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Elsie's Winter Trip

Page 9

by Martha Finley


  As on former voyages on the "Dolphin," Sabbath day was kept religiouslyby all on board the vessel. Religious services--prayer, praise and thereading of a sermon--were held on deck, for the benefit of all, afterwhich there was a Bible lesson led by Mr. Milburn, the subject beingthe birth of Jesus and the visits of the wise men from the east; alsothe story of Bethlehem's shepherds and their angel visitants followedby their visit to the infant Saviour.

  The children went to bed early that night that--as they said--Christmasmight come the sooner. Then the Captain, his older daughters, Chester,and Harold, had a little chat about what should be done in the morning.The young men were urgent that their assistance should be accepted inthe matter of setting up and trimming the tree; the girls also put ina petition for the privilege of helping with the work.

  To Lucilla their father answered, "You may, as I have said, for youare naturally an early bird, so that I think it cannot hurt you." Thenturning to Grace, "I hardly think it would do for you, daughter dear;but we will let your doctor decide it," turning inquiringly to Harold.

  "If her doctor is to decide it, he says emphatically No," said Harold,with a very loverlike look down into the sweet face of his betrothed;"she will enjoy the rest of the day much better for taking her usualmorning nap."

  "You and papa are very kind; almost too kind," returned Grace, betweena smile and a sigh. "But I think you are a good doctor, so I willfollow your advice and papa's wishes."

  "That is right, my darling," responded her father, "and I hope you willhave your reward in feeling well through the day."

  "If she doesn't, she can discharge her doctor," said Lucilla in amirthful tone.

  "You seem inclined to be hard upon doctors, Lu," remarked Harold,gravely; "but one of these days you may be glad of the services of evensuch an one as I."

  "Yes, that is quite possible; and even now I am right glad to have myhusband under your care; and I'm free to say that if your patientsdon't improve, I don't think it will be fair to blame it--theirfailure--on the doctor."

  "Thank you," he said; "should you need doctoring on this trip of ours,just call upon me and I'll do the best for you that I can."

  "I have no doubt you would," laughed Lucilla, "but I'll do my best tokeep out of your hands."

  "That being your intention, let me advise you to go at once to yourbed," returned Harold, glancing at his watch. Then all said good-nightand dispersed to their rooms.

  At early dawn the three gentlemen were again in the saloon overseeingthe setting up of the Christmas tree, then arranging upon it amultitude of gifts from one to another of the "Dolphin's" passengers,and some token of remembrance for each one of the crew; for it was notin the kind heart of the Captain ever to forget or neglect any one inhis employ.

  The other passengers, older and younger, except Lucilla, who was withthem in time to help with the trimming of the tree, did not emerge fromtheir staterooms until the sun was up, shining gloriously upon the sea,in which the waves were gently rising and falling. All were fond ofgazing upon the sea, but this morning their first attention was givento the tree, which seemed to have grown up in a night in the saloon,where they were used to congregate mornings, evenings and stormy days.All gathered round it and viewed its treasures with appreciativeremarks; then the Captain, with Chester's and Harold's assistance,distributed the gifts.

  Every one had several and seemed well pleased with them. The one thatgave Eva the greatest pleasure had been left for her by her younghusband; it was an excellent miniature likeness of himself set in goldand diamonds. She appreciated the beautiful setting, but the correctand speaking likeness was far more to her.

  Near the tree stood a table loaded with fruits and confections ofvarious kinds, very tempting in appearance. Ned hailed it with anexpression of pleasure, but his father bade him let the sweets aloneuntil after he had eaten his breakfast.

  The words had scarcely left the Captain's lips when a voice was heard,apparently coming from the skylight overhead: "Say, Pete, d'ye seethem goodies piled up on that thar table down thar? My, but they lookstemptin'."

  "Yes," seemed to come from another voice, "wouldn't I like to git inthar and help myself? It's odd and real mean how some folks has all thegood things and other folks none."

  "Course it is. But, oh, I'll tell you. They'll be goin' out tobreakfast presently, then let's go down thar where the goodies is, andhelp, ourselves."

  "Yes, let's."

  Everybody in the saloon had stopped talking and seemed to be listeningin surprise to the colloquy of the two stowaways--for such theyapparently were--but now Ned broke the silence: "Why, how did they geton board? Must be stowaways and have been in the hold all this time.Oh, I guess they are hungry enough by this time; so no wonder they wantthe candies and things."

  "Perhaps Cousin Ronald can tell us something about them," laughedLucilla.

  "Acquaintances of mine, you think, lassie?" sniffed the old gentleman."Truly, you are most complimentary. But I have no more fancy for suchtrash than have you."

  "Ah, well, now, cousin, I really don't imagine those remarks were madeby any very bad or objectionable fellows," remarked Captain Raymond, ina tone of amusement.

  "No," said Mr. Dinsmore, "we certainly should not be hard on them ifthey are poor and hungry."

  "Which they must be if they have been living in the hold ever since weleft our native shores," laughed Violet.

  "Oh, now, I know, it was just Cousin Ronald, and not any real person,"cried Ned, dancing about in delight.

  "And so I'm not a real person?" said Mr. Lilburn, in a deeply hurt tone.

  "Oh, Cousin Ronald, I didn't mean that," said Ned, penitently, "onlythat you weren't two boys, but just pretending to be."

  At that everybody laughed, and Mr. Lilburn said: "Very true; I neverwas two boys and am no longer even one. Well, I think you and all of usmay feel safe in leaving the good things on the table there when we arecalled to breakfast, for I am sure those fellows will not meddle withthem."

  The summons to the table had just sounded, and now was obeyed by allwith cheerful alacrity. Everybody was in fine spirits, the meal anexcellent one, and all partook of it with appetite, while the flow ofconversation was steady, bright and mirthful.

  They had their morning service directly after the meal, then went upondeck and to their surprise found they were in sight of Bermuda. Theywere glad to see it, though the voyage had been a pleasant one to alland really beneficial to the ailing ones, for whose benefit it wasundertaken more particularly than for the enjoyment of the others. Alsoit was hoped and expected that their sojourn in and about the islandswould be still more helpful and delightful; and so indeed it proved.

  They tarried in that neighborhood several weeks, spending most of theirtime on the vessel, or in her small boats--many of the water-ways beingtoo narrow and shallow to be traversed by the yacht, but going fromplace to place on the land in a way to see all that was interestingthere.


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