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Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection

Page 75

by Jamie Knight

  He’s sex incarnate wrapped in an Armani suit. Tall, muscular, with a sharply chiseled jaw and carefully styled hair the color of gold. And his gaze, dark and piercing, is locked on mine. I feel like the rest of the people in the room fall away and all I can see is this devastatingly handsome man.

  After a moment, everyone, myself included, recovers their composure and starts to bid again. But my gaze keeps drifting back to the man. I keep my eyes on him, waiting, hoping for him to jump in again. It’s crazy, but I want him to win me. I don’t know this man from Adam, but somehow I want him to win.

  But I start to lose hope as he stands there silently, observing with a placid face that betrays nothing. I can’t get a read on him, at all.

  I’ve given up hope, however, when the bids start to slow and he remains silent. When it looks like the auction might end, he jumps in. "Four million dollars,” he calls out coolly.

  The rooms falls into a stunned silence. “I’m sorry, sir,” the auctioneer says, “Could you repeat that?”

  “Four million dollars,” he repeats, “For the chance to take her virginity."

  Everyone is shocked into silence once more. All eyes are on me, waiting for a response. I have no idea what to do. "You can either accept or refuse his bid." The auctioneer reminds me gently.

  I'm in too much of a state of shock to talk. I can't believe this is happening to me. I just turn in silence and nod "yes" slowly to the auctioneer.

  There’s a pause to allow for other bids, but no one speaks, and after a moment of quiet, the auctioneer declares the man the winner and I’m lead off stage in a daze.

  I must be dreaming, right? Four million dollars. I can save the shop and then some, and all I have to do is sleep with this gorgeous man? Surely there has to be a catch, or else I might as well have won the lottery.

  Chapter 8 - Dominic

  I don't know why I wasted all that time playing the stupid back-and-forth auction game. It would have been so easy for me to just pay double and have her from the start, but I went along with it and I don't know why. It was kind of fun to watch those big blue eyes get bigger and bigger as the numbers climbed.

  One thing I did know for certain is that I was going to end up with her tonight. There was no way I was going to let her go home with someone else after I set my sights on her. To be honest, I would have paid any amount to be with her, money’s not an object for me. I'm just annoyed with myself for wasting the time when I could have kept things simple.

  I move to the sales table and get things squared away, writing the check for four million dollars without batting an eye. The girl running the table smiles and wishes me a pleasant "Good night."

  Now that business has concluded, my night can begin. I look around for my pinup girl and am immediately annoyed when I can’t pick her out in the crowd. “Have you seen where she went?” I ask.

  She nods. “Yeah, she went to the restroom, should be right out.”

  “Thank you,” I nod and move away from the table, finding a spot where I can clearly see the bathroom doors.

  After several minutes, I start to get fidgety and tap my foot on the floor. I cross and undress my arms over my chest. I want to get my night started already and I don't like to be kept waiting. That's the way I've always been. I’m almost starting to wonder if she slipped out a window in there or something.

  Finally, she emerges. She looks around and spots me. We lock eyes and she walks over to me. I'm not in any mood to waste time so before she can say a word I ask, "So, your place or mine?" I can see her blush, my words have caught her off guard.

  Suddenly she looks irritated. She holds out her hand pointedly and says "Hello. My name is Juliette. What's yours?"

  I try to hide my irritation at the sarcasm. "I'm sorry, Juliette. It's a pleasure to meet you. Dominic Ainsley." I reply, introducing myself.

  We shake hands and I'm surprised by her grip. For such petite hands they have a lot of strength in them. The annoyance in her face softens and her smile turns genuine. "Pleasure to meet you as well, Mr. Ainsley." She says.

  “Please, Dom,” I tell her, shaking my head.

  “Dom, then,” she nods, “Nice to meet you, Dom,” We drop hands and she looks around.

  My impatience grows more when she looks at me and says, "D-do you mind if I grab a drink or something before we leave?"

  For a moment, I’m annoyed, but then I look into those big blue eyes. I remind myself that despite the sexy curves and bedroom eyes, she’s still a virgin, and while this is all just business as usual for me, it’s a big deal for her. I forgot how long it's been since I was with someone this inexperienced.

  If I want tonight to go well I need to be as calm and patient as I possibly can. This is not going to be easy, patience has never been my strong suit. But above all else, I really don't want to hang around the auction any longer, so I make a suggestion to her. "Perhaps I can take you out instead? We can have a drink somewhere nice, maybe a small bite to eat?"

  Not only have I surprised her with this, I can see the wary hesitation in her eyes. I wait for her response. I mean, I'm spending twice as much to be with her so where is the harm in spending a little extra to show her a good time as well? This way the night can be enjoyable for the both of us. It’s killing me knowing that if things had gone my usual way I could already be back at my place doing all sorts of things with her.

  But I just need to stay calm. I mean, this is only one night. How bad could it be? A small dinner date then afterwards I get her home and out of that dress.

  That's nothing. Besides, that's all a part of playing the game. Changing it up tonight could be a good thing.

