Book Read Free

Gate of Horn, Book of Silk

Page 29

by Michael Andre-Driussi

  • Day 23 Writing about the robbery (74).

  • Day 24 Writing about sailing to Mucor’s Rock (77).

  [ . . . ]

  • Day 27

  • Three days since he last wrote (78).

  • Very late (93).

  • Day 28 Writing the Tale of Pajarocu (V, chap. 5, 95).

  • Day 29 Green bigger than a man’s thumb last night (106). [Possibly late July, i.e., one year before conjunction?]

  • Day 30 Inhuma caught last night (108).

  • Day 31 Writing about Wijzer (123).

  • Day 32 Writing about the accusation that The Book of the Long Sun is fiction (124).

  [ . . . ]

  • Day 35 Not touched for three days, very late—near midnight (125). Storms have nearly wiped out the date palms.

  • Day 36 Writing about the Thing on the Green Plain (126).

  • Day 37 A visitor gives the Rajan a book on herbs called The Healing Beds (129).

  • Day 38? In my last session (131).

  • Day 39 Mention of a shaman Horn and Seawrack met (137).

  • Day 40 Writing about arriving at the Green Plain (140).

  • Day 41 Elephant sacrifice (145).

  • Day 42 Ambassadors from Skany (V, chap. 6, 147).

  • Day 43 Writing about meeting Seawrack (156).

  • Day (*) The Rajan goes to Skany and stays “most of the summer” (158), which sounds like a period of 60 to 80 days. During this time an inhumu or inhuma is burned at Skany (V, chap. 10, 241).

  • Day 103? A long while since (158).

  • Day 104 Writing about the second day with Seawrack (159).

  • Day 105 Writing about meeting Captain Strik (167).

  [ . . . ]

  • Day 107 Two days have passed (169).

  • Day 108 Writing about leaving Strik’s ship (V, chap. 7, 171).

  • Day 109 Writing about meeting Krait on the sloop (173).

  • Day 110 Writing about inhumi in general (183).

  • Day 111 Writing about the rest of the night after Krait left the sloop (184).

  • Day 112 Writing about sailing to the island of the pit (186).

  • Day 113 Writing about hiking on the island (187).

  • Day 114 Writing about falling into the pit (V, chap. 8, 191).

  • Day 115 Writing about meeting Krait in the pit (chap. 9, 195).

  • Day 116 Writing about negotiations with Krait and rescue (202).

  • Day 117 A fortune-teller at court a few days ago (211).

  • Day 118 Barsat comes to court to ask protection from the Vanished People (212).

  • Day 119 Writing about going back to the sloop (213).

  • Day 120 The Rajan goes hunting (215).

  • Day 121

  • Writing prologue for a tangent on cattle (216).

  • Weather sultry for at least a week (221).

  • Day 122 The Rajan dreamt that Oreb was back (223).

  • Day 123 The Rajan goes hunting again (chap. 10, 225).

  • Day 124 Writing about the semi-feral Seawrack (227).

  [ . . . ]

  • Day 131 A week later—a week of heat and terrible, violent storms (233). The Rajan writes of “The account I began last year” (234).

  • Day 132 Writing about when Seawrack sang (234).

  • Day 133 Writing about the day after (239).

  • Day 134 The Rajan buries an inhumu and two inhuma (240).

  [ . . . ]

  • Day 136 Writing about trying to return to normal (241).

  [ . . . ]

  • Day (*) The big storm (245), the climax of conjunction. This should be about two years after Horn left Lizard.

  [ . . . ]

  • Day (*) August 2nd—conjunction is past (246).

  • Day (*) August 3rd—rain all day (251).

  • Day (*) August 4th—writing about the Land of Fires (V, chap. 11, 255).

  • Day (*) August 5th—writing about meeting He-pen-sheep (260).

  • Day (*) August 6th—writing about bedding down at camp (263).

  • Day (*) August 7th—Barsat and the Vanished People’s house event (265). A Neighbor (Windcloud) gives the Rajan an ancient chalice.

  • Day (*) August 8th—writing about meeting the Neighbors (266).

  • Day (*) August 9th—writing about the hike back to camp (273).

  • Day (*) August 10th—writing about sailing again (277).

  [ . . . ]

  • Day (*) The War break (V, chap. 12, 283). Weeks or months later. The Rajan has been wounded (283) while upriver (299).

  • Day (*) The Rajan’s forces pushed back again, nearly to town (287). The Rajan visits the front with Evensong, who interprets as he questions fresh prisoners on top of the elephant (288).

  • Day (*) The Rajan sends Bahar and Namak downriver, Bahar to buy food, and Namak to hire mercenaries (290). The front is now an hour’s ride away (291).

  • Day (*) Four prisoners kill themselves (291).

  • Day (*) The Rajan talks to prisoners (292).

  • Day (*) The Rajan writes it is nearly two years since Horn found the river to Pajarocu (293), which was in Fall. Truce agreed to between Gaon and Han.

