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Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1

Page 52

by Manda Mellett

  That shiver now turns into a shudder that he can feel. “Just tell me, Drummer. Tell me what you’re talking about. Please.”

  Then he explains how I’ve apparently been targeted, how they want to shatter this slave ring for good, and the only way they can do that is if they allow me to be abducted. When he finishes his impossible, incredible story, I push away and get to my feet. The thought that I’m naked is the last thing on my mind.

  “Why the hell would they want me? I’m nothing special.”

  A leer appears as his eyes rake up and down my body. “Take it from me, darlin’, any number of men would want you. You’re fuckin’ gorgeous. And what makes it better? You have no fuckin’ idea how attractive you are.”

  Shaking my head in dismissal, I continue to object. “You say they want me because they think I’m a virgin, what if you get the information out that I’m, er, not anymore?”

  Now a grin of pride. “I made fuckin’ sure of that.” Heat goes through me as I remember just how. Not when he fucked me, when he hurt me without knowing, but when he slowed it all down and started making love. Making love? This is Drummer I’m thinking about!

  “Devil thinks they’ll still take you. The minute you’re unprotected, darlin’, they’ll get you. There’s a price on your head.” Having mentioned the outlandish amount I’m apparently worth to some presumably flabby businessman somewhere who can’t get his own woman the normal way, he shakes his head, his eyes half closed. “Believe me, I’ve fuckin’ tried to think of another solution, but I can’t find a way out. If they don’t take you this time, you’ll always be at risk. You’ll be the one who got away.”

  I stare, unbelieving. “They were going to take me in Washington?”

  “Devil says that was the plan, and when you rode off, it was easy enough for them to find out where you were gonna end up.”

  I hadn’t thought it would have been a problem. “I didn’t keep it a secret. I hadn’t completely made up my mind then, but anyone who knew me would have known it was on the cards.”

  “How would you have known you should keep it quiet? Nah, you just got caught up in something that was none of your doing. Just like all the other women kidnapped on demand.”

  That statement is what gets me thinking. Since he’d told me, I’d only considered myself, reacting to the fear of what might happen to me. I pace the room, knowing his eyes must be on me, and at this moment not giving a damn.

  “If I do this, the other women will be saved? If we smash the ring, we take out the people organising it?”

  His eyes narrow. “One ring. There’ll be others. But at least these particular motherfuckers won’t be able to do it again.”

  More pacing, more thinking. I run through the options but come up short on finding an alternative.

  “I’ll have a GPS implant?” He’s already told me, but I want to confirm. Will that hurt? “And some kind of superspy earpiece so you can listen to everything?”

  “Yes, and it’s FM, so undetectable, even if they’re suspicious and put a wand over you.”

  He’s sitting up now, his legs swung over the side of the bed. I go and stand between them. Taking a deep breath and the biggest leap of my life, I open my mouth and tell him firmly, “I’ll do it.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  She’ll do it. With those three words, she’s committing herself to a plan, which despite all of Devil’s assurances might not work. Regardless of the strategy we deploy, we might not be able to keep her safe or protect her from being hurt. I can’t allow her to put herself in danger, whatever honourable reason she thinks she’s doing it for.

  “No, Sam.” My hands reach out for her, my fingers curling around her biceps as though wanting to bind her to me. “I shouldn’t have told you. It’s not going to work. I’m not gonna let you put yourself at risk. We’ll find another fuckin’ way to protect you. Get other charters to send more brothers here.” I look up into her face and make an earnest vow. “I promise you, Sam, I’ll keep you safe.” I can’t let those bastards get hold of her. I don’t want them near her, even for a minute.

  “You’re not letting me do anything, Drummer. I’m offering myself.” She’s adamant.

  She’s too innocent. “No, darlin’, I’m not gonna let you.” I just can’t. To lose her after I’ve only just found her? When we’d fucked just now, she’d owned me. Fucked? Who am I kidding? I don’t know another name for what it was, but for once it wasn’t just my body involved. When I’d come, it felt like her hand had reached inside and torn out my heart. Flowery thoughts for an MC president, but I can’t ignore the truth. This woman affects me on a plane beyond the physical. I’ve no idea where it will take us, but I want longer to explore. For the first time in my life, I want to get to know a woman, and not just in bed.

