by Henry Makow
But she does drop a possible clue. She says that each of the nine floors of the party-owned headquarters at 35 E. 12th St. was devoted to CPUSA business. The Sixth Floor held "the publication offices of the Yiddish newspaper, the Freiheit, and the "Jewish Commission." (162) Indeed Jews were prominent among Communist dupes.
"Whatnowbecamecleartomewasthecollusionofthesetwoforces:the Communists with their timetable for world control, and certain mercenary forces in the free world bent on making profits from blood." (229)
As "one piece of the puzzle that finally became a picture," Dodd tells the story of the ship "Erica Reed" typical of "hundreds of other stories." During the Spanish Civil War, Americans donated money to load the ship with medical supplies and food for Spain. The Communists diverted the ship to Russia instead. (89)
Censorship is crucial to Communists, Dodd says. "I have often seen leaders pull books from shelves in homes and warn members to destroy them."(223)
Communism is essentially a deceitful system of international elite control. It was not suppressed during the McCarthy era. Rather it morphed into the New Left, Counter Culture, Civil Rights, Anti War and Woman's Liberation Movements, and later into a plethora of elite-sponsored NGO's, and media, Democratic and Republican party factions, Liberal, Zionist, Labor, feminist and Gay Rights groups. Like the CPUSA itself, these groups are controlled from the top so their memberships are unaware of being used.
To the objection that some of the above mentioned groups oppose globalization, Dodd refers to examples where the CPUSA ostensibly supported causes they wished to sabotage. (205)
In conclusion, Communism was/is a plot designed to substitute for the rule of God, a cabal of the superrich. It is a utopian fraud hatched by the rich to thwart the dreams of ordinary people and stunt human progress. The same cabal is behind most wars including Iraq.
A precursor to the New World Order, Communism espouses brotherhood, peace and equality in order to deceive us. It has taken over society's eyes, ears, mind and spirit. Much of what passes for truth in the media and schools is part of this monstrous con job. Our politicians are mostly dupes or traitors.
Feminism is Communist both in origin and spirit. It pretends to champion women but in fact neuters both sexes and destroys the basic social unit, the family. The promotion of homosexuality as a "lifestyle choice" for heterosexuals is also part of this brazen elitist fraud designed to "create new types of human beings who would conform..."
Western Civilization is like a ship floundering in a sea of evil, yet the passengers are too duped and distracted to realize it. Bella Dodd had the courage to sound the alarm 50 years ago. It is never too late to begin to resist tyranny.
The Vagina Monologues
Feminism's Dead End
While bombs rained down on Afghanistan in Oct. 2001, theatregoers in Washington D.C. were paying $50-70 at the National Theatre to see Eve Ensler's play "The Vagina Monologues". This play partly exemplifies why radical Islam may have declared war on America. The play pretends to be about women's rights. In fact, it is little more than a public reading of explicit lesbian pornography. "The Vagina Monologues" is a celebration of lesbianism that is being produced in 25 countries, including Turkey and China. We are exporting homosexuality and the social disintegration that goes with it.
Muslim fundamentalists believe their culture is threatened. They are fighting to preserve their wives and children who are the future. If their wives are infected by our homosexuality, they will insist on becoming "independent" like men. Their birth rate will plummet, as has ours, and their families and culture will disintegrate. In countries with minimal government social safety nets, families and children are also essential for survival.
"The Vagina Monologues" presents a sad picture of life at the dead-end of feminism. It is an anguished cry for male love by a generation of women who were deceived by feminism, and now have no choice but to become lesbians. For women who are literally starved for love, the play provides a steamy experience of sexual intimacy. For young women who don't know any better, it is an initiation into lesbianism.
Based on interviews with women who talk about their vaginas, the play purports to rescue the female genitals from "cultural neglect." For example, the play describes a workshop in which women examine themselves with hand-mirrors. "It reminded me of how early astronomers must have felt with their primitive telescopes," says Ensler.
They give their vagina nicknames; dress it up in imaginary outfits, and imagine what it would say if it could talk (e.g. "Where's Brian?"). At one performance at the Madison Square Gardens, 18,000 women were whipped into a frenzy of shouting "cunt" over and over.
They should have been shouting "penis" because this really is about the loss of male love. Having lost their youth and femininity, having rejected or emasculated men, millions now are left sexually high and dry.
Both sexes need validation. Men these days don't like feminists and feminists know it. Every time we turn on TV, a man is being beat-up, berated or outdone by a woman. Men resent that women have usurped the male role and deserted the feminine one. I believe this is what Ensler is actually experiencing when she says: "Our self-hatred is only the internalized repression and hatred of the patriarchal culture."
Women are justified in feeling unloved and unfulfilled. Ensler says that women want to be used for babies: "My vagina helped release a giant baby. It thought it would be used more than that. It's not." The result is a profound sense of emptiness and need. "My vagina wants to go deeper. It's hungry for depth. It's hungry for kisses, kindness. It wants to stop being angry. It wants everything. It wants to want. It wants."
