by Henry Makow
In her autobiography, Friedan portrays herself as a devoted housewife who wanted to avoid her own mother's mistakes. But in fact she emulated her mother and threatened to castrate her husband.
When she claimed to be "a battered wife," her ex, Carl Friedan, started a web site (now discontinued) to give his side of the story. He said she was unstable and often attacked him. Her bruises were due to his self-defense. His injuries were worse. He even cites a police report as proof. In another case, he writes: [WARNING FOUL LANGUAGE]
"Quite vivid in my mind is a midnight in about 1967 - a year or so before Betty and I separated for good. We were living at our Dakota apartment then -Betty disagreed with something I said (that's all it took), went into one of her raging uncontrollable fits, screaming, her face twisted in hate and insane anger, "You fucking no good prick you, you no-good bastard, you fucking bastard, " meanwhile sprinting into the kitchen. Back she came straight at me brandishing two large kitchen knives. "You fucking Goddamn sonuvabitch, I'm going to cut your fucking cock off - your big cock it doesn't mean a thing to me." At this, I calmly picked up a kitchen chair, nailed her to the wall like a lion-tamer and took the knives away. And that was just a minor incident during that period when her explosive personality was further inflamed by amphetamines she was taking for weight loss, reinforced by alcohol."
Carl Friedan, who had an advertising agency told the NY Post that Betty's image as a typical housewife was a ruse:
"She didn't know what I was doing," he claimed. "I won prizes and had full-page ads in all the New York papers. She didn't care."
According to Carl, Betty was no stay-at-home mom.
"We had a full-time maid during our entire [19-year] marriage. That's who took care of the [three] kids, cooked -everything," he said. "I would say as a housewife, on a scale of 0 to 10, she was a 2."
Carl Friedan's memories are not motivated by politics. He is proud of his ex-wife's accomplishments:
"She changed the course of history almost single-handedly. It took a driven, super-aggressive, egocentric, almost lunatic dynamo to rock the world the way she did. Unfortunately, she was that same person at home, where that kind of conduct doesn't work. She simply never understood this."
When Betty was preparing for her "Bat Mitzvah" (like a Confirmation) at age 13, she confessed to her Reform rabbi that she did not believe in God.
Instead of giving his young ward a sense of what God is, this impostor said: "All right, but keep it to yourself until after confirmation." (22)
Friedan's Judaism amounts to a sense that "I have to use my life to make the world better, have to protest, step off the sidewalk and march against injustice." Because she was rejected as a Jew by the rich country club set in her hometown of Peoria, she "now identified with the working class, also oppressed by the masters of the universe..."(71)
People like Friedan prefer to "change the world" than heal themselves. They tend to do very well by "doing good." While writing this book, she received a one- million-dollar grant from the Ford Foundation. Aren't they the "masters of the universe?" The Friedans of this world just want to be members of this club.
Doesn't it occur to these socialists, feminists and Communists that if they were really a threat to the establishment, they wouldn't be hauling in $120,000 salaries as full professors? Don't they realize they are brainwashing the young, destabilizing society and setting the stage for a totalitarian state?
Friedan was a lifelong Communist. In the book, she tries to distance herself from Communism, describing it in terms of youthful idealism. We'll never know if she was a conscious agent or a dupe. She knew Kurt Lewin who had been in charge of social engineering at Tavistock. (45)
The elite media hyped Friedan to the heavens because the Lucifer-loving bankers wanted women to have jobs instead of families. It's possible Friedanwas perfectlysincere. With her history she would want to destroy what she didn't have, the "Feminine Mystique." She poisoned the well of femininity and sent the family into a death spiral. Women traded sundresses for overalls and business suits.
In our upside-down world, failures and crazies like Betty Friedan become prophets.
Down & Dirty
How Feminism Killed Courtship on Campus
Thanks to feminism, co-eds today do not endure the daily humiliation of courtship. They don't worry about young men offering flowers or asking them out for dinner or a movie.
