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Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection

Page 26

by Jamie Knight

  "This is Julia, the auctioneer. We dropped by to go over the information about you hosting the auction here in your flower shop," he explains.

  I nod at him and then he says, “Is it your flower shop?”

  I know I should say no. But I prefer to just let him think it is without having to get into the explanations.

  What if he needs Marsha’s permission? I wonder.

  She could hardly sign a document from the Bahamas, or wherever it is that she might be right about now. I don’t want anything holding up my hosting fee.

  So, instead of answering Andrew, I look at Julia.

  "Oh, okay. I'm Sheila," I introduce myself, trying not to be nervous.

  She nods at me, then looks around the flower shop. She clearly means business.

  "This place will do. We are having women flown in from neighboring cities and states, the larger ones. But it is important that we reach out to the local women as well – stealthily, and using great discretion, of course – and encourage them to attend. We need as many as possible for this event to work."

  She says all of this matter-of-factly, while walking around, as if she’s discussing planning a wedding or a birthday party instead of a virginity auction. She addresses the last part to Brian and Andrew, I’m assuming. It doesn’t matter to me whether they have one woman or twenty-seven.

  Julia, Andrew and Brian discuss the different ways to approach prospective women about the event and how to keep it tactful and secretive yet make it sound intriguing. I want to tell them that money talks and all they need to do is mention the huge sums attached to this opportunity, but I don’t want to sound too greedy myself, so I remain quiet. A few minutes later, Julia looks at me.

  "I'll be back in one week to host the auction. We'll have to take a fee out of the profits for flying in some of the women," she explains.

  I nod in understanding. I guess that makes sense. It’s not as if I know how these things normally work. I didn’t even know there were such things until recently.

  "I'll have everything ready," I assure her.

  Looking satisfied by my answer, she leaves with Brian. He's asking questions about the big city women. I notice that Andrew is still there, so I go back behind the register. I don't know if I want him to stay or leave.

  "I'm glad you are going to be at the auction," he says in his charming voice.

  I try to be curt with him, which I have been from the beginning, but in person, it’s a lot easier said than done. On the phone, it was less of a challenge. But now he’s staring at me with his big eyes and I’m looking at his big chest and wondering how big his cock is.


  "Just to clarify again, I'm only hosting the event. Not participating," I tell him, as sternly as I can.

  I'm trying my best not to look at him so I pretend to clean up the store.

  "That’s too bad. I would gladly pay good money to do this to you if you were participating," he says, catching me off guard with a kiss.

  I'm surprised but I can't help myself. I kiss him back. It’s like an electric current pulls me to him and I can’t resist it. I can feel his tongue slide into my mouth. It feels so good against mine. I wrap my arms around his shoulders.

  Suddenly I feel one of his legs in between my own two, pushing them apart. He takes a step closer and I can feel his large, erect package pushing against me.

  It feels even bigger than I was expecting.

  And it’s certainly ready for me.

  I can't help myself. He pulls me closer as I start rubbing and grinding against him. I hear him groan softly. I realize what I’m doing and I suddenly stop.

  I am so embarrassed. I can feel my face turning red.

  "I'm sorry. I need to get back to work," I mutter as I turn and walk away.

  I'm so embarrassed I can't even look at him.

  He clears his throat before apologizing.

  "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to distract you from your work. I'm usually busy with work myself..."

  There's a hesitation in his voice that makes me look up at him. He's fidgeting with the petals on a flower. A red rose.

  "To be frank, I’m usually a busy guy who doesn’t have time to indulge in frivolous passions. There's just something about you. I don't know what it is, but it makes me want to stop and smell the roses," he admits softly.

  I look at him in shock.

  He smiles at me.

  "I'll see you at the auction," he replies, and then leaves.

  Wow, is all I can think. I'm so hot and excited that I rush to the bathroom.

  I play with my pussy as I think about what we just did. I'm so turned on by it that I can’t help it. It’s like there’s a burning fire in me I just have to put out. One look at him and I’m feverishly touching myself.

  He was so forward, what with the way he drew me to him and kissed me while pressing himself up against me.

  What if he had told me to turn around so that he could rub his cock up against my ass?

  What if he’d said to smell the roses lined up against the wall in my store while he took his cock out and slapped it on my bare skin?

  I have no idea where these thoughts are coming from. I don’t usually fantasize about rough sex. But I want him to take me, to claim me as his own, to do whatever he wants with me.

  My fingers rub my clit faster, harder, while I think about him picking me up and then throwing me down on the counter— the very same one I usually ring up customers on. He’d put his cock in me for my very first time while I grabbed ahold of the cash register to steady myself.

  “Shhh,” he’d say, putting one hand over my mouth and the other on my breast.

  He’d squeeze my nipple and play with it while I came all over his big cock.

  In real life, I’m cumming now, all over my hand, wishing it was his big dick. I want to feel him inside me, taking my virginity. I want him to fill me up with his cock and then with his cum.

