Larrikins in Khaki
Page 41
Peter Stanley, Tarakan: An Australian Tragedy.
Ken Joyce, As I Saw It … from Tobruk to Tarakan 1940–1945.
William B. Spencer, In the Footsteps of Ghosts: With the 2/9th Battalion in the African desert and jungles of the Pacific.
Chapter 21 The lost years and damaged lives
Sydney Piddington, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Stan Arneil, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Chris Neilson, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Charles ‘Nutty’ Almond, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Graham Chisholm, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
George Aspinall, all quotes from Changi Photographer: George Aspinall’s record of captivity.
Jack Sloan, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Eddie Henderson, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Ray Myors, all text from Prisoners of War.
Gordon Maxwell, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Hugh Clarke, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Hank Nelson, Prisoners of War: Australians Under Nippon (book).
Dave Runge, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Don Noble, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Jim Richardson, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Ray Parkin, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Don Moore, all quotes from Prisoner of War.
Cliff Moss, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Chapter 22 Retain all prisoners of war indefinitely
Hank Nelson, all quotes from Prisoners of War (book).
Don Moore, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Patrick Levy, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
George Williamson, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Rusty O’Brien, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Adrian Curlewis, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Bob Yates, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Daisy Sloan, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Chris Neilson, all quotes from Prisoner of War.
Herb Trackson, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Sylvia Muir, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Joyce Braithwaite, all text from Prisoners of War.
Rod Wells, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Geoff O’Connor, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Roy Whitecross, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Stan Arneil, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Dr Kevin Fagan, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Dr Ian Duncan, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Jack Panaotie, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Chapter 23 Final thoughts
Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop, all quotes from Prisoners of War.
Clarry McCulloch, Some Call It Luck.
Unpublished and self-published memoirs
Ivan Blazely, Boots and All, no publishing details, 1990
Ken Clift, The Saga of a Sig: The wartime memories of six years service in the Second AIF, KCD Publications, 1972
Sergeant Joseph Dawson, Kokoda Survivor, printed and bound by WHO Presentation Services, 2006
Colin E. Finkemeyer, It Happened to Us: Mark II, no publishing details, 1998
Norm Fuller, The Flying Footsloggers: Unofficial history of Australia’s World War paratroopers, self-published, no date
Bob ‘Hooker’ Holt, From Ingleburn to Aitape: The trials and tribulations of a four figure man, printed by Streamlined Press, 1981