The days of dating when young men sought them as friends, and possible wives and mothers are gone.
Thanks to the humanizing influence of feminism, young women can deaden themselves with alcohol and immediately give their bodies to strangers without any awkward "get acquainted" period. They can engage in degrading sex acts without fear of repressive and outdated "patriarchal" morality.
This is the picture of college sexual mores in an article "Sex and Scandal at Duke [University]" by Janet Reitman in a recent issue of Rolling Stone magazine. It typifies the scene at most universities.
"Whatever sex goes on, the girls say, is done in the context of the "hook up" which describes anything from making out to full-on intercourse. Much to the disappointment of many students, female and male, there's no real dating scene at Duke --true for a lot of colleges."
"I've never been asked out on a date in my entire life --not once," says one stunning brunette. Nor has a guy ever bought her a drink. "I think that if anybody ever did that, I would ask him if he were on drugs," she says.
Rather, there's the casual one-night stand, usually bolstered by heavy drinking and followed the next morning by --well, nothing, usually. "You'll hook up with a guy, and you know that nothing will come out of it," says Anna. The best thing you can hope for, she says, "is that you'll get to hook up with him again." Some girls they know have managed to score a regular hook up -- meaning consistent sex -- but others play the field, bouncing from one guy to the next."
The phrase "whatever sex goes on" is an understatement.
"Traditional intercourse is common, and oral sex nearly ubiquitous, regarded as a form of elaborate kissing that doesn't really mean very much. "Everybody gives blowjobs now," says Naomi.
"Before," she adds --meaning a pre-Monica/pre-Britney "before" -- "it used to be you'd have sex and then give one." But now, girls give them freely -- on their own initiative, she says. (They also tend to get as much as they give, at least according to Duke men.)"
If this article is any indication, feminism has done nothing for young women's self esteem. Even though these girls get A's and are beautiful, they vie to give their body to high status males, (athletes and fraternity men.)
The reason? Other women are so sexually available; this is the only way they can get status and attention.
"I found myself falling into this thing," says Allison. "It made me very uncomfortable and unhappy, because it's not a way to live. But if I didn't do these things and he broke up with me for some reason, two days from now he'd have somebody else. That's just how it works...If my mother knew; she would smack me across the face. I was not brought up in this kind of environment."
In the past, the requirement of courtship and marriage for sex actually empowered women. Marriage was like a trade union. Want sex? Get married. Now all young women are like scabs. They perform and get nothing in return. The market has collapsed. The girls are desperate.
Young men treat them with contempt as illustrated by one male Duke blogger. (Please excuse the language.)
"These delightful young ladies deal with their massive insecurity by getting fucked by frat boys. Lucky for us guys, frat boys treat sorority girls like shit. As soon as Sally Pi Phi thinks she has secured Johnny Soccer Player, Johnny is off boning Chrissy Tri Delta . . .. All of this leads to unhappy, insecure girls all fighting to get rammed by someone of status."
being promiscuous and aggressive. "Sometimes, girls will be like, 'I'm just horny and I want to have sex,' " one says...."It's our decision if we're go
ing to allow ourselves to be subjected to negative treatment. It's all framed by the way [other] girls behave."
Feminism depicts traditional women as " chattel" oppressed by their husbands. But by undermining the morality (fidelity, chastity) inherent in family roles, feminism has robbed women of their natural identity (wife, mother) and degraded them more than ever.
In the heterosexual contract (love/ marriage) women surrender power (symbolized by sex) in exchange for male love, which a man must first demonstrate through patient courtship. Take away that contract, and women get nothing in return for their power (which is symbolized by intercourse.).
Needless to say, young women who prostitute themselves for status are less likely to have successful marriages. How often can a woman be possessed before it becomes meaningless? Can a woman who jumps from bed to bed take a vow of "for better or for worse?" Can a man?
