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Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection

Page 58

by Jamie Knight

I felt my heart break a little. I knew Amelia’s relationship with her parents had always been strained, but it was hard for me to wrap my head around the idea of any parent kicking out their kid to fend for themselves.

  “Oh my gosh, Amelia, I’m so sorry! Of course you can stay with me. I’ve always told you that if you needed me, I’d be here for you,” I told her.

  I relished the chance to help a friend, especially one as dear to me as Amelia. I hated to hear that she was having a hard time, but it made my heart glad that I could be there to give her a place to crash. I told Amelia to meet me at my place, glad I’d made a trip to the grocery store earlier that day.

  And in an extra stroke of good fortune, I’d bought wine.

  Secretly, I was a little glad to have someone else’s problems to focus on for a while. Compared to what Amelia was going through, my problems were nothing. I had a place to live and a solid business, which was more than what most people could say. I decided to be grateful.

  While I waited for Amelia to arrive, I threw myself semi-reluctantly back into running. Truthfully, I hated working out, but as often as I sampled my own wares at the bakery, it was a necessary evil.

  But I got into the zone, and was nearly finished when I heard knocking on my front door. I yelled for Amelia to come in and heard my front door swing open.

  “I was wondering why you sounded so out-of-breath over the phone,” Amelia said upon seeing me.

  “Yeah,” I panted, slapping my rear end and winking at her, “Gotta keep it tight somehow, and I ain’t giving up the sweets.”

  Amelia laughed, shaking her head, and it warmed my heart to see the smile break through.

  “I almost hung up, though, thinking that you were doing some other type of naughty aerobics,” she replied.

  “No,” I laughed, “If I was doing that type of aerobics, I would be way too tied up to take any phone calls, pun intended.”

  Amelia laughed again, but her smile slowly faded. I could see her practically bursting at the seams with emotion.

  I hopped off the treadmill and led her into the kitchen and poured her a glass of wine while I fixed us both some salads before pouring a glass of my own.

  Amelia stared blankly at the heaping plate of salad that I had served her and burst into tears again. I moved beside her and hugged her while she let out loud, wracking sobs that shook her entire frame. I felt so bad for her.

  When she’d gotten ahold of herself enough to speak, she told me the whole story; some customer had offered her some mysterious “moneymaking opportunity” and insulted their family’s restaurant, but when she stood up for herself, her dad had reamed her in front of everyone. Things had just escalated and spiraled from there.

  “My parents have no respect for me,” she said once her sobs died down to become intermittent hiccups. “They have never appreciated me, and they use me the most out of all of their employees. I’m not asking for special treatment or anything, and I’m not trying to toot my own horn, but I work harder than anyone at that place, and I get treated like crap. And I’m their kid, for fuck’s sake! So, I quit. And my quitting was all they needed to hear to kick me out of the house.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I had known that their family had some strained dynamics, but I never thought that it would come to them throwing their only daughter out into the street. Aren’t parents supposed to love you unconditionally?

  “Well, like I said, you are welcome to stay here for as long as you need to,” I told her again, patting her hand for emphasis.

  “I really do appreciate it,” she said, nodding graciously. “But, I don’t plan on sticking around for too long. I came across a moneymaking opportunity that looks really promising, so I’m looking forward to that.”

  One thing I could say about Amelia is that she always saw the bright side of even the bleakest of circumstances. This time was no different.

  The two of us spent the evening killing the bottle of wine together and watching tear-jerking chick-flicks until I couldn’t stop yawning.

  So I got up and grabbed some pillow and blankets out of the closet for Amelia.

  “So I’ve been up since early in the morning, much earlier than dawn cracked,” I yawned, “If you need anything, let me know. But, if not, I’m going to bed.”

  She smiled. “Thanks, Candy. I’m so lucky to have a friend like you.”

  I winked at her. “Don’t worry, things will look up soon.”

  With that, I made my way to my bedroom and climbed into bed.

  I couldn’t shut off my brain right away, though, as tired as I was. My mind kept going back to the moneymaking opportunity that Amelia had mentioned. What did she mean by that? I wasn’t sure, but my curiosity was definitely piqued. As I drifted off to sleep, I made a mental note that I would ask Amelia more about it in the morning. Hopefully I would be able to find out more about it.

  Chapter Two - Elliot

  I tried to hide my disappointment, but I couldn’t. I knew that it was etched on my face. I had been so fucking excited to finally have our town hosting auctions, thinking that I would find a girl at one of them who caught my attention.

  But I was having no such luck. None of these girls were my type, and I was losing hope.

  I started to wonder if I should just give up on the whole auction scene altogether. Maybe it just wasn’t for me.

  I sat in my seat, looking around, dejected and disgusted. These people were like stagnant stand-ins, smiling and talking robotically like they did at every auction. I felt like I had seen this scene a million times before.

  I didn’t get it, couldn’t figure out why I felt so empty. But even though I’d been excited, now that I was faced with the possibility of another one night stand…it bored me, somehow.

