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Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection

Page 80

by Jamie Knight

  Obviously we’d had some time to talk about his history and he’d gotten tested for everything, just to be safe, even though he’s always been obsessively cautious. But even so, we haven’t talked much about starting a family, and maybe it’s too big a risk to take. I watch his face carefully, trying to gauge his reaction, and to my relief, he breaks into a grin.

  “If that’s what you want, baby,” he murmurs.

  “And you’re sure…it’s ok? Risking it?” I ask.

  I don’t have to specify. He knows. It’s one of the things I love about him, he understands me sometimes before I even speak aloud.

  He nods, a silent, firm assurance, and his hand moves away from the drawer. My heart slams against my ribcage in excitement. He reaches down between my thighs, where I’m already soaking wet, and guides his cock into place. I gasp and clutch his shoulders as he begins the long, slow slide into me.

  It feels a little different without the latex between us. I can feel the heat of his skin, and when he fills me to the hilt and stills, I swear I can feel his heartbeat pulsing inside me.

  I get an indescribable thrill from that. I'm going to love doing this for the rest of my life. I pull him close and he deepens the thrust, going hard and fast. He knows how I like it. We are way past the stage of taking it slow.

  Of course, making love is always beautiful between us, but most of the time, we just prefer things hot and heavy. He pins my arms to the bed and buries his face in the side of my neck. I can hear him moan with each thrust.

  The air is warm around us as our body heat rises. I wrap my legs around him and his free hand cups my ass as he thrusts into me. He quickens the speed and I know he's almost there. Good, because so am I. We are both going so hard and fast, I already know I'm going to be exhausted after this. "Oh, Dom!" I start to gasp when I am nearly there.

  He moans in delight when I say his name. I start gasping and panting for air, suddenly I'm cumming all over him. My juices dripping out between my thighs.

  A few seconds later I hear him gasp. I can feel the heat of his seed spilling inside of me, a new sensation that I enjoy immensely. He lies on top of me for a few seconds, and we share a few tender kisses before finally, gently, he pulls out and lies beside me.

  I pull the covers over the both of us. With a tired smile he opens his arms and I eagerly cuddle into them. The feel of his broad chest beneath my cheek. I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. "I love you, Juliette. " he says, while planting a gentle kiss on top of my head.

  I smile and my heart Skips a beat. "I love you too, Dom." I say happily.

  I hear him yawn and I have to giggle. I cuddle in as close to him as I can before yawning as well. After a few minutes of silence I can tell by his breathing that he’s asleep. I lie there listening to the beating of his heart and thinking about everything that’s happened. I'm the luckiest girl in the world right now, all because I took a chance and went to that auction.

  Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.

  This is the happiest I have been in my entire life, and I know, without a doubt, that this happiness will last forever. He’s the other half of me. So, bubbling with happiness, I drift off to sleep beside him, with the two of us curled contentedly in each other’s arms. The way were destined to be.


  Pinning Her Cushion

  A Christmas Billionaire and Virgin Auction Romance

  Billionaire Auctions in Bloom Book 9

  Copyright © 2020 Jamie Knight Romance.

  Jamie Knight

  Your Dirty Little Secret Romance Author

  All rights reserved.

  Chapter One - Krystal

  The turn was always quick. There was something about the road that made all of the parking lots on something of an awkward angle. I had to cross two lanes of traffic with no traffic control, almost diagonally. Then it was a hard right to straighten out before I drove right into the lot. Despite how silly and often scary, it could be, I’d gotten good at it over the months and could usually pull it off with little trouble. Unless, of course, I was rushing. A compelling reason to always be on time.

  But today, it was like the universe was against me. Everything that could go wrong basically did. All having the cumulative effect of making me fifteen minutes late by the time I left. There was no chance of me getting to work on time. All I could do was reduce the amount by which I was late and hope I was able to avoid a chewing-out from my manager. Danny had gotten to a level of vicious sarcasm that should be registered as a weapon.

  The sweep across the lanes went perfectly, both empty at the time. I actually thought everything might be okay. Right before Murphy’s Law reached out and slapped the taste out of my mouth.

  The crunch echoed in my ears. I knew it was bad before I looked up. There was nothing that made that kind of sound that ended well. Through slightly blurred vision, I saw what looked very much like a delivery truck parked in the designated spot. Yep, definitely my fault.

  Retrieving my glasses from the floor, I checked my head. There was no blood and my legs didn’t feel broken. My neck was a bit wrenched, but that was about it. My physical well-being established, my mind flicked over to more financial concerns. Like how much the accident was going to cost me on my insurance. I needed my car to get to work. Buses were not really a thing in Rock Haven, and the town was also just a bit too big to be walking distance. I would have to get a second job, which would cut into my sewing time. But it was still better than getting sued.

  I didn’t notice them until the shouting started. Danny was giving both barrels of his almighty snark to two guys I hadn’t seen before. I assumed they were from the truck. One of the guys seemed equally angry as he looked at the damage to the truck.

