Book Read Free

Generation Witch Year One

Page 12

by Schuyler Thorpe

  “Hopefully before I fall asleep. I can’t believe I haven’t gone to bed yet since Thursday.” The other woman offered with a yawn.

  Alicia nodded in quiet sympathy. “I know. Tillie’s the only one who got a good night’s sleep. For that, I envy her. But the adrenaline kick is starting to wear off and I’m feeling absolutely sloshed.” She said—before the door in front of them rumbled and came to life with a loud clicking noise, the sound of changing tumblers and then the solid creaking of wood on wood.

  Both women adopted their best face forward as they fell upon the sight of young woman dressed in period costume that of a nun.

  “I’m sorry, is this the right place?” Alicia queried pleasantly, holding out the pamphlet that Felix had given them.

  The woman nodded graciously. “And you must be our new arrivals. The magical…familiars that he was talking about.” She said in an authoritive tone of voice.

  Holding out a hand, she said: “Welcome to Mercy. My name is Tabitha Gorges. I’m the assistant manager to the mission. Gertrude Harrison is the actual manager around here. How are you feeling?”

  Alicia glanced at her friend. “Tired actually. We’ve been on the run for the past couple of days and could use some much needed sleep.”

  The woman nodded easily enough. “No problem. We’ll get you settled in as quickly as possible. But because you’re magical familiars—witches—we have special rooms for each of you to sleep in.”

  “Is there a reason for that?” Alicia questioned lightly.

  Tabitha nodded as he finished opening the door for the three of them to come inside.

  “Security.” She answered crisply—before her attention fell on Tillie Gunderson.

  “Hello,” she said in a professional manner. “And who are you?”

  “Tillie Gunderson.” The girl answered straightforwardly. “Unlike my mom and Sarah, I don’t need to sleep just yet. But I wouldn’t mind some company to pass the time while I’m here though.” She announced rather boldly.

  “I’m sure we will find someone here who will fit that criteria. But knowing that you are a magical familiar, you’re requirements are much different than a regular human’s or anyone else whom has passed through these doors.”

  “Well, I’m litter box trained if anyone wants to know,” the girl joked. “And I’ve had all my shots.”

  “That’s good,” the assistant manager acknowledged pleasantly—still all business.

  Tillie glanced at her mom and then sighed. “Grown ups…” she breathed with mild annoyance.

  Tabitha smiled gently. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude a moment ago, but we really are short on time here. Your sudden arrival has been the talk of the town since this morning. We’re all pretty excited to say the least.” She finished by beckoning them inside and then taking a moment or two to close the massive door.

  The inside was warmly lit and carpeted—which both women felt immediately grateful for after walking on solid concrete for hours on end—with only a few breaks in between.

  “I can’t wait to crawl into bed,” Sarah said with an open yawn of her own. “I am going to be lights out as soon as my head hits that pillow.”

  “Same here.” Alicia offered in full agreement. Then she glanced at her daughter whom was the only open question at the moment.

  “But you need to stay in your own room while we sleep. We can’t have you walking around in a place such as this.” She coached.

  “Don’t worry, she is free to move around. It’s only after lights out that she needs to be in her room—like everyone else who calls this place home.”


  Tabitha smiled. “Trust me, she’ll be perfectly fine. And who knows? There might be girls her age that she can hang out and socialize with while you’re asleep?”

  “We have…rules against that sort of thing,” Alicia pointed out in a slight panic.

  “Nonsense. Here at the mission, everyone is encouraged to become acquainted with one another. It helps build friendships along the way as well as those important bonds of trust.” The woman said—taking the lead and guiding them down the softly lit hallway.

  But what they saw were office windows with Venetian blinds and closed doors, but not much else. There were some poster boards filled with notices written in every conceivable language and some art displays which caught Tillie’s interest for a minute—forcing her to hang back.

  Tabitha sensed the lag and turned around for a moment.

  “This is for the children when they come here. So they can feel welcome and inspired.”

  Tillie nodded in silent awe and wonder at the meticulously made display.

  “I do a little bit of art with the help of a few incantation spells of my own, but it’s nothing compared to this.” She said, touching the painted display panel gently.

  “Have you ever physically painted before, dear?” Tabitha inquired.

  The girl shook her head. “I’ve…heard of people doing it in the past, but I never got the opportunity to try it out on my own.”

  Tabitha glanced at her mother. “Would you object if she took a few classes while she’s here? It would probably do her some good.”

  Alicia nodded. “I have no problem with it.” She answered neutrally.

  Sarah wore a look of concern, but she didn’t say anything at first.

  “She’ll be okay,” Tabitha consoled the pair. “She’ll be in the best of hands. But it would do you no good if you don’t at least get some sleep.”

  Alicia nodded. “I suppose in this case, we can bend the rules a little bit.” She relented.

  “I apologize if I come off sounding a little protective of my only daughter. But she’s all I have left now—after my husband perished in the recent riots.”

  “I understand that all too well, ma’am.” The assistant manager said. “Many of the magical kinsfolk here who enter through our doors have shared similar stories over the years. You’re not alone in this fight.”