  “You don’t have the final say, Drummer.” Her hands touch either side of my face. “I don’t want to spend my life looking over my shoulder. Who knows how long it will be before they give up? You can’t interrupt other people’s lives to watch over me, and if I left, where could I go where I’d know I’d be safe?” Releasing me, she takes a step away, her hands now clasped by her sides, her back rigid. “And those other women, who knows how many more they’ll take in the future? If there’s a chance that I can help to stop this, that’s a chance I want to take.” She looks away and then back, her face twisted with pain. “Torn from their homes, their loved ones and sold to be a rich man’s plaything? I couldn’t bear to think I had the chance to save them and walked away just to protect myself.”

  I stand and pull her to me, her back to my front. “If, and it’s a big if. If we succeed, we’ll only be takin’ out one ring. There’s a shitload more that will take its place.”

  “One woman, a dozen, however many are already being transported, and those this group has got their eye on. If we can save them, it will be worth it.” Now her hands are on her hips and she’s staring at me intently.

  “Shit. You’re a brave fuckin’ woman.” Running my hand over my face, it seems like I’m going to have to give in.

  She gives a half-hearted laugh. “I’m not brave, Drummer. I’m scared, terrified. But I haven’t a choice. I’m involved in this. If there’s a chance they’ll get me anyway, it’s better for me to go in prepared.”

  But she’s so innocent. My earlier thought returns to haunt me. When I’d disposed of the condom, I’d noticed a small amount of blood coating it, she’s still bleeding from my savage assault the night before. Knowing that, and understanding how sore she must be, helps keep my cock at half-mast, but it reminds me how far away she is from my life. She’s got no knowledge of the world.

  But she carries a gun and isn’t afraid to use it.

  She can restore a vintage bike from nothing more than a mangled frame and a few parts.

  She rode fifteen hundred miles alone to get here.

  She’s a mechanic and not afraid of hard work.

  She’s dealt with men all her life and gives as good as she gets.

  Fuck, if there’s any woman that can carry it off, it would be her. Any other woman would be screaming at me to protect her, but not Sam. And that alone makes me want to get to know her better. But I may have run out of time.

  “I don’t want to lose you. Not now.” My gut clenches as it hits me. If the plan goes horribly wrong, I may never have the chance to learn what makes her tick.

  She turns in my arms, her hands cupping my face, running down and toying with my beard. “I don’t want to lose you either. But what else can we do? If we do it Devil’s way, we’re the ones in control. If we try to go on regardless, what if they take me when we’ve let our guard down and we’re unprepared? That’s got to be as big a risk as allowing me to be abducted now, when you’ll be watching out for me.”

  Lifting my head back, I heave a big sigh. I know that she’s right. Taking a deep breath, and a leap in a direction I really don’t want to go but see no alternative, I say, “Okay.” With that one
word I dictate our fate, whatever that’s going to be.

  Reaching for my jeans I pull them back on. She’s giving a wry smile. “Guess I better hunt down my clothes, then.”

  I try to hide my true feelings as we walk toward the clubhouse, my arm tight around her holding her close, unable to be apart from her for a second. The thoughts running through my head are dark. I hate what she’s planning to do and despise myself for even telling her about it. But she’s right, if she’s such a wanted target, she won’t be able to evade them forever.

  One look at my face lets Wraith and Peg know what her answer is. They rise as we walk in, giving chin lifts in my direction and throwing pitying but almost admirable glances toward Sam. I jerk my head toward my office, and they follow me in. As Sam sits, Peg puts a supporting hand on her shoulder.

  Before I can have any more second thoughts, I take out a burner phone and dial the number Devil had given me. It’s answered after the first ring. “She’s in.” It’s all I need to say. Those two innocent words that are possibly signing her death warrant or committing her to a life of slavery.