  The sudden sound of tapping made me jump. A girl I didn’t know was at my window. She was about my age and looked a lot like the guys at the truck. I wondered if they might be related. Preparing myself for a barrage, I rolled down my window.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, seeming concerned.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,’ I said, getting out to meet my fate. “I’m really sorry about all this, I took the turn too fast and couldn’t straighten out in time.”

  “Don’t we know it,” the girl smirked. “Try getting a truck in here. I swear the town planners were several sheets to the wind.”

  My vision cleared a bit more and I noticed how hot the guys at the truck were. One of them looked like the Mighty Thor with a shave and a haircut. Well over six feet with bright blond hair and icy blue eyes. His eyes were full of anger as he crossed the distance from the truck to me, filling my little heart with both lust and shame.

  “You should be more careful,” he snapped.

  “You’re right, I am so sorry about that. I’ll pay for any damages, of course.” I said, not mentioning that I had no idea exactly how I would go about it.

  “Oh,” he said, seeming a bit surprised, like he’d been expecting a fight out of me.

  The other guy, who was definitely the brother of the girl and the Viking god in a suit, ambled over, looking a lot more calm than his sibling.

  “I think she’s sorry, Jayden. Accidents happen. If they didn’t, life would be pretty boring. I hit stuff when I’m driving all the time. Not usually other cars, but still.”

  “That may well be but - ”

  “Please don’t yell, Jay,” said the girl, actually covering her ears. “It was a mistake, and we will work it out.”

  Her brothers nodded silently, as though in the presence of a goddess, and the girl turned to me.

  “I’m Emma Clavis, and these two silly gooses-geese? Whatever, are my brothers, Jayden and Clarence.”

  “Hey,” the big one named Jayden objected.

  “We’re the Clavis in the Clavis Winery,” Emma continued.

  “I’ve heard of you,” I said. “I’m a server here. The customers often ask for your wine. I’m pretty sure I know your range
by heart.”

  “Tell you what,” Jayden said, after a long period of what looked a lot like thinking, “I’ll forget about the damage to the truck if you agree to be a server at our Christmas party.”

  “Of course! Absolutely,” I blurted, realizing later I should have at least pretended to think about it.

  There really was not an obvious way for me to get the money to pay for the damage, and he was offering me an out. What’s a little servitude to save money?

  “We are trying to get more restaurants to carry our brand,” Jayden said, handing me his card, “so it is going to be a very classy party. There is an orientation at the winery on Friday. I expect you to be there.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said automatically.

  Jayden closed up the emptied truck and got in with the rest of the Clavis family, driving off into the gathering night.

  “Move your car and get to work,” Danny barked before turning on his heel and mincing back into the steakhouse.

  Things were already picking up when I got out onto the floor, which was only to be expected on a Saturday. Moving with practiced efficiency, I got to my tables as fast as humanly possible. A lot of the customers were regulars, some of them specifically asking to sit in my section. Danny didn’t usually do that but some of them were pretty big spenders, and he cared more about money than convention.

  We were allowed a fifteen minute break every couple of hours, coming out to a total of forty-five minutes of my six hour shift. It wasn’t much, but I tried to make the most of it.

  “Don’t you get cold?”

  I turned and saw Mary Carter standing by the back door. Mary was a bit older than me, at 24, but had never worked as a server before. We quickly became friends and I took on a sort of mentor role. The poor woman had worn high heels her first day of work. I’d loaned her an old pair of sneakers I had in my car until she could get her own. They looked a little funny with the black dresses we had as uniforms but also kept our feet from bleeding, so Danny put up with it. The customers usually only really saw us from the waist up anyway.

  “It’s California,” I pointed out.

  “Yeah, but in December,” Mary said, sitting down next to me.

  “I like the quiet,” I replied with a shrug.

  “Yeah, a bit of a monkey house isn’t it?”

  “Hell yeah. That’s why everyone wants Saturday night shifts. It gets pretty hairy, but the tips are great and there’s usually overtime. It’s your first time, right?”


  “You’ll get used to it,” I told her gently.

  “Are you okay to be working? I heard Danny fuming about the accident. It was kind of hard to miss.”

  “Yeah, I’m good. I made a deal with the other guy, so I don’t think he’s going to sue.”

  “You or the Red Wing?”

  I grimaced. “Either.”

  The appointed time too soon arrived, and we went back into the hot, loud chaos of the steakhouse.

  I tried to keep my mind on the job, serving all my tables to the best of my ability but I kept finding myself drifting back to the tall, handsome man who had given me his card before demanding my presence. There was no denying he’s deeply attractive. His blue eyes seemed to look down into my soul.

  I wasn’t familiar with the name Clavis and wondered if it was Norse in origin. That would certainly explain a lot. I was used to being shorter than most guys, but even Emma towered over me. She had to be five-foot-ten at the very least. Put her in heels and she would be downright Amazonian. I nearly hurt my neck worse looking up at her brothers. He didn’t make a big deal of it, but I noticed Jayden bend a bit at the waist when he gave me the card, getting down closer to my level. I wasn’t exactly tiny at five-seven, but the Clavis family were something else entirely.

