Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection

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Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection Page 71

by Jamie Knight

I can feel him moving beside me. I turn slowly to look at him. "Stay with me,” I whisper, “Please.”

  Slowly, he nods, and settles back into my arms.

  Chapter 18 - Gabriel

  It's the next morning and I'm still wide awake. I don't feel tired at all. I'm completely wound up, but in a good way. This is probably the happiest and most excited that I have ever felt in my entire life. And it absolutely terrifies me.

  I turn to look at Lorelai once more. She is still sound asleep. I guess she got her fill of last night, she looked really out of it after her last turn. Last night was incredible. I mean, sex is always good, but it felt different with Lorelai. Once I took her virginity, it's almost like I awakened something inside of her.

  That's beside the point, however. Above everything else, I just loved making her happy. Hearing her moans of delight. Seeing the expression of joy and pleasure on her face. There is nothing like that. After she went to sleep last night, I lied awake just watching her. I could not get over her beauty. She’s the perfect mixture of innocence and temptation. Her body is killer, but I think I love the sweet beauty of her face even more. But it's also so much more than that. It's ever since I got to know her on our first date. I see her inner beauty and that's what captivates me.

  As I look at her in my arms, I know that no matter how hard I try to fight, I’m hooked now. I have feelings for her. She has grabbed ahold of my heart and there is no letting go. That is such a scary thought to me, but I can't run. There is nothing I can do to chase these feelings away. I know that she is the one for me. She was all I could think about these past weeks, the only one I wanted to be with.

  I turn my attention back to her and smile fondly at her. I can't stop myself. I lightly kiss her cheek. She mumbles in her sleep, but doesn't wake up.

  I chuckle. Guess I really wore her out. Well, to be fair, the sun isn’t even up yet. She deserves her rest. I lie my head on the pillow and gaze at her sleeping face. My sleeping beauty. I know that's cliché, but at this moment it's the perfect way to describe her.

  After what seems like only minutes, I can see the sun starting to shine through the curtain and her clock reads 7 am.

  I watch with a giant, goofy smile on my face as she finally stirs. She stretches, then slowly opens her eyes. She blinks a couple of times. "Oh!" She exclaims suddenly. Her hair is a wild mess, but to me it looks beautiful. She looks beautiful. She turns to face me, and looks embarrassed when she sees me. She smiles a little. The sunlight frames her body, making it appear as if she is glowing. She looks radiant, and I'm awestruck. The longer I stare at her, the more she blushes.

  I reach for her. She lies in my arms as I kiss her lips. I pull the covers off her, marveling at the beauty of her naked body. I kiss every inch of her before climbing on top of her. She spreads her legs, she is ready for me. After quickly wrapping my rod in another condom, I'm inside her once more. I love this feeling. Her body feels so good, like it was made for me.

  She was eager for this, I can tell by the way she is looking at me. Soon I have her moaning once more. I try to go slow, but the heat rises and I can’t help it, I’m moving faster and faster, pleasure cresting.

  Her gasps and moans are almost too much, but when she finally reaches a shuddering climax, her nails raking my back, her mewling cries topple me over the edge

  I balance myself as I remain on top of her. She smiles up at me and we kiss once more. I pull out of her, toss the condom in the trash can by the bed, and lie beside her. She turns to face me.

  I notice that there is a glittering happiness in her eyes today. It mirrors the same happiness in my heart. I haven't felt this way in a really long time. I'm scared to tell her, but I'm also afraid that I could lose her for good this time. Her hand rests softly on my cheek. This startles me and brings me back to reality. "What are you thinking so hard about?" She asks softly.

  When I look at her, I see nothing but love and concern on her face. I know right then I have to tell her how I feel. I don't know how to say it. Is there any right way to tell someone something like this?

  "You know you can tell me anything?" She coaxes. "I'm here for you no matter what."

  I realize then why it's called falling in love. It's a risk. Sometimes you are going to get hurt. The only thing you can do is have trust in the person that you chose. And I realize that there is no one better to give my trust to than Lorelai.

