Cruel Hoax

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Cruel Hoax Page 12

by Henry Makow


  Unlike homosexuals who are normal, nuclear families are almost always dysfunctional. Have you ever seen a positive portrayal? The worst offender is the "patriarchal" father, who labors to provide for his wife and children. After consulting with his family, he may insist on providing leadership. In times of war or danger, he may sacrifice his life. But don't be fooled. He is usually a violent alcoholic who beats and sexually abuses his wife and children.

  Almost as evil as the patriarchal father is the poor dupe called the "wife," "homemaker" or "mother." This is a woman who actually feels a profound connection to her husband and child. She calls it "love." Because of it, she will nurture her child herself, which is very bad for her career. Inevitably, government sponsored programs or the media will teach her that she is a victim of "oppressive stereotypes" and she will divorce..


  People who generally fornicate like rabbits, may wallow in shit and may spread deadly epidemics are normal. People who sacrifice their lives for love, who nurture and create the next generation, are "oppressors" "doormats", or "old fashioned." This campaign to make heterosexuals act like homosexuals is not an accident.

  Powerful forces in government, corporations, media and education are brainwashing us. Daily, they assault our identities as males and females, husband and wives, fathers and mothers. Ninety per cent of marriage breakups are due to women being brainwashed to seek "equality" which in practice means controlling and emasculating their husbands.

  Gay and feminist activists pretend society is oppressing them when in fact heterosexual society is the victim. This is passive aggressive. They are clubbing us over the head and then calling us homophobes for reacting. But gay and feminist activists are just pawns, empowered and manipulated by greater forces. The ultimate purpose is some kind of "New World Order" where emotionally starved people who have no culture or identity can be manipulated by sexual signals.

  To understand how sinister this is, read Dr. Judith Reisman's article about the Hepatitus B vaccinations of normal American children. Hepatitis B is venereal disease which is rarely found in children unless they are infected by their birth mother. It is not a threat to the vast majority of American children. But it is a threat to pedophiles because it identifies a child who has been sexually

  abused. According to Reisman, in order to protect pedophiles, more than 80% of newborn American children are being injected with this vaccine, which may have dangerous side effects. Reisman writes:

  "Government justifications for imperilling the health of all healthy American newborns as a means of protecting a largely antisocial adult sex and drug subculture is without historical or scientific precedent."

  In conclusion, we are lulled into believing that we are in a Golden Age, the "end of history." But events like Sept. 11 are a rude reminder that the passions and perversions that shaped the past will shape the future. Judeo Christian civilization is being overthrown and replaced with a new fascist totalitarianism. The plan requires the destruction of our sources of individual strength and meaning, the nuclear family. We must organize and act. We must bombard politicians, media and corporations with the message that we are on to them, and they will pay.

  * * *

  "How America Went Gay" by Dr. Charles Socarides can be found at

  Book Three


  How I Became A "Mensch"

  After Feminism Stole My Identity

  When I was 21, and living in Israel, I received a letter from my mother. She had taken my savings and invested in a town house.

  "Now, you are a mensch," she said.

  What did she mean? How did owning a house make me "a man?"

  I wanted to be defined by character, not by my real estate.

  I came of age at a time (the 1960's) when youth was "looking for identity." I was searching for it in Israel. Later, I became a Canadian nationalist. In neither case did I find identity in "community."

  For centuries, men have defined their identities in terms of masculinity. Why was I so clueless?

  I had a strong patriarchal father who was an excellent role model. He built a successful career, and supported his family well.

  "Work is the backbone of a man," he would tell me. A man's most important decision is finding a profession he enjoys. A wife is the second.

  But for some reason, his example didn't register. Why not? I was a feminist.


  I grew up in an era that swallowed the feminist lie that men and women are identical. In our culture, women are encouraged to do everything men do, and vice-versa. I believe in equal opportunity but feminists act as if equal means identical and this retarded my personal development by 25 years. I doubt if I am alone.

  "Identical" made me look for myself in a mate. I was literally attracted to lithe young women with cropped boyish haircuts: my Jungian persona.

  I sublimated my search for identity in love for a woman. I idealized her. Love would give me my soul, my self. Some young women were immediately repelled. Others enjoyed the adulation for a while but eventually lost respect.

  What I needed was someone quite different, my feminine complement; a helpmate, not a soul mate.

  It hasn't hit us yet, but eventually feminism will be recognized for what it is: a subversive, anti-feminine, anti-heterosexual ideology that neuters both men and women so they cannot bond permanently. It diverts women into careers and promiscuity, and men like me into the dead end of idealization.

  Women have usurped the masculine identity, and in the process both sexes have lost their own. Unbelievably, the destruction of heterosexuality is the stated goal of many feminists. They believe gender differences are not only unnatural but also the source of all injustice.

