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So Good for Me: Bad Boy Forbidden Love Romance Collection

Page 50

by Jamie Knight

  “Oh, I —”

  “He does seem to be improving,” Miss Gloria added quickly, no doubt noticing my distress.

  “Oh, good,” I said, looking over at him, his nose in a book as usual.

  After a second, the teacher continued. “He had befriended the new girl, Carly. She is very social, and hopefully, this will help Drew get over his shyness. Other than that, he’s doing great.”

  “That’s great to hear,” I said, ruffling Drew’s hair as he continued to read.

  I looked up at Miss Gloria to see if there was anything else. “That’s it,” she said with a smile. “Sorry to bring you down here, but the school insists on the formality.”

  “Of course.” I stood and shook her hand.

  I started to get ready to go, and Drew sprang to life, dropping the book and wrapping himself around my leg.

  “Bye, sweetie,” I said, kissing him on the forehead.

  “Mommy! No!” he screamed.

  I managed to get him off my leg and started to leave again, Drew taking off after me again, crying his eyes out, grabbing my hand as I got out the main doors. He started wailing, making quite a scene.

  I glanced around looking to check and see if anyone else had noticed my screaming son. Oddly, I pretty sure I saw Russ standing outside the school’s fence. I was surprised, to say the least. Was he there to see me? How would he know where to find me so early in the morning? I wasn’t sure how to feel about that.

  I waved to him from the door, trying to get his attention. He seemed to notice and reluctantly waved back.

  “I’m so sorry,” Miss Gloria said, coming up behind us.

  “It’s fine,” I said.

  With some coaxing from Miss Gloria, Drew went back inside the school. With a breath of courage, I went over to the fence.

  “Hey,” I said, trying to keep my tone emotionless.

  “Hey,” Russ said, looking at the ground, “I wanted to find you so I could apologize. I know it wasn’t exactly the best time to leave last night,” he said.

  I could hardly contain my excitement. I didn’t want to let on, but honestly, I was thrilled. Russ seemed so thoughtful and regretful. I still hurt about what happened, but at least he was willing to admit he was wrong and apologize.

  “No, it wasn’t but if there was an emergency, there was an emergency. They tend to come out of nowhere, hence the root word ‘emerge,” I said, sounding like the total nerd I really was at heart.

  “Exactly,” Russ said, with a charming, nervous laugh that made me shiver.

  “I don’t suppose you would still be able to pretend to be my fiancé,” I asked, broaching the issue carefully. Despite what had happened, I wasn’t ready to give up on the idea.

  “Sure, if you still want me to,” he said with a shrug.

  “Of course, I do!” with a bit too much encouragement.

  “Alright then,” he did, flashing that damn, sexy smile again.

  “H-how about tonight?” I stammered, trying salvage some semblance of dignity.

  “That should work, where?” Russ asked, again leaving it up to me.

  “Not The Blue Room,” I said a bit too quickly.

  “No, I guess not,” he agreed, being very understanding.

  “Do you know Pablo’s?” I asked, trying to think of somewhere near the office.

  “I think so,” he said.

  “Great, see you there at five?” I asked.

  “That will probably work,” he said.

  “A lot of work to do?” I asked, trying to learn more about him.

  “Yeah,” he said, taking out his phone, going cold again, before nodding and walking away. I stood at the fence and watched him get into his car.

  The uncertainty was back. I really couldn’t figure Russ out but was determined to try.

  Chapter Ten - Russ

  I had a bad habit of leaving things to the last minute. Such as not actually checking the address of Pablo’s restaurant until I was heading out for the car. Kimberly had the night off from the hospital she worked at and could babysit. She was pleased that I remembered to call to check and make sure.

  Before we hung up, my sister told me that Carly wanted to talk to me.

  “Where are you goin’, daddy?” Carly asked. Her sweet voice singing over the phone.

  “I’m going out to dinner, sweet pea,” I said.

  “Can I come?” Carly asked.

  “No, honey, you’re going to be staying with aunt Kimberly,” I explained.

