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The Biker's Plaything

Page 13

by Sam Crescent


  “You were right. I never should have left you behind.”

  “I wasn’t sure if you’d come.”

  “I’ll always come for you, Ally.” He pressed his forehead to hers, and despite their circumstances, she could feel the love and intimacy from the simple act. They had each other back.

  “Where’s Rancher?” asked Betty.

  “He’s in the barn. The doctor’s probably here by now. He’s shot in the leg,” Lord said. Betty rushed out the bathroom door. She heard the footfalls all the way down the stairs.

  “I thought I was dead. Thought I’d never see you again,” she said.

  “I’ll take good care of you.” As he led her out of the bathroom, his men parted for them. They were heavily armed and she finally felt safe that the club had come. At the bottom of the stairs, she saw Betty reunite with her kids before heading out back. They’d been excellent, staying in their secret place without a noise the entire time.

  “Should we stay?” she asked.

  He shook his head. Lord looked exhausted. “We’ll check in tomorrow. I’ll leave a couple guys here tonight on watch, just in case.”

  She didn’t argue. All she wanted to do was get back to the club, take a shower, and sleep for a week. He held her hand as they walked out to his bike in the darkness. The air was crisp at this time of night, soothing after being holed up in the small bathroom. It had been too claustrophobic for her liking.

  “Will it always be like this?” she asked.

  He mounted the bike and helped her climb on behind him. “Like what?”

  “Knowing I can lose you every time you ride away.”

  Lord leaned back in his seat enough so they could kiss. It was a soft, gentle kiss. “This is over now. We learn from our mistakes, and from now on you stay by my side.”

  “Good. That’s where I want to be.”

  The bike was kicked to life, and the familiar rumble of the engine reminded her of Lord. Together, they rode back to the club with some of his men behind them. She held him tight around the waist, feeling safe and relieved to be heading home. The nightmare was over and, as far as she knew, no Straight to Hell men had been killed.

  As they approached, the gates were opened for them. They all filed in, and the gates were securely closed behind them. She’d hated this place when Lord had brought her here, but now it was her sanctuary.

  After parking, Lord didn’t help her off the bike. Instead, he swung her body up into his arms and carried her inside to their bedroom. His strength always amazed her … and turned her on.

  “Tonight, we need to wash off every memory of this fucked-up day. Then we’ll sleep long and hard,” Lord said.

  “And tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow I’ll show you exactly how grateful I am to have you back.”


  One week later

  Lord left Tank’s room when the doctor came in to check on him. His surgery had gone well last week. He’d have a nasty scar on his stomach, but he’d heal as good as new.

  Rancher would need to be off his feet for a while, but Betty was more than happy to wait on him and keep things running on their ranch. The club covered the cost of all the damages.

  As far as they knew, all senior members of the Skull Nation had been wiped out. If there were any others, they’d gone into hiding … for now. They’d play it safe for a while longer, but Lord was confident this war was over.

  “How’s he doing?” asked Brick once Lord was in the hallway.

  “He’s a tough motherfucker. You’d think he cut himself shaving.”

  “Good. How’s your girl? Still shaken up?”

  Lord shook his head. “She’s tough, too.”

  “Tough enough to be your old lady?” Brick raised an eyebrow.

  “I’m not even going to answer that.” Lord kept walking toward his room. Before opening the door, he turned to his VP. “I’m making it official tonight.”

  “About time.”

  Once inside the room, Ally rushed him. He twirled her around, then held her close. “You’re happy today. Feeling better?” Yesterday, she’d been sick in the morning. He blamed the cookout they’d had the previous night. Probably undercooked meat.

  “I need to talk to you about something.”

  “Can it wait?” He didn’t want to deal with problems today. Didn’t want to talk more about the attack again. Now that things around the club were finally shifting back to normal, he wanted to lower his guard enough to enjoy his woman. “I have some unfinished business.”

  “Are you leaving?” Ally balled his shirt up in her fists.

  He began to walk her backward. She kept her hands on his chest. “This business can be handled right here.”

  She was about to question him but stopped when he leaned down to kiss her neck. He trailed kisses along her skin before suckling her earlobe into his mouth. She let out a little moan.

  “This business I can handle,” she whispered close to his lips.

  “You’re the best thing to ever happen to me, Ally.”

  “I love you, Lord.”

  They kissed, hard and demanding. The connection between the two of them was always simmering. He couldn’t even imagine how life would be if he’d lost her last week. Nothing would get between them again. He’d learned from his mistakes. The safest place for his old lady was at the club and by his side.

  “Let me see my beautiful body,” he said.

  A barely-there smile appeared on her lips. She slipped out of her pants and tugged off her shirt. Her long blonde hair fanned out along her bare back.

  “No bra again?”

  She shook her head.

  He loved the way those big tits sloped out into tempting peaks. Her body was lush and he’d never get tired of fucking the same woman for the rest of this life. He was addicted to Ally.