  My feelings start to overwhelm me and I just blurt out, "I love you."

  The room is quiet for a few seconds. We both lie there looking at each other. My heart pounds like a snare drum. "I love you too,” she breathes finally, the most beautiful words I’ve ever heard, “In fact, I think I have since our first date."

  . I breathe a sigh of relief. I can tell by her reaction that her feelings are genuine. I know that I made the right choice in giving my heart to her. I pull her to me so tightly she lets out a squeak.

  "Sorry, I got carried away." I reply sheepishly.

  She pulls out of my arms and gives me a soft kiss. "It’s ok, I just wasn’t expecting the sudden rib crushing,” she replies with a teasing laugh. give her a genuine smile, which she returns. "I like this side of you," She remarks.

  "What do you mean?"

  "This happiness that you have right now," She explains. "Being in love suits you."

  She's right, for the first time in my life, I am truly happy, and it’s all because of her.

  Chapter 19 - Lorelai

  A year later

  Time certainly flies when you're having fun. Or this case, when you're in love. It's been a crazy year but I can honestly say that it's the happiest I have ever been. Who would have thought that you could find true love at a sex auction? I guess crazier things have happened.

  It's late, almost evening now. I check my phone. No missed calls or messages. I'm starting to get a little worried. I haven't heard from Gabriel all day. It’s completely unlike him. I pace the living room of our apartment. We moved in together after about 6 months of dating. Things seemed to be going really well between us. Gabriel was acting like a different person. Happier, more open with his feelings.

  I haven't felt any more of that fear or worry from him. I guess I accomplished what I set out to. I was able to fix his heart and we found love with each other. My phone buzzes suddenly. I grab quickly off the couch. I'm relieved to see it's a text from him. I hurriedly open it. I read "Meet me at the rose garden.”

  My brow furrows and I feel my worry spike. Could something be wrong? Why would he text me to meet him there instead of just coming home?

  I sigh and grab my purse and keys, texting him back that I’m on my way. I have to get to the bottom of this. I have to know why he’s acting so weird. I hurry out the door and to my car. I get in quickly and drive away as fast as I can. I expect my phone to chime, but there is no reply.

  "This is so bizarre." I think to myself. The light turns green and I drive away. I think back over the past few months since we have been together. Everything was perfect, better than perfect. In fact, it was only these past few days that things started to change. He started acting differently. He has been abnormally quiet. I try to start a conversation at home, and it's one word answers, if even that. Today he didn't even answer my calls. The only time I heard from him was the text I received a little while ago.

  Fear grips me. "What if this has all been too much for him? What if he’s going back to how he used to be?"

  I find myself getting emotional at the thought. I shake my head, whatever is wrong, I will just have to go to the rose garden and see. I slow down as I reach the neighborhood where the garden is. I can see his car, so I park behind him. I wait a few seconds, but he’s not in his car. I get out and look around the area. I wait outside the garden for a few minutes, but still no sign of him, so I decide to head inside. Hopefully he's in there.

  As I walk, the garden appears empty. My worry grows. I keep walking until I'm deep in the garden. I reach our spot a
nd my heart lifts. I can see him there pacing. But I feel worried again when I see how nervous he is. He’s pacing so hard I’m surprised he hasn’t worn a path into the ground.

  I cautiously walk over to him. He hears my footsteps on the ground and stops pacing, looking up at me. The expression on his face doesn't bring me comfort. I walk over to him. "What's wrong? Why are we here?" I ask.

  "Um. Well, you see…." He stammers for a moment then stops talking.

  I have never seen him like this. He’s never at a loss for words. His nervous demeanor puts me on edge. He starts pacing again. I give him a few more minutes, but he remains silent. Finally, I can’t take it anymore and my voice trembles as I ask, "Are you breaking up with me?"

  He stops pacing and looks at me in horror. "Of course not!" He replies, sounding almost offended. "I'm trying to figure out a way to ask you to marry me. I want it to be perfect, so I need the right words."

  I watch in shock and delight as he resumes pacing. He doesn’t even seem to realize what he just said. I step in front of him so he’ll stop pacing and looks at me. "Can you repeat that one more time?" I ask him slowly.

