Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection

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Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection Page 24

by Jamie Knight

  Chapter 3 - Andrew

  I take the bouquet of roses and decide on a nice arrangement of carnations for the employee. Then Brian walks with me up to the register.

  "Did you find everything okay?" the salesgirl asks us.

  She has a pretty smile and seems friendly. She also has the perfect hourglass figure, which I can’t help but notice approvingly.

  "Why, yes, Sheila, I did," I reply, reading her name off the name tag she’s wearing on her shirt, which I noticed as I was trying not to look too obviously at her large breasts.

  She carefully rings up the flowers and smiles at us again.

  I don't know what it is about her, but I can't stop staring at her. She's smiling out of politeness; I can see that now. But I get the feeling she's not interested because she's not checking me out the way most women do.

  That would just be my luck. Usually women are throwing themselves at me but now that I can’t get my eyes off this one, she’s barely even looking at me.

  She’s really hot. But more than that, there’s something tempting about her that causes me to not be able to look away from her.

  "So, Sheila?" Brian asks.

  We both turn and look at him.

  I’m afraid he might be getting ready to hit on her, and I want her, so I quickly jump in and tell Sheila, “Hi, I’m Andrew.”

  She looks at me funny.

  "And I’m Brian. How do you like working in a flower shop? Does it pay well?" he asks.

  We both look at him, confused, although I think I might know where he’s going with this line of questioning and I wish he wouldn’t. He’s so obsessed with his damn auction idea. I should have known he’d be more interested in setting that up than on hitting on Sheila. The polite smile returns to her face before she answers.

  "I enjoy working here a lot. I always have," she replies happily.

  As I pull out my credit card to pay for the flowers, Brian snatches one of my business cards out of my wallet and hands it to her.

  "If you are ever interested, my buddy Andrew and I have a fun way for you to make good money," Brian suggests with a wink.

  I'm being put on the spot, so I smile at her.

  "It’s more his idea," is all I can think of to say.

  Sheila looks offended at what Brian said. I wish he knew when to keep his big mouth fucking shut!

  "No thanks, I make good money and I'm very happy working here," she replies, while rather roughly handing me my credit card and flowers. “So, I’m not interested. Not at all.”

  Her friendly demeanor has changed to one of annoyance, which I can understand. I'm disappointed to see that she is no longer smiling, though.

  I decide to jump in to try to smooth things over.

  “Perhaps just for fun then,” I say with a wink. “Might be interesting to hang out when we don’t have to worry about work.”

  “I like worrying about work,” she says, shrugging. “I find that interesting.”

  Well, I have to hand it to her. She sure knows how to put up a challenge. If there’s anything I like more than curvy a woman, it’s a feisty woman. And Sheila seems to have both areas covered.

  Is she my dream woman? I wonder, and then I tell myself to knock off that line of thinking.

  I don’t do commitment, other than to my businesses.

  That keeps me busy enough.

  Brian pats the business card on the counter. He’s already gone and pissed her off – why can’t he leave well enough alone?

  "We'll leave this here in case you change your mind," he says, clearly still trying to convince her.

  She frowns at us and then looks away, saying loudly, "I can help the next customer," even though there’s no one else waiting other than a lone browser of the balloon and teddy bear section close to the register, but clearly that person isn’t ready to buy anything yet.

  We turn and walk out of the store. I think about telling Brian he went and ruined my chances with Sheila by pressing his auction idea so hard, but I know I didn’t really have much of a chance with her to begin with. For whatever reason, she really wasn’t interested.

  I like a good challenge, but she probably has a boyfriend, or girlfriend, so I wasn’t planning to push the issue too much more once she gave me the hint that she wasn’t receptive. Still, he shouldn’t go around being so obvious, if he wants his auction idea to work out.

  People in a small town talk and word will spread.

  While we're walking back towards the office, Brian turns to me and says, "Thanks for all your help in there,” in a very sarcastic and impatient tone.

  I look at him, shocked.

  "What are you talking about?" I ask.

  "Come on," he scoffs. "You obviously like her. I was trying to get her to join our auction so that maybe you can have some fun with her and all you can say is, 'I'm Andrew. This isn’t really my idea.’"

  He huffs out the way I said my name, mocking me.

  “Me?” I explode. “You were the one being so obvious and getting me involved with your perverted auction idea. What were you even thinking? Handing out my business card and saying we can help her make money? People are going to think we’re soliciting prostitutes!”

  I’m annoyed because I wasn’t even going to bring it up to him and yet he has the gall to bring it up to me.

  That takes some fucking nerve.

  We're back inside the office building now so I hand the flowers to my receptionist, asking her to have the roses delivered to my mother and to give the carnations to the employee.

  Brian then rides the elevator with me up to my office and we finish our conversation here, where we have privacy.

  "Look, I know you worry about everything to the point of paranoia, but I just thought it would be a good opportunity for you to cut loose," Brian says, shrugging.

  "I know, and I appreciate it, but I think you upset her instead," I reply.

  "Yeah, she looked ready to throw us out," Brian laughs. "But you never know..."

  He sighs.

