Chasing Chad

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Chasing Chad Page 11

by Jeanisse, Bella

  How was your trip?

  She smiled and replied:

  It would’ve been better with you instead of Brett.

  They made you go with that asshole?

  She frowned.

  Yes, and he grabbed me again. I should’ve broken his nose.

  One of these days, I’m gonna kick his ass.

  Because she regretted the complaint, she sent back:

  Then you’d be in jail on an assault charge.

  True. Is your flight on time?

  Brandon was supposed to pick her up in Baltimore. She was more excited than ever before. With a smirk, she replied to him, sure he would get a kick out of the response.

  *** ♫♪♫♪ ***

  Brandon sat on the couch in his living room. He awaited Mackenzie’s reply to his text about her flight. There was a football game on the widescreen television mounted to the opposite wall, but he didn’t even know the score.

  The large house was lonely with just him in it. He was glad Mackenzie could share it with him for a few hours.

  A guitar on his lap, he played a song he had written for her on his last tour. She had never heard it, and he hoped she never found out it was about her.

  He had poured his heart into it on an emotional day, but it told exactly how he felt about her. In his head, he heard Jake singing it, and his eyes closed.

  His phone chirped and jolted him back to reality. He took a deep breath and read the message.

  Yes. Can’t wait to rip your fucking clothes off.

  He laughed. She was always super raunchy and kinky as hell. Imagine if her coworkers knew her like I do?

  If she only knew that he wanted more than sex, more than friendship. He wanted her to be his. Since he knew how she felt about dating and love, he was sure it was an impossible dream.

  She had gotten so deep inside him that he had trouble breathing without her. He had never expected it to happen, but somehow serious feelings had developed.

  He wished he could find a way to show her that dating wasn’t so bad. She didn’t have to end up grieving like her mother did.

  The past few months without her made him see how much he truly cared for her. He looked forward to her calls and texted her about everything.

  The guys in his band thought she was his girlfriend anyway, so not much would change for him. He had to ease her fear of heartbreak. If he had a way to make her feel what he did, he would.

  Maybe we can spend a few weeks together after the next tour ends? He had noticed that the more time they spent together, the closer they became. Could that be why I miss her so much?

  Their last get together was in California. She had come for a long weekend and met him at the recording studio. After four days together, he almost broke down when she left. He had never reacted like that before. What would happen if we spent a week together?


  Gasoline book 1

  Dominic Spinelli, Gasoline’s lead guitarist, glanced up at their drummer, Jon Harris. They stood in the hallway of the tour bus. “Something’s up with Dean. He’s more antsy than usual.”

  “Really?” Jon’s eyes moved to the front of the bus. “Think he’s using?”

  Unsure, Dominic shrugged. “I haven’t seen the usual signs, but something’s up.”

  “Maybe he’s bored?” Jon caught a glimpse of Dean staring at the lone female on the bus that night. “Or he’s stressed?”

  Dominic hoped that was all it was. “Keep an eye on him. I don’t trust him.”

  At the front of the bus, Dean Johnson, Gasoline’s vocalist and rhythm guitarist, leered at the hot young female bassist who bent over nearby. “Gimme another beer.”

  Crystal Atkinson of Triple Treat rolled her eyes. She had grown tired of Dean’s demands minutes into the trip to Michigan. “No.”

  “Come on, ba—by.” Dean leaned over the kitchenette table toward her. His deep brown hair fell in front of his eyes. Most women found that sexy. “Unless you plan to give me a blowjob.”

  She scowled. “Don’t call me that!”

  Unperturbed, he licked his lips as he scanned her young body. With her small frame and large breasts, he couldn’t resist. She, however, turned him down every time. It bothered him.

  If they had not been cramped on the crew’s tour bus with an insane amount of people, he would force her to accept his affections.

  Crystal shivered. The look in Dean’s dark eyes frightened her more times than not. With a false air of confidence, she shook her head as she handed Dean a sixth brew. “You had enough.” Her eyebrows went up when she saw his black fingernails. That’s new.

  As he approached the front, Dominic shook his head. “She’s not your slave, asshole. You’re not 17, you’re 37. Act like it.” He was tired of Dean expecting Crystal to do everything for him. “Giovanni… Jon… Dean’s using Crystal as his gofer again.”

  “She won’t let me fuck her,” Dean announced. “The least she could do is show me a little pussy and bring me my drinks. Come sit on my lap and-” A big hand hit him on the back of the head and he choked. “Hey!”

  Jon growled at him, “What did I tell you? For the last time, hands off!”

  “I didn’t touch her,” Dean protested. His eyes opened wide when the much larger man raised his hand again. He knew Jon had a temper if he was pushed too far.

  “Did he?” Jon looked to Crystal, and she shook her head. “Then stop asking her to do shit.” He grabbed a soda and returned to the back where he and a few others were watching a Sylvester Stallone movie.

  Dominic laughed. He loved when Dean was put in his place. The fifteen-hour ride was not even half over and Dean had barked orders for half of it. “Just keep drinking.” If he drinks himself into a stupor, at least he’ll shut up.

  Crystal sat beside Dominic. She felt achy and tired. The symptoms made her nervous, since she had yet to begin her monthly cycle. Although, it had been a long day and she had stood in boots for most of it. “Do you guys have aspirin or anything?”

