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Murder & Mayhem

Page 13

by T Wells Brown

  Me? Not so much.

  I went to take his shirt off…. and he resisted me taking off his shirt…actually made me stop undressing him. I pushed harder. He stopped me again!

  He was literally fighting me off while I was naked. It was so ridiculous. I started giggling and he started laughing. The more we wrestled the harder we laughed.

  Until we landed on the bed and fortunes turned my way when I managed to climb up on top of him. Since I was naked, my large breasts swung in his face. When this happened, he became completely distracted (typical male) by my breasts, and leaned forward taking one of my nipples into his mouth. I felt his tongue run over my nipple and moaned, arched and slowly slid my hands behind me. He was super focused on my breasts and wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing. It took some focus but I managed to slip my hands down his pants and wrapped one hand around his erection.

  Oh Goodness Gracious Saints Alive!

  I struck gold!

  Gold !

  Once I’d wrapped my hand around his impressively thick erection and squeezed, everything suddenly changed.

  Cabe let out a loud, “OH Fuck Yeah!” And we went from playing and wrestling, to suddenly he was very serious and couldn’t get his pants off fast enough!

  He was now on my team and we were both working towards the same goal.

  A naked Cabe Brown.


  He managed to work his pants down where they bunched up at his feet but he couldn’t get his tight-fitting boxer briefs off in this position and got so frustrated he tossed me to the side, where I landed and bounced on the bed.

  He jumped up, pulled off his shirt and hopped around while trying to remove his shoes, pants and underwear.

  Of course, me being me, I started giggling.

  Little secret I’m going to let you in on: men do not respond well, while they’re taking off their clothes, when the woman who’s waiting for them starts giggling.

  Ladies, not a good idea. I made a mental note not to do it again in the future.

  I must say the spectacle of Cabe hoping around working his clothes off made his muscles jump and move, all over his body and it was sexy. Super sexy.

  Finally, he managed to work his clothes off and he stood staring down at me completely naked, fully erect, with a little scowl on his face. I abruptly stopped giggling. Not because of the scowl, but because of the nakedness. His masculinity was so intense it was borderline obscene.

  His wide chest was tanned, muscular, covered in black hair and was one of the singular most masculine things I’d ever seen in real life.

  I marveled at the sight of his flat tanned muscular stomach, with a trail of black hair going from his belly button leading down to the best of all…his large thick cock that was fully erect and pointing straight at me.

  His thick, meaty, tanned, strong thighs were covered in a light dusting of black hair.

  I’ve already shared several times in many ways how beautiful Mr. Brown is, but when he takes his clothes off – Oh Lord!

  Everything moved very quickly once Cabe was naked.

  Meaning me.

  I moved very quickly once Cabe was naked.

  I couldn’t wait any longer. My thighs were wet, my breasts full, so full they almost ached from being so heavy and over sensitized. I climbed up to my knees, grabbed his hands and pulled him back to the bed, rolled him to his back and jumped on top of him.

  Once I was straddling him, he placed his hands on my hips and grumbled, “Slow down Isabella.”

  Slow down ?

  Was he kidding?

  After that statement, I basically threatened him, no not basically, I threatened him saying, “I will never, ever, let you eat one more bite of my cooking if you don’t put your cock inside of me…RIGHT NOW!” I finished on a shout.

  I know that was kind of silly, but I was desperate and also it was kind of perfect, because he gave me exactly what I wanted, and laughed out loud while thrusting himself - all the way - into me, filling me completely.

  We both moaned.

  I broke out in a sweat.

  I straddled him going still for just a second, and then I rotated my hips in a circulating motion causing his hands to grip me tighter, bringing my attention back to the moment, and with him guiding me, I started my sexual ride.

  I don’t think I’d ever heard Cabe laugh as much as he did while we were having sex. Gosh, I hope that doesn’t mean bad things, but darnnit – it was fun and sexy and I couldn’t wait to do it again.

  Did I say it was fun? Well it was. Totally.

  And I rode him for all I was worth. He showed his appreciation by using his thumb to bring me to the best orgasm I’d ever had while I rode him. The orgasm started slow and low and built until it washed over me, creating a low sheen over my entire sensitive body .

  My orgasm seemed to work for Cabe too. And if his yelling and cursing and growling was any indication, Cabe really enjoyed his orgasm.

  That’s how the evening went; once we were done and could breathe again, we stumbled to the kitchen, fixed something to eat, went back to bed, and had sex again. Only this time we used our hands, our mouths and our teeth, we explored each other…. fully.

  There were lots of orgasms, little bits of sleeping; before Cabe would stroke me awake. We’d have more sex, and then we would end up back in the kitchen again looking for more food.

  And repeat.

  Several times.

  One of those times happened in the kitchen, where we tried really hard to be quiet. In an extremely sexy turn of events; I must have been getting loud, because Cabe covered my mouth with his big hand; my rear on the counter, his mouth latched to one of my (by this time really sensitive nipples) him moving inside of me and with his hand over my mouth, I came – hard.


  Extremely hot.

  I whole heartedly recommend it.