  “Can we get pizza?” my little angel asked, easily distracted.

  “Sure,” I could hear Kimberly say behind her.

  Since she got all her teeth in, there was no keeping my daughter away from pizza. Tomato sauce and cheese was her favorite thing. She absolutely loved it. Kim and I liked to joke that it was her Italian genes.

  With Carly screaming excitedly around Kimberly’s feet as she said goodbye and got out the pizza menus, I hung up and looked at my phone to see if I could actually find where I was supposed to go.

  I had heard horror stories about GPS — directing people to dive into a rock quarry and such. I had no such trouble, not only finding Pablo’s restaurant but actually getting there a bit early. Which was a stroke of luck as it turned out because the parking situation was similar to that at The Blue Room, just a bit less extreme.

  The smell of flame-grilled meat hit me as soon as I got through the door. No tuxes or string quartets here. It was all checked tablecloths and mandolin music. I honestly could have cried.

  “Hello, welcome to Pablo’s!” said the thin young man behind the podium.

  “Hi,” I said, a bit surprised at his enthusiasm. “I’m here to meet Ann Howell.”

  “Right this way,” the server said, taking a menu as he headed into the depths of the dining room.

  Ann was seated at a table in the corner. Since she was looking down at the menu as I approached, I had a minute to look her over. The charcoal gray suit I had seen her in this morning was still miraculously pressed. I missed the revealing dress she had on the other night, but she still looked sexy as hell. With those curves, the woman would look good in anything.

  “Hey,” I said, sitting down at the table.

  “Hey,” she replied, glancing up with a slight smile. I loved the way she tucked her hair behind one ear.

  We briefly kissed on the cheek. I wasn’t quite sure what her reasoning was, but it just felt natural to me, and Ann in no way objected, seeming to be as up for it as I was.

  “How’s your son?” I asked, looking for small talk.

  “Oh, he’s great!” she said, brightening up.

  “That’s good to hear,” I said, meaning it genuinely.

  “He’s near the top of the class, especially in reading!” Ann gushed. She really lit up when she talked about her little boy. It was something I immediately found endearing.

  It was really nice to hear her be so proud of him. I honestly wished Carly could have a mother like that. Kimberly was doing her best, but she wasn’t Carly’s mother. No one could replace her mother, but steady female role-models could only really be a good thing as far as I concerned.

  The more I knew about Ann, the more I got to know about Ann, the more I liked her. She was super sexy, that was obvious, but beauty was only skin deep. Without personality there really wasn’t much I found interesting in a woman. That wasn’t really a problem with Ann. I knew I’d only had limited experience with her — at least one of our encounters not ending very well — but from what I had seen, she was a strong, confident, open person.

  “He must get his brains from his mother,” I said.

  “Oh, stop it,” Ann said, blushing.

  “Beauty and brains from what I’ve seen,” I continued.

  “Really?” Ann asked, looking up.

  “Hell yeah, you looked really hot in that dress last night. Super sexy. I really should have been more appreciative of the beauty sittin
g right beside me,” I said turning up the smolder.

  Ann blushed a furious pink, looking away, unable to say anything. She looked stunningly sexy when she did that, and I was happy to have made her blush.

  Suddenly, I found myself wanting more with Ann than the fake relationship arrangement. Getting to know her made me want her in every way I could. Not just in terms of sex, which would, of course, be awesome, but I was also beginning to think that we could actually have a relationship.

  I hadn’t really thought about such things for the past few years. What happened with Carly’s mom had really had an effect on me and I’d had a little girl to raise, not leaving much time for anything other than work. I just really wasn’t sure what effect this would have on Carly.

  It had taken her a while to get used to Kimberly at first and I was really trying to give her a sense of security. I didn’t know what it would do to her to suddenly have a new mother figure, if not stepmom, if things got that far.

  And what if it didn’t work? That could well be even worse. Not least in terms of Carly’s social stability. She might only be three, but she was really smart and seemed to know what was going on. It didn’t seem right to bring a new person into our already fragile dynamic only to have them disappear. There was no way that would be good.