Ken Joyce, As I Saw It … from Tobruk to Tarakan 1940–1945, self-published, 1995
Clarry McCulloch, Some Call It Luck: The war story of Clarry McCulloch, no publishing details, 2004
Roy P. Sibson, My Life as I Saw It Boots ’n’ All, printed by Capricorn Printing & Publishing, 1997
Bill Young, Return to a Dark Age, self-published, 1991
Books and papers
George Aspinall, Changi Photographer: George Aspinall’s record of captivity, ABC Books, Sydney, 2004
Tim Bowden, The Way My Father Tells It: The story of an Australian life, Allen & Unwin, North Sydney, 1989
Tim Bowden, Stubborn Buggers: The survivors of the infamous POW gaol that made Changi look like heaven, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, 2014
James Brien, The Bloody Beachheads: The battles of Gona, Buna and Sanananda, November 1942–January 1943, AWM Summer Scholar, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 2013
Peter Brune, Ralph Honner: Kokoda hero, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, 2000
Henry (Jo) Gullett, Not as a Duty Only: An infantryman’s war, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, 1984
Gavin Long, The Six Years War: Australia in the 1939–45 war, Australian War Memorial and the Australian Government Publishing Service, 1973
Peter Medcalf, War in the Shadows: Bougainville 1944–45, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1986
Hank Nelson, Prisoners of War: Australians Under Nippon, ABC Enterprises, Crows Nest, 1985
John Robertson, Australia at War 1939–45, William Heinemann Australia, 1961
William Slim, Defeat into Victory, Cassell & Company, UK, 1956
William B. Spencer, In the Footsteps of Ghosts: With the 2/9th Battalion in the African desert and the jungles of the Pacific, Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, 1999
Peter Stanley, Tarakan: An Australian tragedy, Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, 1997
Lionel Wigmore, Australia in the War of 1939–45 (Army): The Japanese Thrust, Australian War Memorial, Canberra 1957
Tim Bowden and Hank Nelson, Prisoners of War: Australians Under Nippon, 16-part series, ABC Radio, originally broadcast in 1984
Abbasia English Detention Barracks 61
ack-ack guard 62–3
Adams, Eustace 269
‘Adolf ’ 374–6
alcohol 59–60, 66–7, 86–93, 186–7
see also beer; homebrew; cider; sake
Alexandria 62, 64–6, 88–93
Allen, Arthur ‘Tubby’ 111, 112, 116
Almond, Charles ‘Nutty’ 392
American soldiers 187–8
Amiriya camp 62, 92
amoebic dysentery see dysentery
Anderson, Andy 142, 264
ANZAC Corps 112, 117
Anzac Day 409
Aquitania 28, 34, 180, 289–90
army camps 19
Arneil, Sergeant Stan 210, 239, 240, 245, 249, 391, 405–6
Ash, Eric 284–5
Aspinall, George 394
Auchinleck, Claude 152–4
Australia 329
Australian forces
1st AIF veterans 112
1st Parachute Battalion 284–7
1/14th Battalion 308–9
2/1st Battalion 68–70, 128, 131, 141, 264, 268
2/1st Engineers 69, 73
2/2nd Casualty Clearing Unit 202
2/2nd Infantry Battalion 74, 107, 111–16, 131, 141, 195, 268, 345
2/2nd Pioneer Battalion 178, 199, 201
2/3rd Australian Infantry Battalion 59, 69–75, 80–3, 95, 104–11, 125, 131, 140–1, 268, 346
2/3 Machine Gun Battalion 12–17, 135, 143, 178, 197–9, 201
2/3rd Pioneers 162
2/3rd Training Battalion 262–3
2/4th Anti-Tank Regiment 238
2/6th Infantry Battalion 324–5
2/7th Artillery gunners 161
2/7th Battalion 131, 325
2/8th Field Regiment 152–3, 154–5
2/8th Infantry Battalion 37–8, 131, 153, 346
2/9th Battalion 385, 388
2/11th Infantry Battalion 131, 276
2/13th Battalion 347–8
2/14th Battalion 302–4, 309