  The leading feminist thinkers, including Betty Friedan and Simone de Beauvoir, were Communists, and many also were lesbians. But they wouldn't have succeeded had they been up front about their bizarre "revolutionary" goal: Destroy the heterosexual family.

  Talk about "equality" and "choice" is a ruse. If feminism were really about choice, it would not coerce women to enter the work force and become "independent." It would not demonize men, heterosexuality and family.

  Feminism is not about choice. "No women should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children," said Simone de Beauvoir. "Women should not have that choice, because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one." (Saturday Review, June 14, 1975)

  Feminism is lesbian in the sense that lesbians have always hated the female role and coveted the male role. It is based on Marxist notions of "equality" and class conflict that have no relevance to a mystical and biological phenomenon such as love.

  Feminism is a cheap swindle designed to cheat both women and men out of family. People are so naive.

  We don't find wholeness by incorporating masculine and feminine in ourselves but by uniting with our complement. Heterosexual love is the attraction of opposites. Indeed, as heterosexuals we define

  ourselves in terms of these differences. If we are male, we are not female, and vice-versa, like darkness and light. Because I denied these differences, I didn't know who I was. I didn't understand women, and I didn't know how to relate to them.


  I was almost 50-years-old before I solved the riddle. A book The Flight from Woman (1964) by psychiatrist Karl Stern confirmed what my instincts were telling me. My mother had been right all along. The man makes the house; the woman makes the home.

  According to Stern, masculinity is defined by power. Men provide the physical, social and cultural context for the private world of family. Men are protectors and providers. They are the risk takers, adventurers and builders.

  Femininity is defined by "loving relationships." Feminine psychology is based on nurturing husband and children, and being needed and loved in return.
Women circulate love in the family much like the heart pumps blood through the body. Their self-sacrifice starts love on its circuit.

  Femininity comes from love of husband, children and home.

  While men define themselves by deeds, women simply "are" beauty, grace, faith and goodness. Men tend to be rational and objective, women subjective, intuitive and emotional.

  The idea that traditional sex roles are "oppressive" is wrong. For most people, a flexible interpretation of traditional roles is essential for happiness and fulfillment.

  I extrapolated from Karl Stern's distinctions.

  If men want power and women want love, then heterosexual love must be an exchange of the two.

  A woman surrenders her power, in trust. This is how a woman expresses her love: by trusting. In this way, women actually empower men. If a man betrays this trust, the contract is broken. He loses his power.

  In return for accepting his leadership, a woman gets what she really wants: a man's power expressed as intense, undivided love for her. He includes her in his sphere of self-interest. This is how two people become one. She is part of him. Her happiness is his happiness.

  Women want masculine power, but in a man. A girlfriend said that without a man, she feels "like a rudderless boat." Similarly, a man without a woman feels like a rudder without a boat.


  Teaching women to challenge masculine power prevents them from getting the love they really seek. A man cannot love a woman who is competing with him for power. Masculinity is defined by power; such a woman is challenging his identity.

  Relationships between so-called "equals" are like mergers or roommates. Psychiatrist Irene Claremont de Castillejo calls them "brother-sister" marriages (Knowing Women: A Feminine Psychology, 1973). They cannot achieve the intimacy as when a woman surrenders her will to a man, and a man returns this trust with wholehearted love. Some psychiatrists say sexual satisfaction is also linked to this ability to trust and surrender power completely. (See below "The Power of Sexual Surrender")

  Feminine women are creatures of God. In love, they sacrifice their "selves" in return for love. In many religions, this is the key to transcendence.

  In her classic The Psychology of Women: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation (1944), Helen Deutsch described this in "masochistnarcissist" terms. Women sacrifice themselves in return for being cherished and loved. The majority of women fulfill themselves in this way, by becoming wives and mothers. Of course, this is what nature intended.

  Women cannot love men with whom they compete. Women are "hypergamous." This means they seek men of higher status than themselves. Even the most ardent heterosexual feminist only can love someone more powerful than she. Needless to say the higher she rises, the slimmer the pickings.

  The struggle for power is poisoning male-female relations. It is the death of love. Men cannot give up their defining characteristic and expect to be men. Women cannot criticize and challenge men and expect to be loved. When finally I comprehended this, I felt liberated.

  I established a healthy relationship with a female complement, and married her.


  The universal complaint is that men don't know how to be men, and women how to be women. It helps to see heterosexual love as a mystical dance. In a dance, the male leads the female follows. You can't have a graceful dance without each partner playing his or her part.

