Chasing Chad

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Chasing Chad Page 5

by Jeanisse, Bella

  Her eyes moved over his long hair. “I have to admit… I read most of what’s on Google about you.”

  “Oh, really?”

  He rarely looked himself up, but he was sure there was a lot out there. He had to correct the band’s Wiki page a few times, so he knew some lies were out there as well.

  “The rumor about me being gay is wrong. I’m just kinda… old fashioned.” Unless Crystal’s involved. Cut that out! It was as if his own mind was against him.

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “I didn’t think it was.” She covered her mouth while she tried to catch her breath. “How about the one where you were arrested in a strip club?”

  “Nope, almost was but got lucky.”

  His face heated up as the night came to him. It was the night he had gone out with Chris and Rosario. He had been worried about Crystal being pregnant. It was supposed to take his mind off his troubles.

  Instead, it had compounded them. He had felt guiltier the next morning than he ever had.

  “I have two sisters,” Maggie offered.

  Chad looked up. “Cool. I have two brothers.”

  *** ♫♪♫♪ ***

  “It’s not too geeky for you?” Chad glanced at the movie schedule again.

  Maggie laughed. “No. I already told you I wanted to see it.”

  He sometimes worried that he was weird, since he had such broad tastes. “OK. Good.” Slightly relieved, he took her hand in his and tugged her toward the theater. After his phone was scanned to let them in, he glanced at her. “Popcorn?”

  “Yeah, but not much.” She smiled when she noticed women staring at them. “Dinner at your place filled me up.” A gasp made her bite her lip. She had hoped the obvious fans would be jealous.

  Chad nodded and headed toward the concession stand. “Uh… I think people are staring at us.”

  “You do realize you’re famous in this town, right?” She almost laughed. He was so modest. “No mistaking that beautiful long curly blonde hair. I bet the girls are debating if they want to approach you.”

  He shrugged. Sometimes he forgot who he was. Their local following was intense at times. He was lucky that fans didn’t bother him everywhere he went. As soon as they reached the counter, the autograph and picture requests began.

  “Hey, man.” Phil stopped a few feet from the couple. “Funny meeting you here on a week night.” He had a girl on his arm he planned to seduce when they got back to her place.

  Chad looked up from the paper he had just signed. “Hey.” He waved at the others nearby. “Thanks for the love, but we need to get going before we miss the movie.” He hurried away.

  Phil followed. “You guys are going to see Dark Angel, too?” He almost laughed. “Guess that’s why they call us the geeks of the bunch.” He looked over the woman with Chad. “Who’s your friend?”

  “Uh…” Chad froze for a few seconds. Then he turned to Phil. “Um, this is Maggie.”

  Curious, Phil put out a hand. “Nice to meet you. Do you know each other long?”

  “We just started dating yesterday,” Maggie admitted as he shook Phil’s hand.

  Phil laughed out loud. “She’s real? Seriously?” He bent over at the waist to try to control himself. When he was able to talk, he smirked. “Oh, my fucking God! I can’t believe this.”

  “Will you chill out?” Chad growled.

  Unable to stay quiet, Phil rolled his eyes. “Dude! This is game changing. She’s-”

  Chad slapped a hand over Phil’s mouth and dragged him several feet away. “What the hell, man? Don’t tell her that shit. You’re gonna blow this for me. She doesn’t need to know everything.”

  “Does she know you’re in love with Crystal?” Phil had become a bit concerned.

  With a sigh, Chad replied, “I haven’t told her, and you won’t either.”

  “OK. I won’t.” Phil dug into his pocket and pulled out a condom. “Use this well tonight. Fuck her ’til she can’t take it anymore. Then she’ll be begging for that big dick again.”

  Chad exhaled loudly. “I’m not jumping her bones on the second date. We just met last week.”

  “That’s long enough.” Phil nodded toward the girls who were waiting for them. “I just met… uh… Cassidy I think, this morning. As soon as we step foot in her place, that pussy is mine.”

  Frustrated, Chad stepped back and threw his hands up. “What’s with you and guys and pushing me to fuck chicks? I’m not like you. I want something more. I actually want love and a relationship.”

