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The Sea of Change

Page 21

by Tina Engel

  I couldn’t see Brett anymore; he was nowhere to be seen. I looked over to see the crew, but I was alone on the boat. Just then Adam appeared in his fey form.

  “Princess, I suggest you come back to the human dimension. You have Rose pretty upset.”

  I didn’t know what he was talking about. I looked down at myself and saw that I was fey, hands webbed, feet bare and webbed, skin tan, and as I put my hands to my face, I felt my ears slightly pointed, and I could feel the shield on my face.

  I said, “I’m in the fey’s land now, aren’t I? Where did everyone go? They’re fey.”

  “Yes, but they are in the human dimension, not the fey’s. You left us and entered the other side of this place.” Adam said.

  He reached out his hand and I took it. He said, “Think of the humans Emilee, and come back with me.”

  I wasn’t sure what he meant. I didn’t even know how I did what I did, but I thought about the port that I had seen in the human world; concrete, cold and ugly, and there they were, Rose standing next to me and Brett sitting on the side of the ship, smiling.

  I looked up at Adam, a bit embarrassed by what I had accidentally done. He released my hand and I said to everyone around, “It was beautiful. Why would you ever want to leave it?”

  Brett came over to me, saying, “We’re here for a reason, to bring you home, but you’re not supposed to leave without us.”

  “How did I do this? It was just natural.” I said.

  I looked back down at the dock and could still see both dimensions combine, like meat and vegetables in a bowl of stew. They’re all there, doing their own thing, and the one isn’t affecting the other.

  “Is this what you all see? Both worlds living together, all mixed up and jumbled? They walk right through each other and don’t even know it.”

  Brett answered this, “Emilee, we can see it all if we want but most fey chose to stay totally in their surroundings. Of course there are some who like to cohabitate in both, and some who put on the human glamour and stay in the human dimension for years, like Sara and John. There are some fey who like to live dangerously, not putting on a human glamour at all, in the human world, and hide behind the dark. What a human doesn’t see won’t hurt them. It’s a game we play sometimes. This, of course, is against the elder’s rules, but if we don’t get caught then we don’t get punished.”

  I looked back down at the dock with everything a jumble, and decided I needed to stay in the human’s dimension for now, so I just focused on that and the fey’s beautiful town disappeared from view. I knew it was still there but I couldn’t see it.

  My diamond necklace then started to vibrate a bit. I picked it up and looking inside, I saw Kimberlite’s face staring back at me. He smiled and I could hear him say, “Would you all hurry up. I am tired of this waiting. I want to get going. I also miss you, Princess. It’s my turn to be the protector. I think I will do a much better job.”

  And at that, he laughed a hearty laugh and disappeared, leaving only the lava pebbles deep down in the middle of the stone.

  I lay the necklace down against my chest and looked up to Brett. He was scowling and I knew he had heard Kimberlite’s comment. I shrugged my shoulders, and with a smirk on my face, said, “Well let’s go and see what he has in store for the next part of this adventure.”

  We all followed Brett down to the docks, and the crew started unloading their fish. They had large, refrigerated trucks that they were putting the fish in. Adam told us he liked to dock here and truck the majority of the fish up to Buffalo, NY. A small portion of the fish would stay here in the town of Westfield, in the human’s dimension, but a larger portion would go to the fey who live here too.

  Westfield was Adam’s home. He had a small house there, and during bad weather or after a particularly good catch, when he made good money; he would stay in town for a short duration or do some exploring around the countryside.

  The human dimension of Westfield, being a small community, allowed Adam to leave his boat here for months, with only a few crew members on board watching over it while he went to play.

  He told us that he also had a boat in the fey’s side of this little town, and he would spend months there fishing with a different crew. The crew members would switch back and forth between the two dimensions, giving them all a change of pace.

  “Are the two boats in the same slot here in port?” I asked.

  Adam looked at me curiously, and said, “Why yes they are. Why do you ask?”