  • Day (*) Hanese forces driven back (293).

  • Day (*) Armorer visits in morning (298), the Rajan has secret mission for next day.

  • Day (*) The Rajan rides elephant through impassable brush (299). Three boatloads of food from Bahar arrive (303).

  • Day (*) Pounding rain (302). The rainy season has started (303). Winter wheat should have been planted (303).

  [ . . . ]

  • Day (*) The Rajan returns after two days of rain—nearly 8 pm (304). They unearth Jahlee (V, chap. 13, 313).

  • Day (*) The Rajan writes the next day about unearthing Jahlee (313).

  [ . . . ]

  • Day (*) Four days after unearthing Jahlee, three days after last writing (322).

  • Day (*) The Rajan in bed much of day (336).

  [ . . . ]

  • Day (*) Away a long while. In another week the rainy season should end (V, chap. 14, 343). Oreb returns (346) after more than a year (369). [Implies he left before the rainy season the year before.]

  • Day (*) Two A.M. (V, chap. 14, 355).

  • Day (*) The Rajan and Evensong in escape boat, heading down river (V, chap. 15, 363). Scylsday (365). They travel about one day down the river before stopping.

  • Day (*) The war is over, won for Gaon, and so the inhumi are searching for the Rajan (V, chap. 16, 371). The Rajan leaves river, abandoning Evensong (376), trying to go northwest (377).

  [ . . . ]

  • Day (*) Last time the Rajan ate was two days before (377). He meets a forest god (378).

  [ . . . ]

  • Day (*) The Rajan meets Brother and Sister (378).

  • Day (*) Second day with Brother and Sister.

  • Day (*) Third day with Brother and Sister.

  • Day (*) Fourth day with Brother and Sister.

  • Day (*) The Rajan leaves Brother and Sister, they follow (379).

  • Day (*) In morning, Brother and Sister are gone (379). At night the Rajan dreams of Pig and Hound (379).

  • Day (*) The Rajan reads most of manuscript (380).

  • The total time the Rajan is in Gaon seems to be about a year. Oreb seems to have left shortly before the Rajan started writing, but the writing might have begun not on the first day in Gaon but after three months. The longer Oreb lingers, the more feathers he drops—see OREB’S QUILLS.

  Timeline 5. Blanko

  [ . . . ] signifies a break in the timeline

  (*) signifies unnumbered days

  • Day 1 Narrator in village of woodcutter Cugino (VI, chap. 1, 16), located one day south of Blanko (VI, chap. 2, 37). He has soup (VI, chap. 1, 24). A GOOD WOMAN fixes his torn robe (23).

  • Day 2 Narrator arrives in Blanko.

  • Day 3 Narrator starts writing, meets Inclito (VI
, chap. 1). Nearly a week since he heard any news from Gaon (29). Agrees to take the name Incanto. Goes to dinner at Inclito’s house. First storytelling game. Incanto sleeps at stationer’s. Dreams of being back in pit (chap. 3, 58).

  • Day 4

  • Incanto spends most of daylight hours sleeping off the heavy meal in alley barrel (chap. 5, 74). A week or 10 days since leaving Evensong (75). In the morning he talks with Mora (76). She says Inclito will write a letter to him, and she promises one when she gets home from palaestra (78).

  • Middle of afternoon in barrel (chap. 2, 35).

  • Incanto gets letter from Inclito, urging him to come and stay at the house (83–84). Then there is a letter from Fava. He goes to the palaestra, gives coachman a note to Inclito saying he would come not that day but the next (96).

  • Night at stationer’s (chap. 5, 74). Midnight (75).

  • Day 5 Morning (83). Afternoon ride with the girls Mora and Fava to house (chap. 6, 104). Night (93). Second story telling game (110). First experience of warping to Green (chap. 9, 145; 156), a “dream” interrupted by the Cook (chap. 13, 194).

  • Day 6

  • After midnight, a nightmare awakens him at Inclito’s house and he writes about searching for sword on Green (chap. 5, 90). He questions the kitchen maid (93). He tries to sleep again, writes more. Maid brings tea and tarts (94). Writing about night of Day 5 (chap. 9, 133).

  • Dawn. Fields about to be plowed for winter wheat (140). Breakfast. Sacrifice of a young bull reveals message from the Outsider and the Mother that the horde of Soldo has already set out to invade Blanko (chap. 10, 151). Dinner with two messengers (148).

  • Day 7 In the morning, Mora rides off with message (chap. 11, 171). Inclito goes after her, and both are captured (181). Incanto goes to Blanko, as ordered (chap. 12, 185). Horde (20 cavalry, 96 infantry) marches forth—first day of Mobilization (presumably). They nearly reach the last plowlands before they camp (186).

  • Day 8 Second day of march halts at night on word that enemy is near, at saddle. Vivo arrives with additional troops, bringing the total to 250. At night in camp, Incanto writes about morning of Day 7 (171). Then on patrol he meets mercenaries at saddle (180–82). He writes of this immediately after.

