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Best Care Anywhere

Page 20

by Phillip Longman

  Veterans’ Health Care Eligibility Act of 1996, 127

  Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture. See VistA software program

  veterans hospitals. See also Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

  consumer satisfaction and, 5–6

  medical efficiency of, 7–9

  quality of care at, 2–6

  reputation of, 1–2

  veterans groups and, 5

  Vietnam veterans, 18–21, 124–26. See also Agent Orange

  Vioxx, 40

  Vista Health Network, 141–43

  VistA software program, 23–25, 79, 80, 113, 118, 119, 123, 139

  in action, 35–37

  development of, 25–34

  identification of environmental factors behind diseases and, 42

  identifying ineffective medical procedures and, 41–43

  as management tool for doctors, 37–41

  natural disasters and, 43

  origins of, 26–29

  preventing medical errors and, 37–38

  safety and, 66

  tracking down new disease vectors and, 42

  voucher programs, xiii, xviii, xix, 138

  Walter Reed Army Medical Center, viii

  Washington DC VA Medical Center (DCVAMC), 35

  Welch, Jack, xxvii

  wellness programs, 84

  Wennberg, John E., 91–93

  White, Kerr, 106

  Wickizer, Bob, 29

  Williams, Marjorie, 90–91

  Wollstein, Jarret B., 1–2

  X-rays, harmful effects of, 95–96

  Yalow, Rosalyn, 17

  Zakaria, Sammy, 123

  About the Author


  Phillip Longman is the author of numerous articles and books on health care, demographics, and public policy. His most recent book (with Ray Boshara) is called The Next Progressive Era: A Blueprint for Broad Prosperity (2009). The Empty Cradle (2004) examines how the rapid yet uneven fall in birth rates around the globe is affecting the evolution of culture and politics. Mr. Longman is also the author of Born to Pay: The New Politics of Aging in America (1987) and The Return of Thrift: How the Collapse of the Middle Class Welfare State Will Reawaken Values in America (1996).

  Mr. Longman’s work has appeared in such publications as the Atlantic, Financial Times, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, the Harvard Business Review, the New Republic, the New York Times Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Monthly, the Washington Post, and the Wilson Quarterly. A lecturer at Johns Hopkins University and longtime senior fellow at the New America Foundation, he is also a frequent public speaker, including addresses to World Congress of Families, St. Galeen Forum, PopTech, Ford Hall Forum, and Fortune magazine’s annual “Brainstorm” conference. He is also frequently interviewed by both foreign and domestic media, including National Public Radio, the British Broadcasting Corporation, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Der Spiegel, and many others. He lives in Washington DC with his wife, Sandy, and son, Sam.

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