It appears that only a man can staunch this wound. Ensler describes a boyfriend, Bob, who loved to gaze at her genitals for hours and made her feel good about herself for the first time. She doesn't say what happened to Bob. The only other men in the play are Ensler's first husband, a philanderer, and some rapists in Bosnia.
Thus, "The Vagina Monologues" quickly becomes a steamy chronicle of lesbian sex. In the first place, a fixation on female genitals by women is pure homosexuality. Forgive me for what follows but I am trying to convey the pornographic flavor of this so-called play.
The author interviews a former tax lawyer who has become wealthy as a lesbian gigolo. "There are so many unfulfilled women," she says. "Women pay me to dress up like a man and dominate them." She follows with a precise description of her art ("there are four fingers inside me, two are hers and two are mine") that turns Ensler on: "Come on," I said. "Come in."
A 12-year-old girl describes how her mother entrusted her to the care of a beautiful, worldly 24-year-old woman who then betrayed this trust by having sex with her: "She transformed my sorry-assed coochie-snorcher into a kind of heaven."
Ensler regresses with children's stories of the "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" variety. She asks a six-year-old girl to say what her vagina smells like (snowflakes?) She informs us that the clitoris has twice the number of nerve fibres as the penis: "Who needs a handgun when you've got a semiautomatic?" She describes finding her clitoris for the first time: "It was all warm and pulsing and ready and young and alive." I could go into more detail but you get the idea.
A measure of our cultural timidity, depravity and self-delusion is that no major media critic has named this play for what it is. "Ensler is an impassioned wit," says the Los Angeles Times. "A compelling rhapsody of the female essence," says the Chicago Tribune. "Spellbinding, funny and almost unbearably moving," says Variety. The play has been performed in hundreds of American cities and universities, and in countries from Rumania to Zaire. Celebrity guest performers include Meryl Streep, Jane Fonda, Calista Frockhart, and Angelica Huston.
Ensler and her entourage try to position this pathetic lesbian primer in the mainstream. Gloria Steinem writes "men as well as women will emerge from these pages feeling more free within themselves and about each other."
Ensler has "come out" as yet another survivor of sexual abuse by her fat
her. She has tied the play to the politicized cause of violence against women. Her hatred of heterosexuality is evident by her choice of Valentine's Day, as "V-Day" or anti-violence day, when her play will be performed. She told Molly Ivens in TIME that the patriarchal (i.e. nuclear) family is "a deadly institution." This is redolent of Communist methodology.
The nuclear family is the primary institution of heterosexuality. Before the "sexual revolution," women insisted on marriage and family, which is heterosexual behaviour. This satisfied the profoundest psychological needs of both sexes and provided a safe context for raising healthy children. After the sexual revolution, men and women engaged in promiscuous sex, which had been more typical of homosexuals. Women, increasingly independent and self-righteous, were unable to form permanent marriages. Taught that they could "have it all", they are now frustrated and bitter.
The irony of "The Vagina Monologues" is that feminists who regularly complain about sexual objectification embrace the play.
There is no mention of love in it. Another irony is that feminists apparently think that, when lesbians do it, an adult having sex with a 12-year-old child is OK. They also think that they can violate the natural innocence of a 6-year-old girl with invasive questions.
Finally, need I mention that the play outrages and destroys the mystery, modesty and reserve that is the essence of mature femininity? Like feminism itself, "The Vagina Monologues" masquerades as an affirmation of women. In fact, it is a sickening bludgeoning assault on women.
Domestic Violence
Dawn of the Feminist Police State
In 1931, Clark Gable's acting career took off after he decked Barbara Stanwyck in the movie Night Nurse. He got 10,000 fan letters from breathless females.
Today male and female superheroes routinely slug it out on the big screen but if ordinary men and women so much as shove, they can be arrested for "domestic assault."
Men risk jail, legal bills, and the loss of family, house and job if they so much as argue with a woman.
This is the result of the widespread "zero tolerance" policy that defines domestic assault as any physical contact, no matter how innocuous. The charge is laid by the state even if the victim objects, and no harm has been done.
Ostensibly this policy protects women but its real purpose is to emasculate men and persecute heterosexuals in general. It's another frontintheRockefeller-elite'scampaigntodegradesociety,destroyfamily and decrease population by making heterosexuality unworkable.
Couples all experience stress, especially if they have children. Now a woman can have a tantrum and incarcerate her husband simply by dialling 911. She can hold this threat over his head.
The policy undermines male leadership. A husband called his wife "lazy." A neighbor urged her to "teach him a lesson." So she called the police and falsely charged him with slapping her.
"Now she needs help with the children and but we have to live apart," he said outside court. "She is very upset and sorry."
"Women make false charges like crazy," a Legal Aid lawyer said. There is no penalty for doing this.
A male said his common law wife falsely charged him in order to get him out of the house. From the back of the police car, he saw her standing on the lawn with her boyfriend.
