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Highest Bidder

Page 11

by Le Carre, Georgia

  I should hate him. He was no good for me.

  It was as if from outside myself that I watched myself begin to draft a message. It was angry and of what it said, I wasn’t even sure. I should have called Maddie first for her opinion. Or even Ella. I should at least have read it again and made sure I hadn’t just completely humiliated myself, but without giving myself any time to change my mind, I hit send.

  I turned around to stare at myself in the mirror. I sensed I had just made a mistake that I would soon regret, but I did not care. I pulled out my hairbrush, brushed my hair, re-applied my lip gloss, and walked out of the Ladies.

  He would receive it, but probably ignore it.

  That was alright. I’d said my piece, whatever it was.

  Even before I could get to the bar, my phone began to ring. I jumped. Then I hit the connect button and pressed my phone to my ear.

  “Where are you?” he rasped.

  “Campus bar,” I replied. “Blue Boats.”

  He ended the call and I stared at the phone in shock. Rude man. That was not the response I had expected and ‘Campus bar, Blue Boats’ wasn’t enough information to get him anywhere, if he was truly coming to me. I looked towards the bar’s entrance and wondered if he would be able to find me. Did he even know what University I attended?

  I took my seat, my heart beating like crazy, until I received my next text. I opened it with my heart in my mouth.



  I wanted to rise but I couldn’t seem to move. I remained where I was and listened to my teammates discuss our project without hearing a single word they were saying. Very soon another text came.

  You have two minutes. Then I’m out of here.

  I immediately scrambled to my feet, making my team mates all stop talking and stare at me in surprise. Grabbing my backpack, I apologized for my sudden exit, walked out of the bar and into the parking lot.

  I saw the same black SUV I had seen on television earlier, with its engine running. I arrived at the window and the door was pushed open. I refused to look at him as I got in and even after I did, I leaned back and looked straight ahead.

  He didn’t look at me either and as unreasonable as it was, considering I wouldn’t look at him, the fact of him not looking at me made my blood boil. I took a deep breath and my nostrils filled with his now familiar scent of musk and luxurious spices making me remember his naked body on top of me. It didn’t help either that I felt as though the world was spinning round me.

  Perhaps I was more intoxicated than I had judged.

  “What was the text you sent to me about?” he asked.

  I shut my eyes at the way his voice rolled down my skin. Jesus, I felt a bit sick. Beads of sweat gathered on my forehead and I was sure it was the car. I rolled down the glass just a little for some of the wintry air to filter through.

  “Fuck. How much have you drunk?”

  “None of your business,” I croaked.

  “Do you need to be sick?”

  I shook my head. All I needed was the chill of the evening air. “I feel better now.”

  “What did my brother say to you last night?”

  I braced myself and turned towards him. To my surprise, he had on a pair of dark rimmed reading glasses and as I stared at him, I felt my bones begin to melt. His sex appeal in that moment was beyond the usual primal lure. He seemed so sophisticated. So different. Almost as if he existed on a different world from the one in which I lived in.

  My eyes roved over him hungrily.

  He had on a thick cream turtleneck jumper and black jeans with his dark hair tousled away from his face.

  I tore my gaze from him and looked away with a heavy heart. No one looked like Brent Lucan … or could even come close. He was so vital, so special. So unforgettable. Unreplaceable.

  I wished then, it had been some random stranger who had bought me that night. I’d always considered myself to be quite level-headed and sane, but in the presence of this man, I was slowly but surely losing my mind.

  “I asked you a question, Freya.” He sounded impatient.

  “He said that he was sorry for not protecting me from you, the way I did for him years ago.” I turned my head and looked at him.

  Brent didn’t blink, just continued staring at me.

  I wondered what he was seeing or searching for, then I didn’t want to know. “What did he mean by that?"

  “How would I know? Why didn’t you ask him what he meant?”

  Asshole. I looked away, certain now of what he was seeing. A silly girl doing what she could to get his attention. I hated myself in that moment and worse, I hated him for turning what should have only been a momentary nightmare into a phase of addiction that had rendered me frighteningly brainless. I jerked the door handle suddenly, the door opened, and cold air rushed in. I don’t even know what I was thinking of. I definitely had no intention of hurting myself or falling out, but Brent’s reaction was shockingly fast and violent. In a heartbeat, his hand reached over to yank the door shut.

  From his side, he pressed the control down and sealed me inside the car.

  I turned to him in surprise.

  “I’m not done talking to you,” he said, his eyes watching me intently.

  I hated how small my voice sounded but I couldn’t help it. “Let me go.”

  “Why did you send me that text?” he asked.

  I bit my lip and looked at my hands clasped tightly in my lap.

  When I didn’t respond, he went on, “Didn’t we agree that we wouldn’t see each other again? Or do you need to feel good again?”

  “Well, what if I do?” I responded.

  He leaned back into his chair, his arms folded across his chest. “What for, this time around?”

  “Why do you want to know? It’s not like you care.”

  Without a word, he grabbed the seat belt’s strap and locked me in place.

  My brain moved at a very slow pace with all the alcohol sloshing around in it and I felt almost confused by the barricade. “Brent,” I called.

