Claimed By The Aliens

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Claimed By The Aliens Page 7

by Maia Starr

  She nodded to me and we both started to laugh, a fake laugh but believable.

  “I love that color. I do not have that color in my collection,” I said playing with the skirt of her dress.

  “Yes, it is a good color. I love this color on you however.”

  “The food is exceptional. Plenty to eat; can you believe it.”

  “No, I still ration out of habit, but being in the camp eating as much as possible helped.”

  We noticed that they were looking at us. So we continued to make small talk. I even braided her hair. Just making it look like two girls hanging out, and nothing more. This way they would think nothing of it if we visited together again. After about half-an-hour, Keara came over to me.

  “We should get back. The others will be home for dinner soon.”

  “Yes, of course.” I looked at Hazel and gave her a goodbye hug. I nodded to her husband and smiled. “Thank you.”

  Then we walked back toward the house.

  “Thank you, Keara. That means a lot to me. Just to be able to talk to another human female, another wife that is going through the same thing that I am.”

  “Yeah, I can see how it could be lonely even though you have for husbands, you would be lonely for a female friend.”

  “Yes, exactly. I hope to see her again, whenever it is allowed,” I said.

  “I think that can be arranged every few weeks possibly,” he said with a dashing wink at me.

  “That would be incredible, thank you.”

  He grabbed my hand as we walked along the road.

  “So how was your work yesterday? You know I don't even know what you do, or the others. A little silly for a wife not to know what her husbands do all day,” I said.

  “Me? I am a pilot. I fly my flight ship around most of the day, sometimes during the night for a night shift.”

  I couldn't believe it. He was a pilot. Hazel had just said that there were pilots scouting for the rebel groups. How could I have not known this about him?

  “That is a great skill. Being able to fly. I'm very proud of you,” I said, saying what I thought a wife should say. But deep down inside, I was already thinking, did he know where the rebel group was? And if so, how could I get that information from him. It could be the key to my survival, to the survival of of my unborn child.

  Chapter Sixteen


  After learning that there were Dains out there against us, I took it personally. I did not know why. But I put a new system in place for the armory. Weapons check was a lot tighter than it had ever been. I had to look at everyone that came to check out weapons suspiciously. They could be checking out weapons and giving them to the rebels, or be planning to leave, vanish with the weapons to join the rebels. Anyone could be a spy, and I was making sure that I thought of everyone in that way.

  “We did what you asked, sir,” a soldier said, handing me the new count of weapon inventory.

  “Did you double check it?”

  “No, we just went through at one time, but it seems that…”

  “No! I said double check it. Do not disobey orders. Go back and do it again!” I shouted at him.

  “Yes, sir,” he said and then went off with the others to do the inventory again.

  I was in a heated state. But I knew it had nothing to do with my work. Yes, the rebel group made me angry, but there was something else that was bothering me.

  It was getting closer to the time of me going home, and tonight was the night that my wife would be with Keara, one-on-one. That was what was really bothering me. I knew that it had to be.

  After my shift, I made my way home with Bryne and Lokin in our vehicle. They were talking about the work they did that day; I was quiet. I kept thinking about my wife being with Keara, and I didn't like it for some reason. I knew it was my responsibility to share her, but now that the night had come for it to happen, it didn't sit with me well. I would just have to put up with it; I didn't have a choice.

  We pulled into the house, and I was relieved to see that Keara and Reena were sitting outside. I thought that he would be inside with her making love to her all day, not honoring our system. But they weren't.

  We all got out of the vehicle.

  “I just finished putting dinner together. It is ready if everyone is hungry,” Reena said.

  “Yes! I can definitely eat!” Bryne said as he walked over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Lokin did the same thing as they walked inside. She gave them a smile.

  I walked over to her. “I missed you today. It is good to see your lovely face. Thank you for making dinner, lovely wife,” then I kissed her on the lips. It was a lingering kiss. I felt her mouth open slightly, allowing me to kiss her properly.

  I finally pulled away from her, and she gave me a smile. Then I walked in, giving Keara a brief nod. It smelled delicious. I had to admit having dinner waiting for me, made by our wife, was a good feeling. One that I could get used to.

  We all washed up and then sat around the table, passing the dish around.

  “There was a good amount of rice and potatoes. So I made a dish of rice and something we used to call scalloped potatoes with cream. I hope that you all enjoy it. It used to be one of my favorites. And of course a side of vegetables; these are green beans with cherry tomatoes,” she said to us.

  “It smells and looks perfect. Thank you, wife,” Keara said.

  “Yeah, thank you, wife,” Lokin and Bryne said making us all laugh.

  It was a good meal. She did know how to cook the human food. But it was hard to enjoy it when I was feeling the anxiety of knowing that Keara would be bedding her alone tonight.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I was fitting into group 236 quite well. I noticed that we all had our own personalities. I seem to be the playful one, always ready to make everyone laugh if possible, especially my new wife. Keara seemed to be the mediator of sorts, always coming up with solutions. Arin was the strong one, very vocal. And Lokin... well, I was still trying to figure him out. But he seemed to be agreeable, ready to go along with anything.