  Jayden had been a bit of a jerk, but he was also so hot and seemed willing to negotiate. At least after his anger died down and his sister stepped in. Besides, I found his commanding presence to be pretty darn arousing.

  Ignoring the wet feeling in my panties, I drove home even more carefully than usual and crashed into bed. I was spent but also nearly two hundred dollars richer. Visions of the costumes I would make danced in my head.

  Chapter Two - Krystal

  The birds seemed to be singing just for me. It was my first day off in as long as I could remember. The sweet feeling of freedom made the whole world brighter. I like my job okay. It helped keep me with a home and food, but it was also nice to have a day all to myself.

  Like many enterprising twenty-somethings, I had a regular job as part of the corporate machine as well as a side hustle that let me indulge in my creativity. Both sustained by the fact that I couldn’t live, literally or figuratively, without both of them. Things had gotten to the point where I was selling my creations, mostly medieval gowns and corsets, online, but I definitely wasn’t about to quit my day job.

  I had been working on a secret project for the holidays, hoping to launch it in time and was looking forward to some uninterrupted time to work on it. My sewing machine wasn’t modern. It had actually belonged to my great-grandmother and still worked by a foot pedal, but it still worked really well and could run anywhere, which was a definite advantage. I also kind of liked the internal incongruity of making mostly old-fashioned clothes the old-fashioned way and to sell online. Like the writers who would draft blogs on typewriters, it was a weird and wonderful meeting of old and new.

  I never really appreciated how complex corsets were. Far from the diabolical torture devices some claim, they were essential to wearing particular types of dresses, as they gave foundation for the petticoats. Tight and tiny waists also weren’t the ‘Victorian ideal,’ no matter what some cherry-picked illustrations might suggest. Most of them were created as anti-corset propaganda. This was a rant most of my friends had heard more than once. I knew it could get tiresome, but it just made me so mad the bullshit people would believe because someone who claimed to be a historian said so.

  I was so focused on making the perfect paragon of modern corsetry, I barely noticed the phone ringing. Snapping back to the physical realm, I snatched up the yelling glass and metal rectangle.


  “What’s up pussycat?” Lorelai’s familiar voice

  “Just working on a corset,” I said, pushing back from the sewing machine.

  Lorelai had been a close friend for years and deserved my undivided attention. Almost anyone else and I would have kept sewing while we talked.

  “Want to take a break for lunch?”


  When I got there, Lorelai was easy to spot. Not only was she the best dressed person in the restaurant, a local place near my apartment building, she was also heavily pregnant with twins. It was a bit awkward as we attempted to hug in greeting, but we made due.

  “How are things with the bridal shop?” I asked, helping her back down onto her chair.

  “Great, honestly better than I would have thought for December. Apparently Christmas is the new spring for weddings. Though, to be fair, they could just be planning really far ahead.”

  I felt awful, but couldn’t stop a pang of envy. Lorelai had everything she could ask for in life. A successful business that she loves with no boss but her, a great guy and not one but two healthy babies on the way.

  Although it hadn’t been easy. I knew how hard she’d worked to get where she was, and managed to keep the business she had inherited from her grandmother going, even after a huge fire destroyed part of the shop a few years ago. She not only powered through it, but made her business bigger and better.

  “How about you? I haven’t had time to be online much recently.”

  I wanted to lie so much I could almost feel the little devil version of me on my left shoulder. The better angel of my nature, however, was nowhere to be seen. The truth was things were going okay, but I still wasn’t where I wanted to be at that point.

  “Okay, I gues

  “You guess?” Lorelai pressed.

  “I feel dumb complaining. There are lots of people who don’t make anything. I have lots of regular customers and more all the time. It’s just that the material costs are so high I’m - ”

  “Breaking even but not much more?”


  “Been there. I didn’t start out a ripping success, and I was starting out with an established business.”

  “I’m not even aiming that high,” I admitted. “I would really just like to be able to make costumes and sell my costumes full time.”

  “A perfectly manageable goal,” Lorelai agreed.

  “Only problem is I’m not sure how to get there. I’m doing everything I can think of.”

  “I guess working at the steakhouse doesn’t help much.”

  “Yes and no,” I sighed, “I don’t have as much time as I would like, but it gives me money to afford rent and buy food, which is a help when it comes to being able to focus.”

  “I can imagine,” Lorelai concurred.

  I knew the look, having seen it several times over the years. While the results varied, it usually meant something other wonderful or terrible was about to happen.

  “Oh, boy,” I said, accidentally voicing the thought aloud.


  “You have the look,” I confided.

  “What look?”

  “The one that has lost you every game of cards you’ve ever played.”

  “How did you know?”

  “Lucky guess.”

  I let it go while we ate. Our conversation went to more neutral ground. Not talk of prenatal issues or distortions of clothing history. Both subjects that while they interested us respectively, tended to annoy the heck out of people who weren’t us. Unable to hold it in anymore I finally gave as we exited the restaurant.

  “Okay,” I said with a sigh.


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