  He started the engine and zoomed us both into the night.

  I know I should have insisted he let me out, but instead I settled in and waited to see where he was taking me. About half an hour later, we arrived at the gate of a residential compound in Chelsea.

  He parked the car in the driveway and immediately one of his staff came over to take his keys from him. I watched as he circled the car and then jerked my door open none too gently. He unbuckled my seat belt.

  “Where are we?” I asked.

  “You’re intoxicated,” he said to me. “Sleep it away and you’ll be on your way tomorrow.” With that, he turned around and walked into the house.

  For a few minutes, I remained in the car deep in thought. Hmmm … He should have driven me home if my intoxication was his concern. Why had he then, brought me to his home?


  Brent’s townhouse was brighter and even bigger than I’d expected. Somehow, I had expected his taste to be dark and sinister, but instead it was an extremely tasteful palette of cream and brown with subtle silver accents. No doubt the creation of some talented interior designer.

  There was no one to welcome me at the door and certainly no Brent to explain to me what I was supposed to do in a house of this magnitude. With little interest in sightseeing, I headed up the stairs, nearly breaking my neck in the process as my foot caught on the runner carpet. I managed to catch the banister, and gave myself a good talking to before I went up the marble grand staircase.

  “You won’t get rid of me that easily, Brent Lucan,” I muttered as I reached the top step. I was faced with lots of doors. Undaunted, I boldly opened them all. Behind them, were lavishly decorated bedrooms that I supposed he expected me to just choose from while I held my peace till the next morning. I however, had no intention of doing that. Perhaps it was the alcohol still running wild in my system, or perhaps it was the fact that I had more than halfway lost my mind.

nbsp; I told myself I wasn’t staying, but just before I left, I wanted to speak to him. Give him a piece of my mind. How dare he bring me here, then abandon me like this? Who did he think he was? Bluebeard? Arrogant sod.

  I opened another door and found what had to be the master bedroom. It was larger than all the other rooms and his jacket was carelessly strewn across the bed. Even in my state, I could hear the running shower. I marched towards the bathroom.

  For a second, I hesitated.

  What would Maddie do? Or even Ella?

  Then intoxication prevailed and I walked boldly into the steamy marble room. He was behind the frosted glass of a massive shower stall. It seemed as if he was leaning his head against the wall as the water cascaded down his head, completely still, as if deep in thought.

  With a shaky breath, I walked over to the glass stall and knocked softly on it. “I want to go home,” I said to him. “My battery's dead. Call me a taxi please.”

  He remained still for a few more moments before he straightened and finger combed his hair away from his face.

  I grabbed the handle of the stall and slid the door open. I was determined to keep my eyes solely on his face, but with the cascade of water rolling down the ridges of his torso, my gaze eventually followed all those lovely droplets to his groin to see that his cock was already rock hard at a ninety-degree angle to his body.

  I took a step back unconsciously and dragged my gaze back to his.

  He shifted away from the cascade and stood fully naked in front of me.

  I felt my legs begin to dissolve under me. It must be a delayed effect of the alcohol. “Why did you bring me here?” I demanded loftily.

  “You keep asking that,” he said, his tone aloof. “Is there an answer that you would prefer?” He wasn’t going to let me in. He wasn’t going to let me know what exactly was going through his head.

  I took a deep breath and thought about what I truly wanted to say to him, without restraints. I had a lot I wanted to say to him. A lot. “I’m surprised you were able to come at my request. You seemed to be quite busy with Judi Mirren.” The moment I spoke, I felt disappointment and disgust with myself. Never had I sounded or felt so petty.

  His eyes narrowed. “Is that why you're acting out?”

  “I’m not acting out. You know what. You deserve to be left alone. Maybe you can call Judi Mirren around to take care of that massive erection you’ve got going on.” I turned around and ran away, almost stumbling in my haste to get away.

  I got as far as jerking open the door to his bedroom. Then all hell broke loose. The door was slammed closed. Before my mind could even begin to process what was going on, my arms were caught, I was spun around, and pushed against the door. With a hand beside my head to cage me in place, Brent stood close to me, his face glowering in a mixture of exasperation and something else.

  His gloriously wet and naked body was only mere inches from mine.

  My gaze slid down to his fully aroused dick, poking tauntingly at me. Bulging veins ran down the thick, heavy length, and every part of me began to ache in response. In that moment, I wanted to feel him more than anything else in the world. I wanted to hold his cock in my hands, and to slip that beautiful pink tip into my mouth, to take him deep into my throat while I fisted him so hard that he exploded in my throat, with my name and my name only on his lips, and on his mind.

  I squirmed against the door, the folds between my legs now soaked, swollen, pulsing with the need to receive him. I lifted my gaze back up to his face and I could see that he knew exactly what I was thinking and how I was feeling. There was no denying my crazed attraction to this man. All I wanted was to be in his arms. He didn’t have to love me, all I needed was for him to fuck me until I was out of my own mind. I slipped my coat off. My jumper followed, and I was left standing in my bra and jeans.

  He came at me, and plunged his tongue into my mouth.

