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Blackthorn Elite: The Entire Series

Page 4

by Beck, J. L.

  Opening my notebook, I grab a pen and prepare myself for a ninety-minute lecture.

  “Everyone open your books and take a look at chapter two, so we can—” The professor is interrupted by the creaking of the door. All heads lift, including my own, to see who the hell is walking in, late for the class.

  “I’m so sorry, I couldn’t find the building,” Willow apologizes, stepping over the threshold and into the classroom. Even across the room, I can feel her. The pull she has on me. It’s magnetic, sinister. Being near her is like sticking my finger into a light socket. It thrills me, excites me, but at the same time is dangerous.

  I wasn’t sure if she’d left after I cornered her in her room. Part of me hoped she would, but the other part… a much larger part hoped she would still be here.

  “I’ll give you a pass since it’s the first day, but don’t let it happen again,” Professor Wade warns. Willow nods as she looks up, and into the crowd, most likely trying to find a seat. Her eyes scan the classroom and land on me half a second later. Even from across the room, I can see her swallow thickly, and I can’t help but grin, amused by the way I make her uncomfortable. Good, fear me. It’s better than the alternative.

  Two crimson splotches appear on her cheeks, and I wonder if it’s because she’s embarrassed or if it’s because she’s realized that she has no choice but to sit beside me. Is she scared? Curious? I’m half expecting her to turn around and run out of the room, but to my surprise, she does the opposite. She walks to the back of the room with her head held high, a mask sliding on her face.

  Oh, she wants to play that game? I can’t help but grin, can’t help but feel that distinct tingling in my gut, the one I used to get when I’d watch her, when I’d think about kissing her, deflowering her. She was my obsession, and now she would become my retribution.

  Without ever making eye contact, she sits down next to me, gets her textbook out of her oversized designer purse, and opens it up. My jaw ticks as the seconds pass, and the temperature in the room spikes. Jesus, is it fucking hot in here? I can feel her body heat seeping into me, and we aren’t even touching.

  Her sweet scent fills my nostrils as I suck a labored breath into my lungs. She doesn’t smell like all the other girls. Like high designer perfume that clings to every pore on your body. No, Willow smells divine like jasmine and vanilla. Pure. Naive. And all at once, I find the organ between my legs growing hard with need for the one person I shouldn’t want. Teeth grinding together, I grip the pen in my hand hard enough to break it.

  Why her? Why am I drawn to her? Why do I want her? I hate her as much as I want her, and I don’t understand why. She’s a liar, a fucking liar, and she cost my brother everything because she opened her mouth and spread lies. I bite back a growl, covering it with a cough. Professor Wade continues talking, but I don’t hear a word he says. I can’t think, focus, or even breathe with the lying temptress beside me.

  When she shifts in her seat, I start to wonder if she’s as uncomfortable as I am? Tick tock, tick tock. My arousal intertwines with the hate I have for her. A toxic mixture. I’m burning up with anger, and the longer I’m forced to stay within close quarters with her, the harder I get, and the more the hate pulses through me.

  Wade dismisses us after what seems like an eternity in hell. The whole time I was sitting here, I thought I couldn’t get away fast enough, but now that class is over, I don’t want to leave. I want to see her scared again, wrap my fingers around her throat, feel her pulse beneath my touch. I want to hurt her.

  “I thought you’d be gone by now,” I tell her. “Figured I made myself clear with what would happen if you decided to stay.”

  “You don’t scare me, Parker,” she barks while gathering up her things and shoving them into her bag.

  “Maybe not right this second, but you were the other night. You were trembling, probably close to pissing your pants,” I taunt, wanting to lure her into the darkness. I stare down at her, at her throat, my gaze drops to the swell of her breasts that peek out of her shirt. They’re big, perky, and I wonder what color her nipples are, a dusky pink like her cheeks were earlier?

  Clenching my hands into fists, I dig my nails into my palms to stop myself from reaching out to her, to mark her.

  “You know, I reported you to campus police,” she blurts out, and I can’t help but laugh, the sound echoing through the room.

