Cruel Hoax

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by Henry Makow


  As far as I could tell, University of Winnipeg students mostly avoided the Lesbian Rangers. But there are many feminist or lesbian professors who are harder to avoid. They make their dogma of male oppression of women (i.e. divide-and-conquer) a prerequisite for a good grade.

  Let's not mince words. Orwell's "1984" has arrived. The government and universities are foisting a developmental disorder caused by dysfunctional families on our children.

  Dempsey and Millin try to be campy and nice but they are really obnoxious hypocrites. Like fellow lesbian Irjad Manji, they are New World Order "change agents," cultural agitators highly paid to subvert the young. Destruction of the family is a main tenet of the Illuminati's Communist Manifesto.

  The LNPS motto is "Treat a Lesbian as you would like a Lesbian to Treat You." I ask, do they want to be treated like they are treating straights? What if straight society launched a comparable campaign teaching them that their deepest life desires are not natural but a "social construct"? Do they want to be converted?

  It's ironic that they refer to lesbians as an endangered species. Heterosexuals are the real endangered species. They are the ones who conceive and nurture the young in nuclear families. And when they disappear, so will the human race, as we know it.

  Irshad Manji

  Lesbian Muslim Reformer is New World Orderly

  (Note: Since the event described below, Manji has attended the 2005 Bildersburg meeting near Munich and rubbed shoulders with luminaries as David Rockefeller.)

  Muslim "reformer" and lesbian activist Irshad Manji, 35, symbolizes the globalist push to extinguish true religion and enslave humanity.

  Her book "The Trouble With Islam: A Wake Up Call for Honesty and Change" is being translated into a dozen languages.

  Last week, for the second time in six months, Manji spoke here in Winnipeg.

  The Asper Foundation and the Jewish Women's Federation sponsored her. The Aspers (Canwest Media) own a TV network and the largest chain of newspapers in Canada. Manji charges $7500 an hr.

  In her speech, Manji called on Muslims to return to their ancient tradition of "ijtihad" which encouraged them to scrutinize their social and religious institutions and make their own decisions about how to live.

  As far as I could tell, there was only one Muslim in the audience of about 800.

  The title of the lecture ("Why I Support Women, Jews and Pluralism") may have been a factor. Most of the people present were Jews (some out of social obligation) with a smattering of lesbians and globots. (globalists)

  It was comical to listen to Manji exhort Muslims to challenge their tradition in front of an audience composed mainly of Jews, a community not noted for welcoming constructive criticism.

  Ever heard of a book (or lecture) entitled "The Trouble with Judaism: A Wake Up Call for Honesty and Change?"

  The globalist elite peddles Manji a Toronto writer who emigrated from Uganda as an infant, as a herald of necessary change in Muslim society.

  Oprah Winfrey and Maclean's magazine have honoured her. She has spoken at Oxford University, the United Nations press club, the World Presidents Organization, the International Women's Forum, and the Pentagon. The New York Times described her has "Osama bin Laden's worst nightmare." You get the picture.

  The wonder is that Manji and her audience actually think they are bucking the establishment. Many are anti globalist!


  In the Q & A session, the sole Muslim present at the Winnipeg event said she had flouted her family by having a Black child out-of wedlock. She also adopted two aboriginal children so her family was "a regular United Nations."

  She was heartily applauded for her rebellion and presented as an example of racial tolerance.

  I doubt if any of these Jews would have applauded had this woman been their daughter.

  Organized Jewry seems to promote "tolerance" for other people (like Muslims) but does not embrace it itself.

  For example, I asked Manji to comment on Israel's policy of forbidding Palestinians who are married to Israelis from living in Israel. Manji evaded my question and the moderator didn't remind her of it.

  Jews (and homosexuals) have no idea how they are being used to create the New World Order, only to be cast aside or made a scapegoat later.

  A cabal of Masonic dynastic families based in the City of London control the New World Order. They decided to use Jews to colonize the Middle East long before the birth of "Zionism." The US invasion of Iraq is the latest phase in this satanic plan for "world government." Yes Virginia, there is a Conspiracy.


  In her talk, Manji alluded vaguely to women's oppression in Muslim societies. She advocated "micro business loans" for women (not men) so they could become "entrepreneurs."

  Muslim men then would be "working for their wives," she said. In other words, deprive men of their social role as protectors and providers.

  Muslims are the only men resisting the New World Order precisely because they haven't been gelded like "men" in the West.

  In Muslim society women are cherished and loved for their service to their families. Manji would export the West's family breakdown and plummeting birthrate by "liberating" women from this place of honor. How like a lesbian activist.

  Globalists hate nothing more than a woman devoted to her husband and family. She is dangerous. They can't control her. She might have a healthy happy family with independent values. This could spread!

  Manji said some women in Afghanistan are using these small business loans to start schools for girls (not boys.)

  "They believe that if you educate a boy, you educate only him," she said. "But if you educate a girl, you educate the whole family." Huh? Don't fathers have any role in educating their children?