  Sarah’s expression changed to surprise. “There’s been others?”

  “The Resistance knows all, I’m afraid. So does the Underground.” Tabitha answered at that time.

  “This humble place is just a layover for many who have taken up the banner in the name of freedom and liberty for all of humanity and magical kinsfolk alike. You three are the first magical familiars to step through our doors in a good number of years.”

  “That long?” Sarah echoed.

  Tabitha nodded. “That long. But you’re here and that’s all that matters. Perhaps with your assistance, things will finally change for the better.” She offered up with blind hope.

  Sarah Winters caught the hidden message that the assistant manager was sending, but she didn’t say anything at first.

  “You think we may be able to make a difference?” She threw out guardedly.

  “Felix says so and I believe him.”

  “You haven’t seen us in action, miss. You don’t know if we will succeed or fail like the others.”

  “That’s true.” Tabitha conceded. “But right now, we’ll take all the help we can get—given what the Regency Council did in recent weeks after the run off election with Supreme Chancellor Reiter.”

  “I thought Barlow was going to win this one—being sympathetic towards the plight of magical kinsfolk and all.” Alicia murmured heartbrokenly. “I even voted for him for the first time in a good decade.”

  Tabitha nodded in sympathy. “I know. I know. We were all hoping that would be the case. But we also prepared for the worse. The recent riots were just a symptom to a much larger problem plaguing the country. People obviously felt that Reiter could do a better job at restoring order. We didn’t expect any of this.”

  “Most people never do. But what’s done is done.” Tabitha surrendered easily enough. “But let’s go. I need to get you three signed in and situated before the dinner rush in the next five hours. You can sleep until then.”

  Sarah nodded gratefully. “With the way m
y mind is, I’m probably going to sleep most of the day and into the night.”

  Alicia nodded. “In that case, I’ll wake you up for dinner. At least we can eat and then go back to bed.”

  “Fair enough. Let’s go.”

  The other woman nodded. “Honey?” She said—looking over at her daughter.

  “Time to go.”

  Tillie nodded, still studying the display—ideas formulating in her mind.

  “Okay,” she said, following suite.


  The Dragon Cometh

  “Open up,” Kara urged quietly as she fed her boyfriend a forkful of fettuccine from the business end of the dining room table.

  She watched him eat what was offered of course—knowing that they both had a hand in making it.

  “How does it taste?” She inquired casually.

  Jake finished what was in his mouth and swallowed.

  “Good. Good. Not bad at all. I think I can begin to enjoy your cooking once more—after a long absence.”

  Kara giggled. “It’s only been a month, silly. I doubt my cooking skills have softened since then.”

  Jake looked at her appreciatively. “So does this mean you’ll take me up on my offer?”

  Kara wore a momentary look of surprise on her face as she recalled what he pitched to her only three months earlier.

  “You’re sweet and I love you to pieces, Jake—but I just…can’t.”

  Now it was Jake’s turn to be confused.

  “W-why not? It would be perfect for the two of us!”

  “I know, baby. But it’s a matter of shitty timing than anything else. If this mess in Old New York wasn’t an issue. The Gosling Directive. Or my upcoming promotion. But I can’t put everything on hold for that magical chance to elope and get married in Bristol, England. I know you have family there and would enjoy having me part of it—but I have to consider my needs as well.” Kara leaned over and kissed him on the top of the head.

  “This doesn’t mean I don’t love you any less.”

  Jake look disappointed, but he didn’t press the issue.

  “So…what am I supposed to tell my parents?”

  Kara smiled gently. “Tell Todd and Maria that they may have to wait a few years to have grandkids.” She said, tapping him on the nose. Then she resumed sitting and taking a look at what she had on her own plate.

  “But I really think you improved since the last time you cooked for me.” She praised openly, taking a bite of her lavish meal.

  “We both did,” her boyfriend said in a distant voice.

  Kara caught on immediately what was on his mind.

  “Jake…you’re being too hard on yourself. You asked and I said no. For now. I’m sure an opportunity will arise where I may request a transfer to the Fourth’s Intelligence Division in London—seeing how that’s where I got my career started in the first place so many years ago.”

  “You were in London?”

  The woman nodded. “For about six months. I had a place of my own—off base. But it ended before anything good could happen.”

  “So what did happen?”

  “Emergency recall. Regency Council’s orders. The Tacoma Bay incident.”

  Jake nodded solemnly. “I remember that. It was a terrible thing.”

  Kara nodded. “And not for good table discussion.” She reminded him aptly.

  “Fair enough. I suppose tonight hasn’t been a total loss.” He said bravely.

  His girlfriend nodded over a forkful of angel hair pasta dripping with creamy Alfredo sauce. Then she ate was there and swallowed.

  “See? Now you’re getting into it. I wouldn’t worry. I have plans for us tonight anyways.”

  Jake grinned. “You always do. That’s why I liked you so much: You never ceased to surprise me.”

