Chasing Chad

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Chasing Chad Page 4

by Jeanisse, Bella

  He frowned. That meant they wouldn’t be talking. At least it’s a public place, so there won’t be any intimacy either.

  “Come on!” Maggie shouted. She tugged Chad to the front desk. Her plan to ignore her promise of just talking about Crystal was sealed. “I called to hold a lane for Maggie.”

  Chad’s eyes wandered around. This is not so bad. We can just have some fun. He needed to relax and blow off some steam anyway. When he was asked what shoe size he wore, he gritted his teeth. He had not thought of that. “Uh, 15.”

  “Whoa!” The young man behind the counter stared with wide eyes. “Seriously?”

  Maggie glanced down at Chad’s feet. Then her eyes moved over his crotch. Hmm, maybe what they say about big feet is true. She giggled involuntarily. “Um, can he wear his sneakers?”

  “Not supposed to. I’ll see if we can find something.”

  Minutes later, the couple sat near their lane. Chad had been given a new pair of shoes from the pro shop. It was the only ones they had in his size. He heard his name as he tied them. When he looked up, several young people had joined them.

  “Hi.” He wasn’t sure who they were.

  One young man stepped forward. “Hi, Chad. I just wanted to say hello. I’m a big fan. Got tickets to the first night of the tour next month. Was kinda hoping you’d sign my t-shirt.”

  It was then that Chad noticed the Triple Threat shirt the man wore. “Oh, sure.” He knew that Demonfire Records had put out merchandise, but he had not seen any other than at gigs. “Do you have a pen or something? I didn’t bring one.”

  He signed a few things with a marker the young man had. Soon after, a few more people approached. Thankfully, it was quite sedate. Most just wanted to take a picture with him.

  After the requests died down, he turned to Maggie. “Sorry. This happens from time to time.”

  “You’re famous.” She grinned widely, excited. “I figured this could happen.”

  Chad sighed. “I dunno about famous, but we’re known in Jersey at least.”

  “I have all of your demos and any merch I’ve been able to get my hands on.” She blushed and was glad the room was dark. “To support the band, of course.” She hoped she had not given away her level of obsession with him.

  He nodded. Many of their diehard fans had gone crazy when they had seen the extended merchandise available at recent shows. “I may have a few shirts we don’t have out there yet if you’d like one.”

  “Yes, please.” She jumped in place a few times before she was able to control herself again. “Are you ready to play?” It was amazing that he had not seen through her yet. She fought to tame the fangirl within. It wasn’t easy.

  After Chad’s first turn, he laughed at himself. He threw the ball quite hard, but aimed it right at the gutter.

  “It’s been a while since I bowled, too.” He shook his head. “May take me some time to get into the groove again.” He and Crystal had bowled a lot as kids.

  “You got one!” Maggie cheered.

  He glanced at her as he walked to his seat. “Yeah, one.”

  “One is better than nothing.” Her excitement threatened to spill over again. She took slow breaths to calm herself. “You’ll do better next frame.

  *** ♫♪♫♪ ***

  Chad smiled as he parked near Maggie’s apartment. The night had been fun, after he had gotten over himself. Something nagged at him, though. Her behavior was a bit odd. Still a bit nervous, he walked her to her door.

  He debated if he should see her again. It wasn’t a disaster, so why not?

  “Well, good night.” He offered her a hug when she had unlocked her door.

  She smirked and stealthy kissed his lips. “It was a good night.” She waited until his eyes met hers. “It doesn’t have to end. Come on in and I’ll make some coffee.”

  “Um...” He knew by her demeanor that much more than coffee was on her mind. “Not tonight, maybe next time.”

  Her green eyes lit up to hide her disappointment. No way did she want him to see her true intentions. “OK, next time. When are you free again?”

  “We don’t have a gig until after New Year’s.” He shrugged, unsure what second date etiquette was.

  She saw his struggle. “I’m free tomorrow.”