  I moaned at the taste of him. There was no teasing quality or gentleness to his kiss. It was passionate, possessive, and raw. He pulled my lips into his mouth and sucked them with a fervency that made me feel as if I was drowning in a vortex of pure pleasure.

  With his naked body against me, he locked his hand around my waist and pulled me tight against him as though he couldn’t bear even an inch of space between us. I clung to his neck and savored the assault of his wet velvety tongue as I sucked wildly on it. He deepened the kiss, tightening his hold around me until my toes were lifted off the floor and I was no longer standing on solid ground.

  Like a man dying of thirst in a desert who finds a cool fountain, he was insatiable. Our wild kiss continued. Completely unguarded and ruthless in its chase of the desperate need to be one with the other beyond even what was physically possible.

  I felt as though I was drinking up all that he was, his essence, his thoughts, his ideas, his emotions, his feelings, his pain, his sweetness, his beauty, his horror, and in that moment, I felt as if I was him and he was me. I felt as if I was breathing through his mouth. Our limbs became so tangled so tightly pressed together, I didn’t know where I stopped and he began.

  All I did was feel: the rough, possessive caress of his hands as they roamed down my back and grabbed my ass, digging into me as he pressed me urgently into his groin. My hands moved from his neck, my nails raking his back as I moved my hands down to squeeze his perfect ass.

  He put me back down on the floor so he could unbutton my jeans and drag them down my hips. With a roar, he ripped my little black thong off. Before I could brace myself, his hand was tightly cupped around my sex. Two fingers entered me and my pussy received him with feverish excitement. To my shock, he lifted his palm up and suddenly my feet left the floor. I whimpered at his brute strength, but there was no pause for recovery. My jeans were sliding on their own down to my ankles. A sweet fire started blazing through me as he held my body pinned against the wall and plunged his fingers in and out of me, furiously, while his thumb played with my clit.

  “Brent,” I cried. I had a vague awareness of him, pulling my jeans off my legs, and then hooking one hand around my knees to pull my leg up all the way to his chest for better access. I writhed and jerked in response, as my mind went completely blank. All I could do was chase the release he was driving me to, my entire body was tensed and rippling with pleasure.

  I was so close to the edge when he pulled his fingers out of me. I jumped in panic but a second later, he was on his knees, my leg over his shoulder and his tongue digging into me. The scream caught in my throat as my body shuddered and exploded and I came all over him. He lapped up the juices shooting out of me, sucked feverishly on the delicate folds of my sex, and held onto my hips as I jerked violently in the aftermath. When he had licked me clean he rose to his feet, I collapsed on him, out of breath and incoherent.

  He kissed me then and as I tasted myself on him, tears rolled down my eyes.

  “Is this the kiss you wanted?” he asked harshly.

  I threw my arms around him, refusing to let go. “I don’t want you to kiss anyone else,” I said and my words shamed me, but I couldn’t take them back or pretend I hadn’t said them. They were the truth. I pulled away to gaze into his eyes and saw him watching me intently. I could never read him and that drove me mad with frustration.

  “Brent,” I called, worry slithering down my spine.


  I was struck dumb for a few seconds. “Okay, you won’t kiss anyone else?”


  I tried hard but couldn’t find a trace of sarcasm or mockery in his tone. He was dead serious. Then I had to go and ask, “What about Judi?”

  “Judi and I were lovers a long time ago. We’re just friends now.”

  “So you don’t mind being seen with her in public, but not with me? It’s because I’m toxic, isn’t it?”

  “You are toxic, but not for the reason you think.”

  I looked into his eyes. “Tell me the reason, then?”

  “You’re toxic the way heroin
is. You come into my life and you take over, until there is nothing else but your body, your smell, your mouth, your taste, your sweet cunt, your voice, your silly ideas about me, the childish games you play with my idiot brother. I can’t say no to you. The more I try to walk away, the more I want you. I can’t get you out of my mind, Freya. Do you understand now?”

  “What are you going to do?” I whispered, staring at him with wide eyes.

  A few minutes later, I was hanging from his hips in the bathroom, our bodies slick with the heat from the shower, and the air swirling with the scent of our joining.

  Now that I had permission and free reign, I couldn’t stop kissing him again and again until he whirled me around and with my palms pressed against the wet tiles, he slammed into me, his heavy balls slamming against the curve of my ass. I sobbed while he panted with the fiery intensity of his lust.

  “Fuck! Fuck,” he cursed.

  The sounds of his wild curses made my blood quicken with delight. There was no doubt that I was driving him just as crazy as he was me, and the sensation of power consumed me. This position drove him so deep inside of me, deeper than he’d ever been, and the walls of my pussy milked him ravenously, extracting every ounce of pleasure from him.

  When he exploded inside of me, my whole body froze with the sheer force of his release. It occurred to me that we had not used a condom, but instead of being dismayed, the thought of his hot seed spurting deep into me made new ripples of pleasure crash through my body. His cry was animalistic, a growl, perhaps a mating call. Barely able to catch my breath, I grabbed his ass and pulled him towards me.

  It took quite a while for us to return to some semblance of normality, and when we did, he tried to pull out of me, but I held on tight. “I don’t think I can walk on my own,” I whispered.


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