Claimed By The Aliens

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Claimed By The Aliens Page 5

by Maia Starr

  The next morning, I found her in the kitchen early in the morning before any of the others had woke. We had all slept in her room, scattered around her.

  “Are you all right?” I asked.

  “Yes, I am. Thank you for checking. I am just hungry is all,” she said.

  “I saw the bed, the red…” I said.

  “Yes, that is part of being a human female virgin. You were the first. The first to enter me and make me bleed a little. But don't worry, it is normal. I am not hurting,” she said. “In fact, it is a little embarrassing to talk about it at all. I will change the sheets later.”

  Sensing that she did not want to talk about the loss of her virginity, I moved over to her side and helped her prepare a breakfast meal. “I can cut this up if you like,” I said grabbing some vegetables.

  “Yes, that would be helpful thank you,” she said with a smile. I liked seeing her smile. It made me feel good. I found that I wanted to do things to please her, not just in bed, but in life in general. It was important to me.

  Together, we cooked breakfast.

  “The lake here. Is it always like this? I have only lived in this region for six months; I was in a northern region before that,” I asked her as I stirred the vegetables in the pot.

  “No. In the colder months it turns to ice. It is actually beautiful, or used to be. I don't know about now. But it would create ripples of ice where the waves hit the shore. I used to love to sit there and watch the ice crack and listen to the noise,” she said.

  “And you will be able to again in the future. This is your new home. We will be here a long time as you raise our offspring. I mean, as we all raise our offspring together, one big family. You will see it frozen again. Only this time you will be warm and wrapped in a blanket with a cup of hot tea in your hand while for husbands wait on you hand and foot,” I said smiling at her.

  “I must admit that it is nice to have that. Being waited on by four men is not something I am ever had. It is very different,” she said.

  “I hope we are doing a good job. Tell us if we are not,” I said.

  “Okay,” she said shaking her head as though she did not believe me.

  I turned and grabbed her hands in my own. They felt small and petite. I locked eyes with her.

  “It might seem like we own you, Reena, but in fact, you own us. We are yours.”

  We stood there staring at each other as my words washed over her. Her lips parted slightly. I leaned down and kissed them softly. Just a quick kiss. Then I pulled away and went back to working my part of the breakfast. She cleared her throat and went back to cooking the eggs. This was a good sign. She was letting me in.

  The others woke up with the smells of breakfast cooking and moving into the bedroom. Slowly they came in one by one dressed in only their bottom trousers. We all sat at the table and enjoyed a hearty breakfast, no one mentioning what we did the night before. It was better that way.

  After we finished breakfast, we walked out of the house and walked along the beach. Far down, about a mile. We were each armed with our blaster guns, just in case. But this area was heavily patrolled by our soldiers, so we knew there wouldn't be any hostile human resistant bands in this area. But we were soldiers, and that meant we were always prepared.

  “I think I like this new life. I am having fun. I hope that it is not complete torture for you, Reena,” Bryne said walking by her side. He said it in a teasing way. She let out a small laugh.

  “I am getting along just fine. No, it is not torture,” she said.

  “A laugh. I did it. I got a laugh out of her guys!” he said playfully.

  “That is a great achievement,” Lokin said sarcastically.

  “Yes, and because I achieved it, it means that she is mine!” Bryne is said and scooped her up into his arms and begin to run playfully down the shore. Everyone laughed, and she was giggling very hard. I loved seeing that look on her face. She was laughing so much, it looked like she was almost in tears from it. She was squealing for him to put her down, but she could barely speak from laughing so hard.

  He playfully ran back towards us with her in his arms.

  “Never mind, she is a handful. I can't handle her on my own,” he said as he put her down on her feet. Everyone had a good laugh about it. This was working out perfectly.

  Chapter Ten


  I was jealous. I didn't think that I would be. I knew that sharing her was all part of it. It was the only way to have a human female wife, and to keep our race going in order to complete our mission of conquering the Earth. But seeing others inside of her giving her pleasure, kissing her body, was hard for me. I had to restrain every single desire to push them off of her. It was something I was going to have to get used to, but would I really? Or would I just be in silent torture over it?

  We had all agreed after the first time that it would be one-on-one as much as possible. Each of us having our own alone time with her. It was only the first time that we all decided to do it together, in order to be fair to everyone. But Keara was the one that took her virginity, something everyone decided was fair since he was the one that found her at the auction. I only agreed because I was outvoted. Watching him take her that way was also hard for me. I wanted to be the one to do it, but I couldn't.

  After that first night together, we decided that we would give her a few days of rest and then we would start our one-on-one nights with her, every other night. We had shows in order, by doing something very simple.

  “Are you ready, Reena?”

  “Yes,” she said. She had a blindfold over her eyes, tied tight. Then we ran her around in slow circles and gathered around her.