2/16th Battalion 304
2/23rd Battalion 383
2/27th Battalion 304
2/28th Battalion 161, 171
2/29th Battalion 210–11
2/30th Battalion 210
2/39th Battalion 315
2/40th Infantry Battalion 11–12
2/43rd Battalion 153, 161–2
2/127th Brigade Workshop AEME 328
3rd Battalion Royal Australian Regiment 189
3rd Militia Battalion 267–8, 309
4th Anti-Tank Regiment 4, 8–10, 210, 255
5th Division 335
6th Division 44–5, 117, 133, 147, 198, 270
7th Division 133, 135, 140, 176–8, 198, 286, 294
7th Infantry Brigade 306
8th Division 178, 389
9th Armoured Brigade 172
9th Division 133–5, 149–52, 176, 178, 383
13th Anti-Tank Battery 10–11
15th Battery 46
16th Brigade 83, 97–9, 102, 112, 128, 131, 263, 266–7, 307
17th Brigade 116
18th Infantry Brigade 150, 306
21st Brigade 307
22nd Light Horse Regiment 11
25th Brigade 307, 309
26th Brigade 155, 382–3
29th Battalion 213
30th Infantry Brigade 289, 308
31st Infantry Battalion 327
32nd Militia Battalion 5
39th Battalion 289–94, 295, 299–300, 304–10, 317, 319
47th Battalion 378
49th Battalion 289, 308
53rd Battalion 289, 300, 306, 308
55/53rd Battalion 308, 414
‘Blackforce’ Brigade 201–2, 225
Guard Battalion 107, 201
‘Left Out of Battle’ (LOB) Party 264, 267, 346
Parachute Training Unit (PTU) 271
Australian Imperial Force (AIF) 2–3, 6–7
Australian Militia 2–3, 5–6, 288–9, 355–6
Badoglio, Pietro 44
Balikpapan, Battle of 286–7, 384–8
Ballarat convalescence depot 318–19
Bancroft, Arthur 242
Bardia 68–80
Barnett, ‘Boof ’ 269
batman 37–8
‘The Beachhead Battles’ 315–18
beer 30–1, 56–7, 98, 174, 178–9, 269, 365–8
Beeston, Flight Lieutenant 273–4
Ben Rennies 190
Bergonzoli, General ‘Electric Whiskers’ 78
Berka district 59–61
Birdwood, General William ix
‘Biscuit Bombers’ 395–7
Black, ‘Troubles’ 63–4, 109
Blackburn, Arthur 16, 136–40, 197, 202, 204
Blamey, General Thomas 94–5, 100, 111–12, 307, 384–5
Greece withdrawal 124
paratroops 273, 282, 287
Blanchard, Doug 246
Blazely, Ivan (Ivo)
American personnel, relationship with 259–61
Egypt, arrival in 36–8, 45–7
joining-up 17–20
North Africa campaign
Alexandria leave 169–70
arrival 152–3
battle zone 154–62
Cairo leave 167–8
conjunctivitis 169
post Alamein 172–5
respite 165–7
return to Australia 178–82, 259–61
sailing to war 34–6
Syria 133–5
training 17–20, 45–7
Blythe, Jack ‘Gov’ 398
Bombay 183–4
Bombay bloomers 58–60
Bonteko 346
Borneo 286–7, 381–9
Bowden, Captain John 176, 408
Bowing, Captain Bill 211
Boyd, Keith 144–5
Braddon, Russell 222, 234–5
Braithwaite, Joyce 404
Bren gun carriers 202
Brien, James 318
Brighton camp 11, 14–17
Britain, dependence on 1–2
British 7th Cavalry Brigade 147
Britt, Edgar 262
Broderick, Alby 254–5
Brooks, Cooley 376–9
brothels 36, 59–60, 86, 89, 97, 135, 184, 264
Brown, Claudie 211
Brown, Tom 75, 98
Bruce, ‘Tubby’ 58, 84–5, 118, 265
Bryant, Arthur 177
Buderous, ‘Bud’ 4
Burke, Clarrie 79, 111
Butta 74, 85, 112
Buxton, Dave 255–6
C Company 2/3rd Machine Gun Battalion 12–17
Calman, Lieutenant ‘Slops’ 48, 74–5
Cameron, Major Alan 299–300
Campbell, Lieutenant Colonel Ian 128, 131
‘can-can exhibition’ 170
Canning, Lieutenant Max 275, 278–9
canteens 21–2
Casseau, General 140
Celebes Maru 237
Champagne Gully 75
Chifley, Ben 177
Chilton, Brigadier 384
Chisholm, Sergeant Graham 393
chloropicrin gas 13
‘Chocos’ (Chocolate Soldiers) 2–3, 288
cholera 249–50
Christie, Frank 217
Churchill, Winston 52, 94–5, 154, 165, 176–7, 198, 200–1
cider 16–17
City of Bermuda 179, 180
Clark, Dick 50–1, 205
Clark, Sergeant Major ‘Nobby’ 267–8
Clarke, Hugh 241–2, 244, 246–7, 395–6
Clift, Ken
amoebic dysentery 34
