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Fallen World: The Complete Trilogy

Page 49

by Tom Jones

  The camouflaged man then asked, “Do they know who Kurt Hofmeier is?” The laptop man shook his head, “They don’t really know. A few people tried to piece things together from what we said during the video, but they haven’t been able to find too much on him. They think he was made up just for this.” The camouflaged man shrugged, “Meh. I just wish that we were able to capture him. At least he’ll be silent now. Dead anthros don’t talk. Not like anybody would believe a fox anyways.” The laptop man smiled as he read a few posts on 4Chan, “I really like how we were able to frame the Glorious State of Israel. People still don’t think we even exist, and that’s the best part of it. They think Israel is the root of all of their problems. They also still think that the NSS was actually legit.” The camouflaged man chuckled, “Heh, you’re kidding?”

  The laptop man shook his head, “Yeah, I shit you not. The NSS are currently the heroes of the internet. Many people have been spreading some footage that was taken from Germany. Thankfully, none of the footage includes the trains that we’ve been using.” The camouflaged man replied, “Speaking of trains, remember how we were able to frame FEMA? People thought our trains were FEMA trains. Remember those? The ones with the chains built inside of them?” The laptop man took a moment to jog his memory, “Yeah, I know exactly what you’re talking about. We stopped using those because they drew way too much suspicion. They did work, though. They were able to keep our anthros locked up until they arrived at Facility Six and Facility Nine. Facility Five has always been kinda crowded.”

  The camouflaged man smiled upon hearing the three facility names that were mentioned, “Aren’t those the biggest facilities that we have in the US?” The laptop man smiled and shook his head, “Oh yeah. We’ve got easily twice the number anthros that we have compared to other smaller sites in the US. Most of the anthros that we have here now are completely off the grid. We managed to breed hundreds of them to make thousands of anthros that we can sell. One of our specialty breeds comes from Facility Nine. They’ve been able to make a 96% pure red fox breed.” The camouflaged man’s eyes lit up, “Holy fucking shit! Ninety six percent pure? How much do they go for?” The laptop man smiled as he remembered how much they sold for, “Those start at $100,000,000. We’ve had a few of them sell for around $300,000,000 or so. That one was a 98% red fox.”

  The camouflaged man then had a different question, “How many of those red foxes do you think go for service slavery rather than blood sacrifice?” The laptop man replied, “For a purity of 96%, almost all of them have been ritually sacrificed.” The camouflaged man replied, “Damn. At least we get our money, though. I’m surprised that more people are not suspicious of us. You’d think with all of the stuff we have going on, information should be leaking left and right, shouldn’t it?” The laptop man opened a different window, “Well, leaks do sprout up left and right. We’re just really good at covering it up. We’ve kept to the same script that the State of Israel is responsible for it all. It’s been working so far. If you tell a lie enough, then some people start to finally believe it.” The camouflaged man became curious, “Why do we use the State of Israel whenever we deflect?”

  The laptop man opened up a few forum websites that he would lurk on to make sure no evidence was leaking, “One of the main reasons is that most people who do try and look into this type of stuff are always right wing. If we make them believe that Israel is behind the greatest anthro sex trade of all time, then they’ll just be labeled as anti semitic. It makes people less likely to speak out against them. People become increasingly unstable because they can’t get their words out, and we keep our cover. It is literally a win-win scenario.” The camouflaged man then asked, “Who was the closest to ever leak evidence out?” The laptop man was relatively quick to answer, “Honestly, I’d have to say Kurt Hofmeier. He was the first to break into Facility Five. Facility Eleven has had only a couple infiltrations in the past, but we ended up shutting all of that down fast.” The camouflaged man had another question, “Are we going to install more security measures here?” The laptop man shook his head, “We don’t need to. The reason why we don’t have much security here in the first place is because people hardly know that this place even exists. If you try to pull this place up on Google Maps or something, it is just going to look like a barren landscape. We wiped the image of this place off of the map.”