  “Maybe somewhere quieter next time? I’d like to know more about you.” He glanced into the apartment when her dog barked. “What kind of dog do you—Whoa!” He stepped back when the chocolate Labrador jumped on him. Paws on his chest, he froze. “Is she friendly?”

  Her laugh was genuine. “Yes.” She shook a finger at the dog. “Coco, get down!”

  Chad was a bit relieved when the dog complied. “I never had a pet, but I love dogs. Hi, Coco.” He leaned down and scratched her head.

  “Do you wanna go for a walk?” Maggie cooed to Coco. The response was a wag of her tail. “Do you mind walking with us?” She didn’t want him to leave just yet.

  A smile on his face, he nodded. “Sure.” When he had stood upright, Coco already had a leash on. “Can I hold it?” He held out a hand.

  “Sure.” She offered the loop end of the leash. “She’ll pull you, so be careful.”

  Chad laughed when Coco bolted outside. He jogged to keep up with her. “You weren’t kidding.” He smiled when she stopped at a fire hydrant and sniffed it. “Talk about stereotype.”

  “She’s checks out the weirdest things.” Maggie was glad Coco liked Chad. “Hold her tight if you see another dog. She’ll bark and scare them. She’s harmless, though. She just wants to play.”

  They walked about a half mile before Coco had enough. Chad still held her leash with a smile. He was glad he hadn’t left right away. The dog had distracted him from the conflicts in his head.

  After Maggie had opened her door and let Coco inside, she turned to Chad. “How about you come in for that coffee now? My hands are freezing.”

  “I’m not sure.” He glanced around. No one was in sight.

  As she bit her lip, she ran a hand up his arm. “We can skip the coffee.” Her fingers moved into his coat and up to his neck. “How about we-”

  He grabbed her hand. “I don’t move this fast.”

  Confused, she stared at him. She had expected him to be a man whore like most musicians. She hadn’t seen him with many women, but she thought that was just his public persona.

  At gigs, he talked to female fans, but never left with them. What’s his deal? Maybe he’s just faking it to look good on a first date?

  It was obvious to Chad that she expected sex that night. If she pushed, he wouldn’t call her again. The last thing he needed was a one night stand. “I should go.”

  “Wait.” She could tell he was annoyed. “I didn’t mean to assume. Can we see each other again?” And hook up, please? Her eyes went to his crotch. She was sure she could talk him out of those jeans if he just let her.

  He sighed. “Sure, but I take things slow.”


  Maggie squealed when she came home from work the next evening. She and Chad had a second date planned.

  “Today’s the day!” She was sure she would finally get Chad in bed that night. “Then he’ll forget all about Crystal.” She knew Crystal was competition, no matter what Chad said about their relationship.

  Still excited, she put Coco’s leash on and took her for a walk. Although he had turned down a night at her place, she knew a night at his would be even better. She had a plan that she was sure he couldn’t resist.

  It wasn’t obvious to most, but she had a fetish of sorts. Musicians made her crazy. She had slept with many band members, most after they had met for the first time.

  There had been multiple famous men in her bed. It was harder to get to the big names. However, she had plenty of ways to bribe a roadie to get backstage. She would do almost anything.

  Unbeknownst to Chad, she had slept with his bandmate, Chris. She had even hooked up with Rosario Saracino, their previous singer.

  She had assumed he
r usual moves would work on Chad as well. Obviously, he would be more difficult to crack.

  Before that day, Chad had been next on her list to bed. She hadn’t anticipated that he would be as sweet in person as he seemed. Most musicians were until they got her alone. She preferred the aggressive ones, but she had such a crush on Chad.

  As they walked, she imagined Chad naked. She had seen him shirtless a few times onstage and in pictures, so she knew he had a hot body. She knew very little about below the belt, though. He has to be well hung.

  Her mind wandered to the first popular musician she had met. It was a day that had changed her life.

  *** ♫♪♫♪ ***

  He was all she could ever think of most of the time. His posters covered her bedroom walls. At 17, she never thought she would have the chance, but she had won backstage passes for two, and she was about to obtain her dream.