  “I just sense more around me than I can see. But when I was totally in the fey’s world, the boat I was on was different.”

  Adam smiled and told me that one day if I would like, I could go on a boat ride on his other boat. He then told us he had a car waiting to take us to Kimberlite.

  Rose piped in then, saying she would much prefer meeting us there. She wanted to wonder amongst the tree tops. She knew where we were meeting and before I could say anything, she gave me a hug and disappeared.

  I looked at Brett, questioning the safely of her traveling alone and wondering where she disappeared too? The fey side; I assumed.

  Brett assured me that she was safe in the fey’s dimension and at that, Lily started to carry on, wanting to get out of her cage. I let her out and she disappeared also. I looked to Brett again and he and Adam started to laugh.

  Jordan, however, just scowled and said, “Now this isn’t such a smart thing to do in amongst all these humans, do you think? This is why I am coming with you Emilee.”

  Brett stopped laughing and said, “Now wait just a minute, Davis, I am in charge of this, this, this….whatever you want to call it; trip! Emilee is quite safe with all of us.”

  Brett was getting all worked up, his eyes started to glow red and I figured I had better do something before there was a scene right there. People were starting to stare.

  I did the only thing I could think of; I went over to Brett, and taking his face in my hands, I gently brought it down to mine, and kissed him. (Yes really), I kissed him hard to shut him up and hopefully calm him down.

  When I pulled away he had the funniest look on his face. It was that of shock and pleasure all at once. We were still just inches from each other. Brett moved towards me just enough to place a tender kiss on my lips, and whispered as he backed away just a bit, “Now you’ll have them all talking. This is for a later date, remember.” There was a small, tight smirk on his lips as he stood up and stepped away from me.

  I realized then that Adam and the crew who were standing around, were laughing hysterically. Jordan was standing there with his typical scowl and Brett actually seemed to be the one blushing just a bit.

  “Well now, Princess” Adam said, “You know how to shut him up. This is a good thing.” Adam started to laugh again and almost fell into the lake.

  “If we’re done fooling around,” Jordan said, “I suggest we get into the vehicle and head to wherever it is we’re meeting the others.” Jordan headed to the car, put his pack in the trunk and got into the back seat.

  Adam’s, face changed from humor to sadness. I knew he was going to miss his longtime friend and companion. He said, as he looked from the car to me, “Take care of him and keep him out of trouble. I don’t think he wants to end his life, now that he has a mission but….”

  I reached up, and hugging Adam, whispered into his ear, “Don’t worry, I will take care of him, even though he thinks he is taking care of me. We have a journey, he and I, in amongst this journey that I’m on.”

  I stepped back, and he had a look of acceptance on his face as he nodded an acknowledgment.

  Brett picked up the empty cage but put it back down, saying that he didn’t really think we needed it anymore. Lily was showing her true form more and more and she wasn’t going to fit in the cage that way.

  “So you believe now that Lily is here to help and not hurt me?” I said, in a triumphant way.

  “Maybe.” Brett said quietly, and picking it back up, handed the cage to Adam.<
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  We got into the car and drove away. I didn’t know where we were going. I hadn’t had the energy to ask. I felt sad leaving Trevor, Adam and Andean, along with the rest of the crew and water fey who helped me.

  As for Queen Widow and her children, were they still on the boat? Did they transfer to the boat in the fey’s dimension? Where were they and when would I meet them again?

  Chapter 14

  We’re all so different,

  From different places.

  We look different,

  Our languages are different,

  But we are all the same inside!

  We come together as one

  Working side by side.

  We drove through the town of Westfield and headed out into the countryside. It was a beautiful, sunny, warm day and the trees that lined the road were green, with just a breeze blowing the branches as if they were waving hello to us. We hadn’t gone far before Brett started to talk.

  “So, what did you think of your true home? I can’t wait to be there with you next time.” He said, with a little sarcasm in his voice.