This trend is part of a gradual process of eliminating marriage and family by imposing the male homosexual model on society. Studies indicate that less than 10% of male gays form permanent relationships, and that the vast majority are promiscuous with 43% of them having more than 500 sex partners in their lifetime.
Using feminism as a lever, elite social engineers are foisting this model on society as a whole. Aldous Huxley warned us about it in Brave New World (1932) where promiscuity was encouraged, marriage and family proscribed and children born in state-sponsored hatcheries. This is where sexual behaviour at elite universities like Duke is leading. These are the "women's rights" our decadent society is fighting to impose on the Muslim world.
Girls Adrift
The Young Lady is a Tramp
In Dec. 2003, a baseball player was sentenced to 45 days in prison for having sex with minors.
Cass Rynes, 19, from Prince Edward Island received oral sex from two local girls age 12 and 13. He maintained they pursued him, and he thought they were older.
This unusual case has drawn attention to a disturbing social phenomenon: pubescent girls from all social strata think it's a sign of maturity to dispense blowjobs.
A 2002 Health Canada survey found that one-third of all Grade Nine students (age 13) and more than half of all Grade Eleven students (age 15) report having oral sex.
Freelance writer Sara Wilson talked to typical girls and found that oral sex is not uncommon when teens gather without supervision.
Apparently girls will do just about anything to be loved (i.e. "popular.") Oral sex is considered "cool." Often they don't even know the boys and don't see them again.
The following is from Wilson's article "Good Girls Do" (Globe and Mail, Feb 7, 2004)
Typically, "the guy will just use the girl," says Vanessa, 13. She bears the full weight of a nasty double standard, being labelled a "slut," "whore" or "ho" while he gets praised by friends.
Still, those labels aren't as disparaging as they once were. For young girls, even negative attention can be extremely attractive. "Even if they're talking about you poorly, they're still talking about you." She adds, "To get the name 'slut', at least that're like older."
Whereas a girl's first period used to signal her entrance into womanhood, now "you're a woman if you ...fool around with lots and lots of people," Leslie says.
Kate agrees: When she and her girlfriends performed oral sex, "we were pretty proud."
Wilson concludes that feminist empowerment has led to female debauchery: "Ever since the advent of Girl Power, being aggressively sexy has practically become a political statement. Pop-culture figureheads such as Christina Aguilera or Beyonce play out every bump-and-grind signal of sexual availability..."
(In homosexual culture, aggressive sexuality and promiscuity are also viewed as a political statement.)
Sex education classes also may be to blame. They actually encourage young girls to engage in oral sex, ostensibly to "cut down on pregnancies." According to one UK report, schoolchildren, particularly girls, who received such training, developed a 'more mature' response to sex.
We are taught to equate self-discipline with repression. Self-indulgence, on the other hand, is equated with liberation and self-expression.
In fact, the opposite is true. Dedication to an ideal makes us powerful and free while dissipation weakens and enslaves us to temptation or peer pressure.
We are taught to think it courageous to defy traditional social mores. The stodgy "establishment" wants to prevent us from having fun and discovering ourselves.
In fact, the real establishment consists of a well-organized network of superrich criminals, pedophiles, Satanists and drug dealers. See the book, "The Franklin Cover-Up" by John De Camp.
Their goal is to consolidate their dominant position in a global fascist police state that they call the New World Order. They are waging a secret war against humanity to destroy our "sources of natural and social energy, and physical, mental and emotional strength." ("Silent Weapons for Secret Wars.")
The message teenage girls get from music videos and sex education classes is designed to make them unfit for marriage and motherhood. Our secret masters think of humanity as cattle.
Promiscuous girls are not defying the establishment or affirming themselves. They are falling into a trap and ruining their chances for a happy life.
A spate of new books exhorts women to overcome their inhibitions about casual sex.
Typical is "Happy Hook-Up: A Single Girl's Guide to Casual Sex" (2005) which counsels women to proudly embrace the labels "whore" and "slut." It has been excerpted on
Authors Alexa Sherman and Nicole Tocantins pretend to be offering women "options" (as with careers.) Typical of feminists, their real agenda is coercive and subversive, to prevent women from getting married and starting families.