  He blinks a few times, then I can see it dawn on him and a giggle erupts out of me, He pulls a box from his pocket and gets on one knee. "I’m an idiot. Will you marry me?"

  He opens the box to reveal the most beautiful ring ever. I let out a laugh, even as happy tears sting my eyes. "Yes! Of course!"

  He slips the ring onto my finger. I pull him into a hug and give him the longest, sweetest kiss ever. The kiss quickly heats up as our tongues explore each other’s mouths. I try to wrap a leg around his waist. He gently pushes me away, ending our kiss. He clears his throat, "Um, we are in a public park,” he laughs, “No matter how secluded. We could get arrested for indecent exposure if we keep this up."

  I blush, embarrassed even though he’s right and it is secluded.

  "Sorry, I forgot." I answer sheepishly, darting a glance around just to make sure no one is nearby. He pulls me into another hug and whispers in my ear, "It’s fine. Now get your ass home so we can get indecent in private. I’ll stop and get wine."

  His words make me shiver with delight. I give him a small kiss on the lips and hurry to my car. As I'm driving, I realize I am crying tears of joy. It’s finally happening to me. I'm getting my happy ending. After so many years of waiting, it's finally coming true. I couldn't be happier than I am right now.

  Chapter 20 - Gabriel

  That was intense. I felt like such a moron trying to figure out the right words to propose to her. I guess I didn't need any. All I needed to do was simply ask her. I saw the tears in her eyes and felt the love in her heart when she said "yes." I feel like a pretty lucky dude.

  Driving home from the garden, I make a quick stop at the store. I need to pick up a bottle of wine and some lilies for my fiancée. My fiancée. Just the word puts that stupid goofy grin back on my face. Soon I'm back in the car and heading home.

  I rush through the lights. I know it’s reckless, but I can’t help myself, I'm just so excited. I had been planning this day for a while. I tried my best to keep it a secret. I guess maybe I was a little too good at it. I didn't mean to give Lorelai the impression that I was breaking up with her. I was just really nervous. For someone who has been hurt like me, this is a really big step. But it's one that I was gladly willing to take.

  The more I think about it, I start to realize that this was where I was going to end up. I had feelings for her the moment I saw her. I just spent a long time denying them because I didn't want to get hurt. Now that part is over with. I feel happy and complete when I am with Lorelai. She has made me see the beauty in falling in love and helped me to make peace with my past. I know she would never hurt me, just like I would never hurt her.

  I pull up outside our apartment. We agreed to live somewhere small for now. We are just barely starting our life together. I grab the wine and flowers. I realize that I am humming to myself as I get out of the car. That makes me laugh. I never enjoyed life this much before. I hurry upstairs to our apartment. I can't wait to get in there and celebrate our engagement with her.

  Once I reach the apartment I unlock the door and walk inside. "Lorelai, I'm home." I call out. I throw my keys on the coffee table. I walk into the kitchen to find two glasses. When I come back out, my mouth hangs open in shock. I almost drop everything.

  Lorelai is standing in the living room, her hair and makeup done. She’s dressed in a red lace bra, with matching lace panties. They fit her body so well and show off every curve. She has a black see through robe on, also lace. But it's so sheer and small it doesn't cover anything.

  "Welcome home. Why don't you bring that to the bedroom?" she suggests in her most seductive voice. She turns and walks down the hall. I'm still in shock so I follow her in silence. The room is dark. She closed the curtains. Suddenly light appears. She’s lit several candles on the dresser. The room is bathed in warm glow.

  I look at her and realize the candlelight makes her skin glow too. I can see the lust in her eyes. I feel it too. I hand her the lilies. She smiles and takes them. "I hope this isn't too much, I had been saving all this for a special occasion," She explains.

  I set the wine and glasses down. I pull her into my arms. "Everything is perfect, just like you," I reply.