  “I guess you’re right that I should try to be less obvious about it,” he says. “I’m just getting kind of desperate trying to find a place and recruit some women. Things like that in a small town are so hard compared to in a bigger city, and I’m out of my element here.”

  “I understand,” I tell him. “We’ll think of something.”

  We get out of the elevator and stand in silence for a few seconds before he pats me on the back.

  "I'll let you get back to work. I have plans across town, meeting with Bank of Idaho about doing the computer security on their new mobile banking app," he says before leaving.

  "Ok, I'll see what I can come up with for your auction. It might take a few days though," I reply.

  "No worries, I know you can handle it," he says, flashing me a thumbs up before leaving.

  I'm still standing by the window. I make sure no one is near before I stand on my tip toes and peek out.

  I'm trying to see if I can see the flower shop from here. I'm disappointed when I can't. I go back and sit at my desk, determined to focus only on work.

  I have a lot of it that I need to get done by the end of the day, but I can't concentrate. I keep thinking about Sheila, remembering her smile and the happy way that she talks.

  She seems different than most of the other people that I know. Like she's genuinely happy about life. It’s a breath of fresh air. Working in the business world, I’ve noticed that most of the people I meet seem stressed out or apathetic.

  I wonder what her laugh sounds like. Sadly, I didn’t get to hear it because Brian pissed her off too quickly.

  I find myself wishing I could see her again. But I doubt I'll be able to, after that stunt that Brian pulled.

  I know he meant well, but there's no way Sheila is going to trust me now.

  I wonder what it would have been like if she had participated in an auction.

  Would I have won her?

>   I imagine her eyes lit up by lust and desire instead of happiness. Her curvaceous naked body pressed against mine. She's smiling in my fantasy, but in a different way than she was in the shop.

  She’s teasing me. Telling me, "you know you want me, " her lips forming a pout when I don't kiss her right away.

  I reach for her, pulling her close. She's ready for me. Her voluptuous breasts are pushing into my face. I bury myself in them, kissing and licking her nipples. She moans for me like I wanted her to, saying my name softly under her breath as I pleasure her curvy body.

  I try to shake these thoughts out of my head and concentrate on work, but I can't. I decide to focus on the auction. Making it happen and getting her to participate are my only chances I might have of making my dreams of being with her a reality.

  I look out the window and wonder what she's doing right now. The sky is getting dark, so she's probably going home.

  I wonder if she lives alone? Or if she'll remember me in the morning? I hope she kept my business card.

  I pull some files out of my desk drawer and start reading up on one of the possible venues for the auction. This is the kind of work that will keep my mind busy all night, although the daydreams of her that interrupt are a much-welcomed distraction.

  Chapter 4 - Sheila

  Later that day, it's almost time to go home. There are maybe about 15 minutes left before the store closes. Marsha is seeing the last few customers out the door before going back to her office.

  We have pretty much called it a night already. Since it's so late, I know Marsha isn't paying attention anymore. I quickly pull out my phone to call my friend Tammy. I can't wait to tell her about what those two guys said to me earlier.

  I know I can count on her for advice. She's adventurous, but kind of reckless as well. I secretly admire that about her. As I wait for her to answer the phone, I pull Andrew’s business card out of my pocket.

  I stare at it. I've been doing that all day long. And I trace the letters embossing his name onto the card.

  A-n-d-r-e-w Y-a-m-m-o-n.

  It’s a pretty distinguished sounding name.

  Or maybe that’s just the effect the feel of the fancy card has on my brain.

  I’m not used to meeting such rich men as Andrew and his friend Brian appear to be. I told them I made great money at the flower shop, but that was a bit of a white lie.

  I only make decent money. Better than flipping burgers, but not nearly as good as an office job. Or whatever they had in mind for me to do as a “money making opportunity.” But it’s enough to pay rent and the job is good experience for my long-term goal, so there are benefits other than financial ones.

  "You'll never guess what happened to me today!" I exclaim, when Tammy finally answers the phone.

  "Well, hello to you too. What's up?" she asks.

  She's quiet for a few minutes after I tell her everything that Andrew and Brian said to me.

  "Did you hear me?" I ask, when she doesn't say anything.

  "Of course I did!" she responds. "I was just kind of sitting here in shock, and in jealousy. You should totally do it.”

  "No way!" I say.

  "Come on, imagine how much fun it will be, not to mention exciting!" she encourages me.

  "I know, and the money would be great too, since it could help me start my own business," I reply, following her thoughts. “Like you have.”

  “I know!” she agrees. “You’ve been wanting to open your own flower shop for a long time. Just like before I wanted to open my bakery and I went for it, but that was with my parents’ financial help. This opportunity could give you the boost you need to do it all on your own.”

  But then I shake my head no.

  "I don't know if I could do something like that, though. It’s clearly some kind of escort type thing, right? And, I mean, a prostitute, maybe? Or whatever it was they wanted? It sounds so tacky," I reply.

  I try to picture it in my head, but I still can't see myself parading around as someone’s arm candy, or exchanging sex for money, or whatever it is, exactly, that escorts even do.