"Cultural norms will catch up with us if we give them no choice," the authors write.
"We, as females, need to show the world that sex without commitment is absolutely our prerogative... Say, "I'm a slut I'm a whore! I love sex!" and mean it. Society needs to change and begin to encourage women to find pleasure for pleasure's sake."
Pleasurable sex in the context of a loving marriage isn't mentioned as an "option."
Women are naturally monogamous. Surveys indicate they do not find casual sex satisfying and mostly regret it. Thus "Happy Hook-up" is devoted to helping women overcome their natural instincts.
Women are instructed not to get to know their sex partner too well. "Try not to discuss too much about your past or future or his. That said, it never hurts to inquire about his sexual history [and] gauge what risks are involved. Then, focus on the action and the action alone."
They are told to terminate the relationship after one or two trysts and distract themselves with work or hobbies.
Don't think about "what's going to happen next, whether he's going to call you, want you and be your everything. It's just not going to happen honey. At least don't expect it to. Stay in control... accept that that's it. Finito. The end. Flip him over. He's done."
Unbelievable! There is no such thing as casual sex. As a male friend said to me, "I've known this woman in the most intimate way possible and I don't especially like her. It feels unnatural."
A young woman's charm is her capital. She must invest it wisely rather than squander it.
This requires that she make marriage and family her primary focus. Otherwise her romantic and maternal instincts will be frustrated, and she will be alone and unhappy.
A young woman's beauty reflects her physical and spiritual innocence. Men find innocence very attractive; it balances them emotionally and spiritually. A hard and cynical woman is not attractive to men.
A young woman must consecrate her innocence for the man whom she will eventually love and marry. Her thoughts should be focused on him and on her future children. She should prepare herself to be a worthy wife and mother.
; There is no more beautiful sight than a young mother looking after her children. The other day I saw a tall lithe young woman in the park playing with twin daughters on the swing. What a rare sight these days when governments herd children into soulless daycares and women into fluorescent-lit offices.
"Are those children yours?" I asked.
She affirmed they were. She was glowing.
"Congratulations," I said. "They're beautiful!"
How much affirmation do these women get in popular culture? Zip. Rather girls and young women are encouraged to squander their innocence. Who can doubt that the devil's servants are coordinating this disgrace?
Organized Evil
We're Being Brainwashed to be Gay
I want you to compare the messages you are getting about two very different groups: homosexuals and nuclear families.
According to many psychiatrists, homosexuality is a state of arrested development caused by having an unloving father, and a controlling overbearing mother. As one gay acquaintance said, referring to his father, "I always wanted the love of a man."
Gay behavior is often characterized by extreme promiscuity (100's of partners); anonymous sex (typified by the "glory hole"); wallowing in feces and urine; and sadomasochism. This behavior may increase the frequency of AIDS. The powerful gay lobby's refusal to allow preventive measures has resulted in a deadly epidemic. And because some gays insisted on donating blood, many hemophiliacs and others became infected. (See "A Radical Holocaust" in The Politics of Bad Faith 1998 by David Horowitz)
What is the message government and media give us about this self-destructive behavior? We're told that we are bigots and hate mongers to question it. We're told that AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease that affects everyone equally. We must all practice "safe sex" and teach it to children in schools. This is a lie. Seventy five per cent of AIDS fatalities are gay. The rest get it from infected needles or blood transfusions. (See The Myth of Heterosexual Aids, (1990) by Michael Fumento) We are told that homosexuality 's like left-handedness. It is "a sexual orientation" as normal as heterosexuality. It is a matter of socialization. If a baby boy is given dolls or dressed in pink, he'll act like a girl. There is no such thing as biological sexual instinct. (For how untrue this is, see "As Nature Made Him:The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl", 2000 by John Colapinto)