  But I was drawn out of my sulky thoughts when I laid eyes on her. She was tall, with dirty blonde hair that framed her shapely face perfectly. I couldn’t help but stare at her bedroom eyes, pouty mouth, and curves that seemed to go on for days. She was standing off to the side watching the auction with wide-eyed amusement. It was a look that she that she was shocked by everything that was going on, but her curiosity wouldn’t let her look away.

  I had to have her and I didn’t care what it took. I walked over to where she stood and introduced myself.

  “Hi, I’m Elliot,” I said, extending a hand in her direction. “And you are?”

  She looked startled and eyed me cautiously. “Candy,” she said, not sure if she should take my hand and then finally deciding to shake it gingerly.

  “Nice to meet you, Candy,” I said, shaking her hand firmly. “I haven’t seen you at any of these things before. Are you new in town?”

  “No,” she said, shaking her head. “I’ve lived here all my life. I’ve just never been to an event like this before. As a matter of fact, the only reason I came was because my roommate told me about it. So, I decided to tag along in secret because I was curious.” She admitted.

  “Have you been to very many of these?”

  “A few,” I answered honestly, studying her face as I spoke. “Have you thought about participating?”

  I immediately regretted asking the question because she frowned and then hesitated to answer.

  “No, it’s not really my thing,” she said, trying and failing to sound nonchalant.

  “If you’ve never done it, how would you know?” I asked, flashing her a cajoling smile.

  She furrowed her eyebrows and stared at me, thinking carefully about her answer.

  “Oh, I don’t know,” she said. “I guess maybe I would try it…but it would really have to be worth my while.”

  Value. It was one of her requirements. It made me like her even more. I knew that she was special before I had even walked across the room.

  “And what exactly would make it worth your while?” I asked, curious, “Is it just about the money, or is there more to it?”

  “What?” she asked, looking at
me bewildered.

  “You said that it had to be valuable,” I repeated. “Well, some people really value a good time.”

  Her breath caught in her throat and I could see a blush rise to her cheeks. “I-I don’t know…”

  But before she can say more, the auctioneer drowns out her voice. “Mya is auctioning off a night on the town with her,” said the auctioneer. “Any takers? Let’s start the bids at $3,000.”

  Candy did a double take, her lovely eyes nearly popping out of her head with shock.

  “$3,000 for just a date?” she asked incredulously.

  “Yeah,” I said, smiling and nodding at her. “And watch. She’s get more than that easily. At least $10,000, I’d be willing to bet.”

  I could see the wheels starting to turn in Candy’s head.

  “Wow, I could really use that money for my bakery,” she said softly.

  If I hadn’t have been paying attention, I wouldn’t have heard her. But, I was paying close attention to her every word and movement. She was mesmerizing and smart. “A bakery, huh?”

  I turned in her direction, getting ready to give her really great reasons why she should take part in the auction. Great reasons she should come home with me tonight.

  All of a sudden, I heard someone calling my name.

  “Elliot, buddy,” came the voice from a few feet away. “How the hell have you been?”

  It was Chad, an old acquaintance from college.

  “Oh, hey, there Chad,” I said, giving him my hand and pumping it up and down fiercely. “It’s really good to see you. How long has it been?”

  “Too long,” he said, taking a swig from the glass of wine that he had been clinching. I glanced over at Candy and saw that she was looking around the room like she was looking for someone.

  “Yeah, yeah, it has, we should get together sometime,” I said, hoping that Chad got the hint that I wasn’t trying to have a long, drawn-out conversation with him.

  “What’s been going on with you?” he asked, folding his arms and leaning in closer to me.

  I can’t even remember what I said after that because what happened next will always haunt me.

  I looked over to where Candy had been standing and she was gone.

  My heart sank to the bottom of my shoes.

  Gone. Just like that.

  Chapter Three - Candy

  I laid in bed a few nights after the auction, staring up at the ceiling. I had told Amelia that I was going to bed early because I had planned on getting up to do some prep work at the bakery before it opened. But, there I lay, unable to get to sleep.

  I couldn’t make my brain shut down so that I could sleep. My mind just kept going over thoughts of the auction. It was definitely an amazing thing to witness and experience. I had never seen anything like it. And to know that amount of money that could be made with it was just mind-blowing.

  On a whim before I slipped out, I had stopped by the information table at the front and put my name on a mailing list for their newsletter that would give me more information about their next event.

  But, even more than the auction, I couldn’t stop thinking about that Elliot guy. There was something about him, the confident way that he spoke and a general aura of just pure sexiness that drew me to him. He was forward, sure, maybe even to the point of being a little pushy, but…I kind of liked it.

  He was incredibly gorgeous, more than any guy that I had ever seen. I couldn’t believe that a guy that hot had actually actively sought me out to have a conversation with me. I hadn’t had the best track record with men and my confidence had suffered a lot. That was largely due to the abusive relationship that I had been in during senior year of high school and just after.

  His name was Jim. He had been really charming in the beginning. He was a football star and wicked smart to boot. The golden boy, beloved by all. So, when he started being abusive towards me verbally, nobody believed that it was happening. They told me I was exaggerating.

  When he started hitting me, people called me crazy. When he finally left a mark, I even got accused of doing it to myself.

