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Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1

Page 128

by Manda Mellett

  The truck’s turned off the main highway and is going up some side roads, and shortly after, starts bumping down a neglected track. It comes to a halt at an abandoned warehouse. Fang wastes no time getting out, and he’s joined by Gator as he opens the doors.


  The one word command backed up by the threat of the gun has us moving. Slick nudges me from behind, and I know what he’s thinking. But so do the men who’ve taken us, stepping back smartly out of our reach and, bound as we are, we don’t have a chance to go on the attack.


  With guns at our back, we approach the warehouse. Alex stumbles from weakness and gets a fist to her side to encourage her to get to her feet and start moving again. No hand offered to help her up, no chance for me to try to knock Gator or Fang off their feet. I growl at the additional injury she’s received.

  We enter into a large room with machinery obviously unused for years, but the area itself has been used before, and quite probably recently. There’s the metallic odour of blood in the air and red stains at our feet. I half close my eyes. This room is much like our storage room back in Tucson, and pretty soon I’ll most likely be on the wrong end of the type of treatment we dish out there. But we’re not allowed to linger, and are pushed on through, into a room with no windows and only one door. It’s bare, with no furniture.

  Having pushed us in, Gator and Fang make as if to leave. Before they can close the door, I take the initiative, turning to face our captors head on. “Who are you? And what do you want from us?”

  “All in good fuckin’ time,” Gator replies, and then slams the door shut.

  Chapter Nineteen


  My wounds are hurting, and now, in addition, my side is throbbing from the punch I received. But my overriding pain is the worry I have for my son. So choked up, it’s hard for me to speak. Did he run to this man, Snake? And would he really hurt him? We’ve got to get out of here. I’ve got to get back to my son. Looking around the room we’ve been imprisoned in, there’s not much to see. I heard the door being locked, and there’s no window and no other way out. My only relief on a personal level is that I’ve not been separated from the men, that’s some comfort at least. I’m not stupid, I saw the looks on the faces of the one’s who’ve taken us, and heard the insults—they’ve no respect for the colour of my skin. Shuddering, I’m left in no doubt of the ways they want to make me suffer. Are they in league with Ron? Is he coming for me again?

  I bite my lip to force back useless tears. I doubt Ron would give me another chance to escape.

  When the door shuts, leaving us alone, I try to see if there’s any way I can loosen the bindings around my wrists. But they’ve been tied tightly, and already I can feel the strands cutting into my skin. Remembering the lewd looks they’d given me, I ignore the pain and keep trying.

  “Here, Slick.” Dart’s voice interrupts me. “Let’s get these fuckin’ ropes off.”

  As if they’ve done it before, Slick and Dart both slide to the floor and sit back to back. Slick starts fumbling with binds around Dart’s hands, quietly swearing as he does.

  Mouse watches them for a moment, then comes across to me, examining my face carefully. “You doing okay?”

  “I’m fine,” I tell him, frantic with concern about my son. I’m ignoring the pain which is being made worse from having my hands fastened behind me, pulling at the wounds on my chest. “I just need to get back to Tyler. Mouse, I’m so worried about him.”

  “Know you are, babe. But look at the odds, there are two of them, three of us. We’ll get out of here, sweetheart, and get back to your boy,” Slick confidently throws over his shoulder while working the knots behind his back.

  Dart’s looking at me strangely. I turn away. He might be able to offer me sympathy, but I was so stupid to ever think he might want to give me more. I’m so embarrassed to think he’d ever have gone for a girl like me. And one lumbered with a child. A child who’s in danger if he trusts the wrong man.

  “Alex…” Dart speaks sharply while Slick continues working at trying to unknot the rope tying his hands together. Hampered of course, as his own are tied too.

  I swing back around. “Nothing’s changed, Dart,” I hiss. “I need to get back to Tyler. If Ron’s got him…” My eyes fill with tears as I replay what the men said. “Snake wouldn’t really hurt him, would he?”

  His own eyes fill with anguish, he can’t reassure me at all.

  Slick gets Dart’s attention, talking to him as he works the ropes. “What ya think we’re dealing with here?”