  She had a fake ID so there wouldn’t be a problem with her age. Her best friend was just as excited. The had both worn a skirt and band tank top. Although, Maggie was overweight and in her eyes, she did not look as good as her friend.

  When they were led backstage, her heart pounded. The dressing room was noisy and full of people. She hadn’t expected to meet him in such a wild environment.

  They had been told it would be a simple meet and greet. It seemed the band had made other plans without telling the radio station.

  Her breath caught when Jon Harris and Dean Johnson of Gasoline came into view. She almost squealed, but held it in. Her friend made a beeline for Jon, who was sipping a beer. That left Maggie to approach Dean alone. She was beyond nervous.

  “Uh, hi.” Maggie stood just a few feet from him. “I won a pass to meet you.”

  Dean looked up and frowned. Then he shrugged. “Hey.”

  She glanced around. There weren’t a lot of scantily clad skinny women like she had expected. Her eyes drifted to her body, and she regretting not starting the diet pills her friend had suggested.

  “You look kinda young.” Dean stood and checked the teenager out. “Are you really 18?”

  Her blush was involuntary. “Will I get in trouble?”

  “Not with me.” Dean glanced around the room. “How about we head over to that corner so we can hang out.”

  She saw something in his eyes that she didn’t like, but she wanted to be close to him. “OK. My friend is over there, though.” She pointed to her friend.

  “Don’t worry.” He grabbed her hand and tugged her as far away from the others as possible. Along the way, he grabbed two drinks from the bar. “How old are you really?”

  “Um, 17.” She trembled with anxiety. His hand in hers felt amazing. “What do you normally do backstage?”

  He winked at her as they sat on a couch. “Fuck.”

  Eyes opened wide, she felt quite naïve. She had not thought of that, although her friend tried to warn her. Even more nervous, she replied, “Is your girlfriend here?”

  “Don’t have one.” He brushed the hair from her face. “I like young girls. They usually have tight pussies.”

  She was shocked when she was suddenly on her belly. “What’re you doing?”

  “Hush, sweet thing.” Dean knelt between her legs. “I’m about to show you a good time.”

  *** ♫♪♫♪ ***

  Her mind came back to the present, and she frowned. After Dean was done with her, he had the balls to tell her, “You need to lose this weight so I can stand to look at you next time.”

  The next day, she stopped eating anything bad for her and worked out as much as possible. Within a year, she had turned into a bombshell that no man could resist.

  So far, she had not gotten the chance to meet Dean again. However, she was quite sure that Chad was friends with him. If she could get Chad to want her, she was sure Dean would see her in a new light, and he would be sorry he had missed out.

  She had no idea it was abnormal to think that way. Her obsession with Chad had stemmed from that incident. So had her need to bed musicians. None had turned her down since she began to throw herself at them.

  Chad would be the first. That needed to be remedied. She knew what to do and had it all planned out.

  When Coco was done, they just about ran home. She had a lot of preparation to do, so she jumped into the shower. “He’ll never know what hit him!”

  *** ♫♪♫♪ ***

  Unable to relax, Chad paced his living room. Maggie was supposed to be there within the hour. He had dinner on the stove.

  She had suggested her place, but he didn’t trust her yet. He also had second thoughts about her coming to his house. What if she puts something in my drink? He rolled his eyes. You turned into a pussy!

  “It’s just dinner,” he reminded himself. They planned to go see a movie after they ate.

  When a timer went off, he rushed to the stove and stirred the rice. He loved to cook, although he did not have time often. As he checked the chicken on the grill pan, he wondered what the night would be like. He hoped she didn’t come on to him.

  His body seemed to be ready to move on, but his heart ached with just the thought of sleeping with another woman. It would be cruel to allow her to sate his body while he thought of someone else.

  A shiver came over him. His mind had gone back in time again. Crystal was bent over the kitchen table while he fucked her. Her cry made his body tremble.

  Fuckin’ stop that! He growled at his lack of self-control. Anytime he thought of sex, she was the source of his pleasure. Time to give her up for good.

  Once again, he checked the food on the stove and moved it to the counter. He thought about putting it into serving dishes, but it would stay warmer as is.