  The camouflaged man reminded his colleague of something else, “What about the evidence that is already floating around? Is that going to be a problem?” The laptop man shook his head, “No, that’s not going to be an issue. It’s going to be so easy to blame it on Israel again.” The camouflaged man replied, “I suppose you’re right. Classic counter-espionage.” The laptop man agreed, “Yes. It sure works wonders.” The camouflaged man returned to what he was speaking about earlier, “Now without Kurt Hofmeier, we don’t have anything to worry about. Right?” The laptop man nodded, “That’s right. We destroyed his Fox Security office. However, the ground team reported that the place had been already cleared out.” The camouflaged man then asked, “What happened to all of the employees?” The laptop man shrugged, “I dunno. Maybe Fox Security was smaller than we thought they were supposed to be. Dunno why you’d need a building that big if you’re a force of five or six.” The camouflaged man finished up, “Oh well… They’re out of the picture now, anyways. It’s not like they can come back there anyways. There ain’t shit to come back to.” The laptop man agreed, “That’s right. Nobody could have survived burning in that building.”

  Arcades looked at the CDI operatives that were now giving him thier undivided attention. The fox looked at the only other anthros in the room, and they were waiting for him to get started. The fox held the USB drive in his hand, and he plugged it into the computer. The fox began to speak, “Who I am is not important. What is important is the evidence that I was able to gather. I’m going to play this video first before I start to explain all of what happened. I figure that would be the best way to get this all going.” The humans were silent as the fox opened the video file, and he began to play the video. Arcades stood back away from the projected image as he gave all of the humans a chance to see the video. Jason was especially eager to see the video. He was wondering what the Omega Foundation was really up to.

  When the video finished playing, the fox stepped back up to the computer in order to start playing the second video. Though the fox could have played the compiled video that the Prince had mirrored, Arcades wanted to play the original raw video that he retrieved from his SD card. Though the image fidelity did not drop much from the raw footage to the compiled footage, the fox wanted to show the video in the purest form that he could show. He began to play the next video. When that video finished, he played the next one. Arcades could hear some CDI members talking amongst themselves as some of the video played, but he did not say anything until he finished showing all of the videos. The fox did remember to keep an eye on Jason. He could tell that the wolf truly was shocked to be seeing what Arcades was showing. The fox was glad that Jason did not appear to be entertained by the video.

  When the videos were all finished, Arcades stood up to the center of the podium, “Now, this all happened mere days ago at the Omega Foundation Facility in Salt Lake City, Utah. We first managed to find out about this place when we boarded this train that was run by the Omega Foundation. This happened after we stumbled upon another one of their facilities. That facility is located just outside of Denver, Colorado.” The fox then loaded up the image of the XMP-1. He spoke, “This is a weapon that we found in the train. It looks to be inspired by the Heckler & Koch XM29 OICW as well as the S&T Daewoo K11 DAW.” Several of the CDI members looked at each other and said some words, but the room was mostly silent.

  One of the CDI members spoke up, “Do you have that rifle?” The fox nodded, “We have it. However, it is still aboard our helicopter that we flew to the CDI office earlier today. When Omega attacked your facility, we escaped via that helicopter and flew to Sea
land.” The Prince popped a smirk on his face when he heard the name of his nation. He looked towards the crowd, but he only saw faces of confusion. One of the CDI members shouted, “What the fuck is Sealand?” The Prince immediately frowned, “It’s my country. I’m the Prince of Sealand.” The heads in the room all turned on the Prince, and even Arcades was looking at him. Another CDI member spoke, “Who the fuck are you supposed to be?”

  Arcades decided it was best to move forwards, “What matters is that the weapons prototype is aboard that helicopter. Sealand is located a few kilometers away from the mainland. It’s HM Fort Roughs from World War II, and the helicopter is a Pave Hawk that is parked on the helipad.” The CDI members looked back at the fox. They did not understand, “What the bloody hell are you going on about, fox?” Arcades paused as he tried to figure out a different way to word what he wanted. He spoke again, “That helicopter with the weapons prototype is currently parked on a World War II era anti-submarine sea fort. It has no fuel to get over here. We need that helicopter. Can you guys please go retrieve it?”