  “You can’t take that!” Chad McLoughlin shouted as he walked into the main cabin. He was Triple Threat’s lead guitarist. His blue eyes opened wide when he realized everyone had heard him. “I heard it can cause stomach problems.”

  He knew there was still the possibility she was carrying his child. That was something they wanted no one else to know.

  As she glared up at Chad, Crystal replied, “Then whatever. Something for my back.”

  Dominic noticed the staring contest, but decided he should ask in private what was going on between them. “Giovanni, can you grab my bag back there?”

  “Yeah,” Giovanni Saracino, Triple Threat’s drummer and Crystal’s boyfriend, yelled back from the edge of the front room. Soon he came down the hall with the red bag in tow. “What happened?”

  Dominic searched through the pockets of his medical bag that he had carried around since he had first become a paramedic many years ago. “Crystal has a backache. Maybe one of the guys’ll let you sleep in a bunk instead.”

  Because their second bus had broken down unexpectedly, they had brought sleeping bags and airbeds.

  It was close to midnight, so some were half-asleep. Giovanni and Crystal were set to sleep on a small airbed in the back room.

  Dominic was almost sure if she did, she would wake up in pain. He pulled out a bottle of acetaminophen. “I think this is all I got. Most of the guys use alcohol. You’re off your meds. Have a beer.”

  Chad pursed his lips and kept his eyes on her. He wanted to say something badly, but he didn’t want to reveal their secret. Giovanni would beat him to within an inch of his life if he knew he had fucked her again.

  “I don’t like Heineken.” Crystal took the pills and a swig of water. “Thanks.”

  Chad sighed with relief. “Why don’t you go lay down? Are any of the bunks free for a few hours?”

  Tommy Fischer, Gasoline’s bassist and youngest member, grinned madly while he laid in his bed a few feet away. Sex was why he alw
ays chose a top bunk, more head room. He hoped he got some before they arrived in Michigan.

  Since Crystal was the only female, she was his only chance. He quickly texted Giovanni:

  Mine is.


  Velocity book 1

  Ash Taylor looked down at the chick on her knees before him. He had already forgotten her name. They had met a few days prior at a bar. She hadn’t realized who he was right away. Then of course, she had sobered up a bit and went nuts. He just wanted to get laid. His conscience wouldn’t allow him to fuck her while she was inebriated. He got her number and said he would call. That was one promise he regretted.

  “Are you a virgin?” He was sure of the answer, but that would explain a lot.

  She shook her head. “No. Why?”

  “Never mind.” He groaned when she moved in the opposite direction that he did. Wow! Can this get any worse? “Did you cum yet?” There was no way he could tell. Her nod assured him that it didn’t suck for her at least.

  He pulled back and slammed into her as deep as he could. Nothing. Not a sound, no movement. This is like fucking a dead fish. What’s the point of this? He closed his eyes and tried to imagine she was his last girlfriend. That woman knew how to please a man. She had no limits and was wild as hell in bed. He didn’t want her drama but wished he could find someone like her. So far, it seemed impossible.

  With thoughts of a more aggressive woman, his body finally felt pleasure. Unfortunately, it dissolved immediately. He pumped harder. An idea came to mind, then was quickly dismissed. She probably won’t like anal anyway. Why bother? He started to grasp at straws. Fuck this.

  He pulled out and lay down next to her. “Blow me. Do a good job, and I’ll call again.” His number was blocked so he didn’t need to worry about her bothering him. “Leave the condom on.” Eyes closed, he felt the bed move then it dipped between his open legs.

  “Why do we need the condom now?” She was reluctant.

  He sighed. “Because I said so.” He always played it safe.

  “Can I put a new one on you?”

  With a sigh, Ash got to his feet and grabbed his jeans. He always carried several. The trailer they were in was only for sex. Since they were abundant in his area, he thought it was more convenient than driving to the next town every time he had a hook up. It also allowed him the privacy and anonymity he needed.

  He looked up and saw the frown on the blonde’s face. Then another idea came to him. The dresser across the room held many supplies, one of which was a box of flavored condoms. “I have strawberry. That should taste better.”

  “OK.” She hoped it did.

  After he was comfortable, Ash closed his eyes and put his hands behind his head. “Now get sucking. I need to cum.” She closed her mouth over the head of his cock. He waited a while before she took him a bit deeper. “Harder. I can barely feel your mouth.” It took a few more minutes for her to get a good rhythm going. “Wait. Just stay still, right there.” He pumped his hips up a few times and watched her fake breasts jiggle slightly. “Much better.”


  Bella Jeanisse lives for rock music. Addicted to concerts, Avenged Sevenfold, fictional rockers, and blasting music in the car, she can’t get enough. After her father turned her on to Queen, there was no going back. Of course, it didn’t stop there. Playing guitar became a pastime, which didn’t turn into a career… until she started to pen her fantasies and publish them.

  Originally from Brooklyn, New York City, she grew up with access to clubs like L’Amour and CBGBs, hung out in Greenwich Village, as well as had plenty of friends in bands. No wonder rockers stayed on her mind. Bringing her ideas to life was a long time coming.

  She is now living near Tampa, FL with 3 kids and 2 grandkids, as a single mom. Her family supports her writing even when it seems to take up more time than they feel is necessary. Can’t stop the muse, ya know!

  Besides erotic rock star romances, Bella also writes about wild bikers, hot college men and more.


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