  “What’s the next step?” I ask, only for Devil to respond that he’ll be in touch. It’s an unsatisfactory answer; I want to know how much time we’ve got.

  He hangs up before I can ask anymore.

  “What happens now?” Her voice trembles a little. Now that I’ve committed her, she’s become nervous.

  I shrug. “We wait, Sam. That’s all we can do.”

  “I feel like the sword of Damocles is hanging over my head.”

  Peg squeezes her shoulder. “Understand that, darlin’.”

  It’s difficult for any of us to know quite what to say. Not having a sniff of any plan going forward means we’re stuck in limbo.

  We carry on as usual, eating a dinner which the old ladies have prepared that could be gourmet standard but tastes like cardboard to me. As the old ladies disappear and the sweet butts and hangarounds start to appear, I take Sam back to my house, not wanting to expose her at this stage as to what goes on at our parties. Although she’s probably already well aware—the evening she’d arrived would have given her a very good idea.

  I kick the door closed behind us, taking her into my arms, pulling her up against me. I’m hard as stone, desperate to have her one more time, not knowing whether it will be tomorrow, the next day or the day after that when I’ll be losing her, if only, hopefully for a time.

  She’s rubbing up against me, her mouth meeting mine, her eagerness matching mine. I start to tear at her clothes, then I remember.

  “Fuck, you must be sore, darlin’.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she gasps.

  But it does, to me, the last thing I want to do is to hurt her again. Bending, I whisper into her ear, “Think it’s time for another lesson.” I sweep her into my arms, loving how she fits so well in my hold, her arms encircling my neck. I take her into the bedroom.

  “Strip.” My head tilts to one side as I wait, smirking at the way she hesitates to obey, looking one way and then the other as though she can hide. “I’ve seen it all before, darlin’.” She gives a weak smile and then proceeds to take off her clothes. It’s not to the standards of the strippers at our club, but it will do for now, and my cock doesn’t give a damn she’s not teasing me like a whore.

  As she gets down to her underwear, I make short work of getting naked too. Then, prowling toward her, I push her backward on the bed. Again, we start by the meeting of our mouths. Just what is it with her? I’ve never wanted to kiss a woman so much before, but her taste is addictive. Rather than just wanting to fuck, I want to draw this out, to enjoy her. All of her.

  Now I’m fondling her breasts, squeezing them, smoothing my hands around them, loving the perfection of her satiny skin. My mouth wants to get in on the action, so I lave one with my tongue, and then the other, teasing her nipples until they peak. I move down her body, opening her legs until she’s totally exposed to me. As my mouth touches her clit, she jolts in anticipation. I breathe warm air over that bundle of nerves and then chuckle and raise my head.

  “If you want this, you have to do something for me.”

  “Anything,” she breathes.

  I grin, turning my body so my cock dangles over her mouth. Lowering myself down, she eagerly opens and takes me inside.

  She sucks me in, using her hands to control how much she takes. I pause for a moment, enjoying the sensations as she finds that sensitive spot below the head. She’s reading my reactions, learning what I like. As she starts driving me wild, I reciprocate, sucking and nipping at her clit while inserting two of my fingers inside her. I groan against her, she moans against me, the vibrations making me swell.

  As I love her, she loves me, the two of us rushing like unstoppable runaway trains toward our destination. She draws up her legs, pushing against me. As her movements become more frantic, I feel the tell-tale boiling in my balls. Lifting my head just a fraction, I rasp out to warn her, giving her the chance to pull away.

  But she holds me in tight, and as her body goes taut as a bow, I’m unable to stop, my cum shooting into her mouth. I feel her swallowing around me, her orgasm fuelling her frenzy to drink it all down. As our bodies relax, she licks me clean.

  I’ve fucked mouths before, but it’s never left me feeling so drained and satisfied. Twisting my body back around, I crash my mouth down on hers, our essences combining so I can’t tell whether I’m tasting myself or her. My beard is soaked but I don’t give a damn, her odour will stay with me, all through the night. Suddenly I understand how Wraith’s become addicted to just one pussy. That’s how I’m starting to feel about Sam.