  “Okay, I'm going to start walking,” she said. But none of us said anything; that would be cheating. She quietly stumbled toward me. I was happy about it. She put her hands out and put them on my chest.

  “He will be number one; who are you?”

  “It is me, Arin,” I said.

  She then moved away from me and turned to the other side and put her hands out. She put her hands on Keara.

  “Number two.”

  “It's Keara,” he said.

  Then she did the same thing, she landed on Bryne and then Lokin. He would be last. This was the new order of our one-on-one together. I was relieved. I would be the first one to have one-on-one with her. Then she would get the next night alone. Then the night after that would be Keara, then the next night alone. And after that with Bryne, and so on. It was the only way we could come up with that seems fair.

  But our leave had come to an end, and it was time for us all to go back to work. Our shifts were staggered; some of us would have days off when some of us were working. It was meant to be that way for all husbands. That way there was always at least one husband home with the human female.

  I had been at my shaft; I was in the armory looking over the inventory of the new weapons that had just arrived from our home planet of Acdor. They were the latest technology. There was no way that humans could go against our new weapons; it was already hard for them to go against our old ones.

  “Arin, you're wanted and meeting they 46,” a soldier came up to me.

  “On my way,” I said and made my way out of the armory and across the military installation. It was only five miles from my new home with my new wife. This was good. I was close to home at all times.

  I walked into meeting they 46. Keara was there; that was interesting. We never really worked together on our soldier duties before.

  “Good, everyone is here. Dains, you have been summoned here for a reason. We have received information that must stay in this room. We had thought this was not going to be a threat, but it is becoming bigger than we expected,” the general said.

  We all looked at each other, confused. What could possibly be a threat to us? We had already completely annihilated the humans and had taken over Earth. The only threat could be another alien species, coming to take away from us what we had fought for.

“The rumors of a rebel group are true. But they are not a human rebel group, not the same resistance we have been meeting,” he said.

  “Not humans? Then who?” I asked confused.

  “Dains,” he said.

  “Dains? How can that be?” Keara asked confused. We all were.

  “Over the years, there have been those that have found our treatment of the humans to be wrong. Quietly, they grew in opposition. Eventually, they broke off from us, quietly taking weapons with them. It happened one at a time over the years, to where we didn't really notice. We thought most of them were just missing in action. But now we know they are a real group.”

  “That is ridiculous. Where are they? We can take them out. Our own kind going against us. They should all be killed for it, traitors,” I said to them. I was growing angry. I didn't like the thought that our own kind would do this to us. I fought long and hard in this war to get where we were. They were just throwing it all away.

  “We do not know where they are, we have only heard they occupy an island of some sort, possibly more than one. That is why we have called this meeting. From now on, things are going to be a little bit different. Arin, the armory is going to need to be on lockdown. Anyone that checks out any weapons needs to be recorded.”

  “I understand.”

  “Keara, you are going to lead a pack of pilots to scout a different region every day. All over the world, scouting has begun. We are going to do our part in our region. It is possible these rebel groups are spread across the entire planet.”

  “I understand. Mission accepted,” Keara said.

  I was glad for it. It was good that we were in the same household, group 236. Now that we knew that there were traitors out there, we needed to work together.

  “That is all for now. You are all dismissed.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Reena Okova

  I was getting acclimated to my new life as the wife of these aliens, the Dains. It was absolutely insane that I felt comfortable in this home. But they were very nice; they treated me with kindness. I was eating well and getting lots of rest, which in my pregnant state was the most important thing to do, even if it did come with anxiety daily that they would find out. I had pulled off pretending to be a virgin, but I still had my pregnancy to hide. I was lucky that I was still very early in the pregnancy. Only about seven weeks in, or possibly eight. It was hard to keep track of time when you didn't have a calendar, clocks, and the normal routine that we had been used to in our old life. But it was an early pregnancy; I wouldn't show for a couple of more months, maybe even longer if I was lucky.

  Being fed well would help me put on a little bit of extra weight to hide a belly if it started to show. But all in all, I was actually having a nice time, I would even go as far to say that it was a good time. I was starting to care for these aliens, something that came along with the fact that they had all brought me to orgasm. It was hard not to be with someone in that capacity and not connect with them, at least for me anyway. I was never one for one-night stands in my old life; I always made a connection with anyone that I slept with. It wasn't any different for these aliens.

  Now, it would end up being time for the one-on-ones. Arin would be first. He was damn sexy. I did like his bluntness. Sometimes even demanding, but not in a mean way. I found it sexy. I was looking forward to being with each of them one-on-one, actually, but there was one that I was waiting for more than the others: Keara. But of course I couldn't say that out loud; I would have to keep it to myself. Tonight, I would be with Arin.

  But today, I was spending time at home with Bryne. He was not working his duties that day, while the other three were already off at work being soldiers. I didn't know what they did, and a part of me really did not want to know. I did not want to know that my husbands were either killing humans during the day or participating in activities that would lead to the death of humans.