  I thought for a moment before I spoke, and then shared with him the details of my short adventure in the other land that shares this one; side by side and in-between.

  I described the colors, the people and the activities that these fey were doing. I told him that it was different than the first time, when I went into the water with him and Andean. No one was sparkling and no one was translucent. They were just as solid as you and me.

  The people in our home dimension were not like the fey that sat next to me on the stump, back when we were just getting ready to enter the tree, after leaving the great river floor. Or like the fey that sat next to me in the park in Rapid City. The fey I had seen, out in the wheat field, at Sara and John’s farm, had a translucent and glittery appearance also, as well as the water fey in Andean’s lake.

  I told Brett I understood I had been in two different spaces on this planet, but I still didn’t understand how we could be in that heavenly place in the water and on land at the same time. It seemed that Nirvana was everywhere.

  He reminded me again that all fey could visit that final place, Nirvana, but could not stay long, until they were truly ready to leave their shell, or as humans call it, the body, for good.

  The spirits who exist there for all eternity are different than the fey who go to rejuvenate themselves, but Brett wasn’t ready to explain any more. He told me that he was surprised I had been able to see the things, I had. He knew I had been changing quickly, but still found it interesting that I was able to go to both places.

  We spoke no more, and I just rested my head back as I stared out the window, watching the world pass by. Occasionally I would get a glimpse of what seemed to be a rainbow, quick flashes. I said nothing but just watched as in a trance.

  It wasn’t long before we took a turn onto a dirt road. The rainbows still followed and they were comforting somehow. We traveled on this road for a few miles, until the road ended. The car stopped.

  “I’m guessing this is where we get out?” I said.

  Brett just nodded his head as if to say yes, and opening his door, he left the car. Jordan had been quiet the entire trip, so when he opened his door also, it startled me. I had actually forgotten for a time that he was even in the car with us. I sat in the car, just watching, as Brett headed over to the trees in front of us. Jordan went over to my right and disappeared in amongst the trees.

  Looking back where Brett stood, a tree fey emerged from a large, old tree next to him. He looked like a tree at first; similar to how Albee looked before he turned into the more human fey form. His back was to me so I couldn’t see his face. He resembled Albee in shape and form. His body was that of a human, an advanced species of fey, skin the color of the tree trunk, in which he belonged, long hair the color of Douglas’s, a grey of sorts, and he wore a robe, similar too Douglas, also.

  Brett seemed distressed at first and I tried to join with his mind, but he had me blocked. Curious, I thought at first. Then concerned, as they talked and Brett continued to show a disturbed look on his face.

  Brett relaxed after a few minutes and they did the proper fey greeting. I watched as they talked, but I still wasn’t able to join with Brett. This started to make me angry, just a bit. He was blocking me and I didn’t know why.

  They both looked over to the car and I made eye contact with the tree fey. I realized then, that it was Albee. My heart, or hearts; I should say, skipped a beat and I felt fear again for the first time since my abduction by Stephan. Even the spiders and the octopus didn’t cause the fear that I was feeling right then.

  I looked to Brett, wondering if he was working for the dark fey for just a moment, but then as our eyes found each other’s, I knew instantly I was being foolish. The fear ended; Brett was there in my mind, my thoughts, reassuring me.

  They walked over to the car as I opened the door and got out. I removed the barrette from my hair cautiously as I did this, just in case. Brett chuckled just a bit knowing what I had done, even though I had my hand behind my back as to not show my concern.

  “Emilee, this is Albee, the true Albee. You can put your barrette back in your hair. He’s been sent by the council. Albee is here to help us travel down to the Florida Keys, where we will go to find your mother.”

  I was taken aback by this statement. I thought we were going to my so-called Father’s underwater palace, to get answers, first, and why should the council send this tree fey to help? He was a part of Stephan’s scheme to kidnap me.