  It really was best if Ann and I kept things formal, professional, at least for the time being. No matter how much I might want her. In my experience, spontaneous or libido-based decisions didn’t usually turn out too well.

  The meal went off without a hitch, my focus on Ann the entire time, doing my best to make up for the Blue Room fiasco. There were no sudden calls, though Ann did seem to be a bit on edge about this. Once bitten twice shy, I suppose.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to pay?” Ann asked when the check came.

  “You paid last time,” I said, trying to make a joke at my expense.

  “Fair enough,” she said, putting her purse back down.

  We kissed goodbye, and I headed out into the warm night, feeling a lot more positive about the wedding and our fake fiancé plan.

  Chapter Eleven - Ann

  I felt better than I had in years.

  I’d never really been brimming with confidence, not even when I was young and knew everything. Even in the army I was more of a follower than a leader, with no real thoughts or designs on advancement. I was always doing the best I could on whatever job I was given.

  The only place I really felt myself was in the courtroom — fighting the good fight when I had all the facts I could marshal on my side. Even though the system was meant to be adversarial, it never really felt that way to me. No matter how much the opposition tried to psych me out. It was a satisfaction I refused to give them.

  Now I was starting to feel confident in my romantic life too. I knew that the relationship between Russ and me was supposed to be fake, for the benefit of my family. Though part of me couldn’t shake the fact that it was starting to feel real. Or at least that I wanted it to be.

  I was still a bit sore that he had left The Blue Room so quickly. Not so much that he did it, but when it had happened. Leaving me alone with the proposal photos and boxes of food, right when everyone was paying the most attention. It was really embarrassing. My only real conciliation was that the cheesecake was really good.

  Confusing things even more was that since our successful date two nights before, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Not the least because we had been flirting shamelessly. Not just with words. There was a lot of that too, particularly on Russ’s end. The hottie being quite the wordsmith when called upon. He could have a successful career in limericks if the law ever fell through.

  In addition to the words, there was also the touching. Kissing for example. Lots of kissing when no one was around. Some quick and soft, some long and passionate, all with gentle caresses to my cheek that made me vibrate.

  A bit rarer but no less arousing were the strokes down my back when passing in the halls and gentle squeezes on my ass when coming up behind me in the break room. Russ’s strong, warm hand making me so wet I would have to take a break to touch myself in my office.

  It was all getting to be too much to be honest and if I didn’t do something soon there was a distinct possibility I might go insane with lust.

  With a deep, calming breath, I picked up the phone and dialed.


  “Hi, Russ, it’s Ann, could you come up to my office please?” I asked, struggling to keep my tone even.

  “Of course,” he said.

  I still wasn’t used to that. I knew I was a partner at the firm, but it still surprised me a bit when people obeyed me automatically. It really wasn’t something that I took for granted or abused for my own gain.

  When Russ opened the door to my office, he looked hot as usual, in a charcoal gray three-piece suit, with a black shirt and white silk tie. I had to stop myself from gasping at the very sight of him.

  “P-please, sit down,” I stammered.

  “What do you need?” Russ asked, easing his muscular body casually into the chair across from my desk.

  “You,” I blurted, immediately feeling my face flush. “I’m sorry?” he asked, sounding more surprised than offended. “I need you,” I repeated a bit more confidently. “I need you to bend me over this desk and pound me in my tight little pussy until I scream. Can you do that for me?”

  He glanced down slightly, then back up with a grin. “Sure,” the hottie said a bit more assuredly than I expected.

  “R-really?” I asked, mildly shocked but no less pleased. “Of course.” He nodded. Russ stood slowly and came around to my side of the desk. I turned in my chair, trying to stand, but he stopped me, putting his hands on my shoulders, all but pushing me back down on the soft leather. One hand still on my shoulder, Russ unzipped his pants, carefully releasing his already rock-hard cock. It was even more magnificent than I had imagined. Russ gently stroked my cheek, subtly slipping his hand to the back of my head, pulling me forward.