  This is what I was hoping to happen after all. Something different to make the auctions less boring? Well tonight will certainly be different. It's been so long since I was with anyone like her. In fact, I should just be focusing on that. I steal a quick glance once more at her red lips. I pass it off as a friendly smile. She's still watching me, trying to decide whether or not I can be trusted. "Ok,” she says finally, cautiously, “That sounds nice.”

  I decide to really play up the part tonight and offer her my arm as we walk through the crowd. She refuses politely and walks in front of me, trying to keep a little distance between us.

  The way she’d introduced herself makes me think that even if she is naive and inexperienced, she's got a lot of spunk in her. That definitely makes her stand out from the other women I have met at these things.

  It's also something I'm not quite used to. I can't tell if it's a good or bad thing? But that doesn't matter. One way or another, it’s one night. Just a night of pleasure and fun. That must be what she was looking for too, otherwise why would she have shown up to the event?

  I hold the door open for her and we wait outside for the car to take us away. I'm already trying to think of someplace I can take her that will really impress her. If it's only one night we might as well make it one to remember I guess. It's not the money, I can make all that I've spent back tonight in no time.

  I’m just not used to making this much effort. Normally, it’s a one-and-done deal, easy. I get off and get back to my life. But while I’m a little annoyed at the wait, I remind myself once more to be patient.

  It reminds me of something my mother used to tell me, a quote from Aristotle, I believe. “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”

  And something tells me that Juliette’s cherry is going to be the sweetest I’ve ever had.

  Chapter 9 - Juliette

  We step out of the auction and I fall back to let him lead me to his car, following him around the corner and down the strip. I still can't believe everything that has happened tonight. I can't believe I agreed to go out for a drink and sell my virginity to him. I don't even know this man.

  It’s quiet out here, no one else around on this side of the strip. I try to keep some space between us as we walk. There’s a pervading awkward silence, I don't know what to say,
and he doesn't seem to be in a conversational mood.

  That's ok though, I'm still trying to make sense of this and see if I'm really ready to do this. Considering how much he paid, I kind of have to be, I guess. At least we’re going for a drink first. Maybe that will calm my nerves, or help me not remember anything about tonight. I still can't believe I'm doing something like this.

  We’re walking back by my little shop. That reminds me again of why I am going through all of this tonight. The sight of it starts to fill me with hope that maybe tonight will be worth it, and I'll be able to get through it. Those hopes are quickly dashed when Dominic scoffs aloud. I turn quickly to look at him and see a sneer on his face as he looks in my window. "What’s the matter?" I ask, a little coldly.

  "Oh, nothing…" he says with a little laugh.

  We slow our pace as he looks at my storefront and all the signs in the window. "Clearly you have something to say?" I prompt him, trying to keep my emotions in check.

  He laughs again and shakes his head. "Ok, I'll tell you. I was just thinking to myself how absurd it is that a place like this should still exist. We are in an age where digital media reigns supreme. Even CDs, MP3 players, are all outdated. What possible use could there be for vinyl records now?"

  I struggle to bite my tongue and keep my anger in check, reminding myself that it’s because of this rich snob that I’ll be able to keep the place alive. But internally, I’m seething. Who does he think he is? "You know, just because something is new, or cutting edge, it doesn't always mean it's better. There is a certain beauty in preserving things from the past because it's a part of us and our history. It can hold a lot of memories for certain people," My voice trembles with my barely-contained rage.

  He just laughs at my response and keeps trying to prove his point. "That's ridiculous. I bet that I could fit every single track off of every album in that store on a flash drive that would fit in a pocket. And that’s not even factoring in that most people just stream now, so why hang onto a bunch of dust-catching junk?"

  His words are my breaking point. I can't do this, nor do I want to anymore. How could I even consider going for a drink with this jackass, let alone giving him my virginity? I guess I'll have to figure out some other way to save my store, but I can’t go through with this. Right now I want to get as far away from this man as possible. I'm so angry and hurt by his words that I might do something I will regret.

  I take a step back from him, "You know what? You can keep your fucking money. I'm out!" I spit the words like they’re venomous.

  I turn around and start walking back to where the auction is still taking place. I need to see if it's too late to get out of this deal and if they can give him his money back. Not that I really care about what happens to him, so long as I’m off the hook.

  I can tell my sudden anger caught him off guard, because he hesitates before catching up with me. "Wait!" He calls out.

  He grabs my arm, gentle, but still firm enough to halt me. I stop walking and turn to face him, pulling my arm out of his grasp. "What do you want?" I demand angrily.

  He holds his hands up placatingly. "I just wanted to apologize. Seriously, I’m sorry, it was very rude of me to speak like that. You see, I own a tech company, so I'm used to progress. We are always upgrading and updating things, that’s my whole life. I’ve never had much patience for nostalgia because of that. Clearly you seem to have strong feelings about those things, and it was wrong of me to argue and poke fun like that." He apologizes.

  I glare at him a few seconds. His apology is certainly sincere but it still doesn't stop me from being irritated with him. If only he knew why those things meant so much to me. I take a deep breath to calm down. Maybe I’d kind of jumped down his throat, too. He’s not wrong, I know someone could probably fit the entire catalog of the store in a microchip smaller than my fingernail these days.