  I was standing outside in front of our home with Bryne, just getting some outdoor air and kind of walking around a bit. We weren't really doing much, just getting to know each other. There was a van coming down the road; I watched it as it passed by and something caught my attention.

  “I know her,” I blurted before I realized I probably shouldn't have said anything at all.

  Bryne looked up and looked at the van.

  “A friend of yours?”

  “Not really. I mean, I only knew her for about forty-eight hours, in the camps. I think that was her,” I said.

  Bryne opened the gate and stood in the road. I kind of peeked out of the gate watching. The van turned into a house just down the way.

  “Looks like she has a new home. Let's go say hi,” he said.

  He walked back into the gate and grabbed his blaster gun from the table and draped it over his shoulder.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, of course, there are no rules against this. Trust me, I would not be breaking rules; come on,” he said.

  I followed him onto the road, and we walked to the house. When we got there, they were unloading items from the van. Hazel was standing there.

  “Good day, fellow Dains. Looks like we are neighbors. Our group is five houses down. Looks like our wives know each other,” Bryne said.

  “Hello, neighbor. Good to meet a neighbor already. How is this region?” one of the soldiers walked over to Bryne, and they started talking. The others came over and formed a group, leaving Hazel and I looking at each other. I walked over to her quietly and gave her a hug. She hugged me tightly.

  “Reena, I was worried about you. Are you alright?”

  “I am all right. How are you? I was fortunate enough to get a good group, they are very kind and treat me well,” I said to her.

  “My group seems to be the same, but I do not know yet. Time will tell,” she said.

  “Nadia?” I asked.

  “She was still in the camp when I was called. She is well, however.”


  She pulled me over to the front of the vehicle and whispered.

  “I heard the soldiers talking. I was right. There is a group of rebels out there. But it is not what we thought. It is not a group of human rebels at all,” she said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “It is a group of Dain rebels. A group that feels that we are being treated badly. That the Dains should not be killing humans and conquering, they want to coexist with us not harm us. That is all that I heard. But they are officially looking for them. Something about possible islands; that is all they said.”

  “That cannot be true. There is no way. They are all the same, ruthless conquerors. I don't see how a group of them would be able to get away with it anyway. They would hunt him down and kill them too,” I said.

  “I only know what I heard,” she said.

  “Well, we want to be getting our new wife inside. Glad to see our neighbors are close by,” the soldier said coming over to us. The group followed.

  “Yes, best not to leave our home too long. Come, Reena,” Bryne said.

  He said his goodbyes to the soldiers while I gave Hazel a hug. Then we walked back to our own home. As I walked, Bryne was talking, but I was barely listening. Just nodding my head in agreement. All I could think about was what Hazel and told me. At first, I didn't believe her, but if she heard the soldiers talking about it, then there must be something to it. This was more than just the rumors that she spoke of when we were in camp. If it were true and there were Dains out there that were willing to help the humans, then it could be a possibility for me and my child. It might be the only place that my child would be safe. But how? I needed to find out more information. I needed to find out everything that I could. I only had months before I would start showing. I was on the time clock. But now, for the first time in a long time, I had hope. I could actually see a future for myself and my child in this rebel group. They didn't want to hurt humans. It was the perfect place. Even if they were fighting every day against their own kind, at least it would be
time that I could be with my child, no matter how long it lasted.

  Chapter Twelve


  As I made my way home from my shift that started early that morning, I was thinking about my new wife. So far it had been good. She was incredible. Not only was she sexy, but she was kind, had a good heart, and laughed with us. We were all fitting in, our new family.

  Tonight, she would be with Arin. The first night of the one-on-one. But I did not want her to forget about me. I wasn't jealous of the others being with her; I knew it was out of necessity. But of course the part of me still wanted her to think of me. I wanted to earn her affection.

  So as I drove a vehicle back to our home, I passed a field and saw a bit of color. I pulled over and got out taking a bag with me. Then I drove home, parking the vehicle outside and opening the fence. I walked in.

  It was not night time yet, and I knew that Arin and Keara would still be at their shifts because they started later than I did. Only Bryne would be here. I walked into the home to find her sitting in the kitchen snacking on some vegetables. Bryne was asleep on the long cushioned bench the humans called a couch. I walked over to her and whispered.

  “There is something outside I want to show you,” I said.

  She picked up the vegetable stick and tucked it in her mouth and grabbed my hand. I led her outside. I opened the bag on the ground.

  She gasped. “Where do you find those? Flowers?”

  “Yes, they were in a field growing. I guess that means they don't need too much sunlight. At first, I thought to cut them and bring them to you but then I realized they wouldn't last very long. So I dug them up by the root and grabbed the dirt around it. I thought we could plant them here. Hopefully they will take to the ground.”


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