  • Day 9 Incanto trades himself for Inclito (chap. 12, 191). He is held with Fava, whom the mercenaries think is Mora (192). They huddle in the snow and warp to Green, taking along Captain Kupus’s company of 200 men. Incanto warps Oreb over, where he appears the size of a four-year-old child (chap. 13, 203). Incanto offers to return them to Blue if they leave the service of Soldo. They refuse and he leaves them in the prison cell, going into the sewer.

  • Day 10 After midnight Valico finds them there and says the whole camp is sleeping (chap. 14, 210). Incanto has Fava think of Duko’s palace in Soldo, and they warp there (215). Fava, Valico, Incanto, and Oreb meet Duko and sue for peace. He refuses. The other mercenaries follow Oreb in and try to shoot the Duko but then they are back on Green (220). Kupus pledges to follow him (chap. 15, 226). They take Sfido’s needler (230). They fight a worm in the sewer that kills Chaku and Teras (224). They fight against the City of Inhumi, intending to kill all inhumi (chap. 16, 236–38). When they warp back to Blue they find Chaku and Teras alive (224), but Fava has died in the snow.

  • Day 11 Writing about Day 9 (chap. 12, 183). With Kupus’s 200 and another group that arrives, Incanto now has more than 300 fresh mercenaries.

  [ . . . ]

  • Day (*) Incanto returns to Blanko, stays with Atteno the stationer (chap. 13, 192). He writes more about Day 9. The tenth of the month is only three days distant (195). The citizens are raising money (chap. 14, 220), but they want to cheat the mercenaries (222).

  [ . . . ]

  • Day 32 Blanko celebrating in evening at news that Olmo, besieged by Soldo, requests aid from Blanko. Incanto is still at Atteno’s, where he writes about Day 9 and the mercenaries in the sewer on Green (chap. 15, 224). Sfido arrives at door, first seen in ten days (227).

  • Day 33 After midnight, Incanto writes of Sfido’s visit (226). During the day, Sfido and Incanto drill Blanko troops.

  • Day 34 Sfido and Incanto drill Blanko troops (chap. 16, 238).

  • Day 34 Incanto writing of Days 33 to 34. Rimando arrives with letter (prologue) from Inclito (238), dated 27th day of the Mobilization. [Which means Day 34+, if Mobilization starts on Day 7.] Olmo has fallen (238).

  • Day (*) March two days to outpost location, where they dig ditches, sew thousands of sacks.

  • Day 38 Preparations for battle (241–43). Colbacco brings new men from the south, including Cugino and a boy who looks like Hoof and Hide (244).

  • Day 39 Morning—snowing (243). Incanto at farmhouse. Dinner with the old woman (244).

  • Day 40 Battle of Blanko. A few days after the letter (VI, chap. 17, 255). At this point the mercenaries had been with them almost half a month (253). Winter wheat is tall enough to hide a boar. Retreating Blanko troopers, 50 to 100, pass through after dawn (chap. 16, 244–45). Inclito is in the rearguard, which stays (245). The battle begins an hour or two past noon (258). Incanto and Terzo parlay. Second attack comes 15 minutes later (chap. 18, 270). They have shattered the Dragoons (269). Incanto forms up a group to give chase into the hills, in the morning (272). He writes about seeing a boy who looks like Hoof and Hide on Day 38.

  • Day 41 Midnight, writing a bit about the battle of Blanko, promising to write more next day (chap. 16, 245). Old woman visits and Incanto realizes she is Jahlee (248). After midnight, the second attack (VI, chap. 16, 246; chap. 18, 272) by the Ducal Bodyguard who forded the river (272–73). They wipe out the Bodyguard (269).

  • Morning after battle (274). Incanto takes a large force and moves to catch up with Inclito. Evening in the hills, not at the farmhouse (chap. 17, 247). Writing about the Battle of Blanko (248–67).

  • Day 42 Catch up with Inclito on second day (chap. 18, 275). A representative from Novella Citta arrives with 450 troopers (chap. 17, 267).

  • Day 43 Incanto writes “The End and Afterward” (chap. 18, 270–73) about the battle. He hopes to find an altar the next day (274).

  • Day 44 Incanto writes about the morning of Day 41 (274), then reports that on the current day they discovered the Duko disguised among their prisoners (275). Incanto interviews Duko Rigoglio, and Mucor appears in the campfire smoke to say that Babbie has returned (280).

  • Day 45 Oreb finds an altar of the Vanished People on a hill to north (chap. 19, 281). Incanto plans experiment to visit Green the next night (283). Incanto meets Cuoio and sees he is Hide. They sit on Fava’s gravestone (293). Hide says Horn left Lizard about three years ago (294). Baletiger episode, in which Cuoio kills game driven toward them. Incanto becomes ill that night (chap. 20, 297). Incanto writes about the day (chap. 19, 281).

  • Day 46


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