  Once I come down from the high, I’m surprised at how naughty my thoughts are. He certainly has a way of making me turn into a little nympho for him, even in my fantasies. I’d hate to see what would happen in real life! That’s why I cannot participate in his crazy auction.

  I hurry to clean myself and rush to call Tammy.

  I have to tell her about this. When she finally answers, I excitedly tell her about everything that happened, including what Andrew said about me.

  "You know what you have to do, then?" she asks, after a few seconds of listening.

  "Date him?" I ask.

  "No!" she replies. "Sell your virginity to him."

  She seems so sure of herself, as if obviously this is what I have to do. I wish I felt so sure about that.

  I’ve always admired Tammy for finding her way in life so easily. She runs a successful bakery and everyone loves the treats she makes. She’s loved to bake since we grew up together in elementary school, and in a small town, word of such talents gets around. So it was a no-brainer for her to start her own business doing it, whereas I’m still struggling to achieve my dream of running my own flower shop.

  At least Andrew can help me accomplish that goal, though. And if I listen to Tammy, he might be able to help me lose my virginity in the process, too.

  "No! I can't do that!" I protest, common sense taking over my thoughts.

  Although that idea is exciting, I’m only interested in opportunities that can help me start my own business.

  "Well, suit yourself. I'll be there, though. I'm curious to see what this is all about," she replies.

  "Oh, that's great! We need more women in the area to participate!" I encourage her.

  I feel like I'm doing my part to help with the auction.

  "Oh, no. I'm just going to watch. This isn't my type of thing," she explains.

  "Oh, like it’s mine?” I tease her.

  “I know. But you’re so into this guy. It’s obvious. You just have to do it.”

�I’ll think about it. And I'll talk to you later," I reply, as we both hang up.

  It will be nice to have her there for moral support. I glance at the clock. I’d like to sell a few more bouquets and make a little more money before I go home tonight. I know I should concentrate on work. But I can't stop thinking about Andrew and what he said to me.

  I wonder how I feel about him for real, since I keep flip flopping back and forth between raging desire and common sense. I have to remind myself again that I'm only doing this to help my business. It’s getting more difficult to keep convincing myself of that, though. I stare out the window and wonder what he’s doing right now.

  I'm excited by the thought that he wants me to participate in the auction so badly. A date with him would be incredible, but I don't know if I could bring myself to do anything more. I'm not even sure of how I feel about him.

  I know he's handsome and interesting. He seems a lot nicer than his friend Brian, who comes across as more stern and business-like. I'm afraid to let myself feel anything beyond that, though.

  The kiss was incredible, as well. I think I could handle some more of that...

  What am I saying?

  I never think like this!

  And it’s about time I make myself stop.

  Chapter 8 - Sheila

  It’s the day of the auction and I'm standing in a group with Brian, Tammy and Andrew. I'm nervous as I look around.

  The turnout is a lot smaller than I expected it was going to be. I'm glad Tammy is here. I also see a few other women that I recognize from around town.

  I wave at one of them, Amelia, with whom I went to high school. But she’s good friends with Tammy’s rival in high school, so I try not to talk to her too much, lest Tammy break off our friendship for the inexcusable crime of cozying up with the enemy.

  I don’t really think Tammy would do that. But nor do I want to get on her bad side – that girl can be feisty!

  Apparently, Julia was able to fly in some other women from the larger cities, but it doesn't look like it’s enough for this auction to be a very happening place.

  I notice that the women from my town look as nervous as I feel. Amelia is pulling at her skirt and seeming uncomfortable. I guess Brian notices this too.

  "This isn't like the auctions I’m used to in San Fran or Seattle. The women here are too shy and nervous. They clearly aren't interested in doing this," he complains.

  I roll my eyes at him.

  "Well, what did you expect from this small town where everyone knows everyone else and all the people who live here gossip constantly?" I reply sarcastically.

  I’m not sure what else he expects of me – I’ve already offered up the auction space, and I hardly know how to make women show up to a virginity auction. Julia walks over to us.

  "I just wanted to remind you that this is an auction. Or at least, it’s supposed to be. If no auctions happen tonight, then there will be no fee for hosting the event."

  She looks around at the room full of people. Or, mostly empty of people, I guess I should say.

  "In fact, there will need to be multiple auctions in order to justify the hosting fee," she snaps at me before she starts to walk away. Over her shoulder, she throws out a command. “So, you’d better get at least a couple of these girls auctioning off the goods, or it won’t be worth my time and I’m leaving, without paying the fee.”

  I'm shocked and angry. I look at both Brian and Andrew.

  "Why wasn't I told about this?" I demand. "If I had known about this requirement, then I wouldn't have agreed to host the event!"

  I turn to Andrew.

  "This wasn't in the terms you discussed with me!" I lower my voice as I'm speaking to him.

  He glares at Brian, who just shrugs and saunters off. Then he turns back to me.

  "I'm so sorry. I seriously had no idea," he apologizes.

  He looks so honest and sincere that I have to forgive him.

  "It’s okay," I reply softly.

  He gives me a sheepish smile and puts his hands in his pockets. I can't resist, so I smile back at him. Julia is standing nearby, observing everything.