  “This fox is just fucking with us,” one of the CDI members within the crowd spoke. Soon after, several more of the humans began talking amongst themselves. Arcades tried speaking again, “These weapons have already been mass produced! There were hundreds of them on the train. The Omega Foundation is preparing for something, and it sure isn’t a good thing.” Several more humans began speaking back and forth. Arcades could hear what one of them yelled, “Damn this fucking fox to hell! Bloody foxes are always liars!” The fox frowned as he looked around the room. He didn’t know what else he could do. He showed them the evidence, and he even had the XMP-1 to back it up; However, it was inconveniently located in the helicopter which was still at Sealand.

  Arcades unplugged the USB from the computer, and he stepped down the steps that elevated him. Jason began shaking his head, “No, no, no! Kurt, please tell me that this isn’t happening!” The fox was frowning, “They don’t believe me. I showed them the evidence and everything. They think I’m full of crap!” The Prince of Sealand looked at the fox, and he decided he should try something. The human stepped up and began speaking, “Listen up everyone! This fox is telling the truth! The Omega Foundation is real, and all of the footage that you saw was completely real. This isn’t some bloody Hollywood movie here. These anthros are being conditioned into mindless sex slaves to be sold to the financial elite. They attacked your office earlier today because this fox had already leaked the evidence to the internet. They’re trying to hunt him down and silence him to eliminate the possibility of the truth getting out. They’re trying to cover their tracks!”

  The human was not met with approval either, “Bloody hell. These fuckers are just trying to fuck with us! Get out of here you damn furries!” Arcades opened his eyes a bit wider when he heard the racial slur. He shook his head as he stepped back up to see the Prince, “We should just go.” The Prince began walking down the platform while he began cursing under his breath, “Fucking hell…. Son of a bitch.” The group of four exited the room, and they began to find an exit. Bocchino was the next to speak, “Well, I’m not sure how you expected to not fuck that one up, buddy.” The fox looked at the cat, “What was I supposed to do?” The cat spoke again, “CDI is a company. They’re not going to help you out just because you brought them a damn video.” Arcades shook his head, “This was literally the best play that we had. I don’t see how we would be able to take down Omega by ourselves.”

  Jason had an idea, “Kurt. You managed to break in and out of that facility. What if you did that again, except this time, you free the anthros that are locked up in there?” Arcades shrugged, “I dunno how I am supposed to do all of that. I’m just one fox.” The wolf replied, “That’s the idea. You are just a fox.” Arcades did not understand, “What are you talking about?” Jason clarified, “You foxes are known for your cunning. I bet you could come up with a way to do a stealth approach and covertly save the anthros that are in there.” Arcades frowned again, “Gosh, I always hate it when people always associate us foxes with lies and deception.” The cat was the next to speak, “Kurt, you used to tell me that your dad would always steal stuff all the time. Gettin’ kinda hard to move away from that stereotype now, ain’t it?” The fox could not frown more.

  As the group now was closing in on the exit, they opened the doors, and it was now pitch black outside. The three vehicles were still sitting where they had left them. The Prince of Sealand looked to the fox which had a defeated look on his face, “Kurt. I’m sorry that didn’t go as we all had hoped.” Bocchino did not care what the fox was feeling, “Kurt. I’m not doing this shit with you. I demand that you give me a one way plane ticket back to the US. You can keep my fucking stuff that I brought out here. I don’t want that damn shit anymore! Take down the fucking Foundation yourself. Fucking mistake trusting a damn motherfucking fox.” Arcades could feel some tears forming in his eyes.

  The cat noticed this, “No wonder everyone thinks you’re fucking weak. You do this shit all the damn time! This shit happens with you!” The fox was at a loss of words. He remembered how a similar event occurred with Johnny. Jason was just watching the whole ordeal happen. The Prince, on the other hand, was not just watching, “Dammit, cat. You were the one to see the fucking evidence first! You were the one who went on the train with him. You saw this shit for yourself. How the fuck are you just going to walk away from it now? After all that happened?” Bocchino fired back, “Let’s just say that this ain’t my business anymore. There is no way in hell that you can pull this off. Not a single chance. I am going back to the US, and you’re on your own. Looks like it’s just you, that faggot-ass wolf, and the Prince of Rusty Tub of Fuckland.” The Prince was not happy with that last part, “Yeah, get your ass out of here! Fuck off, cunt!” The cat was happy to walk off. As he walked away, he shouted, “Have a fun time taking on a Foundation that may or may not even exist!”