  “What you want is Crystal, and that’s not gonna happen.” Phil felt bad for his friend. They had known each other since high school. “Sex can give you part of what you lost until you find the rest.” He hoped that sounded sincere. It was the best he could do.

  Chad took a deep breath. “I just can’t do that.” He glanced at Maggie. “I need the whole package or nothing.”

  “Hold on a minute.” Phil thought back to when he had caught Chad fucking Crystal one night. No one but Crystal knew he had seen them. “Crystal didn’t love you or want to date, but you fucked her hardcore anyway.”

  The words sank in quickly. The expression on Phil’s face said it all. His mouth dropped. “Did you watch us?”

  Phil’s eyes opened wide. “Uh…”

  “You did!” Chad’s face screwed up. “You son of a bitch. Did you watch so you could see her naked? Wait! How did you see us? We were careful.”

  A guilty look on his face, Phil admitted, “I came back one night after practice and you guys were at it. I couldn’t help but watch.” He shrugged. “Don’t worry. She said you’re the best. When I-” He clamped his lips shut. If Chad knew he had fucked her too, he’d likely go ballistic. “I asked her.”

  “Really?” Chad grinned. “She said that?” He loved to hear that from her. “We’re getting off track. Stop pushing me to sleep with her. I need to go at my own pace.”

  Phil sighed. “Fine.” He shook his head as he walked back to Cassidy. “Sorry about that. Guy talk.”

  “Everything OK?” Maggie took Chad’s arm when he was close enough.

  Chad nodded. “Yeah. Phil just tends to run off at the mouth and needed to be put in his place.”

  “OK.” Maggie worried that Phil had seen through her façade.

  Phil wrapped an arm around Cassidy’s waist and grabbed her ass. “Let’s get seats together.”

  When they had finally entered the theater room, he sighed. The cover of darkness was welcome. He was sure Phil’s intrusiveness was over. No such luck.

  As soon as they were seated, Phil reached over and forced Chad’s hand onto Maggie’s upper thigh. “It’s a date. Touchy-feely is expected.”

  “Damn it!” Chad yanked his hand back and leaned down to Maggie. “I’m sorry. He’s an asshole sometimes.”


  “Ready, Crystal?” Chad turned in time to watch her open her long coat. She revealed her fully nude body, and his mouth dropped.

  She winked at him and let the coat pool at her feet. “You like?”

  His head titled. A bit of déjàvu came over him. It made him pause. His growing cock won out. “Yeah.” His eyes focused on her breasts first then went lower. “I like it very much.”

  When he didn’t move, she stepped toward the hallway. “Doesn’t seem like you do.”

  “I do.” He grabbed her and pressed her to wall. “Promise.”

  She licked her lips when he lifted her up. Her voice husky with desire, she whispered, “Show me.”

  “Definitely.” He thrust his full length into her in one stroke. Wait! How’d I do that? My pants aren’t open. He glanced down. They were undone. How? She moaned, and the conflict was forgotten. “Is this a secret again or are you mine?”

  She whimpered with need then brushed his lips with hers. “I’m yours. I’ll always be yours.”

  “God, I love you.” He groaned as he slowly withdrew. “I love you with my heart and soul, my baby girl.”

  He held her as
close as he could as he pumped up into her. The feel of her body against his filled his heart with more love than ever.

  To show her, he kissed her lips softly. Then they moved over her cheeks, chin, jaw and neck. She responded with deep sighs. Her ears and collarbone received equal treatment.

  “Chad… Chad… Still the best.”

  Those words always boosted his ego. He leaned down a bit more and let his lips slid over her shoulder.

  Just after he had made his way back to her ear, he murmured, “And you’ll always be my number one.” He gasped as the urge to spill his seed grew. “Have my baby.”

  Crystal met his eyes. “Yes.”

  Did she say yes? Oh, my fucking God! She said yes! His eyes closed, and he leaned his cheek on the side of her head. “Please make it happen this time.” He shuddered while streams of semen filled her.

  *** ♫♪♫♪ ***

  Chad awoke when he felt something wet on his leg. He sat up quick. Then he realized it had been a dream, and he had orgasmed in his sleep.