  Kara smirked at how true those words have been since the two decided to consummate their relationship months ago. She had no idea that she would fall for a pure blooded human either—considering what her familial background contained—why she spent endless nights blaming them for all sorts of things because of the trauma and pain she still felt in her heart on some days.

  But here she was—ready to defend them by getting rid of the one thing that had been seen as a problem for many years now—and she had no issue with getting her hands dirty.

  It was just a job. A job for a just cause. And she vowed she would come out of this stronger and more assured and everything she had felt in her past life would cease to torment her in both her dreams and nightmares.

  Minus those whom dared to stand in her way—human or magical kinsfolk alike.

  And for one moment, she imagined her boyfriend in chains. In an interrogation room, and she with her riding crop—dressed to kill in her military best; high heels as well (or stiletto style jack boots if she preferred), coming in with very much murder on her mind.

  And he would be gagged, blindfolded, whimpering softly for a much needed release that only she could give him.

  Because it was demanded of her. And she had no choice but to answer the call and break him in every possible, delicious way…

  Kara blinked a couple of times as she realized that her forbidden nature was starting to make itself known to her—an internal battle that was still being played out across her body and of the mind—and she privately wondered which side would win out in the end?

  So she shook herself free of her private fantasies, her sadistic nature, her predatory ways, and gazed at him with nothing but adoration and love for the man she spent many a nights in bed with—giving him the time of his life.

  “Do you want to be surprised?” She pegged in a bold voice. “I can make more of your personal fantasies come true—nothing would be off the books.”

  Jake grinned.

  “I think you’ve done more than enough in that department, baby. You have made me a very happy man.”

  His girlfriend speared him with a questioning, calculating look.

  “Nothing at all?” She queried playfully. “You seemed to want me to cosplay the Blood Maid pretty badly earlier over the link. Maybe you have a small crush on her?” Then she got up and went over to him, pushing him back in his chair, straddling his lap—while looping her arms around his neck.

  Then she leaned over and whispered into his ear: “Maybe it’s her that you’ve been dreaming of all this time while I am busy fucking your brains out.”

  Pulling back, she studied his hesitant expression, tinged with embarrassment, but from here, Kara could tell that he was getting turned on by the idea.

  “I told you, lover boy…I am a woman without any inhibitions—thanks to my military training. I can either make you wilt under my touch or I can break you just the same and make you beg my name.” She said, trailing a questioning hand down the front of his exposed dress shirt.

  But underneath her lap, she could feel the beginning of something becoming shamelessly rock hard under her ass. And it was hitting her right in her favorite spots too.

  She ground down on him just a little to get that feeling of overwhelming power and control set deep into her mind as she played with him for a little bit longer—laughing quietly as she did it.

  “You are truly a bad boy, Jake Harper. Such a bad, bad, boy…” she whispered with strong desire.

  Then she leaned forward to kiss him on the mouth while grinding on him with increasing momentum.

  Try as he might, Jake couldn’t stay in the mood long enough before he gasped from the increasing and painful pressure riding in his pants and he cried out with laughter and tears: “It hurts! It hurts!”

  Kara giggled as she placed a welcoming hand on his engorged cock and realized that he was bent in a most unbecoming manner.

  Then she nodded just the same. “You poor boy. You are in pain. Would you like for me to kiss it and make it better?” She ventured slyly.

  “W-what about dinner?” He gasped as she continued to play with his desires and feelings like an expert violinist.
  “I think I’m about to have my own personal appetizer right here—right now.” The woman panted softly. “How about you, baby? Want to get your mind blown before we even have dessert?”

  Rather than waiting for an answer from him, Kara dismounted off his lap, while staring into his eyes and had him push the chair back just a little bit more.

  Then she dropped to her knees in front of him like any loyal and loving girlfriend would—running her hands up and down the sides of his slacks—and putting on quite a show for both their benefits.

  She did more than just tease and torture him. She wanted to make passionate love to him right this minute.

  Her tiny cries of distress and angst was just more than a signal upon how turned on she was as she ran both hands across his painful erection and then at long last made a desperate grab for his belt buckle and undid the belt—allowing for some much needed breathing room for her most favorite vice of the evening.

  And her boyfriend?

  He just sat there, stock still, mesmerized by the incredible performance she was putting on and wondering at what point he should join in?

  But he also knew how dangerous things could get when his girlfriend turned at times—leaving him no choice but to play the helpless fool, the victim in distress because that’s what he learned over the past couple of years being with her.

  Loving her…

  Caring for her…

  Pleasing her in any possible way that he humanly could. And for Jake, that was truly the best of both worlds—even as she slowly unzipped his fly, tugging gently on his pants; a signal for him to rise up a bit off the chair so they could come down around his knees.

  Kara smiled devilishly at the sight of her boyfriend in a supremely aroused state of mind and being and seeing him tent like that in such an obscene manner was more than she could take in that moment.

  She had to have it.

  She had to have him.

  But she also wanted this to last as long as possible too. And studying his face, she made she that he knew that as well—even though it was her game to play.

  And he the willing subject.

  The King and the Queen.

  Sitting back just a bit, she reached under her shirt and undid the bra straps holding her babies together—being barely a C-cup.


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