  I try to think of what Florian would do in a situation like this. He was such a people person. A lot of times I have wished I could be like him in that way. It would certainly make situations like tonight a whole lot easier. I try to think about this situation logically.

  He’s already explained his viewpoint, and I get it. It’s personal for him, too. But maybe there is a way to make him see my world. Suddenly I get an idea. I look at him. "Okay, I will accept your apology. If you let me show you something, and you try to keep an open mind about it?"

  He looks at me warily, but curious. "Fair enough.”

  "Good. Follow me," I instruct him.

  I start walking back towards the record shop. He follows, and we walk in silence. I'm going through all the records in my head, wondering which one I should play for him.

  Abruptly I stop outside the store. I dig around in my purse for the keys. As I'm unlocking the door, I can almost feel his shock and I have to hide a smug grin. He wasn't expecting me to be the owner of this place. I turn on the lights and hold the door open for him. "Come on in."

  Chapter 10 - Dominic

  I'm curious as I follow her back down the strip. My curiosity turns to bewilderment as we stand outside the record store again. She starts to dig in her purse for something. Is she going shopping? Should I inform her that the store is closed?

  Suddenly she pulls out a set of keys and unlocks the front door of the shop. My mouth hangs open in shock. I definitely wasn't expecting this. She owns the record shop? You have got to be kidding me.

  Well, now I feel like a massive dick and I kind of want to go crawl in a hole and die. I can't believe I just did that. No wonder she was so pissed she was willing to call the whole thing off. I insulted her whole fucking livelihood.

  If I had been in the same situation I probably would have felt the exact same way. She probably thinks I'm an insensitive prick now, and I find that that bothers me more than I expected it to. I don’t know why I care so much what she thinks of me, but I’m eager to redeem myself.

  "Come on in," She says in an inviting tone.

  While I’m not exactly thrilled at the idea of delaying our evening even more, I want to make it up to her. So I smile politely and follow her into the store, locking the door behind us. She walks over and puts her purse down by the register. I look around the shop curiously. It's small, but immaculate and well kept.

  She takes a lot of pride in this place, it's evident. It's fixed up in a cutesy, yet charming kind of way. I imagine it doesn't do much business, though. It can’t, right? Not with digital media so easy to come by.

  I try not to dwell on that too much. I don't want to bring up our previous argument.

  Juliette looks around and there’s something a little wistful in her gaze. But she shakes it off, then walks back over and stands in front of me. "Tell me about your taste in music," she says bluntly.

  Something in her voice catches my attention. I turn to look at her and am surprised to see her face lit up with enthusiasm and excitement. So different from earlier. When we were at the auction she seemed bittersweet, almost out of place.

  Then later when she was defending her store she seemed so fiery and passionate about everything she was saying and believed in. It's refreshing to meet someone like that. I was right to assume she was different from everyone else at the auction. It goes deeper than just her sense of style.

  "Why don't I pick something?" She suggests with a little smile when I don't answer her.

  She seemed excited about the prospect, and there’s a brightness to her that's a complete shock, vastly different from earlier tonight. I watch her walk behind the register. She picks up a record and removes it carefully from its slipcover.

  I'm stunned that I got to see her smile. It was unexpected, yet beautiful at the same time. All night I had been watching her red lips and daydreaming about where I’d like her to put them.

  But the sudden warmth and beauty of her smile has caught me off guard. I'm surprised by how much I liked seeing it. Maybe my emotions are getting the better of me tonight, as well.
br />   She puts the record on and after a few seconds music starts to play. With another little smile she walks back over to me. "Trust me, you'll love this. And you'll be glad I showed it to you," she promises, looking up at me.

  Her excitement is palpable. And I did promise her that I would keep an open mind, so I'm doing my best to do that.

  We stand there and listen to the music. I'm finding it increasingly difficult to keep doing this, though. I start to get fidgety again. I can't just stand still and listen to music.

  I think she notices this, though, because what she does next surprises me. She walks away and pushes one of the display tables out of the way. This opens a large amount of floor space.

  I wonder what she has in mind until she walks forward and grabs my hand. I start to get uncomfortable when I realize she wants to dance. "I'm not much of a dancer," I say hastily.

  She grabs my hand and plants it firmly on her waist. She grips the other and guides my feet back and forth.

  Soon her head rests on my chest and we’re swaying gently back and forth to the music. Before I know it, I'm lost in the moment and the music. I can't believe I'm actually enjoying this. This is so unlike me.

  It’s intimate in a way I’ve never experienced before. For me, intimacy has always directly correlated to sex, but this… it's just nice to be close to her and share in such an emotional and personal moment like this.

  All too soon, the song ends, there's a slight pause before the next one starts. Even in the silence, we continue to sway a little. I'm ready to lose myself in the music again as the first notes of the next song play.

  But Juliette stiffens suddenly, then breaks away from me. I'm caught off guard. I watch as she races across the room. She hurriedly takes the record off and puts it away, and I can see even from here that her hands are shaking.


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