  “Goddammit!” He carefully stood and wiped himself off on the top sheet. Then he stripped the bed. “Only you can do this to me, baby.”

  The dream played in his mind again. It suddenly morphed into the time he had actually cum inside her months prior. That moment of bliss had been ruined by her tears. He had been too drunk to realize how big his mistake had been.

  When she had just about blown up at him the next morning, he had felt worse than he ever had. The repercussions had her terrified. All he could do was apologize and promise to be there for her.

  The weeks of waiting had been filled with hope and fear. He wanted her to be pregnant. Then again, if she had been, their lives would have been turned upside down. He had been willing to deal with it all, just to be connected to her so deeply.

  His dreams had come crashing down the day she told him she had gotten her period. He knew she had felt his pain, but he hadn’t allowed her to comfort him. The last thing he had wanted was for her to feel sorry for him.

  It had hurt like hell that she wasn’t pregnant. Dominic had counseled him some. Once in a while, the what ifs still got to him. It’s a lost cause. She’ll never have your baby.

  He shook his head at himself and got back to the mess he had made. As soon as he had the bedding in the washing machine, he hopped into the shower.

  When he recalled the dream, he smiled. Crystal in Maggie’s place would have turned out somewhat similar. Although, he was sure she would not have allowed him to attempt to impregnate her on purpose.

  That meant he had a bigger problem. He wasn’t as attracted to Maggie as he should be, and he still needed Crystal’s image to bring him over the edge. Are both of those real issues, though? Not every man wants every woman.

  “When was the last time a woman other than Crystal got you to the point of no return?” He thought about it for only a few seconds. “Right, it’s been years.” He leaned his hands on the wall. “But it was only a dream. I can resist her. She needs me to.”

  *** ♫♪♫♪ ***

  “Sorry to bug you.” Chad held his phone to his ear hours later as he debated what to say. “Um, but... I wanted to know if you were busy tonight. Got something I can’t talk to Crystal about.”

  Dominic heard the confusion in Chad’s tone. “Come on over for dinner when you get off work. I can show you the music room.”

  “That’d be cool.” Chad glanced around to make sure he was still alone. Most in the office had gone to lunch. He had new system backups to set up, so he stayed back. “Should I bring anything?”

  With a smile, Dominic replied, “Nah, just yourself. We’re making pasta tonight.”

  “Thanks.” Chad felt a bit of relief. “I’ll text you when I’m on my way.”

  *** ♫♪♫♪ ***

  Chad moaned as he slurped in a forkful of lasagna. “Damn!” He chewed and swallowed before he continued, “I need to learn to make sauce like yours.”

  “When you stop working for five minutes, I’ll teach you.” Dominic laughed. “Hopefully, you don’t get called in again tonight.” He glanced up at his family and girlfriend. “After we clean up, we’ll head upstairs.”

  It didn’t take long to get everything into the kitchen. Lucky for them, Dominic’s girl offered to wash the dishes so they could talk.

  When they had walked into the music room, Chad’s eyes were drawn to the guitars that covered two walls. He scanned the signatures and was quite impressed. There were many huge names.

  “Do you play any of these?” Chad was amazed.

  Dominic turned and smiled. “Not the signed ones.” He picked up a 1969 Les Paul Ebony Custom. “This one I write with sometimes.” His gaze moved to Chad. “OK, spill. You look confused.” He set the guitar in its holder again.

  “Well…” Chad took a seat at the piano. “I met this girl… and kinda went on a date.”

  Unable to contain himself, Dominic blurted out, “That’s great!”

  “I’m not so sure about that.” Chad sighed. He wasn’t sure how to put it. “Um, she’s kinda pushy. She’s wants to have sex already.”

  Dominic frowned. “And you’re not ready for that, huh?”

  “No.” Chad felt like a teenager. “She came to my place last night to have dinner and was naked under her coat. Then she pulled my dick out.” He threw his hands up. “Any other guy woulda fucked the shit outta her. I just… couldn’t. What the hell’s wrong with me?”