  “Lose those panties before I rip them off.”

  She wiggled out of them, staring at him the entire time.

  “Are you wet for me? You should always be wet for your man, Ally.”

  When she didn’t attempt to answer, he pulled her close to his body. He reached low and impaled her pussy with two fingers. She was hot and slick, making his cock even harder. He pushed in with his fingers until he was knuckles deep. She gasped, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “I need you, Lord.”

  “You want my cock, baby girl?”

  He toyed with her G-spot, increasing her arousal. Her eyes became hooded and she dropped lower, trying to get more of his fingers.


  “Get on your knees. I want to watch your mouth wrapped around my dick, Ally.”

  She bit her lower lip but did as told.

  Once she was on her knees, he unbuckled his pants, then unzipped. His erection was thick and ready. She didn’t hesitate, grabbing the base and bringing it to her mouth.

  As soon as her lips covered the swollen head, he groaned aloud. It felt so fucking amazing. The image of his girl taking his cock was the most beautiful sight. She sucked him so damn good, her head bobbing over his length with vigor.

  “Good girl.”

  He wrapped his fist in her long, blonde hair, guiding her deeper. She was gorgeous. Lord savored the way she sucked and licked, careful not to use her teeth. But he was getting too close and didn’t want to come down her throat.

  If he wanted to make a family with her, he needed to make sure to come deep in her cunt every time they fucked. Besides, no way would he leave his woman unsatisfied.

  He tugged her head back and she squeaked from the bite of her hair being pulled. Her lips were swollen and red, her eyes filled with need.

  “I want your pussy, baby,” he said. “Get on the bed and spread your legs for me. I’ll take you heaven.”

  She slowly crawled onto the bed. His modest little virgin had turned into a vixen, teasing him every chance she got. He loved her full, round ass and the way her tits swayed when she was on all fours. Within minu
tes, she was in the middle of the bed, her legs spread open in invitation. Her pink pussy glistened. He pushed down his cock to no avail, but he ignored his needs and sank down on his stomach.

  Lord slid his hands under her ass, getting comfortable. He loved eating Ally’s pussy. He started by licking her in long, firm strokes, over and over, savoring her. She began to writhe, begging for more.

  He settled over her clit, sucking her until she was panting, her pussy spasming erratically. She clutched the sheets, arching up against his mouth.

  “Lord, I want you inside me when I come.”

  That was one request he couldn’t deny, especially when he was so close to blowing his load. He rose to his knees, taking off his shirt. She watched every move.

  When he lowered between her legs, her little hands were all over him, squeezing his muscles and clawing at his back. She drove him crazy. He poised at her entrance, teasing her until she begged him to fuck her. Then he thrust in deep, filling her to the hilt.

  She tossed her head back and moaned like a whore—his whore. He pumped his hips, driving into her over and over. She was hot and tight around his dick, both their bodies slick from clean sweat.

  Every time they were together, it was a mix of passion, making love, and hard-core fucking. She was perfect in every way.

  He couldn’t take any more. “Come for me, Ally. Come all over my dick.” He picked up the tempo, taking her harder and faster until she couldn’t help but comply. She panted with each thrust. The moment she let go and spasmed around his cock, he came inside her, filling her with his seed.

  It took a while to come down from the high. He stayed inside her, holding his weight off her body before finally sliding off to the side. She crawled up his chest, getting comfortable in the crook of his arm.

  “I like this,” he said. “You belong right beside me.”


  “What, baby.” He was still winded.

  “Remember I needed to talk about something? Well, I’m not sure how you’ll take it.”

  He narrowed his eyes as he turned to look at her. “What did you do?”

  “Nothing. It’s more what you did to me,” she said. “I’m pregnant, Lord.”

  He hated that she looked nervous as hell, as if it would piss him off she carried his child.

  He shifted to his side, propped up on an elbow. “You’re sure?”

  She nodded. “I used a test at Rancher’s place.”

  “Why you just telling me now?”

  “I didn’t want to add to the list of problems,” she said.

  “Baby, this is no fucking problem. You’re making a baby. Our baby. There’s nothing better than that.”


  He kissed her lips, completely enamored by his woman. A child was a new beginning, a chance for him to live vicariously through a brand new little human. His childhood was a shitshow, but their son or daughter would only know peace and love.

  “I’ve never been happier, Ally. Not a single day in my life. You’ve changed my world completely.”

  She ran her fingers along his face, carefully touching his scars. “And to think you were going to kill me.”

  He smirked. “And here I am, putty in your hands.”

  “I love you, Lord.”

  “I love you, baby.”

  The End

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  Breeding Season, 5

  Sam Crescent and Stacey Espino

  Copyright © 2020

  Sample Chapter

  Pierce Casey, or Forge as most of his club called him, took a long, deep draw on his cigarette and waited for Peterson to arrive. His crew, Hell’s Slaves MC, were behind him, waiting for the son of a bitch to turn up. He didn’t like to be kept waiting.