  His eyes went down his body. Dressed casually, he felt he looked fine. Then there was a knock on the door. His entire body tensed. Chill. It’s just a date.

  “Come in.” Chad stepped back from the opened door and shivered at the cold breeze. “Can I take your coat?”

  Maggie walked into the house in her longest coat. Her smirk was hidden behind a hand, since she didn’t want to blow the surprise. When she had gotten out of the car, she wondered if it was a stupid idea, since the draft was intense.

  “Not yet.” She set her large purse down on a chair and walked toward the kitchen. With a sneaky grin, she stopped near a wall. “Maybe you can help me with something.”

  Curious, Chad approached her. “With what?” When she didn’t say anything, he walked around her and noticed an impish expression. “You OK?”

  “Fine.” She quickly opened her coat.

  His eyes almost popped out of his head. She was completely naked underneath the coat. Unable to help it, he scanned her body. She wasn’t perfect but hot.

  His eyes were drawn to the dark short hair in a landing strip on her mound. Bottle blonde, like I suspected.

  She stepped toward him, and he retreated until he hit the wall. “So then. Do you fuck on the second date?”

  “Uh…” His mind had gone blank. “I… uh…” He broke out of his shock when she had opened his belt. By the time he had grabbed her hands, she had his pants unzipped. “Wait. Don’t.”

  As she licked her lips, she yanked a hand away and dove into his jeans. She freed his half-hard cock, and her mouth dropped. His size shocked her. “Damn!” With fingers wrapped around the base, she stared at the head.

  “I can’t. Please don’t.” He felt like a pussy for saying it, but guilt consumed him.

  She stroked it slowly. “This is not what I expected to find in your pants. Lucky me.”

  With each second, his dick swelled further. He couldn’t stop his body’s reaction. Although he wanted to push her away, he worried he would hurt her.

  Her eyes widened when it grew larger than any she had ever seen. Suddenly, she became nervous. What if it hurts? How the hell is he this big?

  Her hesitation gave him the opening he needed. He quickly tucked his cock away. “Yeah, I know. Too big. I can’t anyway. It’s too soon. I need to know y
ou first.”

  “Wait, what?” She glanced up and stared at him. “That’s what I’m supposed to say to you.” The groupie in her made her want to fuck him. “You don’t fuck around like the other guys do?”

  He turned away. “No. That’s not my thing.”

  Shocked and unsure of herself, she covered up. “I’m sorry. I thought that’s what you wanted. Most rock stars-” She cut herself off before he found out about her promiscuous past.

  What will he think if he finds out the truth?

  “This was so stupid.” Maggie’s face was red as a beet. She grabbed her bag. “Can I use your bathroom?”

  Chad felt bad when a tear ran down her cheek. “Of course.” He led her to the hall bathroom. “Let me know if you need anything.”

  He waited for a few seconds outside the door, unsure what to say to make her feel better. Then he heard her crying and stepped away. Did I lead her on, or make her think I wanted more? He was quite sure he hadn’t.

  When Maggie reappeared, dressed in jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt, Chad smiled. “How about we forget all that and have dinner?”

  “OK.” She wiped away a stray tear and nodded. “I’m sorry.”

  He waved a hand in the air. “Let’s just move on.” His eyes zeroed in on her breasts. He couldn’t forget how they looked. “Uh…” He swiftly moved to the kitchen. “Sit and I’ll make you a plate.”

  After they had sat at the table, Maggie looked up at Chad. He seemed unaffected by her embarrassing stunt. “Um… I promised to open up some. Maybe I went a bit too far.” She giggled.

  “Maybe.” Chad chuckled softly. “I’d like to know more about you. Are you from Jersey? You don’t have much of an accent.”

  She took a deep breath. “Technically, I am. But my dad was in the military, so we moved around a lot. We came back home when he retired. How about you?”

  “Born and bred.” He smiled. “Still got most of the accent, too.” He winked. “Even college couldn’t beat it outta me.” He poured it on thick for her.


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