Another man heard the 2 a.m. "knock on the door" after breaking up with his girlfriend earlier the same night. She charged him with holding her arms (to prevent her from pummelling him.) He had a hefty legal bill and risked losing his job.
Themajorityofthesecasesare"stayed"aftermanycourtappearances because the women won't testify or it's his word against hers.
The policy accustoms people to the interference of police in their personal lives, which is the hallmark of dictatorship.
Having an argument is now a crime. "The walls are thin," one couple said. They were arrested after a neighbour heard voices raised. A witness vouched they didn't touch each other but the cops have no discretion.
People lose respect for the law. "It's supposed to be a free country but it don't seem free any more," a man told me.
The policy is a grotesque boondoggle for police, social workers, therapists, prisons, courts and lawyers. It swells the ranks of the bureaucracy, which has an economic stake in the elite's New World Order.
In Winnipeg where I live, half the 1200-man police force is dedicated to domestic violence. "To me that statistic is staggering," police Chief Jack Ewatski, told the Winnipeg Free Press "It puts a significant stress on our ability to police the city in other areas."
More than half the inmates at the overflowing "Remand Centre" are husbands. Special facilities have been built at a penitentiary to house 200 more "domestics." Most of these men have yet to be convicted of anything.
I have interviewed about 65 people charged with domestic assault outside the courtroom. Most of these people have limited means. Their fights are usually trivial, harmless and involve alcohol.
I met only one person who fits the profile of a "battered woman." Even she wanted the choice of charging her abuser or not. She felt she could handle her situation.
A veteran lawyer who specializes in domestic violence confirmed that only 10% of his cases fit the profile of chronic wife beater.
Most people call the police to help defuse a tense situation. Instead, they are arrested, finger printed and jailed. They miss work and sometimes lose jobs. They cannot return to their homes.
"Sometimes I deserve a smack," one male said. "She gave me one. I pushed her out of the way and left. We're fine. We're a normal couple. We had one rough night. No one was hurt. No one charged anyone."
I do not condone or encourage domestic violence of any kind. But most of these incidents should not involve criminal charges. Police should charge only when someone has been injured or complains. They should be given discretion over whether the complaint is serious.
When two men in a bar get into a fight, there is a mediation process. No charges are laid for a first offence. Why are lovers treated differently?
Finally, I have seen only one same-sex (lesbian) couple in 20 courthouse visits although domestic violence is reputed to be fairly common among homosexuals.
A lawyer said: "The women call the shots." Police often refuse to accept a man's charge. When a wife bit his husband's finger, the cop told him: "What was your finger doing in her mouth?" Another man was told to "take it like a man."
Yet the system is capricious. Women are often victimized. One mother of four on social assistance slapped her common-law husband when he said he didn't care about the children. He pushed her against a wall and she called police.
They arrested only her. "That's what I get for being honest," she said. "I don't know why I'm being persecuted."
Another woman slapped her boyfriend when he made light that she was pregnant with his child. He called the police and she was arrested. Legal fees: $1200.
Another woman said: "My ex boyfriend called me from jail. He was out in two days and bothering me again. What's the point of calling the police? It's not worth the trouble."
In the crush of trivial cases, women in genuine danger are overlooked. Feminist activists don't really care about women. They are "sleeping with the enemy." Feminists are using a few endangered women to get cushy jobs and to advance the elite's lesbian agenda.
The zero tolerance policy makes a mockery of the principles of justice. A real crime (i.e. injury) must take place before someone is arrested and jailed. There should be a presumption of innocence. There should be evidence and not just one person's word.
Domestic violence was not a problem before feminists and their elite sponsors invented it. It isn't a problem today. For example, according to the 1999 Canadian General Social Survey, only 7% of people married or common law experienced "some type of violence" within the previous five ye
ars. These are almost evenly divided between men and women.
The rate of spousal homicide for wives is 7 per million in Canada. In the U.S., the murder rate for wives/girlfriends is between 1 and 4 /1000th of one percent depending on race.
Something fundamental has gone awry when half the police force is dedicated to marital spats.
Heterosexuals should wake up and smell the coffee. We have been under sustained attack for over 40 years. It is no accident that the roles of wife and mother have become stigmatized and men have been demonized. It's no accident that, as with people who have a terminal disease, we hear little discussion of our collective future.
Society is victim to an insidious campaign of elite social engineering and political persecution. It's time we told our Lucifer-loving financial elite, "Enough."
The Illuminati
Conspiracy Too Monstrous to Conceive
"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." --J. Edgar Hoover
The world is in the malignant grip of a satanic cult. People recoil at the suggestion but proof stares us in the face every day.
George W. Bush, President of the "Free World" is a member of "Skull and Bones" a chapter of the Illuminati order. His father, grandfather and uncle are also members.
In his autobiography, "A Charge to Keep" Bush writes, "My senior year I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society so secret I can't say anything more." In Aug. 2000 he said his "heritage is part of who I am."