  This unsubtle attempt to exclude fathers is typical of the hateful underhanded attack on the heterosexual family made by self-described "women of conscience" and "champions of human rights" who say they are opposed to "marginalizing any group."

  These pious self-serving dupes define "human rights" selectively. The vast heterosexual majority of European or Muslim origin, males in particular, evidently are not entitled to human rights. They can be attacked mercilessly and if they resist, they are accused of bigotry.

  Many homosexuals and Jews have this in common: they feel they are "outsiders" socially and metaphysically. While most are content to live and let live, organized Jewry and gay activists like Manji must convince their constituencies they are being persecuted in order to advance their hostile agenda: to shread the social fabric.

  These activists are financed and promoted by the financial elite whose goal is to control society by destabilizing it.


  The political ramifications of Manji's crusade became clear when she referred to Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza as a "double occupation."

  She acknowledged that indeed there was a military occupation. But she spoke of how Palestinians are "occupied ideologically" by their religion, which made them reject Israel's "many generous peace offers."

  She related a conversation she had in Gaza City with the political chief for Hamas. He told her most suicide bombers are very successful in life and because of their religion, consider it an honor to sacrifice their lives.

  She cited this as an example of Islam's fanaticism. Without condoning Hamas' tactics, clearly there would be less resistance in general if Muslims were stripped of their religion and culture.

  What better way to disinherit Muslims than encourage them to become "free thinkers" like all the courageous and independent "free thinkers" for hire here in the West.

  These days the champions of freedom, diversity, human rights and tolerance wear a deceptive face. One such face belongs to Irshad Manji.

  Hugh Hefner

  Why All Porn is Gay

  In 2004, a woman revealed details of Hugh Hefner's sex life. If the Playboy founder is any i
ndication, a life dedicated to porn and free sex leads to homosexuality and impotence. In old age, the former symbol of suave masculinity is a grotesque self-parody.

  Hefner, 79, pays a bevy of whores $2000 a week to be his girlfriends and have sex with him every Wednesday and Friday. He uses Viagra and watches male gay porn to stay erect while as many as ten concubines mount him in succession. The other girls simulate lesbian sex to arouse him.

  "He doesn't really do anything," says Jill Anne Spaulding, author of the book "Upstairs." He just lies there with his Viagra erection. It's just a fake erection, and each girl gets on top of him for two minutes while the girls in the background try to keep him excited. They'll yell things like, "F-k her daddy, f-k her daddy!" There's a lot of cheerleader going on!"

  No one becomes a playmate without having intercourse with Hefner. The "girl next door" is a whore; and Hefner's maudlin example of arrested development is the fitting epitaph for the Playboy Philosophy.

  Playboy was not a spontaneous phenomenon. It was social engineering designed to foster homosexuality and family breakdown. This is why Spaulding's revelations get little publicity.


  The "establishment" agenda is to destabilize and neuter us by encouraging homosexual behavior. They redefine "homosexual" as a "sexual preference" or "lifestyle choice" in order to entrap us. Never mind that the vast majority of homosexuals come from dysfunctional families or suffered sexual abuse as youths. Our reluctance to embrace homosexuality is considered "bigotry."

  In response, let's take liberties with these definitions ourselves.

  Having the right paradigm is the key to healthy behavior.

  Forget about what you normally think of gay or straight (samesex, opposite sex etc.) Think of heterosexuality as monogamous and concerned with love and reproduction. Think of homosexuality as promiscuous and concerned with sterile sex without for its own sake.

  Heterosexuality involves bonding permanently with a member of the opposite sex for love and usually procreation. It is participating in the natural life cycle, reflecting the intrinsic meaning of life in every stage. Personal and societal health depends on heterosexuality.

  Homosexuality is arrested development due to an inability to form a heterosexual bond. As a result, homosexuals apparently compensate using sex as a surrogate for love.

  In these terms, society has become more homosexual because heterosexuals now fail to permanently bond. Normally, heterosexuals marry and put sex in perspective, focusing on more important things.

  A perceptive reader recently wrote: "If heterosexual sex outside of marriage is acceptable, if we eliminate the procreative aspect from sex, are heterosexuals any different from homosexuals in regards to the sexual activity?"

  Our attitude to children is also homosexual. Children are viewed as a burden and nuisance rather than as an extension of ourselves, organic growth, and a source of love and joy.

  Cheating is cheating, even when it's same-sex. In the movie "Brokeback Mountain", the two men betray their wives and children in the most egregious fashion. Yet the movie ends on a nostalgia note recalling the glory days having sex on Brokeback Mountain. In our Illuminist-controlled culture, self-indulgence will always trump personal and social responsibility.

  I do not disparage gays. According to my definitions, the majority of homosexuals are actually "heterosexuals" like Hugh Hefner. And a small minority of homosexuals are monogamous and partake in some heterosexual values.


  The movies are sometimes more effective in fostering homosexuality. Sex is no longer reserved for a loving relationship; often it is something you do with your enemies.