  In that moment I knew in my heart I could do this for the rest of my life. I knew this was my guy. I just had to be careful, and needed to make sure that Cabe was on the same page as me. Because otherwise, this girl was going to get her heart trampled on by this big bad beautiful man.

  This sexual play, hearing his laughter, tasting him, feeling him - all of him, all things Cabe was going to be easy to get addicted to and hard, heartbreaking to let go of

  Chapter 14

  To Date or Not to Date

  All of the sex that first week really was a high point. There were other things that happened that were high points but not great high points. Not great at all.

  The week that followed the night in the library where Cabe and I were caught making out, and the subsequent sex marathon, was busy and lead into following weeks of even busier times. Harvest was beginning and momma was on her war path once again, only this time she had help.

  Although the next few weeks after Cabe and I began sleeping together were busy, he always made time to have his meals with me (that was for him) and after our nightly sex-capades he stayed in my bed, and spent the night sleeping while cuddling (that was for me).

  Several other things happened. We gave Rafael the approval to fire the winemaker and we recorded the entire thing. Cabe wanted to let Rafael have the honor of letting him go, due to Rafael having to put up with him the most. But Cabe also wanted to be there so he could protect Rafael if ‘things went sideways’ - Cabe’s words.

  Good thing too, the winemaker freaked out and tried to attack Rafael. Luckily, with a few of his farmhands and a couple of the Macho Men with him, the newly terminated winemaker never had a chance to lay a hand on Rafael. ‘Cause let me tell ya, this guy did not go quietly! Whatever he was getting paid, besides what we were paying him, must’ve been a lot, ‘cause this guy came after Rafael like he caught him sleeping with his wife! We were worried he was going to seriously hurt Rafael after he lunged at Rafael right in the middle of the firing process. His farm hands had to intervene, and the Macho Men brigade forced the irate winemaker off the property, like literally had to phy
sically removed him.

  A Macho Man had hold of his arms on each side of the cursing and kicking winemaker. He was told if he ever came back, we were calling the police and we would have him arrested. That didn’t seem to matter much to him ‘cause he kept trying to get at Rafael.

  Finally, Cabe stepped in and told him we knew what he was doing: he was not working for us. He was working for somebody else and that he was there to do no good.

  That shut him up and sent him on his way, but he was spittin’ mad and shakin’ in his boots with anger. The looks he was givin’ poor Rafael freaked everyone out, so Cabe instructed the farm hands to keep a man with Rafael at all times, and alert him if there was anything that seemed out of order. Of course, the estate was bustling due to harvest starting and the crucial time they had between picking the grapes and getting them processed.

  Apparently, after a little investigation, we realized there was a ton of work to get us caught up, as the winemaker had really set us back on our progress preparing for harvest. Rafael complained loudly and mostly in Spanish, but everyone knew how unhappy he was with the guy and how relieved he was that the winemaker was gone, so we just let him blow off steam; after everything we had all been through, he deserved it.

  We were all still very worried about what was going to happen next. No one was under any illusion that the Markins were just going to suddenly back off.

  Due to that, Cabe had his men all over the estate; thus, my servers were constantly stumbling all over themselves trying to be noticed by the Macho Man team Cabe had brought in.

  We tried everything to get through to momma. We hoped, we prayed and then we tried reasoning with her. But there was no talkin’ to her, so the next step was for Sydney to write a response, which she did. Then we got a reply from the judge, who set a court date and we moved forward. We couldn’t use any of the bank accounts because Sydney said it was not advisable to access them until we had some sort of direction from the judge.

  This left us with no operating capital, and I personally didn’t have any money. Cabe and Sydney stepped up and provided enough money on a ‘loan basis’ to keep the estate rolling. It would be paid back by the estate once the court date was over. They didn’t seem too worried about it, so after a little heated discussion between the three of us, I decided they were more adult than I was and knew what in the heck they were doing.

  After all, once the court date was over, they both seem to think we were going to be fine and assured me there wasn’t any way momma could legally take the entire estate and everyone’s inheritances away. Every single person who was served by my momma’s attorney about the will also signed off with Sydney, so that was good, and made things a lot easier for her.

  She and Roman were doing some weird thing where they were always together, but she ignored him. I guess, from what I could tell, Roman was super attentive to her and seemed to take care of any need her or Agatha could have. He was never very far away from her, but she rarely paid him any attention. She acted like he wasn’t there most of the time, until this one time, I saw him pick her up and march her out to the vineyards and when they came back Sydney ‘s hair was all messed up and her trademark dark red lipstick was smeared all around her lips. And also, I’m not gonna lie, her shirt was on inside out. She didn’t know it and I wasn’t going to tell her because, let’s face it, I’ve done some way embarrassing things she caught me doing without saying a word, I’m certainly not pointing out anything Sydney does.

  Seemed to me she was trying to fight with Roman. I think she was losing and it also appeared to me Roman was really enjoying the battle.

  We had another big situation come up. We found out my momma decided that she was already the winner of her contested case and decided she could sell the Cinsault grapes to the greedy Markin clan.

  I was really coming to hate those guys.