  I looked forward to sitting down to dinner in our group, not just because I was able to look at my beautiful wife, Reena, but because I liked the casual conversation. I liked this home environment. It was such a complete change from living in the barracks and eating in the mess hall. This was my new sanctuary, and it felt comfortable; it felt right. The future felt very bright and promising.

  “Talk in the military camps is all about the rebels. Even though the higher-ups were trying to keep it from the majority of us,” I said putting a mouthful of rice into my mouth.

  “Yes, same. I keep hearing about the backlash over it. It still shocks me to know that our own kind are out there doing that. No one had any idea. All the soldiers we thought were dead and vanished, a percent of them didn’t die; they just left,” Lokin said shaking his head.

  “They won't be out there for long. We will find them. We have to find them. Earth is a very large planet, but Acdor is bigger. You will see; this will only be a threat for a short while. The new weapons that we have coming in from Acdor are very advanced. This rebel scum will be dealt with,” Arin said.

  I realized that he had a lot of anger toward the rebel group. The rest of us were just talking about it in a way that meant it was just what was going on with us, in this never-ending war. But for him, it seemed to take on a different meaning. Perhaps it was because he ran the armory. Perhaps some of these rebels had taken weapons from him without him knowing. I could see how that would piss him off.

  “Arin is right. We will find them eventually. We have a large scouting team out there covering every region. And it is not just us here in the City of Water. Legions throughout the Earth are looking for these pockets of rebels,” Keara added.

  “Any idea where you think they might be?” I asked him.

  “We have scoured the northern regions with nothing to be found. So it is possible that they are south of here, po
ssibly not on an island at all. We are starting to think that it is not a real island, but an isolated region that they call the island because it is in a desolate area. Possibly in mountain ranges with lots of forest cover,” Keara said. “If they are there, we will find them in time.”

  “They don't stand a chance. What would make our own kind do something like that? It is nothing for us to worry about. We are well-equipped, as they must know,” Lokin said.

  “That is true. You will see, in a few months from now, there will be no more talk of the rebels because they will no longer exist,” Arin said.

  “Soldiers, I think we are being rude to our wife. Here we talk of battle, war, and rebels: unsettling topics for her. Let's change the subject,” Keara said, looking at Reena.

  “It is fine; really, I don't mind. But thank you for thinking of me. I know what my new situation is. I know what my new reality is. You are my husbands, and I want you to be able to talk about your work or at dinner time. It is the way that it should be. True, it is shocking to me, but I will get used to it, and I can't get used to it if you shut down every time I am around. This is your home too; know that I understand,” she said elegantly.

  “Truer words have never been spoken,” Arin said beaming with pride at her. “You are a Dain now wife.” Then he picked up his cup of water. “To our wife, Reena.”

  “To Reena,” we all said, raising our cups too. She gave us a smile and nodded her head.

  “More bread?” she said.

  We all erupted into laughter. She handed the plate of bread to me. Then the conversation went eagerly into soldier small-talk as Arin excitedly explained to us what the new weapons were that had arrived from our home planet of Acdor. As she had just stated, she listened eagerly and even asked questions. Group 236 was the perfect family unit. I was well pleased and could not wait for my turn to be with her. Only two more nights and she would be all mine.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Reena Okova

  This was good. I was listening very closely to what they were saying at dinner, but not making it so that I drew attention to myself. I needed to act like I didn't really care what they were talking about, that it was just what husbands did at dinner. I think I did a good job of covering my tracks.

  But it was good; they had a lot to say. Each of them was giving me small amounts of information that I could use later. I knew that I couldn't stay in this house forever. Maybe a month or two, and I would need to figure out a way to leave. At first, I thought I had nowhere to go, but now at least I had a direction. I needed to find a rebel group. So I memorized every single thing they were saying. I took note of what Arin said about the new weapons; that would come in handy with the rebels. I would have something to contribute to them, information. I listened to what Keara said, that they might be south, somewhere in a mountain region. Perhaps this talk of the rebels would come nightly conversation, and I would learn one more detail that would help me and help my unborn child. I would also be able to give this information to Hazel when we next spoke.

  I had already been thinking about ways to escape. Since sitting in the back was a normal pastime for me, I started to spend more and more time sitting there, as well as sitting in my room alone. But I knew that there was one particularly perfect time to escape: when Arin would have his one-on-one with me. Because he did not stay the night in my room, he preferred to sleep alone. But since the others knew that it was his night, they would not come bother me even to say goodnight. So after he went to his room to sleep, I would have until the morning before they would be looking for me. It was also ideal that I was on the lake. I knew that it would be to my advantage, but I did not know how. There wasn't exactly a boat nearby that I could escape in. My only chance was to find an entrance to a sewer and hope that I knew how to navigate it. The underground left markings in the sewers, marking the path, and I had learned them well when living in the underground. But I couldn't exactly go out into the road and start picking up street covers that led to the sewers. I would have to find out a different way.