  Recently I saw "Dr. No" (1962) again. The fashionable James Bond has sex with a woman even after he realizes she tried to kill him. After they have sex, Bond has her imprisoned.

  In the movie Munich (2006), the Israeli assassins confront an attractive woman who killed their colleague. She bares herself and suggests her death would be "a waste of talent." She shares our reality and thinks they might have sex with a woman they intend to kill.

  Human beings are malleable and take their standards from movies. There is nothing so destructive to human society as the separation of sex and love and procreation. It reduces men and women to dogs.

  The Illuminati agenda is to degrade humanity. It wishes to harness sex in the interests of hate. Love is the enemy of hate and must be destroyed.


  According to our definition of homosexuality, (i.e. promiscuity outside of love and/or procreation), all pornography is gay. The porn consumer is engaged in a promiscuous masturbatory fantasy. He is not focused on his marriage and progeny.

  From what I have said, it should be clear that homosexuality is incompatible with heterosexuality, just as promiscuity is incompatible with monogamy. Gay activists admit their goal is to destroy heterosexuality.

  Pornography is poisoning heterosexuality. There is a place for tasteful nudity as a stopgap while seeking marriage.

  But as you know, pornography has reached epidemic proportions. "Adult Video News" predicts revenue of $12.6 billion this year. The Internet has four million porn sites. TV and pop music increasingly are pornographic.

  Pornography warps the way a man sees all women and girls. Many sites include girls as young as 14. Young females learn they are useful for one thing only and try to get love the only way they know.

  I hate to burst the bubble on a billion dollar industry: Young naked women are practically identical. They have the same equipment. Do men need to see literally thousands of examples?

  There is something addictive here. Why don't men get sick of it? Why don't they suffer from gynaecologist's fatigue? The plethora of breasts and splayed legs takes the wonder out of sex and causes impotence. Maybe this is the point: new drugs will keep people running on empty.

  We take another step to becoming robots.

  At various times, Communists in the USSR considered "nationalizing" women, making them a public resource. Pornography does this. The most intimate pictures of millions of women are available to all and sundry.

  The satanic aspect of the sexual revolution and pornography lies in the acceptance of anonymous sex: seeing human beings as commodities.

  Betty Friedan

  The Making of A Feminist

  In the 1950's, the founder of modern feminism had a serious inferiority complex.

  At parties she would introduce herself: "I'm Betty Friedan -- and I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Smith."

  Friedan's mother had made her feel inadequate. She compensated by rejecting femininity and convincing women to adopt the male role instead.

  In her candid autobiography, "My Life So Far" (2000) Friedan (born, Betty Naomi Goldstein) says that no matter what she did, her mother made her feel "messy, clumsy, inadequate, bad, naughty, ugly." (26)

  Friedan spent years in psychoanalysis "talking endlessly about how I hated my mother and how she had killed my father." (121) "All mothers should be drowned at birth," she used to say in her 20's. (131)

  Her mother, Miriam Horowitz Goldstein was the spoiled daughter of a doctor who at 20 made a loveless marriage to "an older Jewish businessman" a jeweller almost twice her age. She was ashamed he had "no formal American education and a heavy Jewish accent." He could do nothing right. (17)

  But, instead of seeing that her parent's marriage was the problem, Betty Friedan chose to blame the traditional feminine role. She attributed her mother's unloving behavior to her lack of a satisfying career.

  Also ostracized by her classmates, Friedan vowed that "they may not like me" but one day "they are going to have to look up to me." (25)

  In other words, Friedan was a classic social misfit, the kind that the elite use to undermine society.

  Fame and fortune came her way with her book "The Feminine Mystique," (1963) which devalued the traditional feminine role and stripped women of their "mystique."
/>   Husband and children need the gracious love of a young wife or mother. This nurturing feminine charm was a woman's "mystique." Women don't mind sacrificing if it is appreciated.

  In her book, Friedan said family-oriented women had no identity of their own and family was "a comfortable concentration camp." She devalued the countless priceless things a real woman does for her children and husband.

  With the help of the elite media, Friedan convinced women to deny their natural identity as wife and mother and seek it from jobs and employers.

  Friedan projected her trauma over her personal ugliness and lack-of-mother-love on other women, at incalculable cost to society.


  In the "Naked Ape," Desmond Morris describes the origins of homosexuality as follows. (I will modify to emphasize the lesbian outcome.):

  "If, in the parental situation, the offspring are exposed to an unduly masculine and dominant mother, or an unduly weak and effeminate father, then this will give rise to considerable confusion... If when they become sexually mature, the [daughters] seek mates with the behavioural rather than anatomical qualities of the [father,] they are liable to take [female] mates rather than [males.] For the [sons] there is a similar risk in reverse." (p.86]

  Friedan's mother was dominant and had the male role. That's why Friedan wanted her to have a career. Possibly feminism was her attempt to make women do the same thing, act like her mother, ie. the man she wanted her father to be.



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