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So Stinkin' Deer: A Friends to Lovers Shifter Mpreg

Page 4

by J. D. Light

  I did. When the coffee was done, I got our cups ready, just the way we both liked them, handed his to him and grabbed mine in one hand before wrapping my arm around his waist and sliding him forward and off the counter.

  He gasped, quickly wrapping his legs around my waist while holding his cup tightly, and I swept him toward the living room, easing down on the couch with him in my lap, and neither of us spilled a drop.

  He blinked when we settled in, chuckling softly as I raised my cup to my lips, taking a slow sip, and I smirked back, giving him a small shrug.

  "You really are ridiculous," he said sweetly, tilting his head. "But thank you. You always make everything perfect.

  He took a drink of his coffee, sighing softly, and I reached for the remote, turning on a Christmas movie we'd both seen about a dozen times but always came back to, and he moved to sit beside me, but I grumbled, and he decided to turn and sit so he could see the TV, but was still in my lap, and I thought that was a pretty good compromise.

  About halfway through the movie, I felt content enough with the happiness pouring off of my omega, I was finally able to get up and make us a quick breakfast of chocolate chip waffles, and when he'd scarfed down approximately forty-five pounds of food, he was all but purring and half asleep, then I easily gathered him in my arms, lying back against the couch and settling him on top of me.

  His head was tilted back, like he was basking in the warmth of the sun, and I couldn't help but press the smallest kiss to his pretty, half-smiling lips. "I love you, Fowl," I whispered, and he sighed, humming something back that sounded like I love you too.

  "Someday, I'm going to show you how much, and then I'm going to fill you with all the babies you can handle."

  I smiled at the tiny snore that followed, glancing over at the window. We'd left the curtains open in the living room so we could watch the snow.

  I was well aware some of the stuff we did normally would be considered romantic to most, but really, it was just our genuine need to fill each other's lives with sweetness and happiness, and it just so happened that spending time together was what made us both the happiest.

  I hoped that didn't change when I finally got brave enough to make him mine.

  He whimpered lightly, a small frown appearing between his eyebrows, and I leaned up to kiss it lightly, before rubbing my hands up and down his back, and he settled into my chest further with a contented sigh and a small smile.

  My sweet, precious, perfect skunk was going to know the biggest happiness in this world, and that would be my biggest happiness. I could only hope that Bonny and I hadn't been wrong about what that happiness would consist of, because it would kill me if my actions caused a rift between us.

  Chapter Five

  I sighed happily, licking my lips and imagining that I tasted Barnabi there. I'd had a dream that he'd kissed my mouth and told me he loved me, and even though he always told me that, somehow in my dream, I'd known that he meant it in the way I'd always wished he'd meant it.

  The kiss had been a bit more chaste than I was used to dreaming about with him, but it had seemed so damn real and incredibly sweet.

  I felt snug and content, and as I blinked open my eyes, I realized it was because I was pressed to the back of the couch with Barnabi's big body snuggled close in front of me, practically glued together from chest to toes… well, my toes. His reached a little further down the couch.

  With him this close, his hand resting on my hip, it was easy to pretend we were a romantic couple, and that any moment, he was going to wake up and kiss me passionately and rub our bodies together until one of us came.

  I glanced at the clock on the wall, noting that it was nearly one in the afternoon, and I huffed out a laugh. We'd slept most of Christmas away.

  A hot wave of embarrassment swept through me when I thought about what had happened earlier, and I closed my eyes, doing my best to keep from groaning.

  I still wasn't sure how much Barnabi had heard, but something in my gut told me it was far more than I'd wanted him to hear. Did he know that I wanted him to kiss me and touch me? Did he know that I would love to someday have babies with him and spend our lives together?

  "Stop," Barnabi said, and my eyes snapped open to find him smiling softly at me. "If I'm not allowed to bring it up, then you aren't allowed to sit here and dwell on it and get all embarrassed about it."