  Arcades watched as the cat walked away. Jason was watching as well. The Prince of Sealand spoke, “Kurt. If this makes you feel any better, I’m still willing to help you.” Jason was the next to speak, “Wait. How is he supposed to get back to the US?” Arcades shrugged as he tried to brush it off, “I dunno. He’ll find a way. Same witn Johnny. He found a way back to the US. Dunno how long it’ll take, though.” The Prince then proposed an offer, “Kurt. I’ll let you two stay at Sealand as long as you need until you can figure out something.” The fox perked up a small smile, “Thanks. We hopefully won’t have to stay for too long.” The Prince then said, “If they won’t believe you, then at least I will. I’ll do anything I can to help you take down the Omega Foundation.” Jason then said, “I guess we should get going. The sooner we get back to Sealand, the better.” The fox nodded.

  The three vehicles park near the dock where the Prince launched his boat from. The Prince disembarked from his vehicle and Arcades disembarked as well. The Prince saw that Arcades was rummaging through the stuff that was in the trunk of the Mustang, “Hey, Kurt. All of that stuff should be able to fit on the boat.” The fox then asked, “What about the stuff we have in that SUV?” The Prince looked up at the vehicle, “Yeah, I can fit that stuff on the boat. We just need to make sure it doesn’t all blow off of the boat. Wait, actually. I have an idea.” The Prince pointed to another boat that was docked, “We can use a different boat. Being a professional fisherman has its perks.” Arcades nodded. He wanted to get to sleep. He had been awake all day, and now he was awake all night.

  The group of three managed to load up everything onto a larger boat, and this equipment was placed inside of the boat so it would not get blown about by the wind. Arcades and Jason waited inside of the boat while the Prince began the ignition sequence. The boat began to start, and he checked everything in order to be sure that the boat was good to go. The Prince began driving the boat while Arcades looked out at the sea. He could see the waters, the dark sky, and some dim lights from the mainland. Arcades was not sure what he
would do now, as CDI now refused to help him out. However, they were not the only ones to refuse support, as even Bocchino now decided to call it quits. Arcades did not want to keep thinking about it. He began to wonder if he was rejected by CDI due to the fact he was a fox. Arcades reminded himself that the Prince tried to help out as well, and they did not get desired results. The Prince was a human, after all.

  Arcades looked up at Sealand, and he could see that his HH-60 was still sitting on the helipad where he left it. He knew that the gas tank only had the reserve fuel left, and he was not sure how he would be able to fill up the main tank to make it back to the mainland. The fox felt that he was blessed to know where Sealand was at; Otherwise, he would have nowhere to go. The fox heard the Prince talk over the radio, “Sean, we’re coming in for docking. Over.” Arcades looked up, and he saw that the crane was preparing to lift the boat up to the platform that was raised by two large concrete cylinders. They still were holding the fort up even after all of the time that has passed since World War II.

  The crane latched onto the boat, and the Prince disabled the boat’s engine. The crane began to lift the boat upwards, and the fox watched as water began dripping from the boat’s underside. The crane lifted the boat up to the platform, and it stopped progressing upwards once the boat and the platform met level. The crane then slowly pulled the boat closer to the platform, and the Prince was watching this while talking over the radio, “About five meters to go.” Once the Prince felt that the boat’s port side was close enough to the platform, he called off the crane operator, “That’s it Sean. Good work.” Arcades looked at the platform from where he was standing, and then he looked up at the Pave Hawk. His attention then turned to the guard from earlier, which was walking out of the main building. The guard asked, “How did it go?” The Prince shook his head, “They were not impressed, Sean. We showed them all we could, and they didn’t believe it.” Sean raised his eyebrows slightly, “Damn, really? Shit…”


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