  Albee knelt down, which isn’t what these fey have ever done; the ones who seem to be older and respected by others. He reached out and took my hand, placing it on his forehead. He stayed like this long enough for me to look to Brett for reassurance and assistance on what I was to do.

  Albee looked up at me and said, “Princess, I’m in your debt. You’re the one who saved me from the spell that the dark one had over me. I’m truly sorry for the pain you went through, and so grateful to your friends for saving you, no thanks to me.”

  He stood then and asked if he could continue. I nodded approval and Albee continued.

  “This is where I live Princess. This is the tree that is my life line. Stephan entered my dwelling, pretending to be a friend. He tried linking with my inner self so he could control my body, but my will was too strong for him to succeed.

  “You see, I’m an old tree with an old soul, stronger than he realized, so he took on my appearance instead. It wasn’t a very good appearance I might add. When he did this, I was placed in a prison of sorts, deep within myself. I actually could see what he was doing and felt the pain that Brett inflicted on him when they fought. My body was still here in my tree, locked away down below, but because Stephan took some of my essence to transform his looks into a duplicate of me, I was stuck experiencing some of what he did.

  “The longer he was portraying me, the weaker I became, so couldn’t see what he was doing in the end. I lost consciousness after Stephan transformed from me to his real self, when you were in the prison. He must have released me then. If he had kept up with my appearance any longer, I would have expired.

  “I felt the presence of a crow at times too. He must have been joined with that poor animal also. That’s probably why my strength was more than he had planned. Stephan isn’t as strong as he lets on. I could feel others essences also, within the trance I was being held in. He must have many forms that he can transform into. You must be very cautious about who you trust.”

  I reached out my hand to Albee and asked if he would allow me to take his hand. He gave it willingly, with no fear. I took it gently and could feel the honesty and self-loathing within him. He was a good and trusting fey. I could sense though, that trust didn’t come as easy.

  “Albee, you’re not to blame for the treachery that Stephan DeMill has done. You’re a victim. I haven’t seen the crow for a while, so I fear that he may be lost for good. This saddens me. I can sense
that you’re good and true and I can trust you. I welcome your help.”

  At this I smiled and let go of his hand. He gave me a weak smile and thanked me for my generosity. He didn’t feel that he deserved it. He still felt foolish for trusting someone he hadn’t known. Albee was grateful that I would allow him to help.

  Suddenly, I felt a presence that I hadn’t felt in what seemed like ages. I could feel the wind at my back as Eagle swooped down behind me. I turned and rushed into his arms. He wrapped his wings around my entire body, encasing me in a, safe feeling, cocoon. I actually had tears in my eyes as he released me and I looked up at him.

  “Princess, tears?” He said, as he gently wiped a tear from my cheek as it escaped from my eye.

  “Happy tears.” I said

  Then from out of the ground came Kimberlite. I went over to him and gave him a big hug too. I was so happy to see them both again.

  Rose floated down from the trees above and Lily came out from between two trees. Lily was in her regular fey form; she winked at me and then turned into a cat. Lily went over to Rose and jumped up into her arms. I was startled, and could see that Rose was a bit taken aback too. She, however, held her in an accepting embrace. Maybe this was going to be the smoother part of the journey, everyone getting along.

  Then Jordan came back from wherever he had disappeared to, so it seemed we were all together again. Everyone looked at Jordan, but he saw only Brett, Rose, and Lily in cat form and me.

  Kimberlite was on the defense when Jordan appeared, and Brett reassured him that he was a friend and companion for the rest of the trip, or until he could no longer accompany us.

  Realizing that Jordan didn’t see the rest because they were fey, and he couldn’t see fey, this might be a problem. I looked to Brett and knew he was thinking the same thing.

  Jordan spoke before I could say anything, “Don’t worry Princess, I know there are other fey present. I can feel that very strange vibe that a fey gives off when they are in the human’s dimension and are invisible to the human eye.”


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