  Tilting his head to one side, Dart replies, “You notice anything about Gator?”

  Slick shrugs. “Thought he looked familiar, but hell, I’ve probably just seen him around the club.”

  Leaving me, Mouse joins in. “What you getting at, Dart? Slick, I don’t think I’ve seen him in the clubhouse before today.”

  Dart lowers his face and briefly closes his eyes as he works it through. “He hasn’t been at church and we’ve had enough meetings. Could have been on a run or something and only just got back. He’s not out bad, as he’s still got his patch. Now, I might be going on a limb with this, but Gator’s got the same eyes as someone we all knew. Same mouth an’ all. Ouch, Slick. You ever cut your fuckin’ fingernails?”

  Slick shakes his head, ignoring Dart’s complaint, and gets back on topic. “Not sure where you’re going with this, Brother.”

  “Six months ago?”

  Mouse freezes. He too looks like he’s thinking. Then he whistles through his teeth. “Buster. He’s fuckin’ Buster’s brother.”

  Slick starts, frowns, and after a pause, seems to agree. “Certainly a familial resemblance. You really think he is, Dart?”

  “Brother or cousin. There’s a likeness there. And if I’m right, he’ll have no love for the Tucson chapter.”

  “And Fang? Who the fuck is he then? Another cousin?”

  “Nah, no similarities there. But who else would want to take us out?”

  Now Slick pulls his shoulders back, and a scowl appears on his face. “Man with no patches? Don’t belong to no club?”

  “He’s either out bad…” Dart starts to add his thoughts.

  “Or he’s a fuckin’ Rock Demon,” Slick finishes for him. “It couldn’t be, could it?”

  “It’s a possibility. And if it is, he’s likely the one you’ve come here to kill. They were fishing to get him into the club. Maybe they drew him in for their own reasons rather than ours and have been keeping him under the radar.”

  Fuck. Kill? I knew they were rough, but to admit to murder? But when Slick continues, I realise he has reason.

  “Yeah, I want him dead. Promised Ella the fucker who raped her would be taken out.”

  In a couple of seconds he’s gone from murderer to avenger, and I risk a quick look at Dart, wishing he felt the depth of emotion for me as Slick does for Ella. Someone who’d be by my side and kill my bastard of an ex for me. Then the thought of Tyler slams into me, again. From the way the men had spoken, we can no longer trust anyone in the club, and I last saw Tyler running to them for help. Oh my God, these men are murderers and rapists, they could… A wail comes out of my mouth, as I can’t even complete the thought in my head. These men talk about killing as if it means nothing. My lovely boy. I sink to my knees, my legs unable to support me anymore.

  “Alex.” Dart attracts my attention again, telling me emphatically, “Alex, if you’re worried about Tyler, I’m sure he’ll be fine. If Gator was right, Thompson will be there. He might not be the best father for your son, but he won’t let any harm come to him, not with the other cops around. We’ve got time. Once we’re out of here, we’ll get Tyler back. Don’t cry, darlin’. Stay strong. Don’t give up hope.”

  Half of the things Dart is saying to me go straight over my head, but he carries on talking, reassuring me that I will see my child again. I know he’s right, I mustn’t give up. But it’s so darn hard. My heart’
s still beating as normal. Surely, if anything had happened to Tyler, I’d know in here? I carried him in my womb for nine months, he’s part of me. If he was no longer breathing, I’d feel it.

  I swallow back a sob. “How are we going to get out of here, Dart?” That’s the first step to get Tyler back. I start twisting my hands all over again, uncaring of the pain as I try to loosen the rope.

  Ignoring my question, Dart glances at the two men on the floor. “How you doing, Slick?”

  “Almost there.”

  “Yes!” Dart hisses, and his hands appear in front of him. Without pausing he swings around and starts untying Slick, a much easier affair as he’s not working blind. Once Slick’s free, they make short work of freeing both Mouse and myself. We all take a moment to flex our muscles.

  Dart’s eyes narrow when he sees my wrists. “Shit, Alex, you shouldn’t have struggled so much,” he says as he’s rubbing my blood-slickened wrists to help me get the circulation back.

