Claimed By The Aliens

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Claimed By The Aliens Page 6

by Maia Starr

  “Yes!” she said throwing her arms up around my neck and gave me a hug. Then she planted a kiss on my cheek. I smiled. It was just what I wanted. She kissed me because she wanted to. Not because she had to. It wasn’t part of reproducing. It was just what she wanted to do.

  “Thank you, Reena,” I said.

  “No. Thank you,” she said. “I will help you plant.”

  “Yes, let’s do it. Where do you think?”

  “I think in the back of the house where we all sit looking at the lake, but also one in a pot that we keep inside. For when winter comes,” she said.

  “That is a good idea.”

  We spent the rest of the late afternoon putting the plants in the ground at the back of the house. Bryne eventually woke up and helped us. Reena was happy. She was beaming. I did that to her, I thought, pleased with myself.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Reena Okova

  Each of these aliens were starting to mean something to me in a very short amount of time. It's because I was always with one of them, if not all of them, for the last forty-eight hours. I could not believe how nice Lokin was to think of me and my comfort. Just seeing flowers again and being able to touch their pedals was extremely good for me and my moods. It made me so happy. Such a simple thing.

  But after spending time in our new garden, I went inside and washed the dirt off of me. Soon Keara and Arin would be home for dinner. I went into the kitchen and prepared a simple meal of hot noodles and cooked vegetables, and Lokin had brought a loaf of freshly baked bread from the mess hall earlier that day.

  But as I sat with them, I was growing nervous. Arin kept catching my eye. He had a smile on his face that looked like he was trying to hide his smile. He was obviously excited about being with me. A part of me was anxious to be with him. After being with them and knowing that they were all tender lovers, I did not fear any of them in bed. But this would be a first, being with only one of them.

  After dinner, we took a stroll around the outside of our home, but inside our fence. It had become a routine, to help us digest and to have some after-dinner conversation. The conversation was focused on the new flowers. Everyone teased Lokin for being such a kiss-up to me. But it was all in good fun.

  Then, we all went inside. It was time.

  “I will come to you in half an hour, if that is good with you,” Arin said delicately to me.

  “Yes, that will be fine,” then I turned and looked at the others and nodded. “Good night.”

  They all said they're good nights. As I turned toward my door, I caught the eyes of Keara. He nodded to me as though to tell me it was going to be all right. A weak mile came across my face; I wished that he was my first to be one-on-one.

  I went into my bedroom and closed the door. I went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I changed out of my clothes and put on my nightdress. I took off my shoes and then I waited.

  A few minutes later, he lightly tapped on the door.

  “Come in,” I said. I was sitting on the bed.

  “You look beautiful as always, Reena,” Arin said to me.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  He walked over to me and sat on the bed. “You look a little nervous.”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “I can take care of that for you,” he said.

  Before I knew it, he was under my dress with his face between my thighs. I laughed, not expecting that. Then he pressed his tongue against my clit. He was right. I immediately moaned and responded to him. He was skilled.

  “Yes. Yes,” I said.

  “Say my name, Reena,” he whispered between licking me.

  “Yes, Arin. Arin. Oh yes,” I moaned, feeling the moisture gathering. He was making me so wet. I moaned his name over and over again.

  “I like tasting you, human female,” he said. This big blue alien made me feel so small, and he made me feel very human. It was exotic to be with this alien. He was so animalistic as he groaned and grunted.

  Then I couldn’t take it anymore. “I’m going to cum. I’m going to release, Arin.”

  The pulsing exploded between my thighs and left a steady heartbeat in my sweet center, releasing into pleasure.

  Arin moved next to me. He took off my nightdress as I wiggled on the bed, enjoying my orgasm. Then he took off his boots and his uniform. He laid naked next to me. His hands moved over my body, fondling every inch of me.

  “Get on your hands and knees,” he said.

  I looked at him. He smiled a shy smile.

  I rolled over onto my belly and got up on my hands and knees. I felt him move behind me. He put his hands on my waist.

  “Damn, you are so fucking hot, Reena,” he moaned as his hand moved over my ass.

  Then I felt his staff press against my sweet wet center. I opened my thighs wider. He pushed the tip of his cock inside of me. I moaned at the sensation. I was still sensitive from my orgasm.

  “Are you alright? I am not hurting you?” he asked.

  “No, you are not. Just go slowly,” I said.

  “Yes, of course, wife,” he said. Then he pushed himself inside me just a little and stopped. Then he pushed more and more, going slow until he was inside of me. We were both moaning and groaning wildly.

  Then he slid out of me and pushed into me again. Slowly in and out of me. He put his hands on my breasts and then down my belly to my hips and then back again. His hands were greedy to touch every inch of me, and my body loved it.

  Arin began to move faster and faster. Then he was pounding me. The sound of our bodies crashing together filled the room. “I’m going to cum. I'm cumming,” I said as I once again reached ecstasy.

