Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection

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Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection Page 25

by Jamie Knight

  Chapter 5 - Sheila

  The next morning when I arrive at the flower shop to start my shift, I tell myself that I have finally gotten the thoughts from yesterday out of my mind. I’m done thinking about Andrew. Or so I keep repeating to myself, anyway.

  "Good morning, Marsha!" I greet my manager as I walk in.

  I'm surprised to see her out of the office right now.

  Usually she’s in there doing the morning inventory.

  "Slow morning?" I ask as I look around.

  I notice there are no customers.

  "Good morning, Sheila... um... no..." she says.

  I get the feeling she wants to tell me something but she's hesitating. I feel impatient and worried, wishing she would just spit it out already.

  "Sheila, you have been such a great employee..." she starts to say.

  I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  I think I know where this conversation is going.

  She continues talking.

  "And because of that, I'm sorry to do this to you, but I have to lay you off. It’s not because you’re a bad employee. It has nothing to do with you, so don’t take it that way. It’s just that I'm closing the store, because my husband and I are going to sail the world!"

  She says the last part in an excited tone, which, strangely, I get caught up in. I guess it’s better than the slow, sad tone she was using towards the beginning of what she was saying, when she was breaking the bad news to me.

  "Oh, wow, that sounds like fun," I admit, because in all honesty, it does.

  "Yes! I can't wait to leave already," she replies with a dreamy sigh.

  I look around at the store again, thinking about all the happy moments I’ve spent working here.

  All my dreams of opening such a store myself.

  Then another thought occurs to me.

  "Marsha, what’s going to happen to the store?" I ask.

  She looks at me as if she’s confused. Her perfectly manicured eyebrows are slightly raised and pointed inwards towards each other.

  "What do you mean?" she asks, before glancing at her watch.

  Clearly, I’m taking up her time. She’s supposed to be packing her bags to sail the world by now, no doubt.

  "I mean, is someone going to buy the store? Will it reopen?" I ask.

  I don't want this place to stand empty, though – not when I’ve come to love it this much. Marsha gives me a puzzled look, then puts some files from the office into her purse.

  "I don't know, eventually, but it will probably just end up being empty for a while. No one wants to own a flower shop. It’s a lot of work for little profit, unless someone is truly passionate about it. Whoever buys this building will probably turn the store into something else. Sure, I’ll miss working with the flowers and even with the customers sometimes, although some of them can be grumpy and ridiculous. But I don't want to worry about that now," she rambles on.

  I'm only partially listening to her. Instead, I'm busy thinking about how this could be my chance to make my dream come true but it’s slipping away. I don't have the money to afford this place, no matter how badly I want it. In my head, I'm adding up all the money I have in my bank account, but it’s still nowhere near enough. I know I’m being naïve.

  My mom always said I was a big dreamer. I like to think I’m a big “doer,” too, but so far all I’ve done is work here and dream about owning it, since I don’t have a way to actually make that happen.

  Marsha looks at me again. Her eyebrows have calmed back down but now her lips are pursed in a small, thoughtful frown.

  "Why are you so interested in what happens to the store?" she asks curiously. "Are you thinking of buying it?"

  She sounds amused by the thought. Then she even laughs a bit. I can tell she’s tossing out the suggestion as a joke, to break the ice, rather than because she thinks I actually could buy it.

  "Well...." is all I say.

  I'm about to admit the truth, that I want to, but I have no money, so that would be a stupid thing to say. But then a thought occurs to me.

  "Um, actually, maybe," I reply.

  My words obviously startle her for a second. Her expression quickly changes to one of disbelief. I expected her to react this way but it’s still rather stinging. I guess she doesn’t think I could actually pull it off.

  "If it’s okay, I'll be back in a little bit to talk to you some more about this opportunity?" I ask, trying to put on my most professional tone.

  I’m not used to trying to do business. I’m used to stocking the store with flowers and ringing up customers. I’m not even sure how one makes the transition from employee to owner, but I’m willing to fake it ‘till I make it, as the saying goes.

  She gives me an amused little smile.

  "Sure, I'll be here a while longer. Take your time," she replies.

  She's going through all the files and papers she had in the office, which I now see that she had brought out and sat on top of the counter where the register is. It’s obvious that she was doing her work out here while waiting for me to come in so that she could break the bad news to me right away.

  I don’t know how I hadn’t noticed. Then again, I don’t know how I hadn’t noticed a lot of things. She had clearly been ready to get the heck out of dodge for quite some time now, and I had been oblivious, lost in my dreams of having the kind of career I would love – and, more recently, in thinking of the hot guy who could take my virginity.

  Maybe these two things are related, in the pursuit to make my dream come true, I now realize.

  I try to keep my nerves calm as I grab my purse and walk outside. I walk quickly to my car and sit inside. I take a few deep breaths, then finish planning out my idea.

  This would be the perfect opportunity to follow Tammy’s advice and take Brian and Andrew up on their offer. I'm still nervous though, and my stomach is in knots as I think about it.

  I can't afford to be scared now, though. This might be my only chance at owning my own shop. I can't let this opportunity pass me by.