  “Why d’ya think they left us?” Mouse is walking around the room, presumably seeing if there’s anything he can use as a weapon. Slick’s examining the door. “Why not start in on us right away? What the fuck is going on?”

  Dart, his hand resting on my shoulder, replies, “I think they’re waiting for someone. How long’s it been now, Mouse?”

  Mouse looks at the watch he can now see. “An hour or so. You could be right there, Dart. But fuckin’ who?”

  “Buster got any more brothers?”

  Mouse smooths his hands over his long dark hair. “Fuck if I can remember. I did the background check as I always do when someone joins the club, but I was looking at him, not his fuckin’ family tree.”

  “Who’s Buster?” I ask.

  The men look at each other, and when Slick raises his chin toward Dart, it’s him who informs me, “Buster patched over from San Diego. Tried to rape Wraith’s woman.”

  I gasp. “Is he in prison?”

  “He’s dead.”

  “You killed him,” I breathe, my hand going to my mouth.

  “Now don’t look like that, doll.” Dart sounds annoyed. “Man showed no remorse, thought he had a God-given right to take what wasn’t fuckin’ his to take. We weren’t gonna risk a court setting him free.”

  They’ve admitted they’ve killed a man, and Slick’s vowed he’s going to take the life of another. I should be afraid of these men. Instead of a snap reaction, I take a moment to think. I don’t condone violence, on the other hand, the thought of a rapist walking the streets is equally abhorrent. But if they’re right, Buster’s brother certainly doesn’t agree. It seems it’s down to them murdering Buster is the reason I’m being held here today, with my son God knows where and in danger. It’s them they want, not me. I’m just collateral damage. Not that that’s going to help me. There was lust in our captors’ eyes, and it certainly wasn’t directed at my companions.

  Slick’s playing with the lock on the door, but without tools, doesn’t seem to be having any success.

  Mouse walks over to him, holding his palms face up. “Nothing we can use. I was looking for some overlooked tool or something, but the room’s been swept clean.”

  “Right. We need to be prepared then.” Dart eyes Slick up. He’s easily the biggest man here. “You stay by the door, let us know if you hear anyone approach.”

  After throwing Dart a nod, Slick opens and closes his hands as if getting ready. “If it’s three against two, I like those odds.”

  “But if it’s more? And don’t forget they’re armed and we’re not.”

  Dart scowls at Mouse. “We got them beat, Brother. Tucson chapter will top San Diego anytime. They think we’re tied up. Just got to move fast while we’ve got the element of surprise and make sure we’ve got the upper hand.” He stares first at Mouse, then at Slick. “We got this, brothers. We got this.”

  As two chins dip back at him, I just wish I had his confidence. How long will we have to wait? How long until the men come back?

  My injuries are throbbing, it’s long past time I should have had more painkillers. I suspect the rough treatment, the way they’d pulled on the wounds when they tied my arms behind my back, may have torn them open again as I feel the pull on the bandages where fresh blood has dried. I start to get angry. If only I’d never gotten that job in the strip club, I wouldn’t have met these men and I wouldn’t be here. And then the alternative thought, Ron would have found me anyway, and I’d have been left to die with no one coming to save me. My eyes go to Dart, and another pain rips through me, this time like a knife through my heart. I wish I’d never met him at all.

  One man stays by the door, the others hunker down as though conserving their energy. Another hour passes, and then one more. I’m shifting uncomfortably, my bladder full to bursting, but still no one comes.

  “How long’s it been now, Mouse?”

  Again, he consults his watch. “Three and a half—”

  “Someone’s coming,” Slick interrupts, then places his ear to the door, putting his finger to his mouth. In the silence it’s easy to pick out footsteps approaching, and soon we hear voices too.

  “Can’t wait to get hold of that black bitch. D’ya see the ass on her? Just right for fuckin’. My big old cock gonna tear her in two.” My eyes widen in horror as Dart glances at me and gives a shake of his head, his face set to reassure me that’s never going to happen. But if they can’t take the men out of action, they’ve just announced my fate.

