not immediately respond, her arms tightened around his stomach. “Hey.”


  “So… what do you want to do first?”

  Liam could hear the desire in her voice and was almost glad Jenn couldn’t see his face. Sometimes, it was nice to keep her in suspense and the reluctant smile spreading across it would have given him away.

  “First? Well…” he trailed off. Then, much louder, added, “I want to wait until the eavesdropping bastard actually leaves. Then we’ll complain about him for hours!”

  Something struck the door loudly—a rock from the sound of it.

  “I resent that!” came Scott’s voice from beyond.

  Liam expected Jenn to curse or grow embarrassed, as before. Instead, she laughed and buried her face against his shoulder. Then, she too joined in with a loud voice.

  “God, he’s just the worst, isn’t he? So predictable!”

  “Hey, fuck you too!”

  Scott’s voice was growing more distant by the second. But even so, it still managed to bring a smile to Liam’s face. He leaned back into Jenn’s embrace, savoring the warmth of the moment—both literal and figurative.

  Of course, Scott would be fine. What had he even been worried about? Nobody could die with last words like those.

  The pair of them remained there for several minutes, until the moment passed of its own accord. Only then did Jenn’s hand slide down his front.

  “So, what do you really want to do first?”
r />   ***

  They left the cave shortly after dusk, once the sun had vanished beneath the hills but before it grew too dark to make preparations in the light peeking in around the door. It turned out to be a good decision, since Liam had wasted several minutes staring wistfully at the stash of rifles. In the end, he reluctantly conceded to Scott’s wisdom and picked up his bow.

  Even absent, the man seemed determined to spoil his fun.

  “Ready?” Jenn whispered. She crouched by the door, her cloak of vines already twisted into so many thorny whips.

  Liam nodded and joined her. Silently, Jenn glided out, leaving a pleasant, floral aroma in her wake. He had just enough time to breathe deeply, once, before his rising adrenaline forced him out after her.

  They paused right outside the cave, scanning the hills and trees for any hint of movement or danger. When none revealed itself, Liam crept to Jenn’s side.

  “How about this?” he whispered, gesturing. “One big loop around the Institute. We find the supply roads, a few good places for an ambush, and then we come right back.”

  Jenn nodded slowly, looking thoughtful. “We can’t get too close. That makes it, what? At least eight or nine miles? It’ll take more than one night.”

  Liam shrugged and reached over to give one of her vines a squeeze. He’d gotten used to sleeping upon the things, even if his back had not.

  “We can camp,” he said.

  “Fine. No sex though.” At Liam’s scandalized expression, Jenn reddened and flashed an apologetic smile. “It’s too loud!”

  Liam chuckled and placed a delicate kiss on her cheek. “You’re the loud one,” he pointed out. He took a step forward and yelped far too loudly as one of Jenn’s vines—mercifully thornless—cracked against his ass. Turning, he found her wearing a wolfish smile.


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