  He called me every name in the book and made me feel like I was worthless. Once I finally got the nerve to get out of the relationship, it was like shedding the weight of the world off my back. I was relieved that the abuse was finally over, but I was also excited to find me for a change.

  I had gotten so far away from who I truly was, it was nice getting reacquainted with myself again. I took myself out of dates and contented myself to doing things alone. I didn’t even try to date anyone else. I told myself that it was because I was too busy with the bakery, but deep down I knew that it was just leftover fear from my last relationship.

  I wondered if I would ever truly be over it. I really wasn’t sure.

  But, I was still human, and my mind wandered to what it would be like to be with Elliot. I had a lot of regrets about my time spent with Jim, but at least I was spared one big one: I hadn’t given that asshole my virginity.

  But that didn’t mean I wasn’t curious about sex. Especially with a gorgeous guy like Elliot.

  I could imagine him pulling up to my house like a knight in shining armor and sweep me away. I imagined him taking me out for some fine dining and making me feel like a queen. He would tell me how beautiful I am and kiss me tenderly. I imagined going back to his luxurious apartment afterward.

  He would carry me in his arms over the threshold of the door. He’d carry me to his bedroom and lay me on the bed. I slipped my hand inside of my pants as I imagined him tearing off my dress.

  He would kiss my inner thighs on each side, one at a time, taking his time to land sloppy wet kisses between my legs. I moaned softly as I parted my pussy lips with my fingers, imagining that my own finger was his tongue, circling my clit, and felt myself grow wetter beneath my fingers. He would work his way up, kissing my belly, up to my neck, and kissing me hard on the lips.

  His hand would reach inside of my shirt, clenching my breast. I pretended that my hand was his, twisting my nipples between his fingers. My spine arched and I threw my head back against the pillows. With one hand in my pants and one under my shirt, I imagined him getting more and more turned on, his dick growing hard as he toyed with my body.

  He would finally be too horny to stop himself and pull his hard cock out of his pants. I pushed my fingers deep inside of my pussy as I imagined him pushing his dick inside of me. I pushed another finger inside and felt my pussy stretch against my fingers. I imagined my pussy gripping his cock as I held on for dear life as he fucked me. I could feel the orgasm rising from my toes and shooting up my body, tingling all the way. My pussy convulsed as I came hard, covering my hand in slippery wet cum.

  I lay back in the bed, my heart still racing from the waves of orgasm that still coursed through my body. I couldn’t believe the scene that had just played in my head, and with a total stranger!

  But on the bright side, I felt exhaustion seeping in to replace the tingling bliss. At least now I could fall asleep.

  Chapter Four - Elliot

  “Why the long face?” asked Reid, looking at me intently.

  The two of us were having a couple of beers at our favorite bar. We hadn’t really talked since the auction, he’d been kind of caught up in the girl he’d met. I’d never seen him act like such a lovesick puppy.

  I shrugged, not really wanting to get into it with him.

  “Are you still sulking about the auction?” he asked, playfully. “Don’t worry; we’ll find you a good one next time.”

  I hadn’t been able to shake my funk. I had hoped that after a while I would shake it off. But, I was having no such luck.

  And mostly, I thought about Candy. I hadn’t had nearly enough time with her and I couldn’t believe that I had let her slip through my fingers. I kicked myself every time I thought about it. If I could do it over, I would have told Chad to take a hike and finished my conversation with Candy. She was the on
ly one that I wanted to talk to, anyway.

  It was new for me. I’d never been so attracted to anyone,. She was haunting me. That long golden hair, that voice like velvet…I’d never felt so drawn.

  I thought back and couldn’t think of a single soul. It was a new and very uncomfortable feeling. It was bothering me more than I cared to admit. She was a stranger to me, but I was obsessed.

  “Have you ever left an auction without at least a date?” asked Reid, teasingly.

  I thought about it and shook my head. I had never walked away from an auction empty-handed. Even if I didn’t win a date, I would end up with a slew of numbers from some of the women in attendance at the auction. At this one, I hadn’t gotten so much as a whisper.

  Maybe I was losing interest in the chase. I really hadn’t felt motivated to want to talk to anyone. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that up until the moment that I saw Candy, I had actually been bored and had thought seriously about leaving.

  That is, until I saw Candy. She made me want to chase her to the ends of the earth and I didn’t even know her. I wished that she had have been in the auction. There would have been no way that I would have let her get away from me then. I already knew what I would have done had she been in the auction.

  I would have kept my paddle up until I heard those magic words announcing that she was mine. I thought about what would happen if she had auctioned off more than just a date.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I downed the last of my beer and slammed a fifty on the bar. “I gotta go,” I told Reid abruptly. I was already being overtaken my thoughts of Candy and I wanted to be alone. I went home and went straight to my bed, ready to let my imagination take off.

  I thought about what would have happened once I won her in the auction. I imagined that there would be no rules or boundaries to what I could do. I could feel my dick getting hard as I thought about commanding her to strip down right there on the stage in front of everyone. I pulled my dick out of my pants, stroking it, watching it grow harder and harder with each stroke. I imagined her perky tits and firm, round ass standing before me, those eyes of hers piercing right through me.


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