  A few moments later, he was groaning and grunting wildly. Then with an animalistic roar, he released inside of me.

  We both lay there, enjoying the pleasure running through our bodies. I was not expecting to enjoy being with just one Dain so much. But I did. Arin was a caring and skilled lover, even more so now that it was just the two of us. He looked at me and smiled. He pushed his hand through my hair, moving it out of my face.

  “I think it is possible that we just made a child,” he said laughing.

  I grew nervous but smiled to cover it up. If you knew there was already a child inside of me...

  “You might be right,” I said agreeing with him.

  “Thank you for tonight. I have to say that I am very happy that I was the first to be with you alone. I was a little bit envious of Keara because he got to be the first inside you. But this will make up for it,” he said.

  “Sharing is hard for humans; I see that it isn't easy for your race either.”

  “No, not for me anyway. But I know that it is necessary. I'm glad to have you even if I have to share you. Otherwise, I would have been one at all. It is the way of things now. It is the way that it has to be. The humans made a mess of their planet. We are here to rescue them and save this planet. It is the only way,” he said.

  Listening to Arin, I knew that he was a true and loyal Dain. He was not one to think differently than the rest of them. It brought me back to reality quickly. He was the enemy after all, even if I had grown to care for him in these last few days.

  “Trust me; it is better this way for you too. You don't want your offspring catching the virus that the humans have. Once you give birth, you will understand. We will do what is necessary to protect our offspring, even if it is brutal and ruthless.” Then he got up from the bed.

  I didn't know what he was doing. But his words stuck with me and I was thinking them over. He truly was a killer. If he knew that I was pregnant with a human child, he would kill it, kill me. I suddenly looked at him differently. He was no longer the attractive Dain that had seemed very tender and sweet to me. He was the enemy again. I didn't know how much I could handle this rollercoaster of emotion.

  “I hope you don't mind if I sleep in my own bed. I'm not used to sleeping with another. I have to be up early to go to my shift. There is a lot of new work to do,” he said
as he pulled on his trousers. He gathered the rest of his clothing in his hands.

  “No, of course, I do not mind. Goodnight, Arin, I will see you tomorrow,” I said with a very pleasant smile.

  “Good night, Reena,” he said as he leaned over and gave me another kiss on the lips. I tilted my head back to accept it, even though he now scared me in a sense. Then he walked out and closed the door behind him. I laid back on the bed, feeling scared and confused. Now I would really need to get out of here, but I didn't know how. It was just something that I would need to keep in the back of my mind, anything that I saw her learned to escape I would need to do it. I hoped that I would be able to speak to Hazel again soon.

  Chapter Fourteen


  This business with the rebels had everyone on edge. The fact that the rebels were our own kind, the Dains, was beyond anyone's understanding. I didn't understand it either. How could our own kind go against us? We had fought long and hard to conquer this planet. We had been told that what we were doing was right. It was necessary. The humans were killing Earth with air pollution, overpopulation, and viruses. They were not good caretakers of this planet, and we would be. But there obviously was a group of Dains that thought differently. They thought that the humans deserved to live, even those that were infected with the virus. Those that were not virgins. Those that were men. I wanted to understand where they were coming from. But I did not think that I could.

  “Anything on that end?” the tower came in over my communication line.

  “Nothing out here but a bunch of water, as to be expected,” I said as I flew over the Great Lake. There were probably some islands out here in the Great Lake, but we had never ventured far enough to really take a look. That was my mission this day. It was my responsibility.

  “Going high,” I said as I pushed my ship higher, giving me a better view. And if there was a rebel group down there, I wouldn't be in firing range so that they could shoot me down.

  Scouting the area, I thought about my new wife, Reena. She was beautiful, sexy, kind, and everything I hoped to find in a human female wife. Being away from her was starting to get to me. Right now she would be home alone with Lokin, who I trusted to stick to the schedule and to take care of her. But tomorrow, I would be with her all day. Alone. I was looking forward to it. At night, I would have my session with her. Arin already had his. I tried not to be jealous about it, but there was a part of me that was. This business of sharing was hard; it wasn't something that we were used to on our own planet with our own females, so we all had to learn to do it, we all did it out of necessity. But I was looking forward to being with her during the day and just talking with her, being around her. I felt happy when I was with her. It was a good feeling after being a soldier all day, and after fighting a war for years to just have some light to go home to; she was that light.

  Then as I was flying over, I saw a flicker of light; it was very faint. Then it went away. I circled back around to take a look, flying just a little bit lower. As I got closer, I saw a very large island, long and narrow. I couldn't believe it. There were a lot of trees covering the island, more than I had seen in a long time because we had blasted them all when we took the city. Then I saw a human, running from the beach for the tree cover. This had to be it. This had to be the rebel base.