  “Did you now? I’m sure that went over well,” I chuckle and shake my head. Such a stupid girl. Stupid, beautiful girl. Doesn’t she know my father basically owns this school?

  She swings her purse over her shoulder and turns to me. Her eyes lock with mine, a fire flickering deep inside of them, and all I want to do is stomp that fire out.

  “They told me it didn’t matter. That they couldn’t help me.” Her throat bobs as she swallows. Not afraid, my ass. “What kind of officer can’t help a woman who was assaulted?” Those dark green eyes of hers pierce my heart, and for one single second, I see her as the girl she was before she pulled the rug out from underneath me. Before she destroyed me.

  Leaning against the table, I shrug, “Personally, I would say a smart one. One that doesn’t want to lose his job. And assaulted? Seriously? I didn’t even hurt you.” Not like I wanted to anyway.

  Willow grits her teeth and takes a step toward me. If she’s trying to intimidate me, it’s not working. “Yes. You. Did. And you don’t own this place, and you definitely don’t own me. You can’t just come into my room. You can’t threaten me or try and hurt me. It’s illegal, there are laws to protect me.”

  The balls of this girl. It’s time I knock her down a peg or two. Lifting my hand, I bop her on the nose, “But I can, and I did. And no one here would dare cross me. Or my family. So, spoiler alert, there isn’t anything you can do about it.” I lean in a little closer, doing my best to intimidate her, “Why don’t you do us both a favor and use that lying fucking mouth of yours for something other than speaking.”

  I look around the room, realizing that we’ve talked long enough for it to clear out. We are the only two people left. She follows my gaze, realizing the same.

  I smirk, flicking the button on my jeans, I wait for her to start screaming, for the panic to set in, but instead, I find she’s still standing here, a determined look painted on her features.

  “I didn’t lie,” she snarls, and fuck, I’ll be damned if that doesn’t make my cock even harder. I wonder if she’s ever given a blow job, hell, I wonder if I can go through with this. I guess we’ll find out. Her anger mixes with my own, and it’s like a nuclear battle is taking place inside me. Hurting her is going to be my next favorite past time.

  “You did, you lied, and now my brother is paying the price.” I speak through my teeth, “An innocent man’s life is ruined and all because of you. Funny how one single lie can change an entire person’s world.”

  Reaching into my pants, I pull my steel hard cock out. I’m not worried about anyone walking in. They’ll turn around and walk out when they see what’s happening, and if they don’t, then I guess we’ll give them a show.

  Willow’s green eyes widen, and her pink lips part at the sight of my length. An audible gasp fills the room, and the fact that it’s come from her makes me wonder if this is her first time seeing a cock. The look on her face almost confirms my assumption. I can’t stop my lips from curling into a sinister smile.

  I’ll break her. Take all her firsts. Ruin any future she ever had.

  I’m done talking, nothing she says now will change what’s happened.

  “Have you ever given a blow job?” I reach for her with one hand, pinching her chin between two fingers, while I use my other hand to stroke my cock.

  She blinks, her mouth hanging open in shock and for a moment she just stares at me. Full-on stares, those big emerald eyes of hers bleed into mine. Time stands still for half a second, and it seems like I’m catching a glimpse into her soul.

  Then, as if she’s composed herself, she closes her mouth
and straightens her spine. The shock and fear in her eyes morph into something different.

  Determination? Lust? Is she turned on by this?

  My suspicion is confirmed when she jerks from my hold and takes a tiny step toward me, closing the distance between us. Lifting her hand, she places it on my chest. Her touch burning into my skin through my shirt. I try my very best to keep my face blank, not to show any kind of emotion, but on the inside, I’m a fucking tornado wreaking havoc.

  “A blow job, hmmm? That’s what you want?” She lets her fingers trail down my chest, and I wonder if she can feel how fast my heart is beating. I can’t believe she is fucking okay with this. I’m shocked, flabbergasted. I figured she would be running the other way as fast as she could. Now that she’s making a move on me, I feel like the tables have turned.