  “First, I want to deal with the Tucson boys. Find out what they can tell us.” Slick, Dart, and Mouse exchange looks, obviously recognising the newcomer’s voice. Dart pushes me over against the wall so I’m out of the way.

  There’s the sound of a key turning in the lock. Slick’s standing one side of the door, Mouse the other. As soon as a snicking sound shows the lock’s been turned, Mouse yanks on the handle pulling it open. They hadn’t spoken to arrange such a choreographed move, and I look on in amazement as Slick grabs the arm of the first man, taking advantage of his momentary shock to take the gun out of his hand, turning it on the other men entering as Mouse deals with the second in a similar way, then the butt of the pistol comes down on Fang’s head and he collapses to the ground. Slick whips his weapon around the head of Gator, and he joins his prone partner.

  There’s one man left standing. I don’t recognise him.

  “Snake,” Dart breathes.

  And that’s when I know who the stranger is. He’s the president of the San Diego chapter. The men are pointing guns at each other. It’s a stand-off.

  “I’ll kill you where you stand. I ain’t got no time for traitors.” Slick’s coldly spoken words send a shiver down my spine.

  “I was coming to rescue you.” Snake sneers down at the men on the ground. “Got a sniff of what was going down, got myself invited along.”

  I don’t know about the others, but I don’t believe him for a moment. Then Slick does something strange and starts to lower his gun. “Thought you were with them for a second.” What? Can’t you see… My eyes flick from one to the other, trying to warn Slick not to trust him.

  “Nah, man. You know me better than that.” Snake begins to relax. He takes a step to the side, his gun now pointing to the floor. “Let’s get you out of here.” He indicates with his hand that we should go past him.

  Slick takes a step forward then, like lightening, his arm comes down, and Snake’s weapon scoots across the floor. Dart picks it up and points it at Snake’s head. He throws an instruction over his shoulder, “Mouse. Tie Fang and Gator up and make damn fuckin’ sure they ain’t gonna get free.”

  Another sharp nod, then Mouse is tying the unconscious men’s hands behind their backs, and then for good measure, he ties them together back to back, wrapping and knotting the rope so it’s impossible for them to escape. I breathe a sigh of relief.

  “You’re making a mistake, Brother. I came here to cut you loose.”

  Dart’s gun is now jammed against Snake’s skull. �
�Reckon I don’t believe ya, Brother. You seemed overly friendly with these two. Now you better start talking. What you doing with a Rock Demon in your house?”

  “You caught on fast. Didn’t think you knew him.” Snake sounds impressed. “You wanted to take him out, Slick. Well, now’s your chance. I’ve given him to you on a fuckin’ platter.”

  I don’t give a damn about Demons. I want to know what’s happened to my son. I walk toward Snake, but Mouse moves quickly and holds me back. I make do with screaming from the middle of the room. “What have you done with Tyler? Where’s my son?”

  Snake looks confused for a second. “Done nothing with the boy. Thought he was here with you.”

  What? Where on earth can he be?

  “He ran back into the clubhouse,” Dart says, his eyes narrowed as if he doesn’t credit him with telling the truth. And neither do I.

  Snake raises his shoulders. “Don’t know nothing about that. Haven’t seen the kid.”

  “I need to go back to the clubhouse, Dart. Now.” I don’t know whether it’s a good or bad thing that Snake’s denying seeing him.

  Dart brushes hair out of his face. “Sure you do, doll. But we need to get intel first. We’ll go find Tyler just as soon as we can, but with Snake behind this, we need to know what we’re walking into. Okay?” He gets up close to the San Diego prez and snarls into his face. “Need to know whether the whole fuckin’ club’s turned bad or just these fuckers here.”

  No, it’s not okay. But there’s no point walking into a trap. Even I can understand that. I just can’t bear to think my son is right in the middle of it.

  At that moment, Fang starts to groan, his arm twitches, and then pulls at the bindings when he realises he’s been secured. He isn’t going anywhere. I watched Mouse, and the knots he tied were tighter and more complicated than the ones they had used.

  Slick walks forward and kicks him in the stomach. “Start fuckin’ talking, Demon.”


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