  Curling her into my side, I hold her tight in my arms. As her breathing evens out, I know she’s almost asleep when I tell her, “You’re mine,” and soon follow her down to the land of dreams, though mine are twisted and dark.

  We wake at first light. I make her some breakfast in the small kitchen.

  “Will it be today?”

  There’s no way of knowing, but I take her hand, placing a kiss to her skin. “I don’t know, darlin’. We won’t know until Devil gets in touch.”

  “I’ll go down to the shop then. I want to check out the Vincent after that ride yesterday.”

  Was it only yesterday we’d been riding for our lives? So much has happened in such a short time. “Okay, I’ve got work to do up at the clubhouse.”

  A simple kiss goodbye turns into more, and she leaves with a skip to her step and a grin on her face as she goes down to work on her beloved bike. With an unusual smile on my own face, I go to the clubhouse, stepping over the remains of the party the night before. Wraith hadn’t partied, with his own old lady he’s got no need to now, and Peg stayed sober in case of anything going down today. As I cross the littered room, the VP approaches, giving me a knowing grin. In return I scowl, then shrug. He slaps me on the back and I smirk. Yeah, Wraith, I’m starting to understand it now.

  Chapter Twenty


  Me, a sunny day, a well-satisfied body, and my Vincent. What more could a girl want? I’ve spent time going over her, removing every speck of dust. Topping off the oil—well, she’s over sixty years old, she’s allowed to drink a little. Then the thought hits me, what will happen to her if I disappear? The practical side of my mind kicks in, leave her to Viper. The emotional side translates what it means if I never come back. Suddenly, despite the warmth of the day, it feels like the air conditioner has kicked into overdrive, and I get chills on my skin. What have I agreed to?

  There was a party last night, which means apart from Roadrunner tinkering with his bike in preparation for the race he’s going to compete in later, none of the other members are around. Marsh is patrolling by the gates, which are closed and locked as citizens don’t bring their cars around on Sundays. It’s all so normal; everything Drummer told me yesterday seems like a bad dream. It can’t be real, can it? Who on earth would want to pay an extortionate sum for me? Putting one hand
on my bike, I brush the other up over my face. The whole situation is completely ridiculous. Someone’s having a joke, they must be. But Drummer left no room for doubt. It is going to happen. At least if, when something does, it’s not going to take me by surprise.

  My musings are interrupted by a shout from Marsh and the roar of several vehicles coming up fast to the gates. My natural impulse, probably stupid under the circumstances, is to rush outside. But as soon as I see who’s arriving, I know it’s not someone coming for me. Intuitively I understand it’s much, much worse. Worse, that is, for the club.

  There are five black SUVs, and as men wearing jackets descend from the first, it’s just like a scene from a television programme. I can see they’re heavily armed as one steps up to the gate. “ATF,” he shouts loudly. “Open up!”

  “Shit!” Roadrunner’s got his phone out, presumably calling Drum.

  Marsh is standing frozen with his mouth open.

  Thinking fast and taking charge, I step forward. “You got a warrant?”

  He waves a piece of paper at me. Knowing I need to buy Drummer some time, I indicate he should pass it through the gate. When he does, I waste a few seconds reading it. As I’ve no standing in the club, I pass it to Marsh. He scans it through, then, as the ATF agent growls at our delaying tactics, shrugs.

  “Open up and let us through.”

  They’ll simply bust the gates down if we don’t. I nod at Marsh, and he slides them open. My heart’s in my mouth as the five vehicles scream in, their engines over-revving loudly. The first four shoot on up to the clubhouse, one stops just inside the gate, and men jump out, waving guns and yelling at me, Marsh, and Roadrunner to lie on the ground. When we comply, our hands are cuffed behind our backs. Well, I suppose at least there’s no sexual discrimination here; they're treating me the same as the men. Roughly they search us. My gun is back hidden on the Vincent, so they find nothing on me, but the prospects have their various weapons confiscated.


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