  This was all on my mind, but after dinner, it was time for something else that I had been anticipating. I would have my one-on-one with Keara.

  We were walking around the house around the outside as we always did after dinner. It was our form of entertainment. I thought about in the past, before this alien race came. After dinner entertainment would be playing cards, a board game, or watching television. I missed all of that, the creature comforts of human society. Now our entertainment was a walk, just around the house, not even leaving beyond the fence. But at least it was something.

  After our walk, we sat outside listening to the waves of the lake wash up onto the shore. It was always relaxing. Until it was time to turn in.

  “I have a very early shift. Have a good night all,” Lokin said as he came over to me and placed a kiss on my cheek. I smiled at him. “Good night, husband.”

  Then Bryne did the same thing, followed by Arin, who seemed to linger a bit. He was always one to linger, almost as if he wanted to make more of a claim on me than the others. It was as if he was only reluctantly making due with having to share. He kissed me on the lips and then went inside. Keara sat beside me.

  “I will come to you in twenty minutes. I'm going to take a quick shower,” he said a kiss.

  “I will be in my room.”

  Then he walked inside. I followed him in. I went to my room and took a quick shower as well and put on my nightdress. I opened the door to the bedroom and waited. Finally, he came in. He was dripping wet and only had a towel wrapped around his waist. Beads of water gathered on his blue skin. His dark hair flipped over to one side and shaved on the other was a butt sticking to his face just a little. He looked at me with desire in his eyes. I felt my body responding to him; I was already aroused just by looking at him. He was a very attractive and beautiful alien. I wished that he wasn't my enemy.

  “I want to be good to you. Tell me what you want. Tell me what you need,” he said as he closed the door behind him. He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulders. I looked up at him. Droplets of water were falling on my face. He wiped one away with his thumb.

  “Just be gentle I guess,” I said to him.

  He smiled. “Always,” he said, then he picked me up. I felt so light in his hands. It was as if I weighed nothing to him. It was as if he could pick me up with one hand. He set me down on the table, which I was not expecting.

  “Not the bed?” I asked.

  “Not yet. First, I want to taste you,” he said.

  Keara pushed his face between my thighs. He licked me up and down between my folds. Then he licked over my clit. He knew exactly what I liked now after doing this to me the first time we were all together.

  I wiggled on the table. I pushed my hands into his dark hair, holding on. I looked down at his strong back, wet from this shower. The towel on his waist threatening to fall with his next movement.

  It did not take long. I was on the brink just looking at him. I liked all of my husbands, but there was something about Keara that made me feel faint. He made me feel different than the rest, and I wasn’t sure why.

  “Oh, Keara. I’m going to cum. You are so good, Keara,” I whispered as my body shook. I trembled into orgasm. He moaned, licking it up.

  “You taste so good, Reena,” Keara said to me.

  Then he stood up. The towel fell off of him. He put himself between my thighs. But he didn’t enter me. Instead, he grabbed one leg and wrapped it around him, then the other. He put his hands under my bottom and carried me to the bed. I had my hands around his neck, holding on as my body was still trembling in orgasm.

  He laid me down gently on the bed. He laid beside me. He looked at me.

  “I am not going to have sex with you tonight,” he said.

  I looked at him confused. “You are not? But I thought that…”

  “I am going to make love to you,” he said.

  I smiled and let out a giggle. “I see,” I arche
d my brow at him.

  He grinned a gorgeous grin. He was really the most attractive of all my husbands.

  Keara put his hand on my breast and slowly caressed it. Then he leaned over and placed soft kisses all over them. His hands moved slowly over my entire body as though he was trying to memorize it. He took his time. I had never had so many kisses covering every inch of my body. When he was done, he rolled me over softly onto my belly. Then he began all over again. He kissed down my back and sides, over my bottom, over my legs and on the bottoms of my feet. He was thorough, and I was in heaven. I was so aroused by this point that I could not wait anymore. I wanted him inside of me.

  Keara rolled me onto my back. He placed his body between my thighs. He locked eyes with me. He grabbed his hard cock and pushed it into my wet center. He entered me slowly, just an inch or two, and then pulled out again. Teasing me.

  I let out a frustrated groan. He arched a brow at me as though he had just discovered a secret of mine. Then he entered me again, this time further and further until he was completely inside of me. He stopped, just staying inside of me. Keara kissed my mouth. I opened my lips, letting his tongue play with mine. Then he began to roll his hips slowly. I arched up to meet him. He was slow and intricate. He was making love to me. His hands moved down the sides of my body. He would bring me to the brink and then stop and kiss me some more. Then again.

  We seemed to go at it in this way forever. Then I released again. He released after me. But that was only the first round. I was surprised that he did not want to leave my room after the first time. No, he only laid beside me, caressing me and talking to me. Then he was ready to go again. He made love to me several times until finally, we fell asleep.

  Chapter Nineteen



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