  Like I’m the prey, and she is the predator.

  “Would you let me stay at this school with you if I suck your dick?”

  “It would be a start,” I shrug, as her hand trails down, and down, and when she looks up at me with them fuck me eyes, I swear, I nearly come unhinged.

  “Okay…” She whispers, her fingers grazing my cock and the pre-cum that beads at the tip. For a split second, I close my eyes, giving in to the feeling, the desire. I’ve wanted this for so long. Every chick I’ve ever fucked, I’ve envisioned to be her, and now that something is happening, it’s almost as if it’s a dream.

  With my defenses down, Willow takes that moment to pull her hand away, and before I can open my eyes all the way to ask her if she’s changed her mind, she jams her knee into my balls. The force of the blow sends me to my knees in an instant. Black spots form over my vision, and my stomach churns, acid rising up my throat.

  Anger as hot as the fucking sun vibrates through my veins, and I grit my teeth, trying everything I can to push through the pain.

  “Don’t ever threaten me again, asshole. I’m not like everyone else, I’m not going to do what you want just because you say so. You can try to hurt me all you want, but I promise you, I won’t break easily,” she yells, and before I can get my tongue to work or my vision to focus on her, I hear her scampering out of the room.

  “You bitch!” I slam my fist onto the ground, and seethe into the empty room, hoping maybe she has heard me. Fuck. She’ll pay for this. I’m done. I’m not going to just scare her anymore. I’m going to be the nightmare she fucking knows I can be.

  Run, Willow, run as fast as you can….



  My feet pound against the pavement, the intensity of each step jarring my bones. Oh, god. I shouldn’t have done that. I really shouldn’t have done it. Air rushes into my lungs as I suck in a deep breath and sprint down the sidewalk and back to the dorm.

  I know I’m not safe, not even there, but I do know one thing. Parker won’t do anything in public. He isn’t that stupid. But that doesn’t mean he won’t be able to come after me, find me in a dark corner of the campus, or just break into my room again.

  I’m so screwed. I never should’ve let him get to me. All I did was feed right into his hate. I’m so disappointed in myself. Taking the steps two at a time, I run up them and down the hall, my key card already in hand. Sweat beads my brow as I swipe the thing with shaking fingers, surprised when it actually opens on the first try. Thank God.

  Stepping inside quickly, I slam the door shut behind me and twist the lock into place before slumping against it. Like some flimsy lock is going to protect me? Pfft, I’m stupid. Black strands stick to my face, and when I hear a creak, I lift my eyes in the direction of the noise.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Alice’s voice pierces through the air, and my already strained heart starts to thump out of rhythm again. Holding a hand against my chest, I press my palm to my sternum, as if my touch there could somehow calm the erratic beat.

  “Sorry, I didn’t see you there,” I answer breathlessly.

  Alice’s brow furrows, and she frowns deeply, “Are you okay?”

  “Yes… no, no, I’m not okay,” I whine. Dragging my feet, I walk over to her bed and flop down next to her. “I’m so screwed, Alice. I really messed up this time.”

  Alice looks horror-stricken, “Oh, god, what happened? Did you sleep with someone’s boyfriend? Hit on one of the hot, professors? Please say it was the second. I don’t know that I could handle a scandal as big as—”

  Interrupting her before she goes on a tirade, I say, “What? No! No, I didn’t sleep with anyone’s boyfriend or a teacher.”

  She visibly sighs, her eyes losing some of the surprise that mirrored in them, “Okay, spill the beans then. What did you do?”

  Sucking in a panicked breath, I try and think about where I should start.

  Peering down at me curiously, Alice waits while I try and catch my breath.

  “Okay, so long story short, I know one of the other students that go here. Our families have known each other for years, and well, there is a lot of bad history between us.” I continue but watch Alice’s face with each word I speak. “The other night he threatened me, said some things that scared me. The next morning, I went to campus police, but they told me they couldn’t do anything.”

  Her pink lips part and her mouth pops open, “Threatened how?”