  “Nothing. Men like you and me are just different.” Dominic understood why Chad resisted, for the most part. “You need to go at your own pace.”

  Chad nodded. He knew Dominic would understand. “So, what do I do if she tries to get me in bed again?”

  “What did you tell her last night?”

  As he stared at his hands, Chad replied. “I told her I need to know her first.”

  “Did it work?” Dominic had been in that situation before.

  Chad glanced up. “She was embarrassed, but she seemed to understand.”

  “Are you still hung up on Crystal?”

  “You know I am.” Chad buried his face in his hands for a few seconds. “Something in me won’t let her go. I can’t explain it. Deep inside, I just know she loves me.” He groaned. “I know it sounds stupid. When I made love to her last week-”

  Dominic jumped to his feet. “What? Last week?” He couldn’t believe his ears.

  “Fuck,” Chad muttered. He hadn’t meant to admit that.

  “You slept with her last week?” Dominic thought they had put their affair behind them. “Your idea or hers?”

  Chad shrugged. “It was kinda mutual. We were emotional and needed closure.”

  “And now you’re an emotional wreck inside, right?

  “Uh, yeah.” Chad’s face fell. “It kinda fucked with my head.” He paused while he debated if he should admit the worst part. “I begged her to tell me she loves me. She did, over and over again. I felt it. I swear.”

  Dominic let out a long exhale. “That’s wishful thinking. She went back to Giovanni, didn’t she?”

  “Yep.” Chad’s shoulders drooped. “Guess if she loved me she would’ve stayed.” He didn’t move for a while as that sank in. “Am I crazy?”

  “No, you’re in love. That can screw with your head.”

  *** ♫♪♫♪ ***

  When Chad pulled into his driveway, he sighed. Phil’s car was already there. The last thing he needed was Phil making fun of him again. The talk with Dominic had not done him much good. Dominic wasn’t a miracle worker. At least he no longer thought he was insane.

  After a few seconds to collect his thoughts, Chad stepped out of his van. He had to prepare for Phil’s usual plan to get him out of funk. It never worked.

  Phil jumped out of the driver’s side. “How was the rest of your date?”

  “What date?” Chad thought it best to play dumb.

  Sam, who worked for Gasoline and Demonfire, walked around Phil’s car and laughed. “Don’t play
that game. I heard you went out with some blonde chick twice.”

  “A new record!” Phil shouted as he pounded Chad on the back. “When was the last time you went on a date before this chick?”

  Chad exhaled loudly. “Does it matter?”

  “Yeah.” Phil followed Chad into the house. “Did you at least get some?”

  Sam closed the door after he had entered as well. “Maybe third base?”

  “Fuck you guys.” Chad tossed his jacket on a chair. “My sex life is my own business.”

  Phil smirked. “You mean lack of. I’m making it my business now.” He glanced around. “Let’s go out.”

  “I need to go to bed.” Chad forced a yawn.

  Sam shook his head. “What you need is a blowjob. I know this chick-”

  “Forget it.” Chad knew he had to start over at his own pace.

  Phil grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and handed one to Sam. “Let’s go to Charlie’s. I’m sure they have some kinda music playing.”

  “Fine.” Chad knew they would come up with a hundred ideas until he agreed to one of them. “But I’m not letting either one of you two morons drive.”

  *** ♫♪♫♪ ***

  “See. Good idea!” Phil held up his glass. “This place is a part of our history.”

  Chad glanced around Charlie’s main room. He and Crystal had hung out there for many years and had played there with multiple bands. Memories flooded his mind. He smiled as he saw her up on the stage many years ago.

  Their dreams had become a reality. Back then, they were just dreams. It took a lot of hard work, pain and frustration. However, they had made it to a place where they could taste the fame they had desired when they were young. The rest would depend on their popularity and the ability to write a follow up album that was just as good, if not more so.

  “You a’right?” Sam bumped Chad’s arm.

  Chad nodded. “Just reminiscing. Played here a lot.” He glanced around. “This place has changed, but it’s also still the same.”

  “True.” Phil pointed to a semi-dark corner. “I fucked at least four chicks in that very spot.”


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