  Besides, I know Marsha. She's a nice person. She'll probably let me have it at a good price. It’s not like she needs the money. She’ll be off in Barbados with her rich hubby, smiling while they toast to her graciousness at giving me such a good deal.

  I try to imagine her reaction when I walk in and say I have the money to buy the store. That would surprise everyone – that’s for sure.

  I debate calling Tammy to ask for her opinion on my idea. I know I don't need to, though – it would only be a way to stall for time. Her advice was pretty clear last night. She’d just tell me to put up or shut up, already, in typical Tammy style.

  I pull Andrew’s business card out of my purse. This time I notice that both of their numbers are on it. I was so focused on Andrew yesterday that I didn't notice this before.

  I wonder what kind of business they do, but then I shake my head.

  No more distractions.

  I pull my phone out of my purse and then I glance at the time. It’s mid-morning. They should be able to answer. I get butterflies in my stomach at the thought of calling Andrew.

  Maybe Brian would be a better choice. He might be easier to talk to, since he seems so conceited. I'm used to dealing with guys like that. They’re a piece of cake, once they realize I’m truly not interested. Then they just tell me whatever I need to know, so that I don’t hurt their wounded pride any longer than is necessary.

  I start to dial in the phone number that’s on the card and then I stop. I need to go over what I'm going to say. Plus, I need to make sure that he remembers me. I want to sound professional. I don't want to come across as desperate, like I'm begging for money or sex.

  I tell myself that I'm only doing this for the shop. A small part of me wonders if I would enjoy the sex, though.

  Maybe I'd like to be with a man as handsome or as wealthy as Andrew. I would never have to worry about my business.
br />   I call him and then I wait in anticipation as the phone rings.

  He doesn't answer. I hang up as it goes to his voicemail. I'm disappointed and ready to give up on my idea. I can't give up, though. I want this way too bad.

  I call him back and get his voicemail again. I take a deep breath before I leave him a message, along with my number. I remind him who I am and that I have decided to take him up on his offer.

  Then I hang up and try to calm my excitement. I can't believe I just did that. I stare at the phone, anxiously waiting for him to call back. Then I notice that I’m tapping my fingers against the steering wheel just as anxiously.

  This guy had better call me back.

  Who the hell walks into a flower shop and propositions a worker and then doesn’t answer when she calls like he wanted her to?

  Chapter 6 - Andrew

  After receiving the message, I call Brian, and play it for him.

  "You got your wish. Now call her," he encourages me, when it’s done playing.

  "You don’t have to tell me twice," I reply.

  He laughs and I’m feeling smug. I knew there was a part of Sheila that would be interested in being with me. Even if I momentarily lost confidence in myself, which isn’t normally like me. She certainly has a way of consuming my thoughts throwing me off my game.

  I quickly call her back.

  "Hello, Sheila? It's Andrew. I just got your message," I say, sounding smooth and confident, proud at myself for knowing she’d call even if it had seemed like she wouldn’t.

  I’m shocked by her curt tone, though, when she sighs and says, "Andrew. I guess you were screening my calls first. That’s okay, because, like I said in my voicemail, I’m only interested in the money-making opportunity, so this could be a win-win for both of us. Listen. Just tell me more about that, please.”

  I start to explain, not used to having to falter with a woman. Usually, I’m the one trying to get rid of them, but Sheila has me off my game, and almost feeling like begging her to keep talking to me, which isn’t like me at all.

  "Well, I agree it’s a great opportunity for both of us to get what we want. In fact, if you let me explain further..." I start to say, but sure enough, she cuts me off.

  "Don't bullshit me with all of your smooth talk. I already know it’s some kind of escort service or some other unsavory thing like that. Just give me the details without trying to make it sound better than it is," she snaps.

  Now it’s my turn to sigh. I can tell I’m going to have my hands full with her. I like a challenge, though. It makes life more interesting.

  "Very well. It’s more of an event. An auction, specifically. Though we still need a place to host it. Typically, it works like this: women can auction off anything they like, from a date to their virginity, and the men bid on them. In fact, I would love it very much if you would participate in the auction for a date with me."

  I’m back to feeling as if I’m in my true form, but I'm interrupted by her again.

  "Is there a fee for hosting the event?" she asks.

  Her tone is still curt.

  "Yes..." I reply, realizing that she has an angle here, and that that angle isn’t parallel, as in, underneath me, like I would like it to be.

  "How much?" she wants to know.

  "$100,000," is my answer.

  She is silent on the phone for a few seconds. I wonder what she’s thinking.

  "Okay, you can have your auction at the flower shop," she says after a few seconds.

  Before I can talk, she adds, "Just to clarify, I will not be participating in the auction. This isn't my sort of thing. I’m just glad for the business opportunity of hosting the event. And I’m taking a big risk here, since if word gets out that I’m doing this, my flower shop will be killed off before it even has the chance to be mine. So, can you please ask your friend Brian to keep this on the down low better than he was doing in the shop?"