  I huffed out a laugh, wondering if he thought it was just that easy. Don't be embarrassed that you all but admitted you were in love with me to one of our friends while I listened in the other room, Fowler. Well, poof, that was easy. Totally not embarrassed anymore.

  "I want to ask you what you heard, but… I also don't want to ask what you heard."

  He watched me for a long moment, the hand on my hip sliding up along my arm to my shoulder and then up to cup my face. "I'll tell you this, so you can calm down and enjoy your day, because I know you've been dying to give me my ornament all morning. Nothing I heard should make you feel embarrassed, okay? The only thing that bothered me about the whole thing was the fact that you got upset. If and when you're ready to talk about anything, I'm more than willing to have that conversation." He paused, brushing his thumb along my lower lip, and I gasped slightly. "More than willing."

  He released my face, rolling to his feet, and I nearly scrambled after him, begging him to tell me what he meant by that, because I was really starting to believe that he meant he'd be open to… all the stuff I was afraid to name, but surely not.

  He gathered both presents from under the tree as I sat up, and he didn't even kinda hesitate to sit down beside me, pulling me under his arm and pressing our sides together snuggly.

  "You ready, pretty skunk?" he asked softly, and I leaned my head back to look at him, then he sighed, shaking his head gently. "Damn, Fowl. If you only knew, you'd stop looking at me like you were ready for me to run for it," he whispered, before leaning down to press an oh-so-gentle kiss against my lips.

  My eyes widened as he pulled away, already opening his present while I sat there stunned and unmoving.

  "This is perfect," he said quietly after a bit, and I finally snapped out of it to turn and find him holding the ornament I'd bought him up by the string. "Fowler, these will be our kids someday."

  My breath caught for a moment. Logically, I knew he didn't necessarily mean our kids that we were going to have together. He simply meant that our kids would play together like this, because no matter what, we'd always be close and our kids would have no choice but to play together, but after the conversation with Bonny, and the things I'd been thinking about since, not to mention what he'd said before he got off of the couch and the peck he'd given me, I was having a hard time not picturing our possible life together… and the babies we would make.

  "I knew you'd like that. You're going to be such a great dad someday."

  He smiled softly, gently placing the ornament back in the box and setting the box on the coffee table before pulling me into his lap. "Okay, your turn, Fowl." He placed one hand over mine, waiting for me to look at him. "There is no pressure behind this gift after everything that happened today, okay? I just saw it in one of the specialty stores and it was so perfect, I couldn't imagine how it could be meant for anyone but you."

  I nodded, licking my lips, and he sighed, his eyes lingering on them for a long moment. I looked away, so damn confused by what I was suddenly feeling from him and ripped open the package, gently fishing the ornament out of the tissue inside the box.

  A giddy laugh burst from my mouth, and I covered it quickly with my hand, looking down at the ornament and then back up at him and then back at the ornament. It was like it was not only made especially for us, but also to fit perfectly with the ornament I'd gotten him. It was a buck, head down as he pressed his nose to that of a skunk's who happened to be standing on its hind legs, clasping the deer's face between his little front paws. The background was two snow-covered pine trees with the boughs bending slightly to form a heart around th
eir heads.

  "I told Bonny that I think about kissing you," I blurted behind my hand as my eyes met his again.

  He blinked for a long moment, before a slow smile slipped onto his face. Slowly, he took the ornament out of my hand, and just like the other one, he went about putting it back in the box and then gently leaned forward to place it on the coffee table.

  "We'll hang those later," he whispered, before reaching up to cup my face, staring directly into my eyes. "Let's alleviate a little curiosity, then."

  What? No, that's not why I wanted him to kiss me. But, before I could so much as think of a decent response, he was closing in, lightly brushing our mouths together.

  It was my first kiss and it was with the man I'd always prayed would take it, and even though I didn't know what the hell I was doing, it felt absolutely amazing, and I wanted to keep doing it for the rest of my life.

  Chapter Six

  Like him––or at least what he'd told Bonny––I'd been fighting hard with the urge to kiss him. My lips were constantly buzzing in his presence, practically begging to be pressed to his, and I was always having to bite my cheek to keep from giving in… but I didn't have to hold back anymore.