  So even though she had no legal authority to, she entered into a contract with the family to sell my uncle’s prized grapes. They actually had the gumption to show up with a bunch of these giant harvesters, the same kind of harvesters that would never have been allowed in my uncle’s vineyard, at any time. All of Antonio’s grapes were hand harvested at night, not first thing in the morning with machines. The Markins knew this too – they were trying to rattle our cages and maybe they thought I’d give up and just sell.

  They sure didn’t know me very well, especially the me I was becoming, a strong version of me.

  And they sure as heck didn’t know Sydney and Cabe.

  That morning, a huge fight broke out between our grape farmers and the farmhands who came with the harvesters. Another huge fight broke out between Cabe and Mark, who was acting as the leader of the Markin’s harvest group. Of course, with Cabe being Cabe, and having his Macho Men on site, the fighting didn’t last very long and Markin’s men were all made to leave the property without too many injuries.

  This really made me wonder what Mark was doing there in the first place. I just couldn’t figure this all out and what his angle was with my momma: he had to know she wasn’t going to win the law suit. All he was doing was making sure my momma wasn’t even going to get the little house my aunt and uncle had bought us.

  After the fight, we called the police and Sydney sent Markins a cease-and-desist and she also filed a request for a stay away order against their entire group, including their employees.

  It had gotten so bad and chaotic at the estate. It seemed like everybody was fighting us, even though it was just the Markins. Our phones were always ringing. Sydney was super busy with her work and our events were booked solid.

  I was busting my butt just trying to keep the baking going and sneaking kisses whenever I could from Cabe. I’d hired one of the bakers Stacy and I interviewed and he was working in the event hall kitchen focusing on all of the pastries and desserts for our upcoming events, while I focused on the meals and appetizers. The help was much needed, but I didn’t see how there was any way we were going to be able to do outside sales with us so busy. I brought this up to Sydney in one of the rare moments I caught her without a phone to her ear or Roman looming over her.

  Handing her a fresh cup of coffee I asked, “Sydney, we’re busier than a bank teller on payday with all of these events. I don’t know how my aunt was going to do any baking for pickups or outside events. We are literally cooking from sun up to sun down, in both kitchens.”

  Sydney cocked her head to the side and gave me a small smile. “Sweetie, don’t you know? Most of these events have been booked since you took over. I’m sure part of the allure is Antonio and Raquel’s passing and the feud everyone seems to know about between the Bellini and Markins Estates, but honey,” she reached out and gently laid her hand on my forearm, “most of the new business is because your cooking is so magnificent, that the word has gotten around. You’re even better than your beautiful aunt – and she was amazing.”

  I was completely taken off guard by this information. Stacy and I had formulated a standard working menu and priced everything based on the items available per person, what area of the estate they were going to hold the event, and what accommodations were needed. I left Stacy to book the events based on the model we had worked up and we kept meticulous costing sheets on each event so we were able to tweak anything that wasn’t working right away. For the tasting rooms we had hired an acoustical guitarist who sat just outside the tasting rooms on the balcony; this allowed the music to flow into the tasting rooms without overwhelming the space, but also added a very nice aviance to the court yard that worked really well with the sound of the fountain, without inhibiting conversations .

  It never occurred to me the events weren’t returning customers of my aunt and uncle’s, I just thought we were doing what she had always done.

  “The event hall and tasting rooms have never been so busy; the changes you’ve made are small, yes, but that’s the real beauty. Your return has been huge.” She squeezed my forearm and said, “You’re born for this Bella.”

>   I felt like crying. I had been so caught up in all the happenings I never stepped back to see the big picture. I was just trying to survive, flying by the seat of my pants, and hadn’t slow down long enough to take the time to see how far we had come.

  After all this time cooking and baking up a storm, it was time I had a little bit of a celebration. I had been keeping Cabe and all of his Macho Men fed, and let’s be clear, I was trying to show Cabe how good of a mate I would be to him, how well I would be able to keep him and his crew fed, if indeed he did choose to keep me around as a girlfriend, which was what I was hoping for.

  It was a reasonable goal. After all I spent every night in Cabe’s arms, he never left my bed once he’d entered. We spent our nights there together and I was happier than I’d ever been. Even with all of the vineyard and harvesting drama. Even with all my momma’s drama, the pending legalities, the estate and the crazy busy days, I was happy.

  There was one little downfall. I’d asked Cabe if he would take me out to dinner, on a date, away from the chaos and craziness, and also, I felt like if I was out with him, I would be perfectly safe.

  His response was, “I don’t date.” That was it. Nothing more.

  He doesn’t date.

  He doesn’t share, so we’re exclusive. But he didn’t date? Like ever?

  Does that mean he’ll never take me out to dinner? Or does it mean that right now he’s too busy to take me out to dinner?

  I understood with all of the stuff going on, he just didn’t want us out ‘cause he would be worried it wasn’t safe.

  But I had a sinking feeling it wasn’t that. I had a sinking feeling our relationship would be me cooking him dinner, him eating my food, and then us having sex until we fell asleep.

  Would I never be able to go out for another meal unless I was with my girlfriends?


  These were questions that I was going to have to get answered. But I had to get them answered at the right time. Right now, it didn’t matter so much obviously, with everything going on.

  But still….


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