  Is that like a fancy word for prostitution? I wonder. Or do they really just escort a man to an event, like the name implies? Maybe I should find out…

  "Well, it's your choice, but I'm telling you the money sounds good, and it could be a lot of fun. Now tell me about his friend; he sounds cute," she says, acting curious.

  We both laugh.

  "You're so crazy!" I tell her.

  "I know," she replies happily. “But I’ve always been curious, and you’ve always been my friend, so I don’t know what else you would expect.”

  “Very true,” I have to concede, because she does have a good point.

  I glance at the clock.

  "I have to go; it's closing time. I'll call you when I get home?" I ask.

  "Yeah, I'm staying in tonight; drive safe!" she replies, before hanging up.

  I hang up the phone on my end just as Marsha walks in from the back room, where she had been doing the bookkeeping and tracking the sales for the day.

  "Ready to go home?" she asks cheerfully.

  "I sure am!" I reply, grabbing my purse.

  We both walk out the door together, after she pauses to turn off the lights and lock up.

  "Have a good night and stay safe!" she says, as we walk to our cars.

  "You too!" I call out, and then she drives off.

  I sit in my car, turning the radio to my favorite station. I hum along with the pop song that's playing. This kind of music always puts me in a happy mood.

  The drive from the flower shop to my apartment isn't a long one, but I stop to get a pizza along the way. I'm in the mood to treat myself tonight.

  I’ll eat this pizza, and maybe watch a movie, I think to myself. There's a nice romantic comedy on TV tonight.

  "What's wrong with me?" I think, as I'm driving.

  I'm not usually in this type of a mood. A good, light, fluffy one, to be specific. I don’t even usually like rom-coms.

  To be honest, I've been feeling a little off since meeting Andrew and his friend Brian this afternoon.

  Or should I say I’ve been feeling “on”? I wonder.

  There’s no doubt that Andrew, specifically, has revved my engine.

  I push him out of my head, though. I don't want to think about that right now. I’m not used to a guy taking up so many of my thoughts.

  Instead, I hurry home and sit on the couch, cozy in my pajamas. I pick at my slices of pizza while watching the movie.

  I watch the couple on TV gaze in adoration at each other and surprise myself by thinking it looks a little cute.

  I wonder if Marsha and her husband ever do that?

  Maybe falling in love isn't as bad as it seems.

  I try to picture myself in that situation and shake my head. Feeling lonesome, I pour myself a glass of wine. I take a sip and set the glass on the coffee table. I lean back against the couch cushions. The movie switches to a romantic sex scene.

  I imagine myself in the arms of the leading man. I think about how it feels to have him kiss me passionately. Suddenly it’s not the actor from the TV anymore. It’s Andrew.

  I'm shocked but I can't stop myself from thinking about it. My hand slips inside my pants. I start gently stroking my pussy. I imagine that it's Andrew instead of me. He's teasing me, getting me ready for what I really want.

  I stroke my fingers up and down, lightly playing with my clit. I imagine him sucking on it. The thought makes me thrust against my hand.

  That felt so good that I do it again. I change the fantasy and imagine that he is actually inside me. That feels even better.

  I start to moan as I imagine him pushing against me. It's not my fingers, but his cock that's sliding in and out me. Faster and faster.

  I can't hold back anymore. Thinking about Andrew playing with and sucking on my clit makes me cum all over my fingers.

n I get up and wash them off in the bathroom. I sit back on the couch and gulp the rest of my wine. I can't believe I just did that. The movie is long over so I change the channel and settle for the local news station. I need to distract myself. It doesn't help.

  I still end up thinking about Andrew. He was so handsome but was also sort of quiet. His friend, Brian, was a little conceited, and irritating, but they were both hot. Still, my personal tastes gravitate a lot more towards Andrew. There was definitely chemistry between us, even though I tried not to act like I felt it.

  Andrew didn't stop Brian from leaving his business card. I wonder if that means that he likes me, or if he just wanted me to join in on that money-making opportunity they were telling me about.

  If so, I guess it could be kind of exciting. I mean, I might get a chance to be with him. I pull his card out of my purse and look at it again. I read his name and number once more, before setting it on the table next to the empty wine glass.

  I try to distract myself again by washing the glass and putting away the leftover pizza. That doesn’t help. I pace the living room, ignoring the TV.

  I replay my conversation with them in my head.

  I wonder what they meant when they were talking about this opportunity?

  Maybe I was too hasty in rejecting them?

  I tell myself I’m only interested in the money aspect – who wouldn’t be? – but part of me knows I’m obsessed with this Andrew guy. I’d known that a tech company had expanded by opening a branch in our tax-friendly state, but it isn’t every day a hot billionaire walks in and flirts with me.

  He’s a hot billionaire, too. It’s definitely not every day that a guy has money and good looks.

  I never thought a guy like that would want to date me, but it seemed pretty obvious that he did. I want to see him again, even though I know I shouldn’t.

  And this might be just the way to do it.

  I know I won't be able to sleep tonight. My mind feels so confused. I never get this way and I hate feeling like this.

  Hopefully a good night’s sleep will help me get Andrew, that mysterious and handsome billionaire with a friend who has some kind of money-making opportunity for me, off my mind.


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