  The first barely-there touch of our mouths, had us both gasping as electricity shot through us, and I swallowed hard, knowing everything was about to change, while also staying exactly the same, and I wanted it. I wanted it all.

  I pressed my lips to his again, my eyes falling closed as the electricity turned to pleasant tingles that skated along the skin where we were connected and spread out, buzzing in all directions. I moaned, pulling back to drag the inside of my bottom lip over his mouth, and slipped my tongue inside to taste him when it fell open as he whimpered sweetly.

  He tasted like strawberries and cream, and I lapped continuously at his mouth for several moments, before he tentatively met my tongue with his. I had no idea what I was doing. I'd never had my tongue in another person's mouth in my life, and had practically thrown Sage when she'd tried to stick hers in mine, but if I was doing even half as well as Fowler was, then I would consider myself a fucking master, because the sensation was absolutely perfect.

  I pulled back, smiling at the blissed-out look on his face. "I thought you said you've never kissed anyone," I whispered, knowing it was probably a bad time to bring up who he had or hadn't kissed, but…

  His lips were shiny and red, and his glazed eyes didn't seem fully focused on my face. "I haven't," he whispered back, tilting his chin and pressing our lips back together, speaking against them. "That was my first."

  "It feels fucking amazing," I groaned, sucking his bottom lip into my mouth, before releasing it and dipping my tongue back inside.

  "Mmm," he hummed in agreement as we once again started licking at each other's mouths.

  I needed more. I needed to feel him and see him. I needed to slide my light hand against his dark skin, and I needed to watch him fall apart in my arms.

  Jerking back, he slid off my lap, his eyes going wide and his hand going to his mouth as he watched me, taking three big steps backward, somehow avoiding the coffee table.

  "Wait. No. That's not why I…" He frowned, shaking his head. "I wasn't curious." He paused, sighing. "Well, I wasn't just curious. Of course, I thought about what it would be like, but that wasn't the only reason I wanted to kiss you."

  I was missing something, but my brain was foggy from his taste still lingering in my mouth and the way he'd melted against me. "Huh?" I asked stupidly, leaning up off the couch and reaching out for him, wanting him back in my lap with his mouth pressed to mine while I held him.

  "I understand if you're just curious," he whispered, the crease between his brows growing. "But I can't do that. I can't just kiss you to alleviate my curiosity. This actually means something to me."

  I watched him in confusion for almost a beat too long, but when he swallowed hard and then turned to make his way toward the stairs, I moved quickly, stopping him just at the bottom and pulling him against my chest for a hug.

  "I didn't mean it like that, Fowl, I swear. You have to realize that, right? I'm not just curious either. I'm way more than curious, especially now that I've gotten to taste you. I'm desperate."

  He swallowed hard. "Are you sure? I don't want you doing this because of your crazy thing that makes you not want to see me hurting, so you do everything you can to make me happy. If you don't see me like that, just be honest, okay? I don't want you doing this as some kind of sacrifice to keep me happy."

  I huffed out a laugh, shaking my head. "Though, I really would do just about anything in this world for you if I thought it would make you happy. But I would never ever do something like that, because in the end, I'd be hurting you more than helping, and I never want to be the reason you're hurting, not even if it's to make you feel better in the short term."

  He frowned, a small, sad laugh escaping him. "I have no idea what that means."

  "It means that I bought that ornament before I knew anything about you wanting to kiss me. It means that you aren't the only one that has been wanting to kiss or touch, or anything else, and every single time I call you mine when we are out, I truly mean every word. You're mine, and I'm yours." I finally reached out, pulling him into my arms because I couldn’t stand not having him there, and he didn't fight me. Not even a little. "And even though I'd gladly take you however I can get you, even if that means not getting to taste your mouth ever again, no matter how much I want to, I really want to do every single one of the things you were talking to Bonny about."

