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So Good for Me: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection

Page 39

by Jamie Knight

  The deed is done, but I'm at a loss right now. I don't know what to do. I’ve never felt like this before. This is insane, what is happening with me tonight? I try to rationally think about everything, but I don't think that will help.

  On the one hand I got what I came for, and it was fucking amazing, but I don't want to just up and leave. I was already a dick once to her tonight, I’m not about to be a bigger one after taking her virginity. That would just be fucking heartless.

  I toss the condom in a trash can in the corner and tuck my dick back into my pants, adjusting the rest of my clothes. I watch her a few minutes, and I realize a part of me doesn't want to leave her at all. I actually like being around this strange young woman who seems to be misplaced from a different era.

  I don't think I’ve ever felt like this about anyone. I guess tonight is a first experience for the both of us. I definitely wasn't expecting that to happen. This is certainly a change to the usual way I spend my time at these things.

  Absurd, I know, but it's what I feel right now. I try to think of a topic of conversation, when it hits me. Music is the key to her heart. I break the silence. "Ok, so you played all these tracks for me, which were great and all, but you still have yet to prove to me that they’re better than digital," I challenge with a playful smile.

  I'm rewarded with another smile in return and a little laugh. "How do you suggest I do that?" She asks as she stands and fixes her clothes.

  I'm quiet for a few seconds as I think. There is one only option I come up with. I hope she likes it. I would really like to find a way to spend more time with her.

  "You could let me take you back to my place. We can play the music on my stereo with a streaming service and see which sounds better.”

  I can see her smile again and I instantly know I made the right call. "Okay, deal. But only if you promise not to pout when I prove you wrong."

  I laugh, and she spends a few minutes cleaning up the mess we made and putting things back on her desk. As I watch her do this, I notice one of the buttons in the back of her dress has opened. Must have snagged on something, or I did it on accident when I had my arms wrapped around her.

  I stride over and fix it for her. She stills at my touch until she sees what I'm doing. "Thank you,” she murmurs as she puts the last of the stuff away.

  She turns out the light and we walk back out into the main room of the store. "You are welcome. It’s a great dress. Did you buy it from one of those vintage clothing sites or something?" I ask curiously.

  She grabs her purse. I open the front door for her. She turns off the lights and locks up the shop. We start walking outside. "Nope, this one is actual vintage. It belonged to my grandmother," she explains.

  We walk down the sidewalk of the strip, her heels clicking on the pavement. "Really? Well it looks lovely on you," I compliment her.

  Her face lights up with a smile once again. "Thank you. I love this dress. Not only is it pretty, it brings up happy memories of my childhood. I was raised by my grandparents.”

  The parking lot is nearly empty as we walk to the car. "That is interesting. I don’t exactly have a lot of happy memories like that,” I admit, “My childhood was spent traveling around and moving from military base to base. We never stayed in a place long enough to get settled."

  I’m a little surprised by my own admission. I don’t really talk about that with anyone. Juliette frowns a little. "I can't imagine living like that. In fact, I still live in their old house where I grew up. After they passed away, they left it to Florian and me. Now it's just me, but I love the old place. I couldn't picture living anywhere else." She says with a shrug of her shoulders.

  "It must be nice to have those kind of roots. We never had the luxury of being able to stay in one place long enough to call it home,” I frown, “Even with my company, I'm always travelling. I got so used to living that ‘always on to the next’ lifestyle. In fact, I've only been in this area a few months. I don't know anything about it. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s great that I get to travel and stuff..." I trail off, realizing I might be rambling a little bit, but something about her makes me want to open up to her.

  I feel like I can share these things with her and she just gets it. She frowns, those big blue eyes filled with sympathy. "That doesn't sound like much of a life at all. In fact, it sounds really lonely.”

  I'm so surprised by her words that I stop walking for a second. She pauses too and looks at me. After considering it, we start walking again. "You know, I never thought of it that way. I just got so used to it growing up that I adopted that whole 'on to the next one' as my own attitude and way of life," I admit.

  She blushes a little and looks at the ground. "Is that why you go to those auctions? So you can always move on to the next one?" She asks shyly.

  For some reason I can't meet her gaze as I answer. "Um, yeah. Pretty much," I answer softly.

  We're both quiet as we walk to the car. I unlock the door for her and close it once she's inside.

  I hurry to my side so I don't keep her waiting. I wonder what we are going to talk about now, since she knows the truth about the auctions. I can't tell if this makes me feel nervous or ashamed. Why should this even matter? I don't know why, but it does to me.

  Somehow, in the span of a few hours, this girl has gotten under my skin. And I don’t know why, but I don’t want to let her go.

  Chapter 13 - Dominic

  After a quiet, and somewhat tense car ride we arrive at my house. I hurry to open the door and turn on the lights. She looks nervous, maybe because of where we are. "Go ahead and make yourself comfortable." I encourage.

  She gives me a little smile and sits on the edge of the couch. I laugh a little. Across the living room, near the tv is a stereo along with a sound system. I walk over and turn it on. She waits patiently. I'm grateful for the distraction. That whole conversation involving the auctions had soured the mood.