  The dance is love. The male is always considering his mate's wishes because he loves her. In a ballroom dance, who can say which role is more important? Both partners are of equal value. The dance requires both the dynamism of the male, and the beauty, grace and love of the female.

  Reclaiming Male Power

  In the Viagra Age

  You've heard of the "Stone Age," the "Iron Age" and the "Information Age." This is the "Viagra Age," the era of male impotence.

  Television commercials state that 1/3 of all men suffer from "erectile dysfunction" due to high blood pressure, prostate cancer or diabetes. I suspect the culprit is often feminism.

  Women should empower men but for a long time they have been doing just the opposite. Instead of taking the little blue pill, men need to reclaim their masculine power.

  Feminism has created a power struggle as women covet the male role and want men to take the female one. A friend describes his married friends as "wolves circling one another."

  The problem is always the same: women want to supplant their husbands. In the workplace, a man can accept leadership from a competent woman. But in the home, a man who takes orders from a woman is not a man, and usually can't perform like one. He feels like a child.

  Power is synonymous with masculine identity. Impotence literally means "powerless." We would never say a woman is "impotent." Rather, she is "infertile" or "frigid" implying her natural receptivity. A man cannot love if he does not have power. He expresses his love by exercising his power. Women take away male power and wonder why they aren't loved.

  I felt liberated when I understood that power is what being a man is about. I decided to look abroad for a traditional woman. After a misstep in the Philippines (described in my book "A Long Way to go for a Date"), I married in 2001 an educated intelligent Mexican woman from a secular Jewish background similar to my own. For the first time in my life, I found happiness and stability.

  We have an almost frictionless relationship. She tells me what she's thinking but she never tells me what to do (i.e. control.) She never complains, criticizes or competes. (These are the four C's to avoid in women.) In the past, women constantly blackmailed me by acting distant or making childish scenes. In the first year of this marriage, I still cringed in expectation of this.

  Don't think my relationship is rigid. I do all the shopping and cooking and do my best to make her happy. If you love someone, you want her to be happy.


  The gesture of a man opening a door for a woman illustrates how men and women should relate. We all know a woman can open a door herself. But when a man does it, he is affirming her femininity, beauty and charm. When she accepts this gesture, she is validating his masculine power. This trade, a woman surrendering physical power in exchange for a man's protection (i.e. love) is the essence of heterosexuality. In order to develop emotionally, men and women need this mutual validation as much as they need sex itself. Sex is an expression of it.

  Under the toxic influence of feminism, women open their own doors. Neither sexual identity is validated; neither sex matures emotionally. Men feel redundant and impotent; women feel rejected and unsexed.


  The following are some practical tips to help men restore their power.

  The best way to select a woman is to make a demand. If she salutes smartly and says, "Oui, mon Capitaine," she's hired. OK I'm exaggerating but you get the point. On a summer day, I met a young woman who was roller-skating. I asked her to take off her sunglasses so I could see her face. She obeyed. That was a positive sign. Pursue women who accede to reasonable requests. Forget the others. You will spare yourself a lifetime of misery.

  Courtship is the process by which a man earns a woman's trust (love) so that she will do what he asks. A man expresses love in terms of benevolent power and perceives a woman's acceptance of his wishes as love. Of course, a woman needs to choose a man she can trust with her life, one who makes her feel secure. A man must aspire to be worthy of this trust.

  Feminism deceives men into pursuing "independent" women and rejecting the women they actually need. Marriage is not about being independent. If a woman says, "Are you man enough for me?" or "I'm high maintenance," decline the challenge. Men are not designed to fight women. Marriage is about two people becoming one and that only happens when a woman surrenders her will to a man in exchange for love. Men should focus on women who look up to them and accept their leadership. If you're looking for your "equal" you're probably still looking for yourself.

  Men often give away their
power in hopes of getting sex. For a while she is flattered, but ultimately a woman cannot respect a man she can control. She wants to be enlisted not petitioned. She wants a man to have a wholesome vision of his life, one in which she has an important place. This vision need not be elaborate or complicated. It could involve a life focused on mutual values and interests like children, music, church or the outdoors.

  There is a book entitled: Why do I Think I am Nothing Without a Man (1982) The author, Dr. Penelope Russianoff, tries to help women overcome this feeling. The truth is, this feeling is grounded in reality. Self-fulfillment for a woman is when the "self" is her husband and children. Women are God's creatures, they sacrifice self and nurture; in return, they are deservedly cherished. If the "self" is her personal satisfaction and career, she is already full of herself and filled. Her husband and children are secondary.

  In conclusion, a man can reclaim his identity by recognizing that his power is not negotiable. It represents his ability to love, the essence of his masculinity. A man should focus on finding a woman who is receptive to him. She may be standing behind a counter rather than sitting behind an executive desk.


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