  She gazes up at me, the heat and sexual tension rising between us. I gently caress her face before kissing her passionately. She throws the flowers on the nightstand. Our arms wrap around each other. I lift her, and her legs wrap around my waist. We keep kissing as I lay her on the bed, pinning her. We break apart so she can unbutton my shirt and yank it off. My pants and underwear are next.

  I pull off her robe and gaze at her. "That is one sexy outfit," I comment appreciatively.

  She giggles, "I bought them to match the handcuffs," She admits.

  I grin at her. "So that's what you want to do?" I ask her in a teasing tone. She giggles and blushes.

  I reach past her. "I think we left them out." I reply. I dig around under the pillows for a few minutes. "Aha!" I cry in triumph. I pull out a pair of red cuffs. They’re not the cheap fuzzy kind. These are more for bondage, made from a red leather type material. They were Lorelai’s idea.

  I was surprised to find out that she has a bit of kinky side. She loves for me to tie her up and ride her, then turn her over and spank her ass. Ever since that night I took her virginity, it sort of opened a door to all that. Most nights she could go all night if I let her. Actually the only thing that really seems to stop her is when I get tired.

  I get out of my thoughts and go back to the present. I tie her to the bed. She pulls at the cuffs and pretends to struggle a little, and we both start laughing. That's one of the things I love about her. She always makes me smile. She looks at me as I spread her legs. She’s tied up, facing the ceiling. I smile at her then pull her panties off. I toss them to the side. I slip a finger inside her and she cries out. She’s already dripping wet for me. I pull my finger out and lick it. I smirk at her, there is no mistaking the lust on her eyes.

  I lie on the edge of the bed. I bury my face in her thighs. I start by licking her from her vagina to her clit. She moans and pulls at the cuffs. I lick her again and again. I love it when I make her crazy. I suck her clit lightly, making her squirm. She moans like crazy and tries to inch closer to me. The cuffs hold her back. This is so hot. I poke my tongue inside of her. She has juices dripping like crazy. She is so wet and tastes so good.

  She asks for more. My tongue slides in and out of her. Her moans are getting louder and louder. She cries "Yes," more frequently. She twists and turns, pulling at her restraints. Finally she quiets and her body relaxes into the bed. She came all over my face. I wipe it off with some tissue from the nightstand. "That was certainly loud." I tell her. I climb on the bed and lie on top of her. "That was a double. That's why." She admits with a giggle. "What do you mean?" I ask with curiosity. "I mean you made me cum twice.
" She explains.

  I can’t keep the proud smile off my face. She smiles as well. "Ready for round two?" I ask with a laugh. She nods eagerly. She's still tied up, so I climb on top of her and slide my erection inside of her. I slide in easily, she's so wet. I know she loves the feel of my hard cock, because she moans again. This girl’s sexual appetite is insane. I groan aloud as well. I love being inside of her. Having her tied up in a missionary position is my favorite. She can't move, but I get to look at her beautiful face.

  I bury my face in the side of her neck. I love how soft her skin feels. I go slow, wanting to build up to everything. I can feel every inch of her pussy gripping me tight as I slide in and out. I start to go a little faster. I lift my head up. I like to watch her tits bounce as we make love.

  Every inch of her body is beautiful to me. I pull her bra down so I can get a better view. Her nipples swell from the movement. This turns me on more, so I thrust faster and faster. The pleasure tears through me like a hurricane as I pour my load inside her. I fucking love this woman.

  I take a few seconds to catch my breath. I untie her from the bed. We engage in our favorite pastime, cuddling. We lie down under the covers. She scoots closer to me, and I love that this is always her first instinct, to get as close as possible.

  I hope she stays close, always.

  Epilogue - Lorelai

  I can't believe I am standing here today. I never thought this day would happen. I'm literally a blushing bride today. I was so excited throughout this planning process. I mean, I've been a part of it before with other brides, but it’s a whole new world when it’s for you own wedding. I pause to admire my reflection in the mirror.

  I designed my own wedding dress, and I'm proud of it, but there are so many other things about my life that I am so happy about. I think about them as I stand here. I have a few minutes before the ceremony, and I take the time to think back on what an adventure my relationship with Gabriel has been,


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