Crete 125–32
desert, fighting in 72–6, 83–6
Egypt, high jinks in 64–7
family reunion 195–6
friends Harry and Tiny 52–3, 64, 115–16
Greece 97, 100–4, 112–16, 118–23
joining-up 4–5
jungle training 192–3
preparing for war 52–8
return to Australia 189–96
sailing to war 30–1, 34
Coates, Dr Albert 248
Colbran, Elaine 315, 320
Collyer, Allan 295
Colombo 31–3, 34, 182, 192–4
conscription 2, 289
constipation 218–19
Cooper, Ray 211
Cory, Lieutenant Gil 349
Costa Rica 129
counterfeiting 55–6
Crete 125–32
Crew, ‘Garney’ 81
Cullen, Colonel 268
Curlewis, Captain Adrian 221, 247, 403
Curtin, John 176–7, 198, 200, 258
Cyrenaica 80
Daphne camp 95, 98, 99, 100
Davidson, ‘Cooee’ 264
Dawson, Sergeant Joe 5–6, 26–7, 290–315, 318–22, 410
de Gaulle, General 52
Dean, ‘Plonky’ 41–2, 108
Death Marches 221, 389
Delaney, Bob 21
Dempsey, Tim 74
dental parade 17
Denz, Henry 147
Desert Rats 150–1
Devonshire 194
diarrhoea 160–1, 237
Dillan, Captain (Dillan the Villain) 74
Dilwarra 118
disease 229, 255, 310, 314–17, 390, 406–7, 410
see also constipation; diarrhoea; dysentery; malaria; post-traumatic stress
Dominey, ‘Boxer’ 4
Dossetor, Captain Colin 278–9
Dougherty, Lieutenant Colonel Ivan 31
Dowd, Dickie 109
Dowling, Tom 217–20
Downer, Alec 222
Duff, Sergeant Major Billy 266
Duncan, Dr Ian 406
Dunlop, Edward ‘Weary’ 202, 222, 227, 231, 233–4, 253–4, 409–10
Dunlop, Lieutenant John 113
Duntroon 182–8, 262
Durban 185–7
‘Durban Signaller’ 185–6
Dutch East Indies see Java
dysentery 34, 160–1, 226–7, 248, 290, 338
Eagle 182
Eather, Colonel Ken 53–4
Eden, Anthony 67
Eichelberger, General Robert 316–17
Eisenhower, General Dwight 258
El Alamein 151–4, 162–5, 171–2
Elliott, Sid 22
Empress of Britain 28
Empress of Canada 28
Empress of Japan 28
England, Colonel Viv (The Black Panther) 39, 48, 56, 79, 81
enlistment see joining-up
Evans, Sergeant ‘Sykes’ 114
Evatt, ‘Doc’ 177
Fadden, Arthur 95
Fagan, Dr Kevin 239, 244, 406
Fearnside, Lieutenant Tim 347
Findlay, Sergeant Hank 74
Finkemeyer, Colin 8–11, 253–4
Flashman, Captain JAF 109
‘footsloggers’ 12
Francis Parkman 335
French, Lieutenant Bevan 300
Freyberg, Bernard 124, 127
Fuller, Norm 271–7, 282–7
Fulton, Lieutenant (Lenny the Lizard) 47
‘furphies’ 189–90
‘Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels’ 293
Galleghan, Colonel ‘Blackjack’ 233–5
Gambling 35, 36; see also two-up
Garland, Gough 300
gas masks 13–14
Gaza see Palestine
George, Lieutenant ‘Slit Trench’ 45
German forces 101, 102–4, 107–11, 116–17, 119–23
Gibbons, Lieutenant George 87–8, 107–8
Gilli Gilli 293
Glasscock, Clarence 273–4
Gobert, Harold 48–9
Gona campaign 307–11
Gordon, Captain ‘Speed’ 13, 16
Gorgon 328–9, 343
Gourley, Sergeant Bede 349
Gowrie VC, Lord 35
Graham, Tommy 264
Grant, Bob 254–5
Gray, Joe 47
Graziani, Marshal 148
Crete 125–32
fighting in mainland 94–123
The Isle of Doom 125–7
withdrawal 124
Greek army 98–100
Green, Lieutenant Des 278
Greiner, Hec 206
Guinea Gold 365
Gullet, Captain Henry ‘Jo’ 324
Hackney, Lieutenant Ben 210, 216
Haw Haw, Lord 134–5, 150, 153
Heggie, Doctor 226–7
Heidelberg Military Hospital 315
Heiptmann, Rupe 55, 56–7
Helman camp 59
Henderson, Eddie 394
Hennebery, ‘Prawn’ 218–19
Hess, Rudolf 130
Hiddens, Arthur 113–14
Higgins, John 256
Hirohito, Emperor 390
Hiroshima 353, 388, 389
Hitler 68, 102, 111–12, 148, 165
HMS Gloucester 92, 95
HMS Hero 118, 129
HMS Kuttabul 188
Holsworthy Military Prison 181
Holt, Bob (Hooker)
arrival in 38–43
desert training 47–9, 59–61
fighting 69–72, 76–9, 80–3, 87–93
high jinks 62–4
Greece 95–7, 98–100, 104–11, 116–18