  Peterson owed him a lot of money, and he was tired of the excuses. The only reason he put up with the bullshit was because he happened to find the old man entertaining. The son of a bitch was mayor of this town and happened to have a serious gambling problem. Forge was all about helping those in need. The mayor liked to use his club to deal with certain problems, old skeletons in the closet, and being the nice guy he was, Forge was more than happy to oblige at a cost.

  Now the debt was overdue, and Forge and his crew had done what was necessary to keep Peterson’s reputation squeaky clean.

  He was bored of the entertainment, and it was time to step it up a notch or two, or even three. He didn’t have any problems hurting the bastard, and in fact, would rather enjoy hearing him squeal. There hadn’t been enough bloodshed in his life of a late, and he was growing tired of being nice.

  Just as Forge was about to give up and head back to his clubhouse to plan his strategy with his men, three black cars slowly pulled up across the abandoned plot. He took a final draw on his cigarette before throwing it to the ground and stamping on it.

  Stepping forward, he knew two of his men were by his sides, Dog and Hound. Dog was his VP and Hound his enforcer.

  There was no doubt his other men were waiting, hands poised on weapons, prepared to make this very bloody if they had to. Before the night was over, if Peterson had fucked with him, he’d slit the bastard’s throat.

  One of the guards opened the back door and Peterson, with all his airs and graces, climbed out, buttoning his jacket as he did.

  “You think this is a fucking joke?” Forge asked.

  The door of the car remained open as Peterson stepped forward. If Forge didn’t recognize terror so well, he would have assumed the man before him was cool as a cucumber. But he wasn’t. The telltale shaking, the pale face, and overall fear dripped off him. He liked to make men nervous and well, this fucker was exceedingly so. Even with his band of security, it didn’t mean he was safe.

  “I apologize for my lateness,” Peterson said.

  “Where’s my money?”

  “I … I don’t have it.”

  Forge tutted. “You know I don’t like it when someone tries to take the piss.” He grabbed Peterson by his jacket, pulling him forward so they were nose to nose. “You better call off your men now!” He spoke slowly.

  Peterson’s guards had all drawn their weapons, ready to shoot to kill. Forge had no doubt his men were in exactly the same stance. He trusted them to aim and take their enemies out. What he didn’t know was if Peterson’s men were properly trained or designed to look like fighters. Most of them looked a little too young for his tastes.

  “It’s fine. Back off. Lower your weapons,” Peterson said, his voice shaking.

  “Now, I’m thinking I break a couple of your arms. Maybe even your legs. I want to hear you scream. Hell’s Slaves are not to be made a fool of, do you understand me?” He’d gladly hear the sound of breaking bones.

  “Wait, wait,” Peterson said. Perspiration dotted his brow.

  “You think you can order me around?”

  “It’s … I have an arrangement that may be suitable for you.”

  Forge laughed. “You think you can buy me? The only thing I want is my money.”

  “But what if there was something else? Something that is so hard to come by in this day and age. Something only you will ever be able to claim. To own. To possess.”

  He hated being a curious bastard. There was nothing he didn’t know about this son of a bitch and yet, here he was, offering him something more, and he was interested.

  “Go on.”

  “You’re going to need to let me go long enough to arrange it.”

  Forge thrust him away from him
but didn’t let him go. “This is as far as you’re getting.”

  “Fine. Fine.” Peterson looked behind him. His entire body shook as he nodded at one of his men.

  Glancing over the man’s shoulder, he watched as someone entered the car. He heard a muffled scream and in the next minute, a woman was pulled from the car. She wore a robe and someone had tied a piece of rope across her mouth, stopping any sound from her.

  He noticed how blonde her hair was. It was almost white and it looked soft, silken to the touch. Next, her eyes. They were blue, like a clear ocean, only these were swimming with tears. She wore no makeup. Tears traced down her cheek and he didn’t know why seeing her scared sent a wave of protective need rushing through him. He wanted to protect her.

  The man restraining her held her up.

  “What is this?” he asked.

  “This … is my bastard daughter. No one knows about her but me. This is Beth Peterson. The result of an unfortunate affair with the nanny. As far as anyone is concerned, she works for me. Only those closest to me know who she truly is.”

  “And why would I want the offspring you won’t even claim?” Forge asked. “I can get any pussy I want.”

  “Exactly. You can have any. I can have a doctor confirm my daughter is … a virgin. No man has ever touched her and I know, I’ve made sure of it. I knew one day she’d come in useful and seeing as you’re surrounded by very loose women, I figured something tight and hot would do the trick.”

  With each word Peterson spoke, Forge watched the daughter. She hung her head in shame. She didn’t like her father and what he was doing scared her, but there was something else. She was used to this kind of treatment.


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