  Brian is busy trying to convince Tammy and some of the other women, including Amelia, to participate. I’m so focused on Andrew that I jump when a guy taps me on the shoulder.

  "You are the owner of this shop?" he asks.

  "Um, yes?" I reply.

  I try not to cringe at how sleazy he looks, his chin jutting out and his jaw hanging open, nearly drooling.

  "You are so hot! Why aren't you in the auction? Get in the auction! I'll pay!"

  He slurs his words a little as he spits them out at me. I can't tell if he's drunk or if that's just the way he talks.

  I look at Andrew for help, but he's just watching, seemingly amused. But the look on his face tells me not to worry, that he’d never let this chump hurt me.

  "Oh, no thanks. This isn't for me," I try to explain.

  Julia interrupts me by saying, "We are actually going to start by doing an auction of someone who flew in from LA. This will give the owner time to decide whether she can get someone else to participate or whether she might need to do it herself, to earn her fee," she explains, distracting the man’s attention from me.

  To my relief, she leads the creep away. To my even bigger relief, he seems interested in the other woman now – the one who is about to be auctioned off.

  Julia comes back a few minutes later to speak quietly to Andrew and me.

  "You know, if we auction off this woman, one other, and you, that would be enough to cover your hosting fee," she murmurs to me, with a smug smile.

  She walks away, to give me time to think. I don't want to look at Andrew. I know what he is hoping I will do. He had already suggested me auctioning off a date with him, before we even got here.

  I tell myself to stay far away, because he’s dangerous. He could set my pussy on fire, he makes it so hot. I need to stay focused on my career goals, which is the whole reason I’m doing this.

  Still, a date with him wouldn't be that bad, and I'd get to make money from it too. I look at him.

  "Okay, I’ll do it," I announce.

  Andrew smiles the biggest smile I have ever seen. He calls Julia over to tell her my decision. Julia seems happy.

  “We’re starting off by auctioning off only a date, and then it’ll be a much bigger auction. You will be third in line," she tells me, before announcing the start of the auction.

  To my surprise, Amelia gets on stage, and is auctioned off, but only for a date, as Julia had just said. She commands quite a price just for dinner, though. I’m beginning to think my paycheck for today might be very high.

  Then it is time for someone to auction off actual sex.

  "I would like to make it clear that this woman isn't a virgin and what she is auctioning today is public sex," Julia states.

  The woman up there looks so confident. You can tell this isn't her first auction. Since she's one of the women that Julia had flown in, she’s obviously done this before. She probably does it on the side to make extra money.

  I wish I could be cooler about this auction, like her. There’s a bidding frenzy, with seasoned billionaires calling out numbers so high I didn’t know anyone actually paid so much for anything.



  Half a mill.



  A million bucks.

  All of this is making the fee I receive for hosting the auction look like chump change. Why did I want to go that route when I could get so much money from auctioning off… what?

  Could I get that much just for a date?

  No. I’d probably have to go the whole nine yards.

  With Andrew’s whole nine inches – or more. At least that’s what it had felt like when he was pressing his crotch up against me and shoving his tongue down my throat – not that I minded. In fact, my tongue
had quickly grabbed his back, and wants it again.

  I guess that wouldn’t be such a bad way to make so much money.

  Since this is a small town, the reputation of the flower shop I’m doing this to acquire might end up getting trashed, anyway. At least I’d have some money to live off of while that happens. I could move to a bigger city and open up a flower shop there.

  Just wait until the old church ladies hear what I’ve been up to in here. Hosting auctions? It’s as bad as participating, so I might as well do just that.

  The guy who was talking to me earlier wins the out-of-town girl. He takes her by the hand and leads her over to the side of the shop, where I’d set up some displays of flowers, just to add some festivity to this event.

  I watch with wide eyes as he takes her clothes off and starts kissing her right here in front of everyone. I'm shocked but strangely turned on by it. I can't bring myself to look away.

  I'm even more surprised when I see a couple of guys who are watching the couple start to pleasure themselves. They just take their cocks out of their pants and start stroking them like it’s no big deal.

  Tammy and I exchange shocked looks. I guess these men are used to this, but it’s something very new to her and me. But then she shrugs and smiles a bit, as if to say, “Well, why not?”

  Why not indeed?

  Life’s short, and I’m making $100,000 just for hosting this auction. I’m about to make more, too, when I offer up a date with the lucky winner of my own auction. I just hope it’s Andrew. I’m surprised the slack-jawed guy has a million dollars to spare on public sex with this stranger.

  I wonder who else here will try to bid on me, and a shiver runs down my spine. It’s a shiver of excitement when I think about Andrew, but it’s mixed with dread and fear when I think about anyone else winning me.

  Julia walks by and encourages more people to enjoy themselves and to feel free to pleasure themselves as well. I'm so fascinated by all of this. I've never seen people reacting this way in public before.

  As I'm watching the couple have sex, there is a part of me that wishes that Andrew would just grab me and start doing the same thing to me that the guy is doing to the girl.


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