  I opened my mouth getting almost half of his cock between my lips before the head hit the back of my throat.

  Russ eased back, giving me the room to suck him hard, keeping his hand encouragingly on the back of my head. On instinct, I gently cupped his balls, massaging them as I worked his cock in and out of my mouth, basking in the taste and comfort of its solid warmth. He unloaded into mouth making me swallow every last drop, not that I minded at all savoring the delicious taste. Taking me by the shoulders, Russ guided me to my feet. Kissing me softly, he gradually introduced his tongue. He slipped off my suit jacket before unbuttoning my blouse and then my bra, getting it unfastened in one subtle move.

  Kissing his way down my neck and over my chest, he sucked each of my nipples in their turn. Running his hands down my bare sides, the hottie unfastened the back of my skirt, letting it fall around my ankles like in my fantasy. Gliding one of his warm hands over my belly, he used the other to stimulate the nipple that wasn’t in his mouth, making me moan.

  Russ slipped his hand into the front of my black silk panties, lightly massaging my tender pussy lips. Working me right to the edge of orgasm Russ stopped. Turning me so I was facing away from him, he bent me over the desk, my hands flat shins the cool, polished wood. Stroking my ass in a way that made me hum, Russ slowly pulled down my panties, softly kissing down my legs. I loved it so much it made me shiver.

  Getting my panties off with me helping as much as I could by stepping out of them, Russ ran his hands back up my legs. He knelt behind me, gently spreading my aching pussy, lightly running his tongue up the length of my lower lips. The sensation brought up a moan from the core of my being and made me tremble. Gradually picking up speed, Russ lapped at me deftly, alternating hard licks on my pussy lips with light swirls on my clit, until I nearly screamed with pleasure, biting my lip to keep any sound from getting out of my office.

  Keeping one hand on my bare hip, Russ rose behind me, s
troking the stiff head of his thick cock against my folds. He slowly pushed his cock in inch by inch until he was almost all the way inside me.

  Giving me a moment to get ready, Russ took me gently but firmly by the hips and started to move in me, his huge cock hitting my g-spot over and over. Going easy on me at first, giving my pussy time to stretch out, he started going faster until he was pounding me mercilessly making my computer screen shake.

  Able to tell I was about to cum, Russ gently covered my mouth to save me from having to bite my lip again to muffle my ecstatic screams. My entire body shook hard with my pleasure.

  Stroking my back almost lovingly, Russ leaned in and kissed the back of my neck as I recovered. It was the best fuck I had ever experience and it wasn’t over yet.

  Using a wet thumb to get me ready, Russ managed to get his huge cock into my tight asshole. Damn, it felt good!

  With one hand in my hair and the other firmly on my hip, he pushed even further into my tight little asshole. My pussy virginity was gone long ago but it was the first time anyone had done anything with my ass. I was sure it would hurt, particularly considering Russ’s size but it was more of an intense pressure. Even that lightened up when I’d had more of a chance to stretch out to accommodate him.

  When I was ready, Russ started to thrust faster, moving his hand from my hip to my mouth, in case I needed to scream again. He pounded me in my asshole while maintaining control of my body, dominating me completely. Rather than fighting it, I just let go, trusting him not to hurt me.

  He came deep and hard, filling up my asshole with is his thick, hot cum. I would be lying if I said it didn’t feel absolutely amazing, making me literally collapse onto my desktop. Releasing me from his grasp, Russ brushed his hand to my back and slowly withdrew, causing me to gasp softly when he finally pulled out. Gently massaging my stretched-out asshole, Russ again kissed the back of my neck as I recovered.

  I don’t know if he knew that I loved that, perhaps some kind of psychic power, but he managed to do not only everything that I liked but a few things I had never before experienced that also felt great. After helping me clean up, Russ zipped up and helped me back into my clothes. He kissed me goodbye deeply, making my breath catch. Nothing felt fake about it.


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