  I think it might have depressed her a bit as well. That sadness she had when we first met at the auction seems to have returned. She seems so different from the person she was when she was talking to me inside of her store.

  Since we’ve just got this one night together, I want it to be memorable for her. I want her to enjoy it and be happy. I want to see her smile again.

  I think I know a way to make that happen. The service comes online and I began searching through all the music. I don't see what I want right away, so I decide the quickest way is to just type in what I want. After a few quick seconds I find the song I'm looking for. I push play and immediately, music fills the room.

  I turn back to Juliette and she gives me a surprised smile. I smile in response as I walk over and take her hand. She places her hand in mine and stands. I pull her to me as we dance around the living room.

  I picked the song that she said was her favorite. Her head rests against my chest. We are both quiet as we dance, just losing ourselves in the music for a while. This is nice, I don't know if I will ever get used to doing stuff like this. I doubt it will ever happen again in the future, but for now it's a nice way to pass the evening with someone.

  I keep reminding myself that it’s just one night. Because part of me keeps wondering if it has to be.

  Eventually she lifts her head to look at me. I meet her gaze curiously. "So, final answer time. Which was better, the digital or the vinyl?" She asks curiously.

  I let out a chuckle. "Ok, you were right. There was just something special about the vinyl." I admit, “You win.”

  She smiles again and looks up at me. Something in her gaze, I can't look away. Almost shyly she leans up and kisses me. It's a sweet, tender kiss that quickly turns into a lingering one. When we pull apart, her lips are still parted and her eyes are bright as if she wants more. Without a word I lead her upstairs to my room and she follows, just like I knew she would.

  As soon as the door closes, I kiss her neck, slowly undoing the buttons of her dress. It slips sil
ently to the floor. She gives a little gasp. I take in the sight of her in her bra alone, appreciating what I was in too much of a hurry to enjoy before. Her panties are still in my pocket.

  I unsnap the back of the bra and tug the straps down her shoulders, exposing the soft, lush curves of her tits. She shivers in anticipation and I lie her back on the bed. I kiss her lips, her neck. I cup each of her breasts before putting my mouth to them. I gently kiss and suck each nipple until I feel each one harden and perk up. Her skin is so deliciously soft and sweet.

  I move down the smooth skin of her body, touching and kissing every curve. I kiss the triangle of her pubic area before placing my head between her thighs.

  She’s already dripping for me. I lick her juicy clit, which gives her a shudder of delight. “Dom…” she moans.

  After a few more strokes with my tongue and the sounds of her moaning my name echoing in my ears, I decide I can’t stand to wait anymore. Hastily, I retrieve a condom from my nightstand and climb back on top of her. Her legs are already spread open for me. I kiss her again as I gently slide inside of her.

  Once again my thrusts are sweet and gentle. I have never really made love like this, but I want her first night to be something she will always remember. And surprisingly, I’m finding that I like this ‘slow and sweet’ thing just as much as rough and dirty.

  She moans with each thrust. I love the way she says my name. It's dark in the room, our bodies wrapped together glistening in the moonlight. She lets out a howl of pleasure and I feel her pussy tighten around my shaft as she shudders in release. I start to lose myself, thrusting faster and faster.

  I keep thrusting until I explode, pleasure crashing over me in waves. When I come down from the high, she gives me a happy smile, still bathed in her own afterglow.

  I get up and excuse myself to the bathroom. When I come back she’s lying on her side facing away, still and breathing slowly.

  Is she ok? Facing the wall like that, I wonder if maybe she’s upset about what we’ve just done. I walk around to check on her, however, and her eyes are closed. She's sound asleep. I stand there wondering what to do.

  I’ve never had an auction girl say the night before. But, I remind myself, I’ve also never come home from an auction with a virgin. I stand there watching her sleep. Even now, I can't bring myself to disturb her. I don't know why, but she just looks so sweet and peaceful, and it stirs feelings in me that I don’t know how to handle.

  So I decide not to handle them at all right now. I walk to the other side of the bed and lie behind her, pulling the blankets over the both of us. I tell myself that it would be rude to wake her and that it would ruin her night. I know this is just a lame excuse, but it’s all I can think of to justify my actions right now. This is all such a new experience for me. I spend a while just thinking about it, but eventually I drift off to sleep as well.

  Chapter 14 - Juliette

  The next morning I'm slow to wake up. It must be about 9 or 10 in the morning. I'm naked. I know I'm in the bed alone, but this isn't my bed. I sit up and look quickly around the room, wondering where I am. After a moment it all comes back to me.

  I'm in Dominic's room. This is his house.

  I blush, remembering our night together. What a crazy and unexpected night that I enjoyed so much. I can't believe I'm admitting it to myself. But in spite of a rocky start, last night had been amazing.

  The minutes tick by. The room is silent. I wonder where he is, straining to hear the sounds of the shower, or even a toilet flush, but there’s nothing. The whole house is silent.

  I pull the blankets up over my chest and sigh. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do now. I look around the room once more. There's a piece of paper on the night stand that catches my attention.

  I reach over and pick it up hesitantly. There’s a hastily written note scrawled on it. I frown at it and start to read.