  There was an intense pause where he searched my face for a long, long moment before he rocked up on his toes, pressing his lips to mine.

  I kissed him with all my heart, needing him to know how desperately I meant every damn word because I was in the process of getting everything I could possibly want in life, and I wasn't going to let it get away from me.

  I wasn't sure how long we stood there like that, sharing our first few kisses together, our bare chests brushing and molding together as my hands slid over every inch of his silky, sinewy back, and his moved into my hair and over my shoulders.

  He whimpered sweetly, his body melting into mine, and I leaned down, scooping him off of his feet and walking him over to the little pallet we'd made in front of the fire the day before when we'd wanted to lie close to the tree, so we could look up through its branches to see all the lights, and feel like we were surrounded by them.

  Thank goodness for impromptu snuggle fests and general laziness, because there was no way I was going any further than the two steps it took to get there. Even the couch seemed way too far away when I was finally getting to taste and touch my sweet, beautiful skunk.

  I laid him back against the blanket on the floor, pulling back to push my sleep pants down and off, and my dick practically burst out, the outline obvious through my underwear and sporting a decent-sized wet spot, clearly visible against the gray cotton.

  He gasped, biting his lip, and I stopped what I was doing to lean over and suck that lip out from between his teeth, saving it from being chewed raw while getting another taste of his mouth.

  I groaned, pulling back so I could finish stripping, and groaned again when his beautiful green eyes moved over my body, clearly waiting for me to finish.

  Lying down beside him and pressing my back against the floor, I lifted my hips, sliding my underwear off, and he gasped and whimpered as I revealed the rest of my body to him.

  I couldn't lie. I posed for a moment, holding the slightly bridged position, so he could see my flexed muscles. Of course, my entire body went lax and I fell back to the floor like an uncoordinated bag of flour when he reached a tentative hand out, running his fingers down my abs, over my hip and then down my thigh, before making the trip back up, barely grazing the edge of my pubic hair with his soft fingers.

  Gracelessly, I kicked my underwear the rest of the way off, and sat up again, cupping his neck and pulling his face to mine for another taste. I was n
ever going to get sick of the taste of him. He had always been an addiction for me. Once I'd started spending time with him, I'd never wanted to stop, and maybe Bonny had been right to call us soulmates, but my addiction was growing with every new thing that was introduced, and his mouth was a highly combustible fuel for that burning addiction. I was going to drive us both crazy trying to get my fill.

  It was him who drew back next, his eyes happy, and a sweet smile stretching his plump lips. He pushed his pants and underwear off too, his eyes tracking me the entire time, moving over my body and making it burn, as I mapped out a body that I knew so well in so many ways, but not in all the ways I wanted to.

  I'm going to start with those tiny dark nipples.

  He was absolutely perfect everywhere. I groaned, lying back against the blanket and pressing the heel of my hand against my dick, my hips bucking slightly from the pressure as I watched his cock flex hard, stretching up and out.

  He whimpered again as he watched me touch myself, and I watched a bead of pre-cum form at the tip of his dick. I wanted to taste him. I wanted to lap at that clear fluid until his body was so primed, he was vibrating with it.

  Sitting up quickly, I reached out, grabbing both of his hips and dragging him beneath me, settling between his legs on my knees while looking his beautiful body over.

  "Hey," I whispered, when my eyes finally met his.

  His smile was huge, making his eyes crinkle and squint, and I leaned down, kissing it.

  The kiss was sweet and soft until I lowered myself down against him fully. We both gasped at the same time as skin touched skin… everywhere, and then we were mashing our lips together hard, seeing how far we could lick into each other's mouths, desperate for more.

  We were rubbing our bodies together, leaking pre-cum all over the other as we moved, and my body was very quickly gearing up for release.

  I could smell the combination of his slick and my pheromone-laced pre-cum perfuming the air, and I groaned at how perfect we smelled together. It was enough to push me close to the edge, and I gripped his hip, needing to slow down, because I was desperate to get inside his body. To mark him from the inside out… to knot him.


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