  “He told me I needed to leave, or he would make my life hell here.”

  “Wait, why? I don’t understand. Am I missing something?”

  I resist the urge to roll my eyes. None of this is Alice’s fault. “He hates me… he hates my whole family, and truthfully, it’s a long-ass story.” My hair falls into my face, and I’m half tempted to leave it there, to let it shield my face from Alice’s gaze, but I don’t. If anyone is going to believe me here, it’s going to be her. “Anyway, obviously, I didn’t leave. So today, I saw him again, and he cornered me after class. I let him think I was going to give him a blow job, and then I busted his balls together, and I mean literally busted them together.”

  “Oh, my god,” Alice tries not to laugh, but she can’t do much to hide the grin on her face. “What’s his name? Maybe I know him.”

  “Parker Rothschild.” As soon as the name falls off my lips, Alice’s smile completely vanishes.

  “Willow,” Alice grumbles and then presses her hand to her forehead as if she has a headache or something. “If your families hate each other, then why get involved with him?” Saliva turns to cement in my mouth, and Alice continues talking, “There is a reason the campus police did nothing and why no one will help you, not even if you beg and plead for it.”

  I chew on the inside of my cheek until I taste blood, “What do you mean? He can just hurt me, and no one will care? I don’t understand how that’s possible.” Have we suddenly gone back in time?

  Alice’s hands fall from her face, and when our eyes meet, I see the fear and nervousness there. “He can do whatever he wants. His dad funds half the school programs and helped buy a new science lab last year. There was even a scandal a year or two ago where the assistant principal stole a bunch of money. He bailed them out, and so essentially the school, and all of the people who work here are indebted to him.” Christ. My lungs start to deflate like balloons. There is no escaping him, and I’ve just gone and poked the bear. I’ve literally started a war with the one person I wanted to avoid most.

  “They own this school and all the people who work here. If Parker tells someone to do something, they do it.” Alice frowns, and doubt like I’ve never felt before starts to take root.

  What have I done?

  “What do I do?” I question nervously.

  Alice shrugs, and her eyes move to the floor, “Lay low, and stay out of his way? I don’t really know. But what I do know is that I don’t want to get involved in this. I’m your friend, Willow, but Parker is bad news, and being noticed by him is even worse.”

  I’m not just shocked. I’m flabbergasted. It’s like someone has pulled the rug right out from underneath me. Like they’re standing on the sidelines watching
as I slip, waiting for the moment when I fall, so they can attack.

  This is wrong, so wrong, and all over again, I feel trapped, just like I did with the incident with my sister. Boiling with anger, I get up from the bed and move away from Alice. She’s supposed to be my friend, but it feels like she’s anything but that right now. As if she can feel my anger, she pipes up.

  “Look, I’m sorry, but I don’t want anything to do with Parker; he’s dangerous, and I’ve heard horror stories about girls that get involved with him and his friends.”

  She visibly shivers, and I want to tell her she has no idea, but I bite my tongue.

  “I just don’t understand how they can get away with hurting people. How teachers can turn a blind eye to that behavior?” And I don’t. I truly don’t understand it.

  “I don’t know either, but I don’t want you to get hurt because of Parker and his friends. Maybe he’ll forget about what happened today?”

  “Doubtful…” I mutter.

  “What if you apologize to him?”

  “Me, apologize to him?” What is this? Opposite day? She has to be insane if she thinks I’m going to apologize when I’m the victim in this.

  “I get it, Willow. I know it’s not right. In a perfect world, he would be the one apologizing to you, but we both know that this is not the way it works. Not anywhere, and especially not here at Blackthorn. Here, money and power are everything, and that’s exactly what Parker and his family have, so while I’m sorry and you might hate it, I think tucking in your tail and apologizing is your best option right now.”

  I can’t fucking believe this. Like I’m actually shocked. There are a thousand things I want to say, but none of the words come. The worst part of all is that there isn’t one person in this entire place that would take my side over his. Alice might, but she wouldn’t vocalize it. She wouldn’t actually stick up for me.


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