  "Needed to leave and handle some things at work. My driver will take you home whenever you are ready."

  No signature, no greeting. Cold, transactional. Like a note for his secretary or something. I put it down on the bed, puzzled. After our night together, why the sudden shutoff? He seemed so open, and we connected so well. The things he shared and that we talked about… I just don't know what to think. I guess I misread everything. How is that possible?

  I sigh. I’m reading too much into it. Yes, we had a nice night, but that was all we agreed to. One night. It happened, I just need to get over it and get out of here as fast as possible. I get out of bed and look around for all of my clothes and put them on. It doesn't hit me until after I'm dressed.

  I’m about to do my first-ever “walk of shame” after a one-night-stand. And it hurts more than it should. I can't believe I got myself into a situation like this. I suppose I should have prepared myself for this kind of thing. I was silly to think it was going to end any other way.

  I take a deep breath and walk out of the room. I go downstairs to the living room. The driver is standing patiently by the front door waiting for me, reading a newspaper. He glances up when he sees me. "Good morning, ma’am. Are you ready for me to take you home?” he asks pleasantly.

  Sad that I’m getting a friendlier morning greeting from Dom’s driver than from Dom himself, but I swallow my pride and hurt and shake my head. “Actually, can you take me here?” I ask, passing him a business card from the store with the address on it, “I need to pick up my car.”

  He takes the card and looks down at it. "Of course, ma’am, that’s no problem at all, " he says cheerfully, opening the front door for me.

  Once I’m settled in the backseat, I lean back on the leather seats with my purse resting in my lap. It's a quiet ride. The driver seems to know the way already, fortunately, and he seems to sense my mood and avoids any small talk.

  I manage to keep it together during the whole ride. I look out the window at the city scenery rolling past. Soon we’re pulling into the lot of the strip mall.

  Fortunately today, my shop is closed. I never thought I’d be so happy about my day off, as much as I love what I do, but today it’s actually a welcome relief. At least I don't have to worry about being late to work this morning on top of everything else that is going on.

  And despite my roiling emotions, I try to remind myself that whatever happened last night, I saved the shop, and that was what I set out to do.

  The driver parks, but leaves the engine running while he gets out and opens my door for me. "Thank you," I tell him, my voice wavering.

  I’m about at the end of my emotional rope. "You're welcome, ma’am,” he replies with a polite smile as I get out of his car and walk around my own to the driver’s side.

  "Have a nice day,” he tells me.

  “You, too,” I say absently, then rummage in my purse for my keys.

  He gets in the town car and drives off, and I unlock my car and get in. I close the door quietly. I put my purse in the passenger seat and look around. There are a few scattered cars in the parking lot, but no one is around. I'm alone. I grip the steering wheel and finally break, bursting into tears. I can't control my emotions anymore.

  I can't believe I got my hopes up like that. It was supposed to be one night, no strings attached, but somehow I had gotten my feelings hurt. It was foolish to let that happen. Now look, I'm an emotional wreck because of it.

  I don't know how long I sit there. Eventually my sobs turn to quiet hiccups. My eyes burn from all the tears. Eventually I’m able to stop crying, and finally I turn on the ignition and drive home. Even though I'm not crying anymore, it didn't change the turmoil raging in my chest.

  I can't believe I let my guard down like that. I assumed it would be ok because of the way he was opening up to me. I mean, I met him at an auction, I should have expected him to do this type of thing. But last night just seemed like…more.

  When I get home, I walk inside and make my way to the bathroom. I turn the water on and leave it to heat up while
I go into my bedroom to put my purse and shoes down. I strip off my dress and find myself staring at it for a long moment before I put it into the hamper.

  All those happy memories attached to it, but now every time I look at this dress, I know last night will be the only memory that comes to the surface, and part of me hates him a little bit for ruining it for me.

  I strip down the rest of the way and head back into the bathroom. Once the water is steamy hot I step inside, pulling the curtain closed behind me.

  I just want to relax and feel better. It can be a real pain having emotions at times, but that's what makes us people, I guess. But I’m just so sick of hurting. I stay in the shower as long as possible, soaking up all the steam and warmth until my fingers and toes are pruny and wrinkled. Afterwards, I pull on a robe and settle on the couch, putting on an old favorite movie of my grandfather’s.

  I did what I set out to do. Now I just have to figure out how to deal with the aftermath.

  Chapter 15 - Dominic

  It has been a few days since the auction and I still feel like shit. I can't believe I just ghosted Juliette like that. She probably thinks I'm such a dick for running out on her like that. Not that I’d made such a great impression before that.

  I sigh and stare out the window of my office. It looks like I'm daydreaming, maybe I am. Ever since that night I haven't been able to stop thinking about her, my raven-haired beauty. It's almost like she turned my whole world upside down.

  Our night together was great, but when I woke up the next morning and saw her laying there splayed across my bed with the morning sun glowing lovely against her pale skin, I felt a stirring of feelings that I never felt before. I didn't think it was possible to feel those things.

  I spent all my life without anything like that happening. I thought I was one of those people that was so well guarded, I was practically immune to stuff like this. I guess I was wrong. I feel like I'm going to go crazy trying to figure it out.


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