  I picked up my communication line, ready to call it in. But just then, I got a brief flash of her face. My wife, Reena. For some reason, I thought about her being on that island. And us bombing the hell out of it. What if she was there? It wouldn't be any fault of hers that she was human and not a virgin. She was a good woman. I was falling for her. I switched off the communication line. I couldn't do it. What was happening to me? I was a soldier first. But as I thought about her being on that island, I couldn't go through with it.

  I had never known a human as close as I did now. It was easier in the beginning. I didn't know them personally. I only saw them as creatures that were infected with this virus and killing off their planet, making me feel like they deserved to be taken down. But now, I knew one. I loved one. I realized I understood what these rebel Dains were thinking. Perhaps they too had fallen in love with a human, giving them a reason to believe they needed to stay alive. That they had the right to stay alive and to live equally among us on this planet that was theirs to begin with.

  I pulled out a notepad and a pen and wrote down the coordinates of the island. Then I moved my ship high into the clouds. I turned on my communication line.

  “I've gone all the way to the other bank of the lake, and I'm circling back. There is absolutely nothing out here but a bunch of water.”

  “Copy that, Keara; we’ll see you when you return.”

  I tucked the notebook into my uniform, remembering that I would never be able to show anyone this. I had just committed treason. By not giving the coordinates, I was going against my own kind. I was going against the army of the Dains. This was what falling in love with a human female had done to me. I was now a traitor.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Reena Okova

  Pretending to not be afraid of the thoughts that Arin had was not an easy thing to do. I had to smile and be happy in front of my husbands. That was not an easy thing to do considering I had a human child inside of me and they would see me completely differently if they knew.

  I realize that the others probably thought just as Arin, but they didn't say it to me, to my face. They were Dains, after all, and that was the reason they were here. But his words were weighing on me. It was a strange conflict inside of me. I had grown to really like these aliens; each of them was special to me. They really were the most caring males I had ever met. The things they did for me were obviously out of affection and not because I was there breeding mare. The flowers, setting up seating outside, making fun conversation during dinner. Going for walks after dinner and along the lakeshore. I don't think these were things that would be given to me if I had been auctioned by the orange-haired alien. I knew that I was lucky to have them. If only we were all human.

  But among my four husbands, I was starting to have a favorite. It was possible that he was my favorite all along simply because he was the first one that I saw. I felt that he had rescued me from the orange-haired alien. And today I was alone with him; tonight would be my one-on-one with him.

  “What is on your mind? You seem a little different today. Like something is bothering you,” he said as he looked at me. It was around noon, and we were sitting outside eating a light snack in the back of the house looking out over the lake. I was surprised that he noticed. I thought I had been faking happiness and that nothing had changed for me, but maybe he knew me better than I thought he did.

  “Really? It's nothing,” I said not being able to think of a lie fast enough.

  “I don't believe that. You know you can tell me anything, Reena; remember we are friends. You can trust me.”

  “Well, a few days ago I learned that a friend of mine from the camp moved in a few houses down. Bryne walked me over there to briefly say hi. But I am just wondering if she is all right. The look that you see on my face is just worried for her, hoping she's all right.”

  “Oh, you have a friend close by. Well, then why don't we see if she is home and you can meet with her while I meet with her husband. Since it has been a few days, we probably wouldn't be interrupting their leave,” he said standing up.

  I looked at him with wide eyes. I wasn't expecting this kind of kindness from him. My heart went to him in that moment. He stood over me. His dark hair fell over his brow. His dark eyes looked at me with sensual desire, but something else. It was as though he was telling me he cared for me, deeply. He put his hand out to me and I put mine in his and he helped me to my feet. But he didn't let go of my hand as we walked around to the front of the house. It felt good to hold hands with him.

  “Which one is it?” he asked as we walked down the street.

  “It is that one,” I said. It seemed like there were voices coming fro
m outside.

  “Dains! My name is Keara, flight soldier. I live a few homes down!” he shouted over the fence.

  The fence opened. I recognized the soldier; it was the same one that had spoken to us before.

  “Keara. I have heard of you. My name is Teqen. I see that you have your human with you. That must be why you are here. She is acquainted with my human,” the attractive soldier said.

  “That is true. May we enter and allow them to converse for a few moments?”

  “Yes, come in. I just moved into the region. I have many questions,” he said.

  I walked inside the fence. Hazel was sitting at the front door on a chair. Her face lit up when she saw me. I quickly walked over to her. I gave her a hug.

  “Are you alright? They have not hurt you?” I whispered to her.

  “I am fine. And you?” she said.

  “I am good.” I looked over at the soldiers talking to each other. Keara was pointing off in the distance; the soldier was looking in that direction. I turned and whispered to her. “Have you heard any more news? About you know what?”

  “Yes, only a small amount. Only that the pilots of the Dains are scouting in the air for this island, in our region. They do believe that there is one nearby. I don't know what that means. But that there could be several all over the Earth,” she said.

  “That is news. Now we must speak loud to each other and laugh as though our conversation is nothing but small talk,” I said with a big grin.


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