  "Okay, yes, I agree. I’ll tell him. It sounds like we have a deal. I'll call you later on, during the week, to discuss further details," I reply, trying to match her curt tone.

  "Sounds good. I will be expecting your call," she replies, sounding very professional, and then she hangs up.

  I chuckle to myself as I hang up my own phone. I'm still amused by her curt tone and responses, and I’m back in good spirits because I could sense that she was trying to sound aloof, when really, she wants me. I have no doubts that I'll be able to convince her to be a part of the auction.

  Plus, I look forward to passing her message along to Brian. She’s right – he shouldn’t be so obviously obsessed with this goal of his that he goes and spoils it by blabbing his mouth too loudly about our auction plans.

  I'm thankful that she called and I got her message while I was still at home. I'm not expected to be at the office for a while, so I sit back in my recliner and imagine what it would be like, winning the date with her.

  I have no doubt that she would be reluctant at first, like she was on the phone. I would have to soften her up with some dinner, maybe a few glasses of wine. I like her feisty spirit, but I wonder what it would be like if she were more relaxed. She would probably be more willing to let me kiss her or touch her.

  That thought doesn't turn me on as much as the thought of her resisting me. My dick grows hard at the image of her pulling away from me a little as she tries to fend off my kisses.

  Her body is rigid in my arms at first, but gradually she loosens up for me. I start stroking my dick as I imagine her legs crossed, trying to keep me out. Finally, she lets me in though, because I’m kissing her neck and her lips in a way that drives her crazy.

  She pretends not to enjoy it, but I know deep down that she really does.

  I imagine myself exploring her body with my hands.

  My fingers sliding all over her clit, as well as inside of her.

  Will she moan for me?

  I keep stroking myself as I imagine that I’m sliding my fingers inside her tight little pussy hole a few times. I can feel her wetness and I know she's ready for me. I slide my dick in her pussy and feel its walls wrap around me.

  I tighten my grip on my dick, pretending that it’s her pussy. I hope that it feels this tight and good when I do actually have sex with her. I picture her clawing at me, pulling on the sheets of my bed in desire.

  As I continue to touch myself, the fantasy changes. She's going down on me. I hold her by the hair as her mouth moves up and down. I can feel myself sliding deeper into her mouth each time.

  She's fucking incredible!

  I feel myself hit the back of her throat. I can’t help but cum in my hand as I imagine myself cumming in her mouth.

  Then I go to the bathroom to clean up and get ready for work. I won't relent until I have her in that auction. I have never been one to give up easily and I don't intend to start now.

  I want her and will do everything I can to get her.

  She can only resist me for so long.

  As I dress for work, I remember my promise to call her during the week. I think an in-person visit would be better, though. I can meet her at her flower shop.

  I will say that I'm there to go over the plans and see if it’s the right place for the auction. I think I have a better chance at convincing her to participate in person rather than over the phone. Plus, I will be able to see her reactions and view how she really feels about me.

  Throughout my whole drive to the office, Sheila is all I can think about. It’s difficult to concentrate on work thanks to her, and that’s usually the one thing I pride myself on.

  I know she is only a few blocks away from me and that thought is driving me insane. I want to walk over and see her, but it’s too soon. I just spoke to her a couple of hours ago. So I do my best to concentrate on work.

  That’s no use, though. Normally, I’m extremely productive and efficient, making sure I prepare and follow a system for everything. Today, though, all I can think of is Sheila.

  I come up with a list of questions that I want to ask Brian about the auction. He's busy right now, so I schedule a call with him for later. I still haven't been introduced to the auctioneer yet or anything. That should be the first thing on my list.

  Next, I decide, rolling my eyes at myself, that I should be trying to focus on something – anything – other than Sheila, and set my mind to doing that.

  Chapter 7 - Sheila

  I'm at the shop all by myself today, since Marsha left a few days ago with her husband. We came up with an arrangement where I could stay in the shop and sell all the flowers that she left behind.

  I even get to keep the money that I make from the sales, and in exchange, she didn’t have to worry about disposing of them before leaving for her trip. The deal is pretty mutually beneficial, and now I just have to concentrate on building up more money with which to pay her to take over the flower shop – hence my agreeing to have the auction here.

  I was glad when Andrew said there was such a big hosting fee, because now I don’t have to participate. Even though the idea of letting him take my virginity for even more money is very tempting indeed.

  It's been a busy morning. I'm so proud that I've sold about half of the remaining flowers.

  This is giving me a lot of practice for when I’m finally able to buy the store and start running it on my own. It's around noon and I'm just finishing up with a customer when I see Brian and Andrew walk in. Alongside them is a woman I don’t know.

  I'm surprised to see them. I thought Andrew was going to call, not just show up. I’m a little nervous about this woman who’s with them – I thought I’d made myself clear that this whole arrangement had to be kept a secret.

  As soon as the customer I was helping walks out the door, I go over to Brian and Andrew.

  "Hello," I say, in my most business-like tone.

  Brian smiles at me.

  "Hey there!" he replies, being overly friendly.

